Update on the McMichaels Trial. Motions, counter motions, and disappointment.

False. He tried running the other way numerous times and they kept coming after him anyway. Then Travis pulled out a gun and Arbery had to fight for his life.
I may be a little crippled in my old age but when I was his age and his fitness I would have been laughing my ass off as they tried to catch me,,

sorry try again,,
who told him he could??

You need to learn how Georgia Law is applied. The Precedents. The Precedents are what is totally screwing the McMichael’s in the ass.

Guess what, it isn’t against the law to walk into a house under construction. Even if the cops had been right there, they would not have arrested Arbury. Not for that. For it to be a crime under Georgia Law the OWNER of the property would have to tell the person to leave. If not the owner, then the designated representative, usually an employee.

So that takes us to the Winn Dixie precedent I mentioned earlier. Under that decision the person able to make the citizens arrest was the victim. Or a designated Representative again. The McMichaels were not the owners, nor the designated representative. They were not authorized, by job position, or in writing, to do a damned thing. They took it upon themselves. In violation of the law.

But I’ve covered that before, and you’re still arguing, because you want to argue, not because you are debating an issue. I’m not sure if you want them to go free, or you just like arguing. But if the law is applied, as written, and in accordance with the Precedents, the established case law in Georgia, the McMichaels are going to prison.
he did wrong when he decided to attack a man with a gun instead of going the other way,,

He didn't "attack" anybody. There is no indication that he knew that this thug was following him in a truck, videotaping him. He rounded a curve, and there was some hoodlum-looking creature standing there in the middle of the road holding a shotgun beside a truck that was blocking the road and there was another weirdo standing in the truck bed. The poor man ran into a deliberate ambush. Why are you trying to spin this thing so hard? Sorry, kid. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck.
He tried going the other way numerous times and they still wouldn't let him get away.

Why did Travis get out of his truck?
its obvious he didnt try hard enough,, he had 364 different directs to go where there wasnt a gun or person in his way,, he CHOSE to go directly at a man with a gun and try and take it,,

you dont know why travis got out?? youre more ignorant than I thought,,
He didn't "attack" anybody. There is no indication that he knew that this thug was following him in a truck, videotaping him. He rounded a curve, and there was some hoodlum-looking creature standing there in the middle of the road holding a shotgun beside a truck that was blocking the road and there was another weirdo standing in the truck bed. The poor man ran into a deliberate ambush. Why are you trying to spin this thing so hard? Sorry, kid. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck.
so if he didnt know the guy was behind him then why didnt he go that way??

travis was beside his truck not in the middle of the road,,

and you claim I am spinning it,,

my god your an idiot,,
its obvious he didnt try hard enough,, he had 364 different directs to go where there wasnt a gun or person in his way,, he CHOSE to go directly at a man with a gun and try and take it,,

you dont know why travis got out?? youre more ignorant than I thought,,
So explain why he got out....
So explain why he got out....
you are really that ignorant??

as was already determined they/he was trying to get arbery to stop so they could talk and wait for the cops,,,

is there a law against asking someone to stop and wait?? or holding a gun in public??
no there isnt

any more stupid questions you would like to ask??

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