Union Bosses ..1%ers

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Well.. I guess it's good to be Kings...an awakening perhaps...:disbelief:


What do labor union bosses and government bureaucrats have in common? They both go on expensive “junkets” to tropical places on someone else’s dime. This time it’s union bosses representing New York municipal workers soaking up the sun and buying $9 beers in Puerto Rico. Must be nice.

According to The New York Post, some of the workers aren’t exactly thrilled that their union dues are funding this little vacation.

As union bosses continued livin’ it up in the Puerto Rican sun yesterday, municipal workers getting soaked by New York’s cold rain were livid that their hard-earned money was funding the leaders’ Caribbean “convention.”

“There goes our union dues!” fumed a furious Local 3 electrician. “They paid for that junket with union dues.”

“I’ve worked for 10 months in the last two years. I’m getting laid off at the end of the year,” the electrician railed. “I have no use for the union. All I see is waste, corruption and hypocrisy.”

At an Upper West Side firehouse, a member of New York’s Bravest, who was working in the rain, said in amazement, “We’re all based here in New York anyway, so why would they spend all that money on going someplace else? They could have just had it here.”

New York Union Bosses Living Large on Puerto Rican Vacation | The Lonely Conservative
Are you just figuring out that unions are part and parcel of the 1%?
Are you just figuring out that unions are part and parcel of the 1%?

No... just wondering if we should even bother talking about it...:D

It has a nice twist...union "Subjects" speaking out....:clap2:
Well.. I guess it's good to be Kings...an awakening perhaps...:disbelief:


What do labor union bosses and government bureaucrats have in common? They both go on expensive “junkets” to tropical places on someone else’s dime. This time it’s union bosses representing New York municipal workers soaking up the sun and buying $9 beers in Puerto Rico. Must be nice.

According to The New York Post, some of the workers aren’t exactly thrilled that their union dues are funding this little vacation.

As union bosses continued livin’ it up in the Puerto Rican sun yesterday, municipal workers getting soaked by New York’s cold rain were livid that their hard-earned money was funding the leaders’ Caribbean “convention.”

“There goes our union dues!” fumed a furious Local 3 electrician. “They paid for that junket with union dues.”

“I’ve worked for 10 months in the last two years. I’m getting laid off at the end of the year,” the electrician railed. “I have no use for the union. All I see is waste, corruption and hypocrisy.”

At an Upper West Side firehouse, a member of New York’s Bravest, who was working in the rain, said in amazement, “We’re all based here in New York anyway, so why would they spend all that money on going someplace else? They could have just had it here.”

New York Union Bosses Living Large on Puerto Rican Vacation | The Lonely Conservative

Glad you posted that article, Lumpy.
I especially liked the idea that some seem to be in it for the money, and perks, and then there was the Lenin quote...

This is from "Red Army," by Klein and Elliot, identifying the various interests of Leftists:

"The insignia of the Red Army are varied. Many hate America, the capitalist system, the United States Constitution. There are those who love America, but believe that socialism or communism is the way to a better society. Others pursue personal power and/or profit, and identify with the battle for a new world order. Thus, the provenance of Obama’s promise of the “fundamental transformation of America.”
Like we keep saying.....

It is bad for others, but not for yourself.

Those quotes from union folks are pretty telling.

I wonder if Dragon (who loves unions) has read this.
You see... you dumbasses STILL think that we want the 1%ers to be reduced to the Middle Class... because that's what the boys on FOX and AM radio keep telling you. Once again... at the risk of being ever so redundant... you're idiots.

We don't want rich people NOT to be rich. We're just sick of their tax games where it works out that we end up paying more than they do, they see their incomes and wealth increase exponentially, while we struggle to survive.

