Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent

That's right. Compliance by force. Way to go. That is the American way.

/sarcasm off

Thugs like you are what is wrong with the unions.


Not at all. Frankly, someone who would cross a picket line is someone I'd never want to work with even if there wasn't a strike.

He's the kind of cocksucker who will stab you in teh back to advance himself.

My favorite was Doug Flutie.. Crossed a picket line in the NFL strike of 1987. When everything was settled, he found that his own team didn't really want to protect him and the opposing teams learned new definitions of "Unncessary roughness". I think he eventually vanished to the Canadian Leagues...
That's right. Compliance by force. Way to go. That is the American way.

/sarcasm off

Thugs like you are what is wrong with the unions.


Not at all. Frankly, someone who would cross a picket line is someone I'd never want to work with even if there wasn't a strike.

He's the kind of cocksucker who will stab you in teh back to advance himself.

My favorite was Doug Flutie.. Crossed a picket line in the NFL strike of 1987. When everything was settled, he found that his own team didn't really want to protect him and the opposing teams learned new definitions of "Unncessary roughness". I think he eventually vanished to the Canadian Leagues...

Supporting union thuggery. How unexpected of you. Not.
That's right. Compliance by force. Way to go. That is the American way.

/sarcasm off

Thugs like you are what is wrong with the unions.


Not at all. Frankly, someone who would cross a picket line is someone I'd never want to work with even if there wasn't a strike.

He's the kind of cocksucker who will stab you in teh back to advance himself.

My favorite was Doug Flutie.. Crossed a picket line in the NFL strike of 1987. When everything was settled, he found that his own team didn't really want to protect him and the opposing teams learned new definitions of "Unncessary roughness". I think he eventually vanished to the Canadian Leagues...

Supporting union thuggery. How unexpected of you. Not.

Better union thuggery than corporate thuggery.

Take the Sabo Mine. They got rid of the union. Then they got rid of all the safety things the union insisted on. Then they had an accident and 16 miners were buried alive...

but someone made a profit, and that was the important thing.

Unions would be unnecessary if managers and owners did the right thing. Paid their people a fair wage and looked out for their well-being.

Unfortunately, those aren't the guys who get ahead in business.
Amazing the union mind, or lack of one.
Okay to kick the ass of someone for wanting to work.
Not okay for making decisions with the property someone owns.
But this is the enbtitlement mentality in America over the last 100 years.
"I am entitled to my job" instead of they have to EARN their job.
I love to hire EX UNION workers. They have seen the bull shit their unions have done to destroy the very companies that provided them with a job.
I get my information from the former union workers that come south to work WHERE THEY HAVE RIGHTS.
How amazing Americans support union shops WHERE THEY FORCE YOU to join the union to be able to work.
Mob rule. Anti American.
Amazing the union mind, or lack of one.
Okay to kick the ass of someone for wanting to work.
Not okay for making decisions with the property someone owns.
But this is the enbtitlement mentality in America over the last 100 years.
"I am entitled to my job" instead of they have to EARN their job.
I love to hire EX UNION workers. They have seen the bull shit their unions have done to destroy the very companies that provided them with a job.
I get my information from the former union workers that come south to work WHERE THEY HAVE RIGHTS.
How amazing Americans support union shops WHERE THEY FORCE YOU to join the union to be able to work.
Mob rule. Anti American.

If union members are breaking the law......arrest them

Workers need the right to collectively bargain. All workers, whether union or not, benefit from that right. It is unions, or the threat of a union which keep management in check and protect worker rights and safety
Amazing the union mind, or lack of one.
Okay to kick the ass of someone for wanting to work.
Not okay for making decisions with the property someone owns.
But this is the enbtitlement mentality in America over the last 100 years.
"I am entitled to my job" instead of they have to EARN their job.
I love to hire EX UNION workers. They have seen the bull shit their unions have done to destroy the very companies that provided them with a job.
I get my information from the former union workers that come south to work WHERE THEY HAVE RIGHTS.
How amazing Americans support union shops WHERE THEY FORCE YOU to join the union to be able to work.
Mob rule. Anti American.

If union members are breaking the law......arrest them

Workers need the right to collectively bargain. All workers, whether union or not, benefit from that right. It is unions, or the threat of a union which keep management in check and protect worker rights and safety

If I own a company why should anyone have any "right" to "keep me in check"?
How come you do not go by the same standard you do for union workers?
"If union members are breaking the law...........arrest them"
OK so under your theory then if management is NOT breaking the law how come they have to hire ONLY union workers?
Same thing. Double standard. If I am management and own the company IT IS MY RIGHT to hire who the hell I want to if I am not breaking the law.
Your standard. Makes sense to me.
Amazing the union mind, or lack of one.
Okay to kick the ass of someone for wanting to work.
Not okay for making decisions with the property someone owns.
But this is the enbtitlement mentality in America over the last 100 years.
"I am entitled to my job" instead of they have to EARN their job.
I love to hire EX UNION workers. They have seen the bull shit their unions have done to destroy the very companies that provided them with a job.
I get my information from the former union workers that come south to work WHERE THEY HAVE RIGHTS.
How amazing Americans support union shops WHERE THEY FORCE YOU to join the union to be able to work.
Mob rule. Anti American.

If union members are breaking the law......arrest them

Workers need the right to collectively bargain. All workers, whether union or not, benefit from that right. It is unions, or the threat of a union which keep management in check and protect worker rights and safety

If I own a company why should anyone have any "right" to "keep me in check"?
How come you do not go by the same standard you do for union workers?
"If union members are breaking the law...........arrest them"
OK so under your theory then if management is NOT breaking the law how come they have to hire ONLY union workers?
Same thing. Double standard. If I am management and own the company IT IS MY RIGHT to hire who the hell I want to if I am not breaking the law.
Your standard. Makes sense to me.

