UN agrees to let Iran inspect its own nuclear site. Yes, really.


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
No, this is not a satire article from The Onion.

We have actually agreed to let Iran inspect it's own nuclear site, and report back to us whether they have found any evidence they were developing a Bomb there.

I'll have to check again. This HAS to be a joke from The Onion.

In a related story, Barack Obama has agreed that Hillary Clinton can be the sole inspector to look through her own emails and tell us whether any of them were classified, or related to the American deaths in Benghazi etc.

And John Dean has agreed that Richard Nixon will be the only one allowed access to his White House tapes, to tell us whether he did anything illegal.

The only significant difference in these cases, is that neither Hillary nor Nixon has threatened to wipe other nations off the map.

Does the Obama administration actually think people will go along with this as a "legitimate inspection that puts the accusations to rest"?



AP Exclusive: UN to let Iran inspect alleged nuke work site

Aug 19, 2:03 PM EDT
Associated Press

VIENNA (AP) -- Iran, in an unusual arrangement, will be allowed to use its own experts to inspect a site it allegedly used to develop nuclear arms under a secret agreement with the U.N. agency that normally carries out such work, according to a document seen by The Associated Press.

Some countries are required to do no more than give a yearly accounting of the nuclear material they possess. But nations- like Iran - suspected of possible proliferation are under greater scrutiny that can include stringent inspections.

But the agreement diverges from normal inspection procedures between the IAEA and a member country by essentially ceding the agency's investigative authority to Iran. It allows Tehran to employ its own experts and equipment in the search for evidence for activities that it has consistently denied - trying to develop nuclear weapons.
We knew Iran and the UN had side agreements.But even the adminsitration admitted they didnt know what they were. Now we see some of them.
Coming up: Iran agrees that it will certify it is in full compliance and the UN will simply check to make sure the statement is signed.
It is outrageous. Obama is the most incompetent negotiator in history.
We knew Iran and the UN had side agreements.But even the adminsitration admitted they didnt know what they were. Now we see some of them.
Coming up: Iran agrees that it will certify it is in full compliance and the UN will simply check to make sure the statement is signed.
It is outrageous. Obama is the most incompetent negotiator in history.
He got exactly what he was aiming for, contributing to the destruction of Israel.
Hmm, seems like no liberals want to talk about this.

Who can blame them? Their hero and his administration are proving to be the country's supreme embarrassment.
I wonder why the Parchin facility was not included in the actual deal, and why this is a separate deal between Iran and the IAEA? Parchin is an actual military base, which even under the deal itself is treated differently from nuclear sites. And as the article mentions, Parchin's importance is we and the IAEA have suspected for a long time that Iran experimented with 'high explosive detonators" for nuclear weapons.
I wonder why the Parchin facility was not included in the actual deal, and why this is a separate deal between Iran and the IAEA? Parchin is an actual military base, which even under the deal itself is treated differently from nuclear sites. And as the article mentions, Parchin's importance is we and the IAEA have suspected for a long time that Iran experimented with 'high explosive detonators" for nuclear weapons.
The suspected work stopped more than ten years ago:

The IAEA has cited evidence, based on satellite images, of possible attempts to sanitize the site since the alleged work stopped more than a decade ago.

The IAEA is letting the Iranians film and photograph the site:

Iran is to provide agency experts with photos and videos of locations the IAEA says are linked to the alleged weapons work, "taking into account military concerns."

That wording suggests that - beyond being barred from physically visiting the site - the agency won't get photo or video information from areas Iran says are off-limits because they have military significance.

While the document says the IAEA "will ensure the technical authenticity" of Iran's inspection, it does not say how.
I wonder why the Parchin facility was not included in the actual deal, and why this is a separate deal between Iran and the IAEA? Parchin is an actual military base, which even under the deal itself is treated differently from nuclear sites. And as the article mentions, Parchin's importance is we and the IAEA have suspected for a long time that Iran experimented with 'high explosive detonators" for nuclear weapons.
The suspected work stopped more than ten years ago.

The IAEA has cited evidence, based on satellite images, of possible attempts to sanitize the site since the alleged work stopped more than a decade ago.

The IAEA is letting the Iranians film and photograph the site.
Yeah, I know there's been no suspicions over the factilty for years, and the suspicions were NEVER actual nuclear experiments, but rather detonators I'm just curious why it was not treated the same as other military sites. It may be that it is sort of the crown jewel of Iran's conventional military. I just don't know.
It is a military site not involved in Iran's nuclear weapons program. Those sites identified as part of the nuclear weapons program are subject to no-notice inspections.

