US Army Reduces It’s Numbers as It Struggles to Find Recruits Who Want to Enter Military Under Joe Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

US Army Reduces it’s Numbers as It Struggles to Find Recruits

Who Want to Enter Military Under Joe Biden

Biden is as dangerous for the US military as he is for the American public.
4 Apr 2022
So it should be no surprise that the US Army is struggling to find recruits who want to enter the US military under the current regime. reported:
The Army this week admitted it was having problems recruiting and announced an unprecedented reduction in its numbers that would shrink the active duty Army to its smallest size since World War II.​

Who wants to say "I enlisted so I could serve a Commander-in-Chief who is a traitor to the Republic?"
Biden disgraced our military forces in Aug and Sept of 2021 in the Afghanistan debacle. then added insult to injury with the transgender mandates,
Lowering physical requirements for Special forces, i.e., Rangers, Delta Force, Marine Recon and SEALs has deteriorated our effectiveness.
The esprit de corps of our military has been destroyed by CIC Joseph Robinette Biden and his Democrat Maoist handlers.
Meanwhile, Biden is completing Obama's mission to destroy our Officer Corps.
Who wants to serve under a mentally incompetent CinC that arms their enemies while shorting their training, weapons procurement, and throws their lives away for political expediency, or racist officers that consider them the most dangerous enemy?
It's the wrong time to become a soldier, police officer, federal agent, teacher, etc., this is what happens when Maoist Democrats take over and wreck the country.


US Army Reduces it’s Numbers as It Struggles to Find Recruits

Who Want to Enter Military Under Joe Biden

Biden is as dangerous for the US military as he is for the American public.
4 Apr 2022
So it should be no surprise that the US Army is struggling to find recruits who want to enter the US military under the current regime. reported:
The Army this week admitted it was having problems recruiting and announced an unprecedented reduction in its numbers that would shrink the active duty Army to its smallest size since World War II.​

Who wants to say "I enlisted so I could serve a Commander-in-Chief who is a traitor to the Republic?"
Biden disgraced our military forces in Aug and Sept of 2021 in the Afghanistan debacle. then added insult to injury with the transgender mandates,
Lowering physical requirements for Special forces, i.e., Rangers, Delta Force, Marine Recon and SEALs has deteriorated our effectiveness.
The esprit de corps of our military has been destroyed by CIC Joseph Robinette Biden and his Democrat Maoist handlers.
Meanwhile, Biden is completing Obama's mission to destroy our Officer Corps.
Who wants to serve under a mentally incompetent CinC that arms their enemies while shorting their training, weapons procurement, and throws their lives away for political expediency, or racist officers that consider them the most dangerous enemy?
It's the wrong time to become a soldier, police officer, federal agent, teacher, etc., this is what happens when Maoist Democrats take over and wreck the country.
LOL. This has been going on for some time. Recuritment to the armed forces have been down at least for the past 4 years or more. Here, from 2018

To draw more soldiers, the Army wants more recruiters, bigger budgets and a better slogan

By Meghann Myers
Military Times
Nov 7, 2018

The Army has made no secret of the fact that recruiting high-quality soldiers is only getting tougher.

Estimates are that just about 1 percent of young Americans are likely to join the Army, after subtracting more than 70 percent of citizens ages 17 to 24 who can’t meet the requirements.

According to internal Defense Department surveys of young people people ages 16 to 21, interest in joining the Army has fluctuated a lot in recent years. In the months after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the number of young people who expressed serious interest in joining the Army surged from 7 percent to 11 percent.

That fell back down to 6 percent a few years later as the war in Iraq became unpopular. After the economic recession of 2008, interest rose again to 10 percent. But the latest surveys show it has fallen back to 7 percent.

Commentary: Recruiting’s slippery slope​

By Army Maj. Gen. Dennis Laich (ret.)
Jul 27, 2018

The U.S. military is beginning to experience a manpower crisis and a steady erosion of its ability to secure the nation.

The Army is struggling to meet its recruiting goals as it seeks to expand in a difficult recruiting environment with 3.9 percent civilian unemployment and a declining propensity among America’s youth to serve in the armed forces.

The military competes for talent with colleges, trade schools and civilian employers. Each year, some 4 million Americans turn 18 years of age; just 29 percent can meet the minimum enlistment requirements. Of the approximately 34 million Americans 17 to 24 years of age, some 24 million are ineligible.

