Uneducated whites need an advocate

That is the false narrative you and the Liberal leadership and the media have created to explain Trump's broad support. The narrative is absurd because it is impossible for Trump to be within a few points of Clinton nationally with his only support being uneducated white men.

You and the Liberal machine have to control the narrative to convince the huge uninformed Democratic voting block to vote for the corrupt and incompetent Clinton. It's similar to how you label Black Trump supporters as "Uncle Toms". I'm an engineer and work with predominantly white and college degreed men and I can tell you Hillary supporters are at most 1 in 3. No I don't work at a University where I am sure it's 10 to 1 for Hillary.
Why are people so sensitive and offended by the idea that uneducated whites need an advocate? Many demographics that face challenges and discrimination have advocates.
Uneducated whites is a new demographic that is suffering more than the average person. They can use advocates. I see many angry when the see other demographics receiving help and they are not. I understand their anger.
many of those "uneducated" whites will do jobs that educated people will not do......just sayin....
--------------------------------------------------------- and they will do those jobs very well because they can , nothing wrong with honest but dirty work is there . The college educatd would just be standing around picking their noses because they don't know how to work HarryD !!
I have plenty of college educated friends who have chosen to do jobs that do not require a college education. And they do a good job. The difference being if the job goes away they have oyther opportunities to fall back on.
Those who have a skill that is no longer in demand can learn new skills that are in demand but they may need help in knowing what the skills are and where to receive training.

No matter what your education, if you are willing to work hard you should be able to make a good living
Then why do you not understand how a derivative works?

Laughable. Where's that tactic in the Hillary Shill Handbook, page 43?

It would be hilarious to have a quiz on derivatives given to you and I, assuming it wasn't scored by a Soros voting machine.

You REALLY want to discuss the plight of the uneducated or just play race politics?

I think the plight of uneducated white voters who are alienated by changing racial demographics and a global economic system that no longer needs there skills is a real problem, apart from whatever racial issues it suggests.

And you gotta love our politicians for exploiting their insecurities by making false promises. The fact that these poor Republican Voters think that Washington can save them is unfortunate, but not surprising when you consider how deeply trusting Republicans are of their chosen presidential nominees.

You don't find it the least bit ironic that a billionaire who gets his steel from China and his ties made in Mexico is promising to bring their jobs back? Capitalists want profit, which is what they get when Nike sneakers - for instance - are made for pennies by Taiwanese peasants. Capitalists like Trump are not going to pay 1st world labor costs. Trump knows this very well, but - and here is the problem - he has found a voting block that is easily fooled because they trust their political leaders so deeply. This is clearly a con job, but I realize that most people are voting against Hillary as opposed to for Trump - and that his specific claims/promises are not that important.
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Guys like Trump find ways to screw people using the regulations or lack of regulations

You are trying to equate arguments over construction contracts to that which put the US in depression and cost the taxpayer $4 trillion....

What are you talking about LaWhoever.
If you are a CFA, I am the Pope.
That is the false narrative you and the Liberal leadership and the media have created to explain Trump's broad support. The narrative is absurd because it is impossible for Trump to be within a few points of Clinton nationally with his only support being uneducated white men.

You and the Liberal machine have to control the narrative to convince the huge uninformed Democratic voting block to vote for the corrupt and incompetent Clinton. It's similar to how you label Black Trump supporters as "Uncle Toms". I'm an engineer and work with predominantly white and college degreed men and I can tell you Hillary supporters are at most 1 in 3. No I don't work at a University where I am sure it's 10 to 1 for Hillary.
Why are people so sensitive and offended by the idea that uneducated whites need an advocate? Many demographics that face challenges and discrimination have advocates.
Uneducated whites is a new demographic that is suffering more than the average person. They can use advocates. I see many angry when the see other demographics receiving help and they are not. I understand their anger.
many of those "uneducated" whites will do jobs that educated people will not do......just sayin....
--------------------------------------------------------- and they will do those jobs very well because they can , nothing wrong with honest but dirty work is there . The college educatd would just be standing around picking their noses because they don't know how to work HarryD !!
I have plenty of college educated friends who have chosen to do jobs that do not require a college education. And they do a good job. The difference being if the job goes away they have oyther opportunities to fall back on.
Those who have a skill that is no longer in demand can learn new skills that are in demand but they may need help in knowing what the skills are and where to receive training.

No matter what your education, if you are willing to work hard you should be able to make a good living
--------------------------------------------- honest workers will never be jobless if they are willing to work . The difference with college educated is their yuge COLLEGE DEBT and these millennials think that they are too SPECIAL to work and get sweaty and dirty Elmer .
That is the false narrative you and the Liberal leadership and the media have created to explain Trump's broad support. The narrative is absurd because it is impossible for Trump to be within a few points of Clinton nationally with his only support being uneducated white men.

