Zone1 Unbeliever: You Are Responsible


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
From pastor James Johnston:

"If you are not a believer, you are responsible for what the skies above have been telling you since the day you were born. You ought to worship God. The apostle Paul writes in Romans 1:20--'For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made, so they are without excuse.'"

And from Psalm 19:

"The heavens declare the glory of God
And the sky above proclaims His handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech
And night to night reveals knowledge."

Note that there is a message in the beauty, wonder, and majesty of the heavens. Do not miss it. Today is the day of salvation!
He explains his reasoning further in the first quote. It comes from Romans 1: God's divine nature is revealed in creation, so man is "without excuse".
People that have never known cannot be held responsible.

It's not my call to make, nor that preacher's.
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It's in the verse from Romans 1. The preacher is paraphrasing.
Interpreting incorrectly. I need to get out of your thread because I don't want to argue with you.

I like ya. I've said my piece and I'm out. I do know you mean well.
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From pastor James Johnston:

"If you are not a believer, you are responsible for what the skies above have been telling you since the day you were born. You ought to worship God. The apostle Paul writes in Romans 1:20--'For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made, so they are without excuse.'"

And from Psalm 19:

"The heavens declare the glory of God
And the sky above proclaims His handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech
And night to night reveals knowledge."

Note that there is a message in the beauty, wonder, and majesty of the heavens. Do not miss it. Today is the day of salvation!

Yawn... today we have space shuttles and computers... we don't need to quiver before the sky we've conquered.
Interpreting incorrectly. I need to get out of your thread because I don't want to argue with you.

I like ya. I've said my piece and I'm out. I do know you mean well.

Okay...although I don't take "arguing" over these things personally. Thanks for the kind words, same goes!
Paul was an obsessed man who invented and built a religion using the humble Essene monk as his propaganda material . Its ending badly for the Cultists but you cannot hide truth forever .

If you mean that the world will end badly--you're right.
Why would anyone worship a God that allows so much evil to be carried out in his name all throughout history?

The fact that we are evil is why Jesus had to come. That's first. Second, this isn't Heaven--yet
All the evil I spoke of happened after Jesus. What was the point of him being born?

God is perfectly Holy in Himself. He cannot change this; it is inherent in His Being.

Perfect Holiness cannot abide with sin. Not a single stain of it.

But we are sinful. There's nothing we can do about that; we cannot be "good enough for long enough" to do anything about it.

God cannot wave a "magic wand" to make sin just "go away" because then Justice is not served. He is also Just.

So He sent a substitute to take on our "prison sentence"--to pay our penalty. His own Son. In that way, He takes on the penalty and we get the release from 'jail'. The payment for sin is met.

Jesus said on the Cross, "It is finished"--meaning, His death is enough once and for all to atone for Sin.

But history is not finished, and since our world is fallen, we are still surrounded by evil and sin. The point of Him being born is to redeem us in THIS life so that we may be with Him in the next.
God is perfectly Holy in Himself. He cannot change this; it is inherent in His Being.

Perfect Holiness cannot abide with sin. Not a single stain of it.

But we are sinful. There's nothing we can do about that; we cannot be "good enough for long enough" to do anything about it.

God cannot wave a "magic wand" to make sin just "go away" because then Justice is not served. He is also Just.

So He sent a substitute to take on our "prison sentence"--to pay our penalty. His own Son. In that way, He takes on the penalty and we get the release from 'jail'. The payment for sin is met.

Jesus said on the Cross, "It is finished"--meaning, His death is enough once and for all to atone for Sin.

But history is not finished, and since our world is fallen, we are still surrounded by evil and sin. The point of Him being born is to redeem us in THIS life so that we may be with Him in the next.
It is painfully obvious that we will not agree. Since you are one of the few right leaning posters (maybe the only one) that I actually like, I’m not going to press the issue, except to say that I will never worship a god that demands that I do.
It is painfully obvious that we will not agree. Since you are one of the few right leaning posters (maybe the only one) that I actually like, I’m not going to press the issue, except to say that I will never worship a god that demands that I do.
Then you will never receive the blessings intended just for you on this earth.

You have the free will to do just exactly that, or other things.

God, for everything that he is, leaves it all up to you.

He did create this world and everything in it, and it does run just like clockwork.

I bet some of your native elders know all about it.
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It is painfully obvious that we will not agree. Since you are one of the few right leaning posters (maybe the only one) that I actually like, I’m not going to press the issue, except to say that I will never worship a god that demands that I do.

Fair and same. To be clear, though, He is not demanding you worship Him. I mean here you are, not worshipping Him.

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