Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent

Gawdawg, you do know Mick is from Great Britian.

Naw. Prolly not.

And those kinds of people (athletes, entertainers, etc) are some of the very same people that Rethugs fight tooth and nail to keep them from paying higher taxes. Like they vote Rethug.

Cracks me up.

Mick Jagger is a tax exile from Great Britain.
In 1972 the Rolling Stones left Great Britain and set up shop in the south of France for tax purposes. Same with Phil Collins and most British wealthy.
Wouldn't you?
You are slow zeke. 40 years behind the times.
Wake up, time has passed you by.
Next time know your subject.
Zeke, put brain in gear before post in motion.
I know you feel stupid now but no worries. I have to educate the slow learning short bus folk like you all the time. I enjoy it.
You are welcome.

Thanks for the info. Where are these celebs going to go when the French socialist just elected raises the tax rate to 75% as he has threatened?

Exactly. At tax rates like that, you are only a hair breadth away from totalitarian communism and even before you reach that point people will stop being productive any more than they absolutely have to do. Without rewards for one's labor, one is not inspired to labor.

The reverse of that are union demands that exceed the productivity of the workers and that reduce the company profits to the point that there isn't much incentive to continue running the company. And politicians who know they personally won't have to live with the consequences, keep the peace by giving the public unions anything they want and thereby have put the municipalities, states, and the federal government at the brink of bankruptcy.
I clearly, cogently, competently answered your whining. I told you what is going to happen, which you know is true. The point is that you will not be fair to your workers. They have the votes, and they will throw your reps and sens out eventually and replace them with union friendly legislators.

You support Obama all you want, I am voting for Romney.

no..You rendered your opinion of what you believe may happen.
Look, unions are dead. 35% in the 60's 8% today....
Where are the union workers in your company?

spoon, I told you what is going to happen based on history and the behavior of folks like you. The uniions have been "dead" before and came back. Break the economy again and they will kick the front door down your throat.

Do you have a union in your places of business?
Do I have a union in my place of business? That qualifies for the most stupid question of 2012.
Answer...Absolutely NOT. Why in the hell would I want some pinky ring wearing black Cadillac driving union thug named Paully or Tony sticking their nose in my business.
Oh, ALL unions are mobbed up. All of them..

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