Union thugs

...too bad most of the callous conservatives never served and most are too willing to send other peoples kids into harms way...

Income and jobs of others? The Union went for the income of others. Non-union people don't go for the income of others. When they want a raise, they ask for one politely, and if they don't get it, they move on to a higher-paying job someplace else. Why does the Union think it is entitled to always better everything than anyone else has including their bosses?

Do you know what these paragons of strength do when they get the big bucks, do you really?

I'll tell you what they get. They dump wifey #5 and go for cutie pie #6 to be wifey #6 and quit paying child suport. That's exactly what they do with their damn money. They dump wife kids and family. I could hurl.

Thanks for sharing. As a vet I greatly appreciate your signature line; too bad most of the callous conservatives never served and most are too willing to send other peoples kids into harms way.
BTW, I'm still married to wifey #1, for 35 years next November, and while not a union member I was a manager that locked horns with business agents over the years. It's scary/ funny that most of the 'conservatives' on this message board are like you, so very ignorant and so sure of themselves.
No we're not ignorant. We're experienced. I'm glad you're true to your wife, hope you make it to your golden anniversary. I ran a business where my employees made better money than me because I had to pay the taxes, bills, and business expenses with my share of the receipts. I didn't mind until one of them decided she wasn't making enough, so she stole from the business every day she worked. She cheerfully stole my ability to pay the taxes, bills, and business expenses. I went into collossal debt, and when I caught her red handed that was her last day. She got to go off and steal from the next sucker who hired her. I spent 5 damn years paying the bank back for what miss important stole. Now don't you ever accuse me of being ignorant of working people.

They're far more abusive than the employer working 80-hour weeks trying every legal way in the world to provide wages for people who wouldn't lift a finger to help anyone but themselves to illegal gains.

Miss Important changed how I feel about working people.

I'll bet, your anger is palpable; most employees are not crooks.
Why are conservatives defending an international conglomerate over American Workers?

Sorta strange. EGT is owned by North America, South Korea and Japan. They also broke an agreement with the ILWU.


Why are you defending violence? The company hired union workers-just not ILWU workers. Apart from all of that...we need our companies to be free to hire whatever workers they want to without fear of violence and retaliation!

This kind of violence is why unions are refereed to as thugs.

That was the problem. They were hiring scabs. EGT broke the agreement.

Hey..if the police don't want to enforce an agreement..ILWU has every right to strike.

And protest.

Actually..maybe the government should sit this out. Free market and all ya know.

Pretty sure the longshoremen can settle this. :lol:
Ah, a democrat defending union thuggery; how thoroughly suprising!
And yet..Liberals always said..the Tea Party has every right to protest.

Yes, they did. They have never advocated violent protest as you are doing when it's union people doing it. Huge difference. You ought to be calling these guys out on it, instead of making excuses for them.

Excuses? What excuses?

I'm pointing out that labor's been under attack for a very long time.

Well it's going to come to a head.

And look, another implied threat of violence!

Then you people wonder why we react to Hoffa's little comment? How typical of the left, protecting yet another of its several criminal constituencies. Why am I not surprised? I wish we had destroyed the labor movement in its infancy. It is and has been a plague and a curse upon this nation; rife with corruption, frequently associated with organized crime, and guilty of the most cowardly sort of thuggery and intimidation. It is composed of low-life scum (that means ALL of you union types, you commie filth!). Shows just how corrupt your party is, supposed "intellectuals"pandering to low-life street criminals!

Well, in this now post-industrial age, we no longer need union workers; most working Americans now shun the unions anyway, and so I think it's time to break up this bunch of Wobblies once and for all. I say, let's turn the military on thugs like these longshoremen. What say we do a Ruby Ridge/Waco on someone who actually deserves it, like these cowardly goons, with real soldiers, not wannabes, or rent-a-cops. Let's see just how damn brave they are in a REAL fight, to the death-no quarter! I can find you an army of union hating Southerners to do just that, with relish-we hate Yankee goons down here! And Wry, I'll bet you don't have the intestinal fortitude to come down here and call one of us a cracker, but if you do, I hope someone opens a can of Southern whup-ass on your Yankee Bolshevik arse! Ban the unions, and silence this disgusting filthy rabble, once and for all!