You keep hearing "class warfare" and you repeat it like fuckin' parrots. I don't give a shit if it's a CEO of Haliburton or the CEO of SEIU, or the President of the United States. They are getting a shit ton of pandering by the tax system and by society in general. They are the most pandered group in the country. They need to be the ones to bolster the Middle and Working Class. End the Corporate Welfare, get the money out of politics(yes... Unions too), and get the vast majority of our citizens in the black and buying shit again.... that's the ONLY way this economy is ever going to recover.

That means higher wages and better benefits.... either through taxation(National Health Care) or employers providing it.... it's too damned expensive for a family of four that has an Income of 30K(before taxes) to pay 12k of that out just in case they get sick.
You see... you dumbasses STILL think that we want the 1%ers to be reduced to the Middle Class... because that's what the boys on FOX and AM radio keep telling you. Once again... at the risk of being ever so redundant... you're idiots.

We don't want rich people NOT to be rich. We're just sick of their tax games where it works out that we end up paying more than they do, they see their incomes and wealth increase exponentially, while we struggle to survive.

You keep hearing "class warfare" and you repeat it like fuckin' parrots. I don't give a shit if it's a CEO of Haliburton or the CEO of SEIU, or the President of the United States. They are getting a shit ton of pandering by the tax system and by society in general. They are the most pandered group in the country. They need to be the ones to bolster the Middle and Working Class. End the Corporate Welfare, get the money out of politics(yes... Unions too), and get the vast majority of our citizens in the black and buying shit again.... that's the ONLY way this economy is ever going to recover.

That means higher wages and better benefits.... either through taxation(National Health Care) or employers providing it.... it's too damned expensive for a family of four that has an Income of 30K(before taxes) to pay 12k of that out just in case they get sick.


Did you happen to read the Article..?

Nice rift & rant... I enjoyed it...thanks...:clap2:
Steel, I can't tell from your post.

Are you okay with the perks the union bosses are giving themselves?
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You see... you dumbasses STILL think that we want the 1%ers to be reduced to the Middle Class... because that's what the boys on FOX and AM radio keep telling you. Once again... at the risk of being ever so redundant... you're idiots.

We don't want rich people NOT to be rich. We're just sick of their tax games where it works out that we end up paying more than they do, they see their incomes and wealth increase exponentially, while we struggle to survive.

You keep hearing "class warfare" and you repeat it like fuckin' parrots. I don't give a shit if it's a CEO of Haliburton or the CEO of SEIU, or the President of the United States. They are getting a shit ton of pandering by the tax system and by society in general. They are the most pandered group in the country. They need to be the ones to bolster the Middle and Working Class. End the Corporate Welfare, get the money out of politics(yes... Unions too), and get the vast majority of our citizens in the black and buying shit again.... that's the ONLY way this economy is ever going to recover.

That means higher wages and better benefits.... either through taxation(National Health Care) or employers providing it.... it's too damned expensive for a family of four that has an Income of 30K(before taxes) to pay 12k of that out just in case they get sick.

Are you serious?
You don't recognize the strategy as 'class warfare'?

1. "Obama: Rich must pay fair share of deficit cuts"
Obama: Rich must pay fair share of deficit cuts | Deccan Chronicle

2. "Unfortunately, facts have a way of ruining Obama’s class warfare rhetoric. Because when one checks who pays what, one finds the rich already share quite a bit of their earnings.

Start by putting one of the left’s favorite talking points in context - that the rich are earning a bigger share of the nation’s income today. It’s true that 20% of the income goes to the wealthiest 1 percent of American households. That’s more than double the share they earned in 1980.

But they also shoulder a disproportionate share of the tax burden. They pay more than 38 percent of all federal income taxes. In 1980, they were paying 19 percent – almost double the proportion of their share of the wealth."
Facts about Obama’s “Rich should pay Fair Share” campaign – Ted Biondo - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star
You see... you dumbasses STILL think that we want the 1%ers to be reduced to the Middle Class... because that's what the boys on FOX and AM radio keep telling you. Once again... at the risk of being ever so redundant... you're idiots.

