UN just passed 7 ANTI-ISRAEL Resolutions, one of them denying Israel access to the Temple Mount.

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Kind of doubt the UN will back up their BS with UN troops. Means nothing except the UN being the UN.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Kind of doubt the UN will back up their BS with UN troops. Means nothing except the UN being the UN.
There are pros and cons about Israel. There is however several million people living there. They do not deserve to be in harms way. I at times questioned the United States relationship as if Israel had a say in our government operations. When Obama was elected the whole Middle East situation inverted. Watching a sitting President crapping on the Israeli President visiting D.C. with Repub only in the Congress listening to his speech was eerie. The UN has more power then is let on.
Luke 21:20-28
New King James Version

The Destruction of Jerusalem(A)
20 (B)ā€œBut when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. 22 For these are the days of vengeance, that (C)all things which are written may be fulfilled. 23 (D)But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! For there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. 24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles (E)until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
The Coming of the Son of Man(F)
25 (G)ā€œAnd there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 menā€™s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, (H)for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then they will see the Son of Man (I)coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because (J)you
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Jews have been living there since before Islam existed, by thousands of years.

Israel is not going to walk into the sea just because you're butthurt.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

The Temple ruins had been abandoned for over 500 years before the al Aqsa mosque was built.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Jews have been living there since before Islam existed, by thousands of years.

Israel is not going to walk into the sea just because you're butthurt.

And Arabs have lived there since Abraham.
Last edited:
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

The Temple ruins had been abandoned for over 500 years before the al Aksa osque was built.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Jews have been living there since before Islam existed, by thousands of years.

Israel is not going to walk into the sea just because you're butthurt.

And Arabs have lived there since Abraham.
Arab Schmarab.

Israel was given the birth right, inheritance and The Covenant with God.

Ishmael was given the Arab Lands.

Go back home to where you belong.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
It's not my problem when people like you invite curses from God.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

The Temple ruins had been abandoned for over 500 years before the al Aksa osque was built.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Jews have been living there since before Islam existed, by thousands of years.

Israel is not going to walk into the sea just because you're butthurt.

And Arabs have lived there since Abraham.
Arab Schmarab.

Israel was given the birth right, inheritance and The Covenant with God.

Ishmael was given the Arab Lands.

Go back home to where you belong.

That's what the Jews claim.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

The Temple ruins had been abandoned for over 500 years before the al Aksa osque was built.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Jews have been living there since before Islam existed, by thousands of years.

Israel is not going to walk into the sea just because you're butthurt.

And Arabs have lived there since Abraham.
Arab Schmarab.

Israel was given the birth right, inheritance and The Covenant with God.

Ishmael was given the Arab Lands.

Go back home to where you belong.

That's what the Jews claim.
No, it's The Word of God's Claim, from God Himself.

Even the Opium Dealing, Caravan Raiding, Child Molesting, Murderer and Fraud Muhammad told you to respect "The People of The Book".

It's their land, and the fake Palestinians need to go back home to Egypt and Jordan.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Israel issue was settled by the league of nations, after World War II and it should stay settled. If people would quit attacking and trying to move in on them, or wipe them back off the map. Some say the league stole the land to create a place for the displaced and persecuted Jews. If it was. It was and it was and is established. I do not favor giving it back, but do favor selling the Israelis anything they would like to buy to keep it. Frank Burns, Doctor, philosopher, international statesman, and ferret faced weasel said it best. If you steal something, don't ever try to return it as it will only cause problems.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

The Temple ruins had been abandoned for over 500 years before the al Aqsa mosque was built.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Jews have been living there since before Islam existed, by thousands of years.

Israel is not going to walk into the sea just because you're butthurt.

And Arabs have lived there since Abraham.


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