Uranium One

You’re such a sucker for every conspiracy theory u ever hear if it has to do with the Clinton’s. Trump knew there’s a sucker born every minute( like PT Barnum did) and he spotted you from a mile away
Says someone that believes Hillary lost because of Russian hackers......
Says the bonehead who refuses to even try to understand how Russians invaded our social media and focused on certain areas in swing states spreading lies and false stories about HRC..
Gee I wonder who directed them to these particular areas.
Now who would be the most likely source?

I love it when dopes like you advertise how little of the news you follow.
That’s why your kind continues to say nothing’s happening in Mueller’s investigation.
I love it when dopes like you advertise how little of the news you follow.
That’s why your kind continues to say nothing’s happening in Mueller’s investigation.
Guess what dummy...Mueller may be under investigation soon himself.
Only in Sean Hannity land.
The bullshit you believe is hysterical.
Mueller will probably be indicting Manafort and Flynn, two of the Trumpster’s finest hires.
“ I only hire the best people.”
Obstruction of justice charges on Putin’s bitch will also handed down.
The simple SOB admitted obstruction on live TV during an interview with Lester Holt.
How funny is that!
Only in Sean Hannity land.
The bullshit you believe is hysterical
But yet you believe proven liars...FAKE NEWS! you just slurp it up to quest your thirst to beat republicans. But you are frustrated because the side that is losing...big time is your side...so you think it must be because of some conspiracy...as if your side can't legitimately lose. The funny thing is that thinking is why you continue to lose.
Mueller will probably be indicting Manafort and Flynn, two of the Trumpster’s finest hires.
“ I only hire the best people.”
Obstruction of justice charges on Putin’s bitch will also handed down.
The simple SOB admitted obstruction on live TV during an interview with Lester Holt.
How funny is that!

About that funny.....
This could bring down the whole left side of the swamp...Obama and his administration and the Clinton's and their bunch should go to federal prison for this.
You’re such a sucker for every conspiracy theory u ever hear if it has to do with the Clinton’s. Trump knew there’s a sucker born every minute( like PT Barnum did) and he spotted you from a mile away.

Reasonable SEZ?????? "Hildebeast is innocent I tells ya and the ROOSKIES are framing this benevolent woman that has been DENIED her rightful place in the White House!!!! Ignore everything else!!!! Reasonable knows all and sees all!!!!

Didn’t Reagan get 2 million for a speech? What was his quid pro quo?
Reagan......wait you skipped over BUSH? oh man we really must be on to something.
Yeah, the bushes weren’t exactly known for their speaking abilities

like weatherman's not known for his comprehension abilities .. there was no uranium one scandal except for the bullshit RW's dreamed up.
So is that why Comey paid a Uranium One informant to remain silent?
This is even more desperation than the Benghazi investigation. They bought uranium that they cant ever ship out of the country. The guy loosely associated with Hillary sold entire stake before she was secretary of state. This is all just a ploy to deflect aka whataboutism.

Uranium One got a permit to ship to Canada. But that's really not the point. The Russian company owns 20% of US uranium reserves and they're making a killing off it. And loosely associated with Hillary? Are you fucking kidding?

Really? You mean the Russians are savvy capitalists? This shit has about the same traction as Benghazi. That is, none at all. Grassely is just another fucking stupid ass, looking for a few headlines to defend his indefensible record as a GOP Senator, and Trump kissass.
What scandal?

Oh you mean another ploy at one of the phony scandals the pukes used to try and divert attention away of the incompetence of Herr Trumph?
This shit is off the rails, and includes Mueller, Brennan, Comey, Holder, Obama, Bill and Hillary, and $145,000,000 donation to the CLINTON FOUNDATION and a $500,000 payment to BILL CLINTON by Russia for a speech about blowing semen on interns.

Sessions needs to recuse himself from his recusal and get back in the game.

Mueller needs to be fired.

This is HORRIFIC corruption of the highest level.


It's ok, though....because these people are FAKE SJW and your average Progs is a useful idiot for the ruling class.
Didn’t Reagan get 2 million for a speech? What was his quid pro quo?
Reagan......wait you skipped over BUSH? oh man we really must be on to something.
Yeah, the bushes weren’t exactly known for their speaking abilities

like weatherman's not known for his comprehension abilities .. there was no uranium one scandal except for the bullshit RW's dreamed up.
So is that why Comey paid a Uranium One informant to remain silent?
Didn’t Reagan get 2 million for a speech? What was his quid pro quo?
Reagan......wait you skipped over BUSH? oh man we really must be on to something.
Yeah, the bushes weren’t exactly known for their speaking abilities

like weatherman's not known for his comprehension abilities .. there was no uranium one scandal except for the bullshit RW's dreamed up.
So is that why Comey paid a Uranium One informant to remain silent?
Grassley wants 'gag order' lifted for FBI informant allegedly 'threatened' by Obama DOJ

Weatherman - educating the left since 1978.

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