Your workers have a right to vote to form a union to represent them. You have the right to offer them wages and benefits that mean they do not have to form a union.
Management hires workers. Those workers have a right to decide how they will be represented
That's right. Compliance by force. Way to go. That is the American way.

/sarcasm off

Thugs like you are what is wrong with the unions.


Not at all. Frankly, someone who would cross a picket line is someone I'd never want to work with even if there wasn't a strike.

He's the kind of cocksucker who will stab you in teh back to advance himself.

My favorite was Doug Flutie.. Crossed a picket line in the NFL strike of 1987. When everything was settled, he found that his own team didn't really want to protect him and the opposing teams learned new definitions of "Unncessary roughness". I think he eventually vanished to the Canadian Leagues...

Then Flutie came back and played several years in the NFL. I think he was 41 years old when he retired.

That's a pretty good career.
If union members are breaking the law......arrest them

Workers need the right to collectively bargain. All workers, whether union or not, benefit from that right. It is unions, or the threat of a union which keep management in check and protect worker rights and safety

If I own a company why should anyone have any "right" to "keep me in check"?
How come you do not go by the same standard you do for union workers?
"If union members are breaking the law...........arrest them"
OK so under your theory then if management is NOT breaking the law how come they have to hire ONLY union workers?
Same thing. Double standard. If I am management and own the company IT IS MY RIGHT to hire who the hell I want to if I am not breaking the law.
Your standard. Makes sense to me.

Your workers have a right to vote to form a union to represent them. You have the right to offer them wages and benefits that mean they do not have to form a union.
Management hires workers. Those workers have a right to decide how they will be represented

NO, in some states are union ONLY by legislation, not by a union vote.
I have no problem with workers wanting to have a union in a right to work state.
But the problem starts when "I will kick the ass of those that cross a picket line".
And that is the norm today.
I should have the right to fill jobs that union workers lay out on striking.
NO ONE has a right to any job. Period. I have the right to hire who I want to. If union workers do not like the wage I am offering, that is okay with me and no hard feelings. They can go market their skills somewhere else.
But instead of that we have laws that FORCE companies to hire ONLY union workers.
And that has ruined American productivity.
That's right. Compliance by force. Way to go. That is the American way.

/sarcasm off

Thugs like you are what is wrong with the unions.


Not at all. Frankly, someone who would cross a picket line is someone I'd never want to work with even if there wasn't a strike.

He's the kind of cocksucker who will stab you in teh back to advance himself.

My favorite was Doug Flutie.. Crossed a picket line in the NFL strike of 1987. When everything was settled, he found that his own team didn't really want to protect him and the opposing teams learned new definitions of "Unncessary roughness". I think he eventually vanished to the Canadian Leagues...

Ever think that people might not want to work with violent assholes? Maybe people like you?

That's right. Compliance by force. Way to go. That is the American way.

/sarcasm off

Thugs like you are what is wrong with the unions.


Not at all. Frankly, someone who would cross a picket line is someone I'd never want to work with even if there wasn't a strike.

He's the kind of cocksucker who will stab you in teh back to advance himself.

My favorite was Doug Flutie.. Crossed a picket line in the NFL strike of 1987. When everything was settled, he found that his own team didn't really want to protect him and the opposing teams learned new definitions of "Unncessary roughness". I think he eventually vanished to the Canadian Leagues...

Ever think that people might not want to work with violent assholes? Maybe people like you?


Sort of begs the question of who else JoeB thinks it is okay to beat up doesn't it?

And some here wonder why the term 'union thugs' comes up now and then.
Amazing the union mind, or lack of one.
Okay to kick the ass of someone for wanting to work.
Not okay for making decisions with the property someone owns.
But this is the enbtitlement mentality in America over the last 100 years.
"I am entitled to my job" instead of they have to EARN their job.
I love to hire EX UNION workers. They have seen the bull shit their unions have done to destroy the very companies that provided them with a job.
I get my information from the former union workers that come south to work WHERE THEY HAVE RIGHTS.
How amazing Americans support union shops WHERE THEY FORCE YOU to join the union to be able to work.
Mob rule. Anti American.

Whatever, guy.

You want to spend your time lapping for scraps from their table, knock yourself out. Then tell total strangers on the internet what a successful guy you are because someone will be impressed.

Snitches get Stitches.
Sort of begs the question of who else JoeB thinks it is okay to beat up doesn't it?

1.) Business owners who lay off workers.

2.) Business owners who outsource.

Oh, wait. I'm sorry. JoeAmpad thinks we should hang those in (2).

Carry on.

Yup. That's what you do to traitors.

You know, people who give away our jobs to enemy regimes that force women to have abortions and murder their own people for transplant organs.

I'll make sure we hang them with a silk rope, though.
And they wonder why businesses are leaving union shops in droves.

Until we stop putting up with it, you mean.

If a company wants to move from Illinois to Alabama, what are you going to do?

Well, we could start by passing Card Check...

Enforcing the national labor laws.

A lot of things we "could" do.

By the way, IL Is a "At Will" employment state. Not that it's helped our employment situation much.

In fact, everything you retards say we ought to do to help the employment situation doesn't help any. Your boy Scott Walker is presiding over the worst job record in the country.

Your boy Mitt Romney was 47 out of 50 states in job growth. Only Katrina and the collapse of the Auto Industry in OH and MI kept him out of last place.

Now quit stalking me, the neighbors are complaining about the tissues you keep leaving in the bushes.

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