Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent

Here's what I'd like to see.

When Bob Moves his Factory to China, we play a commercial on TV.

"This is BOb. (picture of Bob)

Bob moved his factory to China and put 1000 Americans out of work. (Picture of employees from company picnic.)

And this is where Bob Lives (Picture of Bob's Mansion, with the address flashing at the screen.)

And this is Bob's fat wife. (Picture of Bob's wife.)

And here's where that bitch gets her hair done (Picture of the Salon she goes to.)

And here are Bob's kids. (Pictures of the little trust fund bastards)

And here's where they go to school.

This message brought to you by the hard working people of the AFL-CIO."
Here's what I'd like to see.

When Bob Moves his Factory to China, we play a commercial on TV.

"This is BOb. (picture of Bob)

Bob moved his factory to China and put 1000 Americans out of work. (Picture of employees from company picnic.)

And this is where Bob Lives (Picture of Bob's Mansion, with the address flashing at the screen.)

And this is Bob's fat wife. (Picture of Bob's wife.)

And here's where that bitch gets her hair done (Picture of the Salon she goes to.)

And here are Bob's kids. (Pictures of the little trust fund bastards)

And here's where they go to school.

This message brought to you by the hard working people of the AFL-CIO."

Again, thanks for clearly articulating why businesses are leaving union shops in droves.

Why in God's name would anyone want to hire people like that?
Here's what I'd like to see.

When Bob Moves his Factory to China, we play a commercial on TV.

"This is BOb. (picture of Bob)

Bob moved his factory to China and put 1000 Americans out of work. (Picture of employees from company picnic.)

And this is where Bob Lives (Picture of Bob's Mansion, with the address flashing at the screen.)

And this is Bob's fat wife. (Picture of Bob's wife.)

And here's where that bitch gets her hair done (Picture of the Salon she goes to.)

And here are Bob's kids. (Pictures of the little trust fund bastards)

And here's where they go to school.

This message brought to you by the hard working people of the AFL-CIO."

Again, thanks for clearly articulating why businesses are leaving union shops in droves.

Why in God's name would anyone want to hire people like that?

Because they know what they are doing and are experienced at their jobs?

Frankly, I see the other end of it. Where you fire older experienced workers to bring in younger kids at half the salary.

And they usually don't know shit, even after you teach them. Lazy, no work ethic. But they work cheap. And they are good at keeping us all scared.

So this is why Plutocrats really fear unions. Fear as a tool can be used both ways.
Here's what I'd like to see.

When Bob Moves his Factory to China, we play a commercial on TV.

"This is BOb. (picture of Bob)

Bob moved his factory to China and put 1000 Americans out of work. (Picture of employees from company picnic.)

And this is where Bob Lives (Picture of Bob's Mansion, with the address flashing at the screen.)

And this is Bob's fat wife. (Picture of Bob's wife.)

And here's where that bitch gets her hair done (Picture of the Salon she goes to.)

And here are Bob's kids. (Pictures of the little trust fund bastards)

And here's where they go to school.

This message brought to you by the hard working people of the AFL-CIO."

Again, thanks for clearly articulating why businesses are leaving union shops in droves.

Why in God's name would anyone want to hire people like that?

Because they know what they are doing and are experienced at their jobs?

Frankly, I see the other end of it. Where you fire older experienced workers to bring in younger kids at half the salary.

And they usually don't know shit, even after you teach them. Lazy, no work ethic. But they work cheap. And they are good at keeping us all scared.

So this is why Plutocrats really fear unions. Fear as a tool can be used both ways.

Why would I want to hire anyone who endorses using the fear and thuggery you think is acceptable, especially against my family? Why do you think being experienced compensates for that?
Why would I want to hire anyone who endorses using the fear and thuggery you think is acceptable, especially against my family? Why do you think being experienced compensates for that?

But it's okay for you to use fear and thuggery against the people you hire?

You know, like threatening to fire someone and take away their health benefits if they don't come in on Saturday when their wife is in the hospital.

Or firing a female employee when she gets pregnant?

Or firing an employee when he runs up too many medical bills? (which happened to me personally and why I stopped believing the GOP Greed is Good Bullshit.)

It's only "thuggery" when the other side fights back.
Why would I want to hire anyone who endorses using the fear and thuggery you think is acceptable, especially against my family? Why do you think being experienced compensates for that?

But it's okay for you to use fear and thuggery against the people you hire?

You know, like threatening to fire someone and take away their health benefits if they don't come in on Saturday when their wife is in the hospital.

Or firing a female employee when she gets pregnant?

Or firing an employee when he runs up too many medical bills? (which happened to me personally and why I stopped believing the GOP Greed is Good Bullshit.)

It's only "thuggery" when the other side fights back.