You and the Liberal machine have to control the narrative to convince the huge uninformed Democratic voting block to vote for the corrupt and incompetent Clinton. It's similar to how you label Black Trump supporters as "Uncle Toms". I'm an engineer and work with predominantly white and college degreed men and I can tell you Hillary supporters are at most 1 in 3. No I don't work at a University where I am sure it's 10 to 1 for Hillary.
Why are people so sensitive and offended by the idea that uneducated whites need an advocate? Many demographics that face challenges and discrimination have advocates.
Uneducated whites is a new demographic that is suffering more than the average person. They can use advocates. I see many angry when the see other demographics receiving help and they are not. I understand their anger.
many of those "uneducated" whites will do jobs that educated people will not do......just sayin....
--------------------------------------------------------- and they will do those jobs very well because they can , nothing wrong with honest but dirty work is there . The college educatd would just be standing around picking their noses because they don't know how to work HarryD !!
I have plenty of college educated friends who have chosen to do jobs that do not require a college education. And they do a good job. The difference being if the job goes away they have oyther opportunities to fall back on.
Those who have a skill that is no longer in demand can learn new skills that are in demand but they may need help in knowing what the skills are and where to receive training.

No matter what your education, if you are willing to work hard you should be able to make a good living
--------------------------------------------- honest workers will never be jobless if they are willing to work . The difference with college educated is their yuge COLLEGE DEBT and these millennials think that they are too SPECIAL to work and get sweaty and dirty Elmer .
What do you have against college grads, pissmoe.
They work very hard for their degrees.
People with degrees should not look down on those without degrees and those without degrees should not look down on those with degrees.
It sounds to me, pissmoe, that you are one of those who trys to make yourself better by putting others down.
And another thread veers off into the weeds. The point is Democrats have created a fantasy that Trump is only supported by uneducated Whites males belonging to the order of the "Alt-Right", Whatever the hell that is. That is a fantasy to make Liberals feel better about themselves and their choice of the most corrupt incompetent candidate is US history.
Why are people so sensitive and offended by the idea that uneducated whites need an advocate? Many demographics that face challenges and discrimination have advocates.
Uneducated whites is a new demographic that is suffering more than the average person. They can use advocates. I see many angry when the see other demographics receiving help and they are not. I understand their anger.
many of those "uneducated" whites will do jobs that educated people will not do......just sayin....
--------------------------------------------------------- and they will do those jobs very well because they can , nothing wrong with honest but dirty work is there . The college educatd would just be standing around picking their noses because they don't know how to work HarryD !!
I have plenty of college educated friends who have chosen to do jobs that do not require a college education. And they do a good job. The difference being if the job goes away they have oyther opportunities to fall back on.
Those who have a skill that is no longer in demand can learn new skills that are in demand but they may need help in knowing what the skills are and where to receive training.

No matter what your education, if you are willing to work hard you should be able to make a good living
--------------------------------------------- honest workers will never be jobless if they are willing to work . The difference with college educated is their yuge COLLEGE DEBT and these millennials think that they are too SPECIAL to work and get sweaty and dirty Elmer .
What do you have against college grads, pissmoe.
They work very hard for their degrees.
People with degrees should not look down on those without degrees and those without degrees should not look down on those with degrees.
It sounds to me, pissmoe, that you are one of those who trys to make yourself better by putting others down.
----------------------------------------------------------------- no problem with college degrees that are useful and that can be used to support ones self and to payoff YUGE college debt [chuckle] . I am also aware of the dummies that have no common sense yet they have college degrees . Hey , look who these college grads put in office for the last 8 years and they are now cheering for 'hillary' Clinton and that just shows the stupidity of college grads , millennials that are supposed to be educated and smarter than the non degree holders Elmer . Heck , watch the stupidity of young college age millennials on Watters World , a segment on 'o'reily' where Watters interviews the college aged , some degree holders and kids that have graduated from public schools and are getting ready for college Elmer .
many of those "uneducated" whites will do jobs that educated people will not do......just sayin....
--------------------------------------------------------- and they will do those jobs very well because they can , nothing wrong with honest but dirty work is there . The college educatd would just be standing around picking their noses because they don't know how to work HarryD !!
I have plenty of college educated friends who have chosen to do jobs that do not require a college education. And they do a good job. The difference being if the job goes away they have oyther opportunities to fall back on.
Those who have a skill that is no longer in demand can learn new skills that are in demand but they may need help in knowing what the skills are and where to receive training.

No matter what your education, if you are willing to work hard you should be able to make a good living
--------------------------------------------- honest workers will never be jobless if they are willing to work . The difference with college educated is their yuge COLLEGE DEBT and these millennials think that they are too SPECIAL to work and get sweaty and dirty Elmer .
What do you have against college grads, pissmoe.
They work very hard for their degrees.
People with degrees should not look down on those without degrees and those without degrees should not look down on those with degrees.
It sounds to me, pissmoe, that you are one of those who trys to make yourself better by putting others down.
----------------------------------------------------------------- no problem with college degrees that are useful and that can be used to support ones self and to payoff YUGE college debt [chuckle] . I am also aware of the dummies that have no common sense yet they have college degrees . Hey , look who these college grads put in office for the last 8 years and they are now cheering for 'hillary' Clinton and that just shows the stupidity of college grads , millennials that are supposed to be educated and smarter than the non degree holders Elmer . Heck , watch the stupidity of young college age millennials on Watters World , a segment on 'o'reily' where Watters interviews the college aged , some degree holders and kids that have graduated from public schools and are getting ready for college Elmer .
Maybe the new generations know some things the older generations do not.
I say that as a member of an old generation
you make no sense with your last statement in post number 119 Elmer !!

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