P.S. and you wonder why we don't want you Damnyankees, your unions, or your Bolshevik politics down here, you wretched refuse of Yankee cities and their filthy environs!
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Why are you defending violence? The company hired union workers-just not ILWU workers. Apart from all of that...we need our companies to be free to hire whatever workers they want to without fear of violence and retaliation!

This kind of violence is why unions are refereed to as thugs.

That was the problem. They were hiring scabs. EGT broke the agreement.

Hey..if the police don't want to enforce an agreement..ILWU has every right to strike.

And protest.

Actually..maybe the government should sit this out. Free market and all ya know.

Pretty sure the longshoremen can settle this. :lol:
Ah, a democrat defending union thuggery; how thoroughly suprising!
Yes, they did. They have never advocated violent protest as you are doing when it's union people doing it. Huge difference. You ought to be calling these guys out on it, instead of making excuses for them.

Excuses? What excuses?

I'm pointing out that labor's been under attack for a very long time.

Well it's going to come to a head.

And look, another implied threat of violence!

Then you people wonder why we react to Hoffa's little comment? How typical of the left, protecting yet another of its several criminal constituencies. Why am I not surprised? I wish we had destroyed the labor movement in its infancy. It is and has been a plague and a curse upon this nation; rife with corruption, frequently associated with organized crime, and guilty of the most cowardly sort of thuggery and intimidation. It is composed of low-life scum (that means ALL of you union types, you commie filth!). Shows just how corrupt your party is, supposed "intellectuals"pandering to low-life street criminals!

Well, in this now post-industrial age, we no longer need union workers; most working Americans now shun the unions anyway, and so I think it's time to break up this bunch of Wobblies once and for all. I say, let's turn the military on thugs like these longshoremen. What say we do a Ruby Ridge/Waco on someone who actually deserves it, like these cowardly goons, with real soldiers, not wannabes, or rent-a-cops. Let's see just how damn brave they are in a REAL fight, to the death-no quarter! I can find you an army of union hating Southerners to do just that, with relish-we hate Yankee goons down here! And Wry, I'll bet you don't have the intestinal fortitude to come down here and call one of us a cracker, but if you do, I hope someone opens a can of Southern whup-ass on your Yankee Bolshevik arse! Ban the unions, and silence this disgusting filthy rabble, once and for all!

P.S. and you wonder why we don't want you Damnyankees, your unions, or your Bolshevik politics down here, you wretched refuse of Yankee cities and their filthy environs!

LOL, nice rant. I suspect you would sing a different tune if you were subjected to the horrors of employment in factories or mines in the 19th and early 20th century.
LOL, nice rant. I suspect you would sing a different tune if you were subjected to the horrors of employment in factories or mines in the 19th and early 20th century.

You libs really like to turn back the clock...lol

What's next? The horrors of employment in factories or mines in the 16th and early 17th centuries...??

Port of Longview, Washington about 400 longshoreman storm gates of port and hold security guards hostage . They also cut brake lines to trains and scuffled with police. Socialists at work, just because they did not like the company hiring others to do the job. Typical.

And what is to be expected when a major political party goes after the income and jobs of others? Are you ignorant of American History & the violence on both sides during the emergence of the labor movement?

Self defined conservatives and the pols who hope to earn an advantage by going after the working men and women of this country need to (lol, as if they can) think about the consequences before they act (or vote). You ain't seen nothing yet (and, btw, I was a manager in a law enforecment agency before I retired, so don't lump me in as a new iteration of a Wobblie).
It both saddens and angers me to read the comments of these water-carriers for the emerging corporatocracy. Their ignorance of the history of the American labor movement is astounding. Most if not all of them are too young, too stupid and too spoiled to know what life was like for the ordinary working class citizen before the unions gave rise to living wages, worker dignity, the 40 hour week and paid vacations. Most if not all of them are leading middle class lives thereby benefiting from the efforts of those who fought, bled and died to unionize the American workplace -- and there certainly was bleeding and death. Lots of it.

These ignorant, anti-union, corporate lackeys who are too lazy to read up on labor union history are urged to locate (via Net Flix, etc.) and watch the following movies and obtain an important and valuable education the easy way:

Harlan County USA
The Molly McGuires
On The Waterfront
The Organizer
Native Land
Norma Rae
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I'd like to personally invite each and every lib to join us in the 21st century....

