Ukrainian interior ministry supports ISIS


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
As well-known USA and failed state Ukraine have a puppeteer- puppet relationship where only one US - Ambassador has more power as all Ukrainian 'policymakers' with parliament and president together.Any smallest statement needs an approval of US advisors.Right now a muckety-muck from Interior ministry calls for revenge on Russians pilots who bomb ISIS. Is it not an evidence that ISIS was created and is still supported by Muslim Hussein Obama who wishes entirely annihilation of Arabic countries and as aftermath Europa?Otherwise why this fat dumb guy openly calls for revenge on Russians?BTW Russian pilots only in one week destroyed 50 % of the entirely ISIS facilities and infrastructure.What did our Kenyan moron with faked birth certificate almost two years in region? If he knows that Putin bombs 'wrong' rebels why he did not bomb the 'true' ones?

Bravo Putin!

The story:

Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, has shared a message from a Facebook “friend” who wants to help ISIS militants take revenge on Russian military fighting terrorists in Syria under Sharia law.
Gerashchenko said he received a message on Facebook which said that “Russian propaganda channels” and Russian army in almost every report “show off” their military personnel in Syria.

The post, as well as Gerashchenko’s Facebook page, were unavailable for several hours. But later the post, as well as Gerashchenko’s page, reappeared. An image of the post can be viewed, however, thanks to a screenshot.

The link:
Top Ukraine official backs idea 'to help ISIS take revenge on Russian soldiers in Syria’

Granny ain't payin' it, she says we taxed enough as it is...

ISIS Video Warns U.S.: 'Convert to Islam' or 'You Will Have to Pay the Jizya Tax'
October 7, 2015 | The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terror group released a video on Sunday that concluded with a message for “America, the defender of the cross." “Convert to Islam, and no harm will befall you,” the narrator said, “but if you refuse, you will have to pay the jizya tax
The video depicted Christians in the recently captured western Syrian town of Qaryatayn being forced to choose between converting to Islam or signing a “dhimma” contract pledging to pay a jizya tax and be subservient to ISIS. The video was translated in part by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) and featured an ISIS member narrating the events taking place in the conquered Christian town. “Praised be Allah, who bestowed His blessings upon His supporters, and granted them victory and the conquest of the town of Qaryatayn,” the ISIS member said. “Islamic law has taken over the town, and its inhabitants from among the People of the Book became submissive.”


The narrator says the town’s Christians were given “four options.” “One, for the men to be killed and the women and children to be enslaved, two, to be exchanged [for prisoners, money, or booty], three, to be pardoned [provided they leave the Caliphate],” he says, “Four, to pay the jizya and live as dhimmis under the rule of the Caliphate.” “Some of the town's Christians converted to Islam, while others chose to sign the dhimma contract and pay the jizya tax,” he said. “They preferred to live in peace and security under Islamic rule in the Islamic State.”

The video featured scenes of an ISIS fighter throwing a cross off the roof of a church and showed the inside of a ransacked church. “The Caliph of the Muslims displayed kindness and generosity, and agreed to accept their jizya tax,” the narrator claimed, “and to allow them to live under the rule of the Caliphate as part of the dhimma contract.” “He also gave the Christians who fled the town an opportunity to return to their homes and fields within a month from the signing of the dhimma contract,” the narrator said.


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