No, I don't think any of those things are acceptable, and I would never do any of those things to my employees. But those are nowhere near as bad as the violence you wish to inflict on other human beings, especially family members.

And you didn't answer the question. Why would I want to hire anyone who endorses using the fear and thuggery you think is acceptable, especially against my family? Why do you think being experienced compensates for that? If I'm setting up a new plant, why would I ever hire anyone with that type of mentality?
Why would I want to hire anyone who endorses using the fear and thuggery you think is acceptable, especially against my family? Why do you think being experienced compensates for that?

But it's okay for you to use fear and thuggery against the people you hire?

You know, like threatening to fire someone and take away their health benefits if they don't come in on Saturday when their wife is in the hospital.

Or firing a female employee when she gets pregnant?

Or firing an employee when he runs up too many medical bills? (which happened to me personally and why I stopped believing the GOP Greed is Good Bullshit.)

It's only "thuggery" when the other side fights back.

No, I don't think any of those things are acceptable, and I would never do any of those things to my employees. But those are nowhere near as bad as the violence you wish to inflict on other human beings, especially family members.

And you didn't answer the question. Why would I want to hire anyone who endorses using the fear and thuggery you think is acceptable, especially against my family? Why do you think being experienced compensates for that? If I'm setting up a new plant, why would I ever hire anyone with that type of mentality?

Frankly, if someone is using thuggery against you, you probably deserve it.

People don't get violent unless they've been pushed, and your sort (or the sort you get coffee for when they are stealing Granny's house) has been pushing them for a long time.

And that's the point I've been making. We are getting to a boiling point. Regardless of who wins this elections (and I don't think either one of them is going to take on the problem), when you keep shrinking the middle class, you are playing with fire.

You fools destroyed the middle class, and you wonder why the middle class is angry.
But it's okay for you to use fear and thuggery against the people you hire?

You know, like threatening to fire someone and take away their health benefits if they don't come in on Saturday when their wife is in the hospital.

Or firing a female employee when she gets pregnant?

Or firing an employee when he runs up too many medical bills? (which happened to me personally and why I stopped believing the GOP Greed is Good Bullshit.)

It's only "thuggery" when the other side fights back.

No, I don't think any of those things are acceptable, and I would never do any of those things to my employees. But those are nowhere near as bad as the violence you wish to inflict on other human beings, especially family members.

And you didn't answer the question. Why would I want to hire anyone who endorses using the fear and thuggery you think is acceptable, especially against my family? Why do you think being experienced compensates for that? If I'm setting up a new plant, why would I ever hire anyone with that type of mentality?

Frankly, if someone is using thuggery against you, you probably deserve it.

People don't get violent unless they've been pushed, and your sort (or the sort you get coffee for when they are stealing Granny's house) has been pushing them for a long time.

And that's the point I've been making. We are getting to a boiling point. Regardless of who wins this elections (and I don't think either one of them is going to take on the problem), when you keep shrinking the middle class, you are playing with fire.

You fools destroyed the middle class, and you wonder why the middle class is angry.

You still aren't answering the question.

You think violence is acceptable, including against family members. Why in God's name would I ever hire anyone who thinks like that? Why would I put my family at risk?
You still aren't answering the question.

You think violence is acceptable, including against family members. Why in God's name would I ever hire anyone who thinks like that? Why would I put my family at risk?

I don't know, guy, why would you put your family at risk by burning people who work for you?

You seem to think that there should be no consequences for your actions...
You still aren't answering the question.

You think violence is acceptable, including against family members. Why in God's name would I ever hire anyone who thinks like that? Why would I put my family at risk?

I don't know, guy, why would you put your family at risk by burning people who work for you?

You seem to think that there should be no consequences for your actions...

You seem to think that too. You seem to not understand the consequences of your anachronistic union mentality and that huge chip you walk around with on your shoulder. You seem to not understand that in this day and age, I can decide to put my plant anywhere in the country, or the world for that matter. Capital and investment - and thus jobs - will go to where it is most welcome. Having a mentality that violence is acceptable, particularly against family members, is about as unwelcoming as it gets. So hiring guys like you and your ilk are at the very bottom of my list. And you'll blame others for that.
You seem to think that too. You seem to not understand the consequences of your anachronistic union mentality and that huge chip you walk around with on your shoulder. You seem to not understand that in this day and age, I can decide to put my plant anywhere in the country, or the world for that matter. Capital and investment - and thus jobs - will go to where it is most welcome. Having a mentality that violence is acceptable, particularly against family members, is about as unwelcoming as it gets. So hiring guys like you and your ilk are at the very bottom of my list. And you'll blame others for that.

I'll blame you for your greed, which is what has gotten us to this mess, not the "chip" on my shoulder that after 34 years of hard work (been working since I was 16) I still have to look over my shoulder every day and see how the cocksuckers are going to try to burn me this week.

