Unions Aren't America's Champions!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Today is Labor Day where the American people celebrate all different types of labor in America, this asset of our nation plays an integral role in the greatness of the country. But a major element of Labor in our country specifically Unions holds a huge dual effect for the nation; on one side they allow workers to ban together and collectively bargain and get a good wage and good benefits from their employer but on the other hand they add a lot of unnecessary labor hours on employers which means extra costs; these extra costs are pulling down America! The country has enormous infrastructure construction needs we have a crisis in our need for bridge repair as well as in our need for new road, bridge and public transit construction. The nation will never succeed on this issue without curtailing Unions causing excessive labor hours on such projects. America also has a "turn and keep on the siren" crisis of a shortage of housing, not only is this really, really terrible because people need housing to have a good quality of life but it is super alarming for wealth creation of families. Home ownership amongst Americans not only allows these families to build up equity wealth in their home by paying off their home mortgage loan but it allows them to gain equity wealth in their home by capital appreciation, that is, home's appreciate in value as time passes as the cost to build homes increases over time as well as the availability of homes for sale does not meet buyer demand over time. There isn't the availability of land to build homes like their used to be so the present and the future necessitates that the nation build more high rise residential buildings across the nation, specifically more condominiums, which means the nation will need the building trade Unions to build such structure and it ain't going to happen like the nation needs it to if Unions are skyrocketing the costs of such projects by forcing excessive labor hours on the contractor and sub-contractors. Members of Congress and the President really need to get on the job here and pass Federal legislation banning Unions from negotiation and taking work actions over labor hours or more specifically adding workers to a job unless safety is involved or there is another compelling good reason for doing so. Moreover, journalism and the media should be all over this issue spotlighting it for the American people and bringing this issue to the fore so public pressure can force their elected representatives in Congress to rein in this problem!

Unions really need to change their character from within and promote and maintain good citizenship values because they are causing a lot of significant harm with the way they currently roll. This writer is from Pennsylvania and it is obvious to even ordinary Pennsylvanians that follow this issue the Building Trade Unions are a major conspirator behind putting the new 76ers Basketball Arena in Center City Philadelphia and such a move will bring Titanic harm to the City of Philadelphia the highways that feed Center City are fragile a minor automobile accident can cause a significant traffic delay having ten thousand cars transiting these expressways on a game or concert night is easy going to cause forty-five minute delays this traffic harm will severely hurt Center City Philadelphia in causing people to choose not to reside there and patronize the businesses there. Not to mention that placing a giant arena monstrosity on the border of Philadelphia's Chinatown will hurt the charm, appeal and life of this section of the City. The unions and their coconspirators, the entities that are stuffing their bags with money from this arena project, are building a juggernaut that is in the process of steam rolling this project through with the values of responsible citizenship being thrown in the garbage can! Union leadership is also rather foolish here Pennsylvania politicians don't want to see the 76ers arena go to New Jersey their constituents would be mad over this outcome so state and Federal money could be brought to bare to build the arena at a nice location in the Commonwealth the Unions just need to use their leverage to be good citizens!

Unions in Pa are killing the school tuition voucher program in Pennsylvania all to protect Union Public School teacher jobs. What about the children in low income crime ridden neighborhoods that are stuck in poor performing schools that aren't being educated where this shortfall will impede their lives for the balance of their lives? At issue is $100 million dollars this is new money it isn't being taken from the public schools current budget. If you really drill down to the base here the Unions are being short sighted and stupid because America spends like more than any country in the world on education and gets mediocre results; eventually the American people are going to say enough is enough with the continual clamoring for lots of more money for public education and just change the U.S. Constitution and allow states to just divy up the public education monies per student and just give it to the families of these students and let them spend it where they want at a public school or a private school whatever the family wants, so in these states many municipalities won't even have a public school system. How do you like that outcome Union leaders!
Today is Labor Day where the American people celebrate all different types of labor in America, this asset of our nation plays an integral role in the greatness of the country. But a major element of Labor in our country specifically Unions holds a huge dual effect for the nation; on one side they allow workers to ban together and collectively bargain and get a good wage and good benefits from their employer but on the other hand they add a lot of unnecessary labor hours on employers which means extra costs; these extra costs are pulling down America! The country has enormous infrastructure construction needs we have a crisis in our need for bridge repair as well as in our need for new road, bridge and public transit construction. The nation will never succeed on this issue without curtailing Unions causing excessive labor hours on such projects. America also has a "turn and keep on the siren" crisis of a shortage of housing, not only is this really, really terrible because people need housing to have a good quality of life but it is super alarming for wealth creation of families. Home ownership amongst Americans not only allows these families to build up equity wealth in their home by paying off their home mortgage loan but it allows them to gain equity wealth in their home by capital appreciation, that is, home's appreciate in value as time passes as the cost to build homes increases over time as well as the availability of homes for sale does not meet buyer demand over time. There isn't the availability of land to build homes like their used to be so the present and the future necessitates that the nation build more high rise residential buildings across the nation, specifically more condominiums, which means the nation will need the building trade Unions to build such structure and it ain't going to happen like the nation needs it to if Unions are skyrocketing the costs of such projects by forcing excessive labor hours on the contractor and sub-contractors. Members of Congress and the President really need to get on the job here and pass Federal legislation banning Unions from negotiation and taking work actions over labor hours or more specifically adding workers to a job unless safety is involved or there is another compelling good reason for doing so. Moreover, journalism and the media should be all over this issue spotlighting it for the American people and bringing this issue to the fore so public pressure can force their elected representatives in Congress to rein in this problem!

