Ukraine president appoints exiled former Georgian leader as ‘non-staff advisor’

John Marston

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2014
Ukraine’s head of state Petro Poroshenko appointed former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili as his non-staff advisor, according to a new decree.
Poroshenko appoints exiled former Georgian leader as non-staff advisor RT News

Yes, I know it`s RT, but is so ridiculous, kind of Theatre of the Absurd in European scale.
Saakashvili is wanted for trial at home, as he is accused of corruption and brutality against protesters.
I think this situation will cause a few questions for the Ukrainian president from the Georgian government
Ukraine’s head of state Petro Poroshenko appointed former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili as his non-staff advisor, according to a new decree.
Poroshenko appoints exiled former Georgian leader as non-staff advisor RT News

Yes, I know it`s RT, but is so ridiculous, kind of Theatre of the Absurd in European scale.
Saakashvili is wanted for trial at home, as he is accused of corruption and brutality against protesters.
I think this situation will cause a few questions for the Ukrainian president from the Georgian government
And I actually thought Poroshenko might be shaking off his puppet strings.

Marching Through Georgia - The New Yorker
By Wendell Steavenson. December 15, 2008 Issue
Mikheil Saakashvili, the President of Georgia, keeps late hours. During and after Georgia’s five-day war with Russia this August over the breakaway region of South Ossetia, he spent long days receiving Western dignitaries—Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, Joe Biden, Nicolas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel—and he spent his nights rallying foreign journalists to Georgia’s side, often until the early hours of the morning.​
edit: Oops, meant to grab that whole paragraph.
When I went to see him, at his office in Georgia’s new, unfinished Chancellery building, in the capital, Tbilisi, I was told to arrive “sometime after midnight.” Saakashvili’s adviser Daniel Kunin, an American in his late thirties whose salary, until recently, was paid by the United States Agency for International Development, was there to meet me. Kunin is blond, boyish-looking, and usually cheerful, but his eyes were bloodshot. “I’m afraid it’s going to be a little wait,” he said.​
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For those who do not know United States Agency for International Development, USAID, is one of the CIA's associate organizations.
More from the article previously referenced.
“There is an A.F.P. story saying that Condi Rice will announce on Thursday certain measures,” Saakashvili said to Kunin. Saakashvili has staked his country’s security on its close relationship with the United States, and he had been hoping that the Bush Administration would take action against Russia for sending its forces into Georgia.

“Yeah,” Kunin said. “I don’t know what they are going to say, though.”

“They are going to bomb! From Alaska!” Saakashvili said, smiling. (Governor Sarah Palin had been chosen as John McCain’s running mate two weeks earlier.) “Or they are going to shoot their mooses!”​
Who the fuck smiles when talking about his own country getting bombed?

Despite the Russian bullying of Georgia, most foreign observers believe that Saakashvili has been needlessly provocative. On August 7th, Saakashvili ordered a strike on Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia, after a week of escalating clashes between Georgian police and South Ossetian separatist forces, who have largely controlled the region since the fall of the Soviet Union. (South Ossetia, in the north-central part of the country, bordering Russia, has been a part of Georgia for centuries, but the Ossetians are ethnically distinct and have their own language.) Saakashvili maintains that the situation had become untenable, saying that he had received intelligence that a Russian invasion had begun, or was about to. He claims that he had no choice but to attack Tskhinvali—that it was either fight or surrender. The Russians deride this version of events, saying that Georgia acted as the aggressor, threatening the lives of Russian citizens in Tskhinvali and of Russian peacekeepers stationed there. In any event, the Russians reacted quickly and decisively, launching air attacks and sending columns of tanks into Georgia. The tanks rolled to a stop within twenty miles of Tbilisi.​
(bolding mine) Now just who do you suppose fed Saakashvili that intelligence?
Hmmm, the guy is wanted at home, and his crowning achievement is poking the bear in the eye until the bear swatted his ass into the mud.
These are the folks your government in DC thinks the world of.
Hmmm, the guy is wanted at home, and his crowning achievement is poking the bear in the eye until the bear swatted his ass into the mud.
These are the folks your government in DC thinks the world of.
That whole article is amazing. Saakashvili must have driven his Washington handlers up the friggin' wall. The guy is insanely hyperactive. I do not think Poroshenko is near as much hassle to his handlers. Poroshenko just looks like he does not want to be bothered with anything.
All holds well. All media outlets seem to be within reason solid reporting. Here is a good article with a video.
New Ukraine ceasefire is largely respected euronews world news
15/02 11:50 CET

Four-way teleconference held on Ukraine truce execution - Global Times
Xinhua Published: 2015-2-16 10:25:47
Leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine on Sunday held a teleconference, demanding a strict observance of the latest cease-fire agreement struck in Minsk, capital of Belarus.

The four leaders, namely German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, demanded at the teleconference the warring parties in eastern Ukraine execute the comprehensive cease-fire agreement, adopted by the Contact Group to facilitate peaceful settlement in eastern Ukraine, without preconditions, according to an online Kremlin statement.

They reaffirmed their joint position on the resolution of the crisis, noting that "the cease-fire must apply to the entire line of contact, including the parts in the Debaltseve area," according to a statement by Kiev cited by the Interfax news agency.​

Next deadline is the pull back of heavy weapons by 48 hours after the ceasefire began, 5:00 p.m. Monday EST, 22:00 Monday Kiev time.

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