Unions are just meeting thuggery with thuggery.

You can go anywhere in teh world, but if we refuse to buy your products and vote a tax on you that's huge, you're kind of shit out of luck, ain't you.

And that's the problem with the plutocrat. He's ultimately self-destructive. He keeps pushing to people push him into a hole, when he should have acted right to start with.

I'm just tired of trying to save you people from yourselves..
You seem to think that too. You seem to not understand the consequences of your anachronistic union mentality and that huge chip you walk around with on your shoulder. You seem to not understand that in this day and age, I can decide to put my plant anywhere in the country, or the world for that matter. Capital and investment - and thus jobs - will go to where it is most welcome. Having a mentality that violence is acceptable, particularly against family members, is about as unwelcoming as it gets. So hiring guys like you and your ilk are at the very bottom of my list. And you'll blame others for that.

I'll blame you for your greed, which is what has gotten us to this mess, not the "chip" on my shoulder that after 34 years of hard work (been working since I was 16) I still have to look over my shoulder every day and see how the cocksuckers are going to try to burn me this week.

Unions are just meeting thuggery with thuggery.

You can go anywhere in teh world, but if we refuse to buy your products and vote a tax on you that's huge, you're kind of shit out of luck, ain't you.

And that's the problem with the plutocrat. He's ultimately self-destructive. He keeps pushing to people push him into a hole, when he should have acted right to start with.

I'm just tired of trying to save you people from yourselves..

Sure, you can refuse to buy my products. That's part of the marketplace. Good luck voting a huge tax on my products though. How's that working for you lately? Not too good, I imagine, given that most Americans aren't particularly interested in paying a tax to protect private sector union workers, which are 1/10th the population. And no surprise that you absolve yourself of any blame whatsoever. It's just much better to demonize Them.

But again, you still can't answer the question. Why would I hire someone who thinks I should be beaten with a baseball bat and go after my wife and kids if I have to let them go one day? How is that in my best interests? Why would I ever do that?
Sure, you can refuse to buy my products. That's part of the marketplace. Good luck voting a huge tax on my products though. How's that working for you lately? Not too good, I imagine, given that most Americans aren't particularly interested in paying a tax to protect private sector union workers, which are 1/10th the population. And no surprise that you absolve yourself of any blame whatsoever. It's just much better to demonize Them.

But again, you still can't answer the question. Why would I hire someone who thinks I should be beaten with a baseball bat and go after my wife and kids if I have to let them go one day? How is that in my best interests? Why would I ever do that?

Again, a lot of people are stupid. They take their fat asses down to Wal-Mart and buy cheap Chinese shit and wonder why they can't get a good job.

You know here's the problem with the whole "Oh my god, my workers might actually strike back". The thing is, why did you do something where you DESERVED to be beaten with a baseball bat?

You brought this on your own head.

Don't come whining to me that your actions got you in trouble.
Sure, you can refuse to buy my products. That's part of the marketplace. Good luck voting a huge tax on my products though. How's that working for you lately? Not too good, I imagine, given that most Americans aren't particularly interested in paying a tax to protect private sector union workers, which are 1/10th the population. And no surprise that you absolve yourself of any blame whatsoever. It's just much better to demonize Them.

But again, you still can't answer the question. Why would I hire someone who thinks I should be beaten with a baseball bat and go after my wife and kids if I have to let them go one day? How is that in my best interests? Why would I ever do that?

Again, a lot of people are stupid. They take their fat asses down to Wal-Mart and buy cheap Chinese shit and wonder why they can't get a good job.

You know here's the problem with the whole "Oh my god, my workers might actually strike back". The thing is, why did you do something where you DESERVED to be beaten with a baseball bat?

You brought this on your own head.

Don't come whining to me that your actions got you in trouble.

Got it. You can't answer. No surprise there. Didn't think you could. I'd say a lot of people are pretty stupid if they can't understand why business owners wouldn't hire people who threaten to beat you, your wife and your kids. Enjoy watching your jobs slip away while you rail against the evil capitalist.
Got it. You can't answer. No surprise there. Didn't think you could. I'd say a lot of people are pretty stupid if they can't understand why business owners wouldn't hire people who threaten to beat you, your wife and your kids. Enjoy watching your jobs slip away while you rail against the evil capitalist.

I gave you an answer, it's just not one you wanted to hear.

And I have a pretty good solution to the "evil capitalist".

Go back to the pre-Reagan marginal rates, have an SEC with real teeth, and when you convict one of these assholes, throw him in big boy prison...

Problem solved.

