Uneducated whites need an advocate

That is the false narrative you and the Liberal leadership and the media have created to explain Trump's broad support. The narrative is absurd because it is impossible for Trump to be within a few points of Clinton nationally with his only support being uneducated white men.

You and the Liberal machine have to control the narrative to convince the huge uninformed Democratic voting block to vote for the corrupt and incompetent Clinton. It's similar to how you label Black Trump supporters as "Uncle Toms". I'm an engineer and work with predominantly white and college degreed men and I can tell you Hillary supporters are at most 1 in 3. No I don't work at a University where I am sure it's 10 to 1 for Hillary.
Why are people so sensitive and offended by the idea that uneducated whites need an advocate? Many demographics that face challenges and discrimination have advocates.
Uneducated whites is a new demographic that is suffering more than the average person. They can use advocates. I see many angry when the see other demographics receiving help and they are not. I understand their anger.
Most whites have a life altering experience when they have to face reality. They are subject to cognitive dissonance and hate any possibility that they are not supreme and in no need of an advocate.

Gee... stereotype much when it comes to race?
Obviously you dont understand what the word "most" means.
That is the false narrative you and the Liberal leadership and the media have created to explain Trump's broad support. The narrative is absurd because it is impossible for Trump to be within a few points of Clinton nationally with his only support being uneducated white men.

You and the Liberal machine have to control the narrative to convince the huge uninformed Democratic voting block to vote for the corrupt and incompetent Clinton. It's similar to how you label Black Trump supporters as "Uncle Toms". I'm an engineer and work with predominantly white and college degreed men and I can tell you Hillary supporters are at most 1 in 3. No I don't work at a University where I am sure it's 10 to 1 for Hillary.
Why are people so sensitive and offended by the idea that uneducated whites need an advocate? Many demographics that face challenges and discrimination have advocates.
Uneducated whites is a new demographic that is suffering more than the average person. They can use advocates. I see many angry when the see other demographics receiving help and they are not. I understand their anger.
Most whites have a life altering experience when they have to face reality. They are subject to cognitive dissonance and hate any possibility that they are not supreme and in no need of an advocate.

Gee... stereotype much when it comes to race?
Obviously you dont understand what the word "most" means.

So if I make some comment about most blacks, that's be OK?

Uneducated whites are at a disadvantage in today's society. The main reason is they do not have the job skills for the 21st century.
Many groups find themselves in a disadvantaged situation for various reasons, racial minorities, women, gays etc. They all have an advocate for their cause.
Uneducated whites did not until Donald Trump. But is he the advocate they need. I say he is a false prophet. He is saying putting others down will put the uneducated whites up.
Uneducated whites need to be told to get the job skills for the 21st century. They need to be told you are not guaranteed anything just because you are white but you have equal rights and opportunity.
He is for all Americans, even your dumbass.
Yeah. Keep telling yourself that. The only thing trump is all for is himself. Do you really think he gives a flying fuck about any of the peons below him?

And Hillary does?

You can't be serious.
Try to stay focused. The subject here is trump, and yes I am serious. He doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself, least of all his bootlicking supporters; they are just useful idiots as far as he is concerned.
I agree, that all Trump cares about is himself. I think he is taking the uneducated white voters for a ride. He is using them. These people do need help but Trump is only providing empty promises.
That is the false narrative you and the Liberal leadership and the media have created to explain Trump's broad support. The narrative is absurd because it is impossible for Trump to be within a few points of Clinton nationally with his only support being uneducated white men.

You and the Liberal machine have to control the narrative to convince the huge uninformed Democratic voting block to vote for the corrupt and incompetent Clinton. It's similar to how you label Black Trump supporters as "Uncle Toms". I'm an engineer and work with predominantly white and college degreed men and I can tell you Hillary supporters are at most 1 in 3. No I don't work at a University where I am sure it's 10 to 1 for Hillary.
Why are people so sensitive and offended by the idea that uneducated whites need an advocate? Many demographics that face challenges and discrimination have advocates.
Uneducated whites is a new demographic that is suffering more than the average person. They can use advocates. I see many angry when the see other demographics receiving help and they are not. I understand their anger.
Most whites have a life altering experience when they have to face reality. They are subject to cognitive dissonance and hate any possibility that they are not supreme and in no need of an advocate.

Gee... stereotype much when it comes to race?
Obviously you dont understand what the word "most" means.

So if I make some comment about most blacks, that's be OK?

Yes its OK. Why would what you say bother me? You are only doing something most whites do anyway.
According to Hillary's leaked e-mails, she wants to be the advocate for those 'f*ing stupid young people'.
Most blacks are __________________________

Yeah, that's way cool. :lmao:
If you want to provide figures that African Americans in the USA have a higher unemployment rate than the average citizen that is fine. Every African American has a different situation but advocate groups look to see why more African Americans are unemployed and what they can do about t.
The same analysis can be done for uneducated whites. Each individual is different but the demographic group is under employed, what can be done about it.
According to Hillary's leaked e-mails, she wants to be the advocate for those 'f*ing stupid young people'.
Uneducated whites are feeling left out of main stream opportunity like other demographic groups have, racial minorities, gays, women etc.
Every individual is different in each demographic group but we must deal in a plurality not by the individual.
What you call "corporate welfare" is doled out to "companies" like SOLYNDRA by uber selfish political hacks like Obama.

