Under The Signs Of Islam

Funny, when he spoke at Georgetown University he insisted that the cross be covered.


Obama Visits Mosque: ‘Islam Has Always Been Part of America’ - Breitbart

Cue up the xenophobia...

The cross in America is becoming meaningless. The only true "Christians" left are the moderate Catholics and Episcopalians.

The rest are too far removed from Christ and his teachings.
Werent many of the slaves Muslim ?
Only the Muslim ones...
Cheers.I know that Kunta Kinte was because he wouldnt have any pork. Im not sure the constitution allowed him freedom of thought though ?
You remember that damn show from 1977?
I have the DVD.Fiddler offered Kunta some pork and he knocked it back. Fiddler got it straight away. roots was probably the most important tv series ever.
Werent many of the slaves Muslim ?

Maybe, then again it was the black African muslims that started the transatlantic/trans-sahara slave trade. Most, if not ALL of the slaves shipped to America were in fact already SLAVES. Enslaved peoples from territories conquered by muslims. The number of people enslaved by Muslims has been a hotly debated topic, especially when the millions of Africans forced from their homelands are considered.

Some historians estimate that between A.D. 650 and 1900, 10 to 20 million people were enslaved by Arab slave traders. Others believe over 20 million enslaved Africans alone had been delivered through the trans-Sahara route alone to the Islamic world.

Dr. John Alembellah Azumah in his 2001 book, The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa estimates that over 80 million Black people more died en route.

Such sobering facts for the ignorant white Christian hating left wing asshole.
I only have praise for our beloved Pres. Obama visiting the mosque.

He knows that America's future is Islam.

Unlikely short of all-out war, in which case they can have what's left of the planet until it dies off. :laugh:
Obama Visits Mosque: ‘Islam Has Always Been Part of America’ - Breitbart

Can someone tell Obama to sit down and shut the fuck up?

I don't know what irritates me more about Obama, the fact that he is a Communist, or the fact that he is a Muslim.

The combination of these apparently opposite loyalties makes Obama's words and deeds appear bizarre to regular folks, but they make good sense to the liberal left, who want to destroy America and doesn't care how it's done.

Godless society under Communism?

Or theocratic dictatorship under Islam?

Liberals will take either.

When Obama becomes a former President, he will still wield enormous influence as the guy who you will have to deal with to avoid riots in the cities and the random destruction of property.

Imagine Al Sharpton, magnified ten-fold, as a prelude of what a monster Obama will become.

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