The thing is, we never should have given the parasites so much say to start with..
Got it. You can't answer. No surprise there. Didn't think you could. I'd say a lot of people are pretty stupid if they can't understand why business owners wouldn't hire people who threaten to beat you, your wife and your kids. Enjoy watching your jobs slip away while you rail against the evil capitalist.

I gave you an answer, it's just not one you wanted to hear.

And I have a pretty good solution to the "evil capitalist".

Go back to the pre-Reagan marginal rates, have an SEC with real teeth, and when you convict one of these assholes, throw him in big boy prison...

Problem solved.

The thing is, we never should have given the parasites so much say to start with..

Well, I suppose you did give me an answer when you said "they are experienced," but you did not answer why experience compensates for the implicit threat of violence against someone's family that you advocate. Of course, there is no answer to that. You just bleated some bullshit about "pushing too far," which is, of course, not an answer.

BTW, I have no problem with increasing enforcement by the SEC and raising taxes. But if you think that somehow solves this "evil capitalist" thing you pathetically rail about, you are sadly mistaken.
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Got it. You can't answer. No surprise there. Didn't think you could. I'd say a lot of people are pretty stupid if they can't understand why business owners wouldn't hire people who threaten to beat you, your wife and your kids. Enjoy watching your jobs slip away while you rail against the evil capitalist.

I gave you an answer, it's just not one you wanted to hear.

And I have a pretty good solution to the "evil capitalist".

Go back to the pre-Reagan marginal rates, have an SEC with real teeth, and when you convict one of these assholes, throw him in big boy prison...

Problem solved.

The thing is, we never should have given the parasites so much say to start with..

Well, I suppose you did give me an answer when you said "they are experienced," but you did not answer why experience compensates for the implicit threat of violence against someone's family that you advocate. Of course, there is no answer to that. You just bleated some bullshit about "pushing too far," which is, of course, not an answer.

BTW, I have no problem with increasing enforcement by the SEC and raising taxes. But if you think that somehow solves this "evil capitalist" thing you pathetically rail about, you are sadly mistaken.

Oh, nothing will solve the Evil Captialist short of putting an end to his bad behavior and crucifying a few of them.

But, sorry, man, I did give you an answer.

By your logic, anyone you'd hire would be a potential threat, because anyone would kill you if they thought you were endangering his family.

WHich is exactly what your sort has been doing for decades...

You whine about Obama, but you've created him. You've gotten me to a point where I might even vote for him this time, something I'd never have considered 10 years ago.
No comparison

CEO's earn a portion of his salary for building a company that returns wealth to its employees and shareholders, in the millions

What does the high salary of union bosses do
except show their hypocrisy

Horseshit. They get the big ticket salaries when their companies Lose money.

Not even a nice try, to compare six figure salaries of union bosses to 8 figure salaries of CEO's.

Again, in Japan, the UK, Germany, this sort of insanity doesn't happen.

It happens, though it happens more often when there's crossover between those corps and US politicians.

When it does happen that failed CEO's make exorbitant salaries, it's the shareholders that take the hit or those who buy their products. Not 'everyone.'
By your logic, anyone you'd hire would be a potential threat, because anyone would kill you if they thought you were endangering his family.

No, you've got the logic wrong. There's a difference between random violence and violence against being fired because you think something that is yours is being taken away from you. I won't hire someone whom I think might inflict violence on me and my family if I have to let them go. I view that person as unreasonable and unstable. Most people don't think it is OK to seek violent retribution against a business owner, let alone against his wife and kids, for letting them go, like you do. If they did, you would see many more examples of fired workers killing their bosses. Most Americans don't have your union mentality that the world owes them a living.
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I gave you an answer, it's just not one you wanted to hear.

And I have a pretty good solution to the "evil capitalist".

Go back to the pre-Reagan marginal rates, have an SEC with real teeth, and when you convict one of these assholes, throw him in big boy prison...

Problem solved.

The thing is, we never should have given the parasites so much say to start with..

Well, I suppose you did give me an answer when you said "they are experienced," but you did not answer why experience compensates for the implicit threat of violence against someone's family that you advocate. Of course, there is no answer to that. You just bleated some bullshit about "pushing too far," which is, of course, not an answer.

BTW, I have no problem with increasing enforcement by the SEC and raising taxes. But if you think that somehow solves this "evil capitalist" thing you pathetically rail about, you are sadly mistaken.

Oh, nothing will solve the Evil Captialist short of putting an end to his bad behavior and crucifying a few of them.

But, sorry, man, I did give you an answer.

By your logic, anyone you'd hire would be a potential threat, because anyone would kill you if they thought you were endangering his family.

WHich is exactly what your sort has been doing for decades...

You whine about Obama, but you've created him. You've gotten me to a point where I might even vote for him this time, something I'd never have considered 10 years ago.

Progress. Moved from implicit to explicit threat of violence.

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