Unions really need to change their character from within and promote and maintain good citizenship values because they are causing a lot of significant harm with the way they currently roll. This writer is from Pennsylvania and it is obvious to even ordinary Pennsylvanians that follow this issue the Building Trade Unions are a major conspirator behind putting the new 76ers Basketball Arena in Center City Philadelphia and such a move will bring Titanic harm to the City of Philadelphia the highways that feed Center City are fragile a minor automobile accident can cause a significant traffic delay having ten thousand cars transiting these expressways on a game or concert night is easy going to cause forty-five minute delays this traffic harm will severely hurt Center City Philadelphia in causing people to choose not to reside there and patronize the businesses there. Not to mention that placing a giant arena monstrosity on the border of Philadelphia's Chinatown will hurt the charm, appeal and life of this section of the City. The unions and their coconspirators, the entities that are stuffing their bags with money from this arena project, are building a juggernaut that is in the process of steam rolling this project through with the values of responsible citizenship being thrown in the garbage can! Union leadership is also rather foolish here Pennsylvania politicians don't want to see the 76ers arena go to New Jersey their constituents would be mad over this outcome so state and Federal money could be brought to bare to build the arena at a nice location in the Commonwealth the Unions just need to use their leverage to be good citizens!

Unions in Pa are killing the school tuition voucher program in Pennsylvania all to protect Union Public School teacher jobs. What about the children in low income crime ridden neighborhoods that are stuck in poor performing schools that aren't being educated where this shortfall will impede their lives for the balance of their lives? At issue is $100 million dollars this is new money it isn't being taken from the public schools current budget. If you really drill down to the base here the Unions are being short sighted and stupid because America spends like more than any country in the world on education and gets mediocre results; eventually the American people are going to say enough is enough with the continual clamoring for lots of more money for public education and just change the U.S. Constitution and allow states to just divy up the public education monies per student and just give it to the families of these students and let them spend it where they want at a public school or a private school whatever the family wants, so in these states many municipalities won't even have a public school system. How do you like that outcome Union leaders!
Unions went socialist decades ago.

I hear America auto unions want a 46% pay increase....guaranteeing that the price of cars doubles.

I say screw them.
I don't buy their crummy product anyway.
I'm not going to buy one of their deathtraps or their battery cars.
This morning they showed a bunch of commies wearing red Tshirts.
Every one of them was obese and looked like they spent the last 3 years sitting on their asses.
Unions went socialist decades ago.

I hear America auto unions want a 46% pay increase....guaranteeing that the price of cars doubles.

I say screw them.
I don't buy their crummy product anyway.
I'm not going to buy one of their deathtraps or their battery cars.
This morning they showed a bunch of commies wearing red Tshirts.
Every one of them was obese and looked like they spent the last 3 years sitting on their asses.
Doesn't Anyone Here Read Dilbert About These Clowns?

Bizz Skule "education" puts inferior people in superior positions. These worthless snobs, with their Cliff Notes wannabe-preppy degrees (of separation from reality) are under the illusion that they are the only real producers and that the lower-caste workers are stupid and lazy losers. These suitcoated bootlickers believe that it wasn't for their "management," the underling employees would be starving, so no wage is too small for someone who didn't join their decadent clique by running away to college, which, outside the plutocrat's propaganda, means living like a teenager who's afraid to grow up.
Doesn't Anyone Here Read Dilbert About These Clowns?

Bizz Skule "education" puts inferior people in superior positions. These worthless snobs, with their Cliff Notes wannabe-preppy degrees (of separation from reality) are under the illusion that they are the only real producers and that the lower-caste workers are stupid and lazy losers. These suitcoated bootlickers believe that it wasn't for their "management," the underling employees would be starving, so no wage is too small for someone who didn't join their decadent clique by running away to college, which, outside the plutocrat's propaganda, means living like a teenager who's afraid to grow up.

The Dilbert Principle is the unofficial sequel to The Peter Principle. Both are very good books from very different eras.

It is amazing to see how the Peter Principle improved American companies. The problems mentioned in the Peter Principle have been solved. The book is pretty much outdated but is a great study on history. The Dilbert Principle mocks corporate America but still has encourage companies to improve. Both are good reads but I don’t think you get the full benefit from reading the Dilbert Principle without reading the Peter Principle. Ever watch Office Space? I think it is revealing that the main character’s name is Peter. I don’t think that was a coincidence. That character was named after the Peter Principle.

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