We don't want rich people NOT to be rich. We're just sick of their tax games where it works out that we end up paying more than they do, they see their incomes and wealth increase exponentially, while we struggle to survive.

You keep hearing "class warfare" and you repeat it like fuckin' parrots. I don't give a shit if it's a CEO of Haliburton or the CEO of SEIU, or the President of the United States. They are getting a shit ton of pandering by the tax system and by society in general. They are the most pandered group in the country. They need to be the ones to bolster the Middle and Working Class. End the Corporate Welfare, get the money out of politics(yes... Unions too), and get the vast majority of our citizens in the black and buying shit again.... that's the ONLY way this economy is ever going to recover.

That means higher wages and better benefits.... either through taxation(National Health Care) or employers providing it.... it's too damned expensive for a family of four that has an Income of 30K(before taxes) to pay 12k of that out just in case they get sick.

50% of Americans pay ZERO Federal income tax. so don't try to tell us the rich don't pay their fair share. it don't work out mathematically.
Steel, I can't tell from your post.

Are you okay with the perks the union bosses are giving themselves?

No. That doesn't mean that I've turned anti-union though. I really don't mind a Convention once per year that Local Officers and Stewards attend to discuss issues and meet, greet and party with other Local Officers and Stewards. But from what I understand(I am not either an Officer or Steward in my Local), the union pays for part of the Convention costs, but they themselves pay for most of it out of their own pockets.

BTW... to the OP.. no... I didn't read the post as much as I did the headline... sorry 'bout that. I jumped to a conclusion. And yes, I can understand why members or former members feel the way they do.

EDIT: the truth is... Unions are the only organized group that even care about workers anymore. I support them(almost) fully. While I disagree with what is described in the article posted... I strongly feel that if unions were abolished completely.... then the Corporatists have won and we will see a slide in the standard of living for working people even worse than we have this past 30 years.
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You see... you dumbasses STILL think that we want the 1%ers to be reduced to the Middle Class... because that's what the boys on FOX and AM radio keep telling you. Once again... at the risk of being ever so redundant... you're idiots.

We don't want rich people NOT to be rich. We're just sick of their tax games where it works out that we end up paying more than they do, they see their incomes and wealth increase exponentially, while we struggle to survive.

You keep hearing "class warfare" and you repeat it like fuckin' parrots. I don't give a shit if it's a CEO of Haliburton or the CEO of SEIU, or the President of the United States. They are getting a shit ton of pandering by the tax system and by society in general. They are the most pandered group in the country. They need to be the ones to bolster the Middle and Working Class. End the Corporate Welfare, get the money out of politics(yes... Unions too), and get the vast majority of our citizens in the black and buying shit again.... that's the ONLY way this economy is ever going to recover.

That means higher wages and better benefits.... either through taxation(National Health Care) or employers providing it.... it's too damned expensive for a family of four that has an Income of 30K(before taxes) to pay 12k of that out just in case they get sick.

then why didn't obama laud and support the Simpson-Bowles commission findings ala deductions dropped, rates cut, expansion of the tax revenue pie?
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Steel, I can't tell from your post.

Are you okay with the perks the union bosses are giving themselves?

No. That doesn't mean that I've turned anti-union though. I really don't mind a Convention once per year that Local Officers and Stewards attend to discuss issues and meet, greet and party with other Local Officers and Stewards. But from what I understand(I am not either an Officer or Steward in my Local), the union pays for part of the Convention costs, but they themselves pay for most of it out of their own pockets.

BTW... to the OP.. no... I didn't read the post as much as I did the headline... sorry 'bout that. I jumped to a conclusion. And yes, I can understand why members or former members feel the way they do.

EDIT: the truth is... Unions are the only organized group that even care about workers anymore. I support them(almost) fully. While I disagree with what is described in the article posted... I strongly feel that if unions were abolished completely.... then the Corporatists have won and we will see a slide in the standard of living for working people even worse than we have this past 30 years.

if the unions care so much about their members why did andy stern leave the SEIU pretty much broke? 30% of the locals are under the 65% pension fund amounts that is supposed to be there?

what happens if they get thrown to the PBGC? they won't see 30 cents on the dollar they have been promised by their union bosses...?
Steel, I can't tell from your post.

