Unexpected Results of Overturning Rowe V Wade

Agitated? Fuck no! I love it. Whenever is see a masked person in a car or a democrat sticker I speed up to see what this moron looks like. It’s never someone you wouldn’t expect. Poindexters. I’m pretty sure I have probably seen you at some point.

You're stalking people who wear masks? You speed up in your car when you see someone with a mask? You're even dumber than I thought.

Why then the great angst and predictable outrage whenever someone attempts to enact restrictions that only take place AFTER the first trimester?

Because the abortions which happen in the second trimester and third trimesters are the most medically necessary abortions. Amniocentsis, which is the most accurate test of genetic abnormalities can only be completed at week 20 - already the second Trimester, and close to viability, and it takes 3 to 5 weeks for results.

Third trimester abortions are worse. These are abortions where the life of the mother is seriously at risk, or that of the life of the fetus. These are abortions of dire necessity. The ones women dread every needing to have.
Yep, the problem isn't all these large married families who can't afford another mouth to feed. The problem is loose slutty unmarried leftwing women with the morals of alley cats who have abortions as easily as your or I go through the drive-thru at McDonald's. THEY are the ones who are screeching the loudest. Ain't no married women at these violent pro-abortion riots. It's mostly unattractive obese tatooed blue-haired troubled single women.

Spoken like misogynistic asshole that you reveal yourself to be. Scratch an anti-abortionist and you find an ignorant ill-informed asshole who really hates women and wants to "punish" women for having sex. "Slutty unmarried leftist women with the morals of alley cats".

Most women have ONE abortion in their lives. the ONLY woman I know who used abortion as a form of birth control, was a avowed conservative who told me she was ashamed that her friend marched in a pro-choice rally, at the head of the march, holding the banner, while 6 months pregnant. "How could you DO that?".

60% of the women getting abortions are married and already have one or more children. They cant afford another child. They can't afford to lose their low wage jobs when their boss finds out they're pregnant. They don't have health care. Studies of women who tried to get an abortion and failed (for various reasons) shows that virtually none of these women or their children, were better off because of it. Many were homeless.

Women of means will always get an abortion. Even when I was growing up and abortion was illegal, rich women went to Sweden, or Japan, or some other country where abortion was legal. My conservative friend who is my age, had her first abortion in Japan, when she was a teenager. The ONLY women who don't get an abortion, are poor women.

20 years after Roe v Wade, the crime rate in the USA dropped by more than 15%, and it kept going down, by 1% a year, for an extended period. The conclusion was that with fewer babies being born to poor women, because they had a "choice", poor women were opting to have abortions of babies they couldn't care for or afford. Unwanted children grow up knowing they're not wanted, and they don't thrive without having their physical and emotion needs met are tomorrow's uncaring and unfeeling criminals.

There are just so many ways that denying women their reproductive rights is just so wrong, and unproductive on every single level. It has nothing to do the picture of uncaring wanton women disposing of the results of their partying lifestyle that the rabid right has been painting of these women.

"The problem is loose slutty unmarried leftwing women with the morals of alley cats who have abortions as easily as your or I go through the drive-thru at McDonald's. "

The problem is that the idea of women being responsible for their own lives is completely odious to men who seek to control women out of fear or hate. That men who know nothing about women's bodies or reproductive care have made proper care of pregnant women, illegal, in the event there are problems with the pregnancy, and there are problems in at least 20% of women's pregnancies. So they are letting the women suffer and possibly die to conform to the law that they cannot abort a fetus with a heartbeat.
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In the world of conservatives, a fetus does not exist. Just babies, happy little children playing in mother's womb until the murdering abortionist kills them.

The fact is a fetus is a baby in the making. 90% of abortions occur before the end of the first trimester. Many of the organs have not even developed at that point. Yet, conservatives rave on about murdering babies.
You can't pick some arbitrary developmental marker and use that as the cut off point for when life begins. Life begins at the moment of conception.
Brilliant political move by the Democrats, trying to force a referendum on abortion though congress.

If they succeed, voters see that Democrats are a force for good.

If they fail, voters see that Republicans are a force for evil.
You can't pick some arbitrary developmental marker and use that as the cut off point for when life begins. Life begins at the moment of conception.
Given that sperm and egg are alive, that's clearly a delusional statement.

