Unintended Consequences of Banning Abortion

The "Final Solution" refers to Hitlers dictates on Jews in Germany, and Hitler was an extreme right wing fascist. He was the opposite of a "leftist".
Naturally, you'd believe that. You're a Communist. You're automatically a dumbass.

But let's laughably assume you're right for a moment. Why are you advocating Hitler's Final Solution?
Conservatives are supposed to only want laws to protect their own rights from others, not dictate what others are supposed to or not do to themselves.
And again, if conservatives were against abortion, then there would have always been that precedent in the US, and there isn't.
There were no laws against abortion until around 1880.
The Founders were not against abortion.
So people claiming to be against abortion now, are NOT conservatives.
Throw your little temper tantrum, Comrade. End result: People laughing at you.
I would think people being more responsible about birth control is an intended consequence of banning abortions
There are a number of unintended consequences of overturning Roe v Wade
  • Requests for vasectomies and tubal ligation have increased significantly in the Abortion Banned states, as much as 900% in some areas.
  • The morning after pill is running in short supply as women in banned states are buying up local supplies
  • The FDA made shipment of abortions pills through the mail legal opening the way for mail order buying.
  • Producers of the abortion pills are increasing inventories preparing for increased demand.
  • 6 states have started funds to help the poor travel to states that offer abortion services
  • Planned Parenthood now has a 300 million dollar fund to assist low income women get abortions
  • Over 30 major corporations including Amazon, Starbucks, and Microsoft have announced they will pay for travel for employees and families to get an abortion.
  • Doctors in the banned states report large numbers of requests for birth control pills, and other types of contraception.
  • Interviews with women in banned states indicate women will begin paying more attentions to contraception and use the day after pill.
It is looking more like the the hundreds of thousands of unwanted babies birthed by women under threat of arrest will be far less than the right anticipated due to more attention to contraception, the day after pill, use of abortion pills, increased sterilization, and travel assistance to abortion clinics from a number of sources.
Its not banned by federal law. This is a state-by-state issue. We the People have a say again. And that is what you fear.
they dont do squat with reguards to protecting the wearer, for consumer grade masks. They were never intended as such, they are only good for source control of exhaled virus.

but anywyays, if masks dont do any good, then why would it make any difference if illegals wear them or not.
You idiots claim masks work. But you also don't demand illegals wear them.

That Republicans will seek a Federal abortion ‘ban’ is further proof that ‘banning’ abortion wasn’t about ‘saving babies’; the same is true of Missouri Republicans advocating that women who have abortions in free states where the procedure is legal should be subject to criminal prosecution.

For the neo-fascist, authoritarian right ‘banning’ abortion is about more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

‘Banning’ abortion is bad public policy and reckless, irresponsible, incompetent governance.
Leftists attacking women's health facilities is further proof that the left has never cared about women's health; they just want babies killed.
The problem with you is you believe everything you think is Gospel. Only you know what rights are, only you can judge what a conservative is, only you know what's illegal or not. Everybody else in the country is wrong.

The point is that what is defined as "conservative" is that which follows the original plan of the Founders. It is not based on the current desires of any particular political party. The definition of "conservative" means government can only do what it is explicitly authorized to do, and no more. State and local governments can only do what is absolutely necessary in order to defend inherent individual rights, (if it would infringe upon anyone).
The idea of defending the rights of a fetus could sort of fit that, but fails because it forces a religious definition of when a fetus becomes a human being, violates personal and private family matters, and violates medical science that tells us a fetus does not yet have higher brain functions.
The point being that anti abortion laws come from religious desires and not conservative legal principles. Conservative beliefs do not allow any violation of any personal religious opinions within a family.

So my "opinion" has nothing to do with it.
I am going by the classic definition of what being "conservative" means.
“In Indonesia and Iran, abortion is permitted to save an expectant mother’s life. Saudi Arabi and Pakistan allow abortion for health or therapeutic grounds.” ibid

Iran is more advanced and humane than Ohio Republicans – which comes as no surprise.
Perhaps you should move to Iran. Sounds like it's more to your liking. AND you get to screech "DEATH TO AMERICA!!" and people won't look at you funny.
Better question: why can’t conservatives stop using the authority of the state to interfere in citizens' private lives.

Answer: because as Christo-fascist authoritarians they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.
So, people need to be more responsible with their sex lives...and that makes you angry. So very, very angry.


The view from centuries ago​

In the 18th century and until about 1880, abortions were allowed under common law and widely practiced. They were illegal only after “quickening,” the highly subjective term used to describe when pregnant women could feel the fetus moving, Reagan said.

“At conception and the earliest stage of pregnancy, before quickening, no one believed that a human life existed; not even the Catholic Church took this view,” Reagan wrote. “Rather, the popular ethic regarding abortion and common law were grounded in the female experience of their own bodies.”

Though it is considered taboo in Christian traditions, until the mid-19th century, “the Catholic Church implicitly accepted early abortions prior to ensoulment,” she explained. “Not until 1869, at about the same time that abortion became politicized in this country, did the church condemn abortion; in 1895, it condemned therapeutic abortion,” meaning procedures to save a woman’s life.

Abortions would become criminalized by 1880, except when necessary to save a woman’s life, not at the urging of social or religious conservatives but under pressure from the medical establishment – and the very organization that today speaks out in support of abortion access, Reagan explained.
Again -- you don't know shit about anything. You're a Communist. The only question is what kind of head trauma you had to get to be that way.

First of all, I am not a communist.
The current definition of communism precluded any private capitalism, and I am more of a socialist, because I think there needs to be a mix of private and public means of production.
But obviously all people are inherently communist in some ways because all primitive and natural social groups are always communist, like families, tribes, etc.
One possible unintended consequence is the scenario that I call Geronimos revenge.

The Hyde amendment prevents putting abortion clinics on federal land, but like casinos in states that ban them, indian territory is a sovereign nation, not subject to state laws or regulations.

Instead of casinos, you'll have abortion clinics springing up on indian land.

This includes all land within an Indian reservation and all land outside a reservation that has been placed under federal superintendence and designated primarily for Indian use. As a general rule, state laws do not apply to Indians in Indian country. Instead, tribal and federal laws apply.
And this goes on into adulthood and they become Left Wingers.

I think a woman who's foetus has an abnormality should be offered an abortion. And saying this opens a can on worms on the abortion ban argument.

If you abort one fetus that has not yet woken up and knows it is alive, and instead wait till later when one can afford to better support an actual child, then nothing is lost or harmed.

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