Where union thuggary is an accepted form of "protest"...

Where "taking out those ssons of bitches" is acceptable language ...

Where fat cat union bosses live the life of luxury while their union brothrs and sisters struggle...

Come, join us...
I'd like to personally invite each and every lib to join us in the 21st century....

Where union thuggary is an accepted form of "protest"...

Where "taking out those ssons of bitches" is acceptable language ...

Where fat cat union bosses live the life of luxury while their union brothrs and sisters struggle...

Come, join us...
I'd heard about infiltration of paid right-wing shills in politically oriented websites such as this one and it occurs to me that you are one of them.

Specifically which unions are you bad-mouthing? Or are you simply parroting scripted propaganda?

If you are just a brainwashed right-wing floater who believes anything the multi-millionaire corporate puppet broadcasters like Limbaugh and Beck pumps into your brain, are you amenable to the idea that there are some unions whose management is corrupted -- but certainly not all of them? And are you capable of understanding that even though there are some corrupt unions the overall situation for working class America would be much, much worse if there were no unions at all?

Unions, like cops, politicians and clergy have their problems. But the thing to do is address those problems rather than elect to throw out the baby with the bathwater which your commentary seems to be oriented to.
Port of Longview, Washington about 400 longshoreman storm gates of port and hold security guards hostage . They also cut brake lines to trains and scuffled with police. Socialists at work, just because they did not like the company hiring others to do the job. Typical.

And what is to be expected when a major political party goes after the income and jobs of others? Are you ignorant of American History & the violence on both sides during the emergence of the labor movement?

Self defined conservatives and the pols who hope to earn an advantage by going after the working men and women of this country need to (lol, as if they can) think about the consequences before they act (or vote). You ain't seen nothing yet (and, btw, I was a manager in a law enforecment agency before I retired, so don't lump me in as a new iteration of a Wobblie).
It both saddens and angers me to read the comments of these water-carriers for the emerging corporatocracy. Their ignorance of the history of the American labor movement is astounding. Most if not all of them are too young, too stupid and too spoiled to know what life was like for the ordinary working class citizen before the unions gave rise to living wages, worker dignity, the 40 hour week and paid vacations. Most if not all of them are leading middle class lives thereby benefiting from the efforts of those who fought, bled and died to unionize the American workplace -- and there certainly was bleeding and death. Lots of it.

These ignorant, anti-union, corporate lackeys who are too lazy to read up on labor union history are urged to locate (via Net Flix, etc.) and watch the following movies and obtain an important and valuable education the easy way:

Harlan County USA
The Molly McGuires
On The Waterfront
The Organizer
Native Land
Norma Rae

Not one word you have written, NOT ONE, is any excuse for the thuggery and violence advocated, promoted and actively and systematically encouraged by organized labor in twenty-first century America, nor does it excuse the rampant corruption, involvement with racketeering and organized crime, and other criminal conduct that is a detestable and inseparable part of organized labor today. Nor does ONE WORD of it even begin to excuse the use of threats of union goon violence against political opponents as a political tool, whether by the democrat party, its labor allies, or those liberals like Wry and Sallow who have so smugly threatened it here, directly and by implication.

From where I sit, I have heard enough. and if your party and your precious "workers" (a/k/a thugs and street punks who wouldn't do an honest day's work for honest pay anytime they could extort a living by violence and intimidation!) want a war, then By God, that is enough! You want a war? Really? THEN BRING IT ON! Put up, or shut up! The one thing I hate more than war, is a damn communist, and by God, if that's what you people are, than you are my enemy just as a VC or Russian was my enemy. I joined the army to fight communism, anywhere, anytime, and to kill communists, anywhere, anytime. I fought communists in Vietnam, and by God, I'm ready and willing to fight communist thugs here, before I let them threaten my country, or my law-abiding fellow Americans! The day you decide that the ballot box isn't good enough for you, I will be waiting, with the cartridge boxes-lots of them...and there are plenty more like me! You, and the rest of the would-be revolutionaries, think about that...think about it long and hard, because I promise you, if you initiate bloodshed for political ends on America's soil, we will finish it!
I'd like to personally invite each and every lib to join us in the 21st century....