Inspection requests for sites in the future which are suspected of being involved in a nuclear weapons program will be reviewed by the P5 +1 commission. This much is a very common component of treaties, such as the ones we had with the USSR. We were not allowed to just traipse on into any USSR military base we felt like without notice.

This Parchin facility is not even suspected as currently being part of the nuclear program. It is suspected of having been more than a decade ago.

Because it is a military site, the sovereign state of Iran does not want outsiders snooping around, spying for the West when it isn't even part of the nuclear weapons program.
I wonder why the Parchin facility was not included in the actual deal, and why this is a separate deal between Iran and the IAEA? Parchin is an actual military base, which even under the deal itself is treated differently from nuclear sites. And as the article mentions, Parchin's importance is we and the IAEA have suspected for a long time that Iran experimented with 'high explosive detonators" for nuclear weapons.

Because they don't care if Iran gets the bomb so they don't care about inspecting the sites…….this was a farce from the beginning and it will lead to more bloodshed than anyone has seen in a long time……..
There is something rather appealing in self-certification and review. If it's good enough for Iran and Hillary, then we should be able to do our own self-audits and self-regulating!
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Kerry has to be the dumbest motherfucker on planet Earth.

You mean over obama……….probably, obama wants Iran to get the bomb, kerry probably thinks he is actually doing something important…...
It is a military site not involved in Iran's nuclear weapons program. Those sites identified as part of the nuclear weapons program are subject to no-notice inspections.

Inspection requests for sites in the future which are suspected of being involved in a nuclear weapons program will be reviewed by the P5 +1 commission. This much is a very common component of treaties, such as the ones we had with the USSR. We were not allowed to just traipse on into any USSR military base we felt like without notice.

This Parchin facility is not even suspected as currently being part of the nuclear program. It is suspected of having been more than a decade ago.

Because it is a military site, the sovereign state of Iran does not want outsiders snooping around, spying for the West when it isn't even part of the nuclear weapons program.
True. I was going more with the notion that Parchin has nothing to do with nukes, and this is probably another non-story planted in the media by neocons.
It is a military site not involved in Iran's nuclear weapons program. Those sites identified as part of the nuclear weapons program are subject to no-notice inspections.

Inspection requests for sites in the future which are suspected of being involved in a nuclear weapons program will be reviewed by the P5 +1 commission. This much is a very common component of treaties, such as the ones we had with the USSR. We were not allowed to just traipse on into any USSR military base we felt like without notice.

This Parchin facility is not even suspected as currently being part of the nuclear program. It is suspected of having been more than a decade ago.

Because it is a military site, the sovereign state of Iran does not want outsiders snooping around, spying for the West when it isn't even part of the nuclear weapons program.
True. I was going more with the notion that Parchin has nothing to do with nukes, and this is probably another non-story planted in the media by neocons.

You guys are discussing this as if it is a real thing….it is a sham…..there is no deal, the inspections will be a joke, and as soon as Iran secures it's cash they will produce their bomb…on their timetable as soon as it is ready………pretending like this is anything other than a sham makes you guys seem silly…..
It is a military site not involved in Iran's nuclear weapons program. Those sites identified as part of the nuclear weapons program are subject to no-notice inspections.

Inspection requests for sites in the future which are suspected of being involved in a nuclear weapons program will be reviewed by the P5 +1 commission. This much is a very common component of treaties, such as the ones we had with the USSR. We were not allowed to just traipse on into any USSR military base we felt like without notice.

This Parchin facility is not even suspected as currently being part of the nuclear program. It is suspected of having been more than a decade ago.

Because it is a military site, the sovereign state of Iran does not want outsiders snooping around, spying for the West when it isn't even part of the nuclear weapons program.
True. I was going more with the notion that Parchin has nothing to do with nukes, and this is probably another non-story planted in the media by neocons.

You guys are discussing this as if it is a real thing….it is a sham…..there is no deal, the inspections will be a joke, and as soon as Iran secures it's cash they will produce their bomb…on their timetable as soon as it is ready………pretending like this is anything other than a sham makes you guys seem silly…..
I am discussing the facts. You are being an emotional, illogical prig.

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