Without real corporate profits, there would be no money to fund your welfare check...
Uneducated whites are at a disadvantage in today's society. The main reason is they do not have the job skills for the 21st century.
Many groups find themselves in a disadvantaged situation for various reasons, racial minorities, women, gays etc. They all have an advocate for their cause.
Uneducated whites did not until Donald Trump. But is he the advocate they need. I say he is a false prophet. He is saying putting others down will put the uneducated whites up.
Uneducated whites need to be told to get the job skills for the 21st century. They need to be told you are not guaranteed anything just because you are white but you have equal rights and opportunity.
He is for all Americans, even your dumbass.
Yeah. Keep telling yourself that. The only thing trump is all for is himself. Do you really think he gives a flying fuck about any of the peons below him?

And Hillary does?

You can't be serious.
Try to stay focused. The subject here is trump, and yes I am serious. He doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself, least of all his bootlicking supporters; they are just useful idiots as far as he is concerned.
I agree, that all Trump cares about is himself. I think he is taking the uneducated white voters for a ride. He is using them. These people do need help but Trump is only providing empty promises.
It's a source of perpetual frustration for me that such a large percentage of our nation falls into the useful idiot category. They buy into the notion that corporations would just love to bring back all those jobs they shipped off to third world shit holes except for the egregious taxes that the US levies (never mind that even the poorest here couldn't live on the slave wages they'd pay to justify the move). Or that Wall Street scumbags are the productive geniuses that keep our economy moving (never mind that they don't actually produce anything). Or that CEOs are entitled to 2000x the average wage being paid to their employees.

Yup, Trump has his constituency nailed.
That is the false narrative you and the Liberal leadership and the media have created to explain Trump's broad support. The narrative is absurd because it is impossible for Trump to be within a few points of Clinton nationally with his only support being uneducated white men.

You and the Liberal machine have to control the narrative to convince the huge uninformed Democratic voting block to vote for the corrupt and incompetent Clinton. It's similar to how you label Black Trump supporters as "Uncle Toms". I'm an engineer and work with predominantly white and college degreed men and I can tell you Hillary supporters are at most 1 in 3. No I don't work at a University where I am sure it's 10 to 1 for Hillary.
Why are people so sensitive and offended by the idea that uneducated whites need an advocate? Many demographics that face challenges and discrimination have advocates.
Uneducated whites is a new demographic that is suffering more than the average person. They can use advocates. I see many angry when the see other demographics receiving help and they are not. I understand their anger.
many of those "uneducated" whites will do jobs that educated people will not do......just sayin....
Uneducated whites are at a disadvantage in today's society. The main reason is they do not have the job skills for the 21st century.
Many groups find themselves in a disadvantaged situation for various reasons, racial minorities, women, gays etc. They all have an advocate for their cause.
Uneducated whites did not until Donald Trump. But is he the advocate they need. I say he is a false prophet. He is saying putting others down will put the uneducated whites up.
Uneducated whites need to be told to get the job skills for the 21st century. They need to be told you are not guaranteed anything just because you are white but you have equal rights and opportunity.
That is a foreign concept to most whites. Theyve never had to work hard against the competition which is why Drumpf has the support he does.

Because you know and understand the white experience, correct? If I said something ignorant like that about blacks, you'd be calling me racist.
I'm just repeating what I have observed and been told to me by other white people. When I was in the job market whites frequently displayed outrage when I got the position they thought would just be handed to them.

Don't pretend to know what it's like to be white you racist. Table turned.
What you call "corporate welfare" is doled out to "companies" like SOLYNDRA by uber selfish political hacks like Obama.

Without real corporate profits, there would be no money to fund your welfare check...
What is your point? The financial institutions have received the most corporate welfare over the past decade.
The government needs to help business and individuals.
When individuals and buinesses take advantage of the help, it needs to stop.
This mentality it is "the other guy (the other party)" that is causing the problem is bullshit.
It is all of our problem. Not taking accountability is what puts businesses and individuals on unnecessary government welfare.
Your attitude of it is the other guys fault, is a mentality of not taking accountability.
The financial institutions have received the most corporate welfare over the past decade.

Typical. It starts with BIG GOVERNMENT sticking its grubby hands into business better left to the private sector. The government, Fannie and Freddie, started INSURING MORTGAGES... and they NEVER SHOULD have done that - leave that to the PRIVATE SECTOR. As FRANKLIN RAINES made hundreds of millions of dollars creating a DEPRESSION, no Dem had any outrage that his entity was BADLY UNDERPRICING that insurance.

The train wreck starts there and ends with a CHOSEN bailout of just how CHOSEN your firm was.

For the most CHOSEN like Baer Stearns, you got $10 per share for your worthless stock courtesy of CHOOSE 'em BEN BERNANKE.

For other firms less CHOSEN, you got much less help, and your shareholders got wiped...

GET THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR. There was never a housing crash of this magnitude prior to BIG GOVERNMENT insuring risky mortgages...
What you call "corporate welfare" is doled out to "companies" like SOLYNDRA by uber selfish political hacks like Obama.

Without real corporate profits, there would be no money to fund your welfare check...
What is your point? The financial institutions have received the most corporate welfare over the past decade.
The government needs to help business and individuals.
When individuals and buinesses take advantage of the help, it needs to stop.
This mentality it is "the other guy (the other party)" that is causing the problem is bullshit.
It is all of our problem. Not taking accountability is what puts businesses and individuals on unnecessary government welfare.
Your attitude of it is the other guys fault, is a mentality of not taking accountability.
When individuals and buinesses take advantage of the help, it needs to stop.
and there you have it.....people who take advantage of a program and milk it for all they can....good point Mudd.....

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