Where union thuggary is an accepted form of "protest"...

Where "taking out those ssons of bitches" is acceptable language ...

Where fat cat union bosses live the life of luxury while their union brothrs and sisters struggle...

Come, join us...
I'd heard about infiltration of paid right-wing shills in politically oriented websites such as this one and it occurs to me that you are one of them.
So is anyone opposed to your socialist utopia a paid shill?

Just curious....

Specifically which unions are you bad-mouthing?
The ones run by highly compensated fat cat bosses... I thought that was obvious

If you are just a brainwashed right-wing floater who believes anything the multi-millionaire corporate puppet broadcasters like Limbaugh and Beck pumps into your brain, are you amenable to the idea that there are some unions whose management is corrupted -- but certainly not all of them?
I don't recall using the word "all" in my post... In fact, I refrain from generalities whenever possible....

You can use them if you want... I won't be surprised... Butr my comments stand on their own... Those points are true....

And are you capable of understanding that even though there are some corrupt unions the overall situation for working class America would be much, much worse if there were no unions at all?
What ifs and hypotheticals aren't really my realm.... What if a meteor hit the planet tomorrow? What if your 0ssiah, Barry 0bama resigned tomorrow?... The possibilities are endless...

Unions, like cops, politicians and clergy have their problems. But the thing to do is address those problems rather than elect to throw out the baby with the bathwater which your commentary seems to be oriented to.
My commentary was to invite assholes like you into the current world of what's broken... Where union bosses are more concerned about the political donations to be made versus the plight of the working class union member...

I hope you can join us...
LOL, nice rant. I suspect you would sing a different tune if you were subjected to the horrors of employment in factories or mines in the 19th and early 20th century.

You libs really like to turn back the clock...lol

What's next? The horrors of employment in factories or mines in the 16th and early 17th centuries...??


As usual you're wrong. Only reactionaries hope to turn the clock back, ya know, to days when workers spent 10 or more hours a day six days a week with no OT; when miners were forced to work long hours in damp conditions and died early of black lung disease; when back alley abortions killed and maimed young women; when the very rich controlled most of the nations wealth - oops, that's true today too.
i can always count on wry to blame the republicans, no matter what.

it's good to have a constant in this crazy world of ours.

thanks, wry!

one of Deans better pupils....

Blame Republicans? Me? How silly, Republicans stand for traditional values, God and apple pie. They are never wrong (ask them, they'll tell you) and they'll explain everything wrong with our country is the result of liberals, progressives, Democrats, commies, socialists, gays, lesbians, Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR, Wilson and of course big government, regulations and Taxes.

Of course there are other Republicans who are fiscally conservative and believe in liberty and justice for all - and should not be limited by someones sexual orientation, ethnicity or skin color; sucy Republicans beleive in a social contract and understand that most people love their children and want a better life for them; these Republicans are willing to pay their fair share to better the life of all Americans, they want our water to be clean and safe, our food to be safe and our air to be healthy. Of course these Republicans are rare, as rare as the White RINO.
Have you ever even tried thinking for yourself? Personally, I doubt you're capable.
That was the problem. They were hiring scabs. EGT broke the agreement.

Hey..if the police don't want to enforce an agreement..ILWU has every right to strike.

And protest.

Actually..maybe the government should sit this out. Free market and all ya know.

Pretty sure the longshoremen can settle this. :lol:
Ah, a democrat defending union thuggery; how thoroughly suprising!
Excuses? What excuses?

I'm pointing out that labor's been under attack for a very long time.

Well it's going to come to a head.

And look, another implied threat of violence!

Then you people wonder why we react to Hoffa's little comment? How typical of the left, protecting yet another of its several criminal constituencies. Why am I not surprised? I wish we had destroyed the labor movement in its infancy. It is and has been a plague and a curse upon this nation; rife with corruption, frequently associated with organized crime, and guilty of the most cowardly sort of thuggery and intimidation. It is composed of low-life scum (that means ALL of you union types, you commie filth!). Shows just how corrupt your party is, supposed "intellectuals"pandering to low-life street criminals!