Are you okay with the perks the union bosses are giving themselves?

No. That doesn't mean that I've turned anti-union though. I really don't mind a Convention once per year that Local Officers and Stewards attend to discuss issues and meet, greet and party with other Local Officers and Stewards. But from what I understand(I am not either an Officer or Steward in my Local), the union pays for part of the Convention costs, but they themselves pay for most of it out of their own pockets.

BTW... to the OP.. no... I didn't read the post as much as I did the headline... sorry 'bout that. I jumped to a conclusion. And yes, I can understand why members or former members feel the way they do.

EDIT: the truth is... Unions are the only organized group that even care about workers anymore. I support them(almost) fully. While I disagree with what is described in the article posted... I strongly feel that if unions were abolished completely.... then the Corporatists have won and we will see a slide in the standard of living for working people even worse than we have this past 30 years.

Steel, I can't tell from your post.

Are you okay with the perks the union bosses are giving themselves?

No. That doesn't mean that I've turned anti-union though. I really don't mind a Convention once per year that Local Officers and Stewards attend to discuss issues and meet, greet and party with other Local Officers and Stewards. But from what I understand(I am not either an Officer or Steward in my Local), the union pays for part of the Convention costs, but they themselves pay for most of it out of their own pockets.

BTW... to the OP.. no... I didn't read the post as much as I did the headline... sorry 'bout that. I jumped to a conclusion. And yes, I can understand why members or former members feel the way they do.

EDIT: the truth is... Unions are the only organized group that even care about workers anymore. I support them(almost) fully. While I disagree with what is described in the article posted... I strongly feel that if unions were abolished completely.... then the Corporatists have won and we will see a slide in the standard of living for working people even worse than we have this past 30 years.

if the unions care so much about their members why did andy stern leave the SEIU pretty much broke? 30% of the locals are under the 65% pension fund amounts that is supposed to be there?

what happens if they get thrown to the PBGC? they won't see 30 cents on the dollar they have been promised by their union bosses...?

Never said they were perfect... never said that some, if not most were not corrupt to one extent or another... I am just saying that they are the ONLY entity working FOR the working person.
You see... you dumbasses STILL think that we want the 1%ers to be reduced to the Middle Class... because that's what the boys on FOX and AM radio keep telling you. Once again... at the risk of being ever so redundant... you're idiots.

We don't want rich people NOT to be rich. We're just sick of their tax games where it works out that we end up paying more than they do, they see their incomes and wealth increase exponentially, while we struggle to survive.

You keep hearing "class warfare" and you repeat it like fuckin' parrots. I don't give a shit if it's a CEO of Haliburton or the CEO of SEIU, or the President of the United States. They are getting a shit ton of pandering by the tax system and by society in general. They are the most pandered group in the country. They need to be the ones to bolster the Middle and Working Class. End the Corporate Welfare, get the money out of politics(yes... Unions too), and get the vast majority of our citizens in the black and buying shit again.... that's the ONLY way this economy is ever going to recover.

That means higher wages and better benefits.... either through taxation(National Health Care) or employers providing it.... it's too damned expensive for a family of four that has an Income of 30K(before taxes) to pay 12k of that out just in case they get sick.

50% of Americans pay ZERO Federal income tax. so don't try to tell us the rich don't pay their fair share. it don't work out mathematically.

go douche... ya stink.

I get tired of explaining it to someone who is too fucking stupid and stubborn to get it...
Unions are Corporations. And they routinely sell their workers out. Look at all these horrific trade deals the Unions went along with over the years. They simply went along so they could please their Democratic Party masters who were pushing them. They have completely sold their workers out. And the Bosses have gotten very rich in the process.

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