So, who was the President in 2018? Are you going to blame poor recruitment in 2018 on Biden, too? :auiqs.jpg:
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Yes, under Joe Biden for only one possible reason. The lack of being able to work in a peaceful occupation, but instead becoming victims of America's next war, which could be a major war.

As an aside, war with Russia was much less risk under Trump.

It's time for Americans to understand that the president doesn't make tactical decisions that are better left to the Generals who understand the situations. And 'that' takes the heat off of Biden making a wrong tactical decision.

This was just another thread meant for the purpose of political spamming where it's not due.

US Army Reduces it’s Numbers as It Struggles to Find Recruits

Who Want to Enter Military Under Joe Biden

Biden is as dangerous for the US military as he is for the American public.
4 Apr 2022
So it should be no surprise that the US Army is struggling to find recruits who want to enter the US military under the current regime. reported:
The Army this week admitted it was having problems recruiting and announced an unprecedented reduction in its numbers that would shrink the active duty Army to its smallest size since World War II.​

Who wants to say "I enlisted so I could serve a Commander-in-Chief who is a traitor to the Republic?"
Biden disgraced our military forces in Aug and Sept of 2021 in the Afghanistan debacle. then added insult to injury with the transgender mandates,
Lowering physical requirements for Special forces, i.e., Rangers, Delta Force, Marine Recon and SEALs has deteriorated our effectiveness.
The esprit de corps of our military has been destroyed by CIC Joseph Robinette Biden and his Democrat Maoist handlers.
Meanwhile, Biden is completing Obama's mission to destroy our Officer Corps.
Who wants to serve under a mentally incompetent CinC that arms their enemies while shorting their training, weapons procurement, and throws their lives away for political expediency, or racist officers that consider them the most dangerous enemy?
It's the wrong time to become a soldier, police officer, federal agent, teacher, etc., this is what happens when Maoist Democrats take over and wreck the country.
On the other hand, 2nd Infantry Division has already met it's retention goals for all of FY 2022 and it is only the first week of April. As a whole, the US Military has basically stopped the "Stop Loss" program, which pretty well means they are not hurting for numbers. I am aware they are reducing the number of paratroopers, as unnecessary, having not required a combat situation jump in mass, for many, many years. More than blaming Biden, it is probably due to the increase in civilian employment opportunities as we continue to accelerate after the Covid decrease. Everybody around here is still trying to hire more people. Heck, I have head hunters calling me to see if I am interested in getting back into the workforce, though I have been happily retired since turning age 60, 7 years ago. If you got to choose between getting up at 04:30 having to run, train, hike in all sorts of weather, take orders, be inspected, have constant classes for lower pay than in the civilian world, with far fewer constraints, what would you choose. It is not like there is a war on or something.
This is what happens when you have a President who has unemployment down to historically low levels.

In other news, we have restaurants closing where I live because they cannot find enough cooks and wait staff.

Biden's fault.
Go woke, go broke also applies to military organizations—perhaps even more so than civilian companies. Byzantine internal politicking can kill even the tightest, most elite unit. Ideological motivation for such politicking will do it even faster. I spent years in the US Army with military intelligence leading small, long-range surveillance detachments. We were the unsung nutcases of the US special operations community. Although staffed by paratroopers, rangers and special forces qualified types, we were never officially considered very "special". Much like the vaunted SEALs and other spec ops we were scuba and freefall parachute qualified and capable of inserting into a mission area by any means imaginable and some that weren't.

My point being, somewhere in the mid-2000's some Pentagon EOE focus group decided our headquarters and support units weren't female enough. So, next thing we know we're getting an influx of female officers and senior NCOs streaming into the community. This would not have been a problem if said new female faces were joining us based on merit and skill related to what we did there. No, you guessed it, they were diversity hires. We lost lots of guys to that bullshit and saw a steep rise in career ending fraternization incidents between male and female detachment members, which put all kinds of cracks in mission preparedness and ability to execute. In hindsight, at that time, I had nearly twenty years in already and should have retired as soon as possible. I can't imagine the pressure on young operators to stay mission ready while pandering to woke, politically correct madness knowing one misspoken word or gesture can end their career.
I'll bet enlistments was rise if they were needed to defend the southern border.

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