Well, in this now post-industrial age, we no longer need union workers; most working Americans now shun the unions anyway, and so I think it's time to break up this bunch of Wobblies once and for all. I say, let's turn the military on thugs like these longshoremen. What say we do a Ruby Ridge/Waco on someone who actually deserves it, like these cowardly goons, with real soldiers, not wannabes, or rent-a-cops. Let's see just how damn brave they are in a REAL fight, to the death-no quarter! I can find you an army of union hating Southerners to do just that, with relish-we hate Yankee goons down here! And Wry, I'll bet you don't have the intestinal fortitude to come down here and call one of us a cracker, but if you do, I hope someone opens a can of Southern whup-ass on your Yankee Bolshevik arse! Ban the unions, and silence this disgusting filthy rabble, once and for all!

P.S. and you wonder why we don't want you Damnyankees, your unions, or your Bolshevik politics down here, you wretched refuse of Yankee cities and their filthy environs!

LOL, nice rant. I suspect you would sing a different tune if you were subjected to the horrors of employment in factories or mines in the 19th and early 20th century.
Yeah. Do you think anyone is these days? Or are you really convinced that the small percentage of union members in America are holding back the evil fat cat bosses from enslaving us all?
LOL, nice rant. I suspect you would sing a different tune if you were subjected to the horrors of employment in factories or mines in the 19th and early 20th century.

You libs really like to turn back the clock...lol

What's next? The horrors of employment in factories or mines in the 16th and early 17th centuries...??

Man, life was awful when we lived in caves and hunted woolly mammoths. Thank Gaea the unions kept us safe from saber-toothed tigers!
I'd like to personally invite each and every lib to join us in the 21st century....

Where union thuggary is an accepted form of "protest"...

Where "taking out those ssons of bitches" is acceptable language ...

Where fat cat union bosses live the life of luxury while their union brothrs and sisters struggle...

Come, join us...
I'd heard about infiltration of paid right-wing shills in politically oriented websites such as this one and it occurs to me that you are one of them.

Specifically which unions are you bad-mouthing? Or are you simply parroting scripted propaganda?

If you are just a brainwashed right-wing floater who believes anything the multi-millionaire corporate puppet broadcasters like Limbaugh and Beck pumps into your brain, are you amenable to the idea that there are some unions whose management is corrupted -- but certainly not all of them? And are you capable of understanding that even though there are some corrupt unions the overall situation for working class America would be much, much worse if there were no unions at all?

Unions, like cops, politicians and clergy have their problems. But the thing to do is address those problems rather than elect to throw out the baby with the bathwater which your commentary seems to be oriented to.
Ahhh, the last refuge of the profoundly ignorant: "If you disagree with me, it must be because you're paid to!" :lol:
LOL, nice rant. I suspect you would sing a different tune if you were subjected to the horrors of employment in factories or mines in the 19th and early 20th century.

You libs really like to turn back the clock...lol

What's next? The horrors of employment in factories or mines in the 16th and early 17th centuries...??


As usual you're wrong. Only reactionaries hope to turn the clock back, ya know, to days when workers spent 10 or more hours a day six days a week with no OT; when miners were forced to work long hours in damp conditions and died early of black lung disease; when back alley abortions killed and maimed young women; when the very rich controlled most of the nations wealth - oops, that's true today too.
Really? From what I've seen, progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1958.
Thanks for sharing. As a vet I greatly appreciate your signature line; too bad most of the callous conservatives never served and most are too willing to send other peoples kids into harms way.
BTW, I'm still married to wifey #1, for 35 years next November, and while not a union member I was a manager that locked horns with business agents over the years. It's scary/ funny that most of the 'conservatives' on this message board are like you, so very ignorant and so sure of themselves.
No we're not ignorant. We're experienced. I'm glad you're true to your wife, hope you make it to your golden anniversary. I ran a business where my employees made better money than me because I had to pay the taxes, bills, and business expenses with my share of the receipts. I didn't mind until one of them decided she wasn't making enough, so she stole from the business every day she worked. She cheerfully stole my ability to pay the taxes, bills, and business expenses. I went into collossal debt, and when I caught her red handed that was her last day. She got to go off and steal from the next sucker who hired her. I spent 5 damn years paying the bank back for what miss important stole. Now don't you ever accuse me of being ignorant of working people.

They're far more abusive than the employer working 80-hour weeks trying every legal way in the world to provide wages for people who wouldn't lift a finger to help anyone but themselves to illegal gains.