This is where you pick a completely arbitary developmental marker, and then you pretend is isn't completely arbitrary. Please proceed.
Spoken like misgynistic asshole that you reveal yourself to be. Scratch an anti-abortionist and you find an ignorant ill-informed asshole who really hates women and wants to "punish" women for having sex.
If women want sex, they need to marry a man. No marriage? No sex. It's that simple.
The ONLY woman I know who used abortion as a form of birth control, was a avowed conservative
Oh, of course. Someone who opposes abortion is the only one you know who got an abortion. At least make up believable lies.
60% of the women getting abortions are married and already have one or more children.
This is just a flat out lie. 84% of abortions are by unmarried women for the sake of convenience who shouldn't be having sex anyway.
They cant afford another child. They can't afford to lose their low wage jobs when their boss finds out they're pregnant. They don't have health care. Studies of women who tried to get an abortion and failed (for various reasons) shows that virtually none of these women or their children, were better off because of it. Many were homeless.
Oh well. Don't have sex then. Stop shacking up. Get married.
Women of means will always get an abortion. Even when I was growing up and abortion was illegal, rich women went to Sweden, or Japan, or some other country where abortion was legal. My conservative friend who is my age, had her first abortion in Japan, when she was a teenager. The ONLY women who don't get an abortion, are poor women.
So all those colored women having abortions are rich? Then why are PP's always located in the ghetto?
20 years after Roe v Wade, the crime rate in the USA dropped by more than 15%, and it kept going down, by 1% a year, for an extended period. The conclusion was that with fewer babies being born to poor women, because they had a "choice", poor women were opting to have abortions of babies they couldn't care for or afford. Unwanted children grow up knowing they're not wanted, and they don't thrive without having their physical and emotion needs met are tomorrow's uncaring and unfeeling criminals.
Spoken like Margaret Sanger. Exterminate those black babies so they can't commit crimes, huh? Such wonderful liberal 'compassion'.
There are just so many ways that denying women their reproductive rights is just so wrong, and unproductive on every single level.
Hon, it's not about women's bodies or desire for convenience or whatever; it's about the rights of the little babies to live.
Given that sperm and egg are alive, that's clearly a delusional statement.

This is where you pick a completely arbitary developmental marker, and then you pretend is isn't completely arbitrary. Please proceed.
A sperm will never develop into an adult human. An egg will never develop into an adult human. A newly conceived zygote WILL develop into an adult human.
Brilliant political move by the Democrats, trying to force a referendum on abortion though congress.

If they succeed, voters see that Democrats are a force for good.

If they fail, voters see that Republicans are a force for evil.
Baby killers are not forces for good.
One thing to consider is the low quality and irresponsibility of the POSSCOTUS gesture of passing it to the states, which does signal Alito's anti-American MO. Alito is the piece of shit who is aware that the leak was a distraction from the Ukraine pathology, a 70-year-long CIA-sponsored pathology that has almost brought the world to the verge of nuclear holocaust. But the psychopath POSSCOTUS closest to the CIA is Gorsuch.
Let's please speak respectfully of the esteemed Justice Alito.
If you think babies are being killed, you should report it to the police.

But you don't think that. You're lying for the cult, and because you get a sick pervy thrill from hating.
I sure as hell will when abortion becomes illegal in my state. Until then, the police won't do anything.
If women want sex, they need to marry a man. No marriage? No sex. It's that simple.
Normal people don't concern themselves with the sex lives of other people.

Control freak pervs do.

poken like Margaret Sanger. Exterminate those black babies so they can't commit crimes, huh? Such wonderful liberal 'compassion'.
Do your really think you're the first pro-liar to lie about Sanger like that? Come on. I've been watching you servants of the Lord of Lies do that for over thirty years now. That's why a special place in Hell has been created for you.
Absolutely delusional, given that I can trace my development back to a sperm. That sperm clearly developed into me.
A sperm can only develop into an old sperm. A sperm is not a baby, nor can it ever be.
Normal people don't concern themselves with the sex lives of other people.

Control freak pervs do.

Do your really think you're the first pro-liar to lie about Sanger like that? Come on. I've been watching you servants of the Lord of Lies do that for over thirty years now. That's why a special place in Hell has been created for you.
Shall I pull out direct quotes from Sanger?
And sexual immorality harms all of society, so it most certainly IS my business what others do.
I've been watching you servants of the Lord of Lies do that for over thirty years now. That's why a special place in Hell has been created for you.
It's comical that atheists think just because I am a practicing Catholic Christian and nice guy, that means I shouldn't object forcefully to their pushing evil.

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