Unprecedented Arrogance: The Plan of the US War with Russia and China is Announced

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
characterised Russian and Chinese politologists a statement, made byPaul Selva, deputy chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, that is, the second person in the military hierarchy of America, voiced a plan for war with Russia and China. He did it in an extremely public format - at a meeting of the Defense Writers Group, which was attended by journalists specializing in military subjects.

Russia (with the 2 military bases in the world - A.F.) is a challenge for the whole world", Selva said, citing the assessment in the recently voiced US National Defense Strategy, the country that has over 800 military bases all around the globe.

"Between Russia, China and the United States there have always been and still are points of collision, - said, in particular, the general. "Not to recognize that this is a competition between the great powers, that we are all fighting for a place in the world economic arena, in the world political arena and even in the national arena in the security sphere, is ignoring the reality", he added.

"In 2008, - continued Selva, Russia took two regions from Georgia, annexed the Crimea in 2014 and continues to support separatists in the east of the country, as well as the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad ". He also accused China of "building artificial islands in the South China Sea," thereby "promoting their territorial claims." The fact that that the US navy constantly provokes China and threatens its maritime routes, the general for some reason "forgot" to mention. Summing up the line, the US hawk went on openly rude in his accusations of China: China, as it turns out, "is actively investing in defense capabilities"! And in general, "behaves opaque" ...

Further, Selva presented scenarios of two wars: against Russia and against China.
In the event of a conflict with China, the battle will take place at sea and in the air. This does not mean that land forces and marines will not participate in it, but their role will be auxiliary.

On the contrary, in the case of Russia, the battle will take place on the ground and in the air. But without naval forces, the USA will not be able to do this, because it is necessary to transfer large forces to Russia and Europe and it is possible to do only through the waters of the North Atlantic."

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the US is developing plans against Russia and against China, " - said Russian military analyst Viktor Litovkin. - The duty of any military is to have plans for any cases of life: to defend oneself from someone, to attack someone, to get someone, and so on.

It is not a secret for us that the US military has various plans for an offensive against us, and, naturally, we are also developing protection plans in various versions, he went on. - It's just the work of the general staffs - to have options for all sorts of military threats. "

"But to demonstrate such impudence with such demonstrative arrogance the plans of an attack on our country, I do not even remember that," the expert said. "We worked out, but did not shout about it, only after decades declassified. And that noise rose. And recently one can see the audacity in demonstrating that they are ready to fight the whole world for the sake of asserting their hegemony on planet Earth. ", - finalized his assessment the Russian analyst.

In conclusion, I want to say that the American political elite has too short a memory: they too quickly forgot the tragedy and the shame of defeat in the Vietnam War, the victims of the "eternal war" in Afghanistan, where the bodies of the fallen American soldiers continue to arrive from. As for impudence, it is a well-known attribute of the cryptoneozionist circles, which are striving to establish a unipolar world...


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