Miss Important changed how I feel about working people.

I'll bet, your anger is palpable; most employees are not crooks.
Is that so? Well, over a 20-year time frame, when you train people well to move up, you may have trained 50 people in the workforce to go someplace else and be a stellar employee. Since 2% of the general public are crooks, honed into destroying other people for superficial gains, guess what. One of your 50 is going to plan making themselves wealthy off your hard-earned money that gets pumped right back into the business while you don't put so much as a loaf of bread on the table. I'm not the only person who got whacked working their butts off for everyone who waltzed through the job wanting a decent job. This one nearly destroyed the one she worked for before me who owned an establishment across the street. He couldn't walk over and even tell me to beware because of employee-protection laws until she was no longer in my employ. Since I couldn't talk about this criminally-inclined employee to her next boss, I didn't track her. I was too busy losing my shirt for the next 5 years trying to do without employees and do everything myself so all could go back to the bank that loaned me the big bucks to keep the business hobbling along, as crippled as it was. I knew someday it could support an employee again, which is why I worked by myself for 2 years in spite of having too much to do, and settling for seeing my customers, dissatisfied with having to wait 5 minutes for me to help the person ahead of them, just leave.

How would you like to work for the bank for 5 years with no salary or benefits, your family receiving nothing for your labor, except to have you sitting up late at night, trying to route money to the bank from your meager receipts from the business a criminal destroyed?

90% of anyone who's been in business for 20 years has had the same problem, some worse, some less. Now, put that into the context where the employer has to pay union wages or have his house burn up when under the table deals are made with mafioso to destroy the person writing the wage-earner checks. Some years, sales go out, but unions will strike and destroy a business or a government employer for not getting more benefits than the employer gets for himself or herself in many cases.

I'm palpable? Buddy, there are a lot of people who didn't save their money for backup to take the kind of whack I took. They get destroyed, and they never bounce back. Everything I made for the next 5 years went for nothing, except paying a large lending organization and the deep hope I could some day give another American a job when my business recovered from the embezzler/thief and badmouther. While I was paying the bank and obeying employer laws not to tell of her employee errors, she was out telling my clientele what a rotten person I was, and that was music to the ear of union wives who hate businesses too, given the dreck they believe about all employers. I lost business because this charming thief smarmed the community with my alleged faults and mistakes about the depth of her thefts, since she only owned up to the one time I caught her red-handed cheating the business that paid her but didn't pay me. When I let this thief go, I never saw another union wife walk through my door for so much as a 10-cent sale. I was marked for punishment on the basis of hearsay lies. A lot of people knew me for my honesty. The union wives were afraid if they visited my business, word would get out and their husbands would get punished at work, even though they know I never once cheated anybody in the entire small town I lived in. Not even once. The union rules by smear and fear. They don't have to do no steenkin' justice like the rest of the free world does. They crush anybody who has the misfortune of being lied about, who can't talk back because of laws THEY induced the Democrats to pass against employers who reveal anything whatever about any employee. It's a no-win situation for business and a take-all situation for unions. Now they're doing it through the government who also can't speak about anything due to the laws Congress passed in their behalf. The worm has eaten the host from which it fed.
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And what is to be expected when a major political party goes after the income and jobs of others? Are you ignorant of American History & the violence on both sides during the emergence of the labor movement?

Self defined conservatives and the pols who hope to earn an advantage by going after the working men and women of this country need to (lol, as if they can) think about the consequences before they act (or vote). You ain't seen nothing yet (and, btw, I was a manager in a law enforecment agency before I retired, so don't lump me in as a new iteration of a Wobblie).

I am fully aware of this history with the unions such as the teamsters which is why Hoffa's comments the other day bothered me so much
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f65xilSDyso]James Hoffa 'Let's Take These Son of a Bitches Out Video' RightFace.us - YouTube[/ame]

Ah, you were bothered, poor baby. You and the other members of the echo chamber following Hannity's rant about Hoffa's comment blistered the web with your feigned outrage. You're nothing but a parrot P_P, go get a cracker (plenty of 'em in the South).

:lol: as if i care what your racist ass says, lol

*Dislcaimer, i'm not really calling him a racist just playing the silly game with race that i've seen many "left wing" people on this board play.
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