Ukraine is Smashing the Russian Army

This..,from several days ago. It may be over already. Russia has control of much of the country.

Expect a false flag event at any moment by the West, designed to harm Russia.

Time will tell---Putin has spent a bunch of lives and a lot of his political capital and I still don't see him controlling Ukraine. I doubt that he ever will, and suspect even he does control the land eventually---the people will continue to Guerilla warfare his ass.

Think Putin is closer to being killed off by the other oligarths than controlling Ukraine at this point.
Here we go again.
Trump would have saved the world and all the dems are a failure. What a load of partisan tripe.

Is that the best youve got?
Putin played Trump like a guitar. He's blackmailed him numerous times over his whore jockeying and scam business interests in Russia. But I digress. Deep down he's a kind benevolent man. Always at church on Sundays and is well known for his broad knowledge of all international proceedings including how to settle generational conflicts.

That aside, both of you are fools.
You are an idiot trying to manipulate people. Trump kept PUtin in line--these are the facts. PUtin did not attack under Trump, but the russians did bribe Biden and Clinton and attack under both Obama and Biden. These are FACTS, which none of the shit that you posted has been based on.
In my opinion Russia may take over Ukraine but what will they have? A country with largely destroyed cities filled with guerrilla fighters willing to make the lives of the occupying Russian forces hell.

Putin would be smarter to just accept a deal where Ukraine would stay out of NATO and be a neutral nation. Then he could let Europe and the United States rebuild Ukraine. We would be happy to get involved in rebuilding as there would be enough corruption to make EVERYBODY rich except poor Ukrainians and of course American taxpayers.

Maybe Joe could send Hunter over to Ukraine again to work on some wonderful deals to enrich the Biden Family.
Ukraine isn’t going to settle for that. They are either going to be completely defeated and turn into a suppurating sore killing Russian troops, or drive the Russians completely out of Ukraine including Crimea. If they do that, Georgia will then force the Russians out of Ossetia.
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Here we go again.
Trump would have saved the world and all the dems are a failure. What a load of partisan tripe.

Is that the best youve got?
Putin played Trump like a guitar. He's blackmailed him numerous times over his whore jockeying and scam business interests in Russia. But I digress. Deep down he's a kind benevolent man. Always at church on Sundays and is well known for his broad knowledge of all international proceedings including how to settle generational conflicts.

That aside, both of you are fools.
Give me a break. Trump played Putin by playing buddy buddy just like he did with many movers and shakers to accomplish his ends in business. Trump kept Putin contained by playing to his ego and Putin has an enormous ego.
Give me a break. Trump played Putin by playing buddy buddy just like he did with many movers and shakers to accomplish his ends in business. Trump kept Putin contained by playing to his ego and Putin has an enormous ego.
Yeah sure he did but history doesn't say that.
You live in an alternative early if you believe that.
Let's see who is kissing putins arse leading up to the 2024 election.
Here's a tip. It won't be Biden.
Ukraine isn’t going to settle for that. They are either going to be completely defeated and turn into a suppurating sore killing Russian troops, or drive the Russians completely out of Ukraine including Crimea. If they do that, Georgia will then force the Russians out of Ossetia.
Time will tell. Unlike the nations we tried to rebuild after we defeated them, the Ukrainians actually want to fight for their country. How unique.
Do you support the communist attacks on Ukraine? How patriotic to freedom and democracy you are. Well don't you treasonous arsehole.
What communist attacks? Oh you somehow missed the USSR no longer exists. Lol.

Patriotic? How is believing lies patriotic?

There is the treason word again. So clearly you are a fascist. A dumb one too.
What communist attacks? Oh you somehow missed the USSR no longer exists. Lol.
In case it slipped you memory, you repigs have been referring to Russia as communist for a hundred years. Suddenly you want Biden to fail you paint them as good guys. Youre got the principles of an alley cat. Laugh at that dickhead.
Patriotic? How is believing lies patriotic?
Did you mean unpatriotic?
There is the treason word again. So clearly you are a fascist. A dumb one too.
Trump is the fascist. You know the same Trump who tried to destroy democracy and you all cheered and and expected Pelosi etc would be driven out. You supported the first time in history a fascist takeover on the capitol yet your dumb enough to call me a fascist. You don't know the meaning of the word you idiot. All you want is for democracy to be abolished so Trump can rip the country apart with support from nut cases like you.
Youre brain dead.
In my opinion Russia may take over Ukraine but what will they have? A country with largely destroyed cities filled with guerrilla fighters willing to make the lives of the occupying Russian forces hell.

Putin would be smarter to just accept a deal where Ukraine would stay out of NATO and be a neutral nation. Then he could let Europe and the United States rebuild Ukraine. We would be happy to get involved in rebuilding as there would be enough corruption to make EVERYBODY rich except poor Ukrainians and of course American taxpayers.

Maybe Joe could send Hunter over to Ukraine again to work on some wonderful deals to enrich the Biden Family.

The problem is that that is just not going to happen. The problem with war is it rapidly becomes a situation where neither side can afford to lose.

Putin not only has to win, he has to get the world to accept it and lift the sanctions. This means the future of his country depends on winning.

Ukraine has to win. They know subjugation at the hands and nonexistent mercies of the Russians is the alternative. For Ukraine accepting the idea of neutrality is unthinkable. It means being a victim of Russia at the whim of whatever madman is in charge.

The world won’t lift sanctions for that. And Russia needs the sanctions lifted. They are seeing the collapse of their economy. In a year, no more, that collapse will be irreversible. Russia falls again.

There is no way Putin survives that. He won’t even consider it. It would mean his family becomes the next Romanovs. Dead at the hands of the next Government.

There is no endgame where Ukraine is neutral. Ukraine would not tolerate it even if Putin would. If Putin was inclined he would have accepted it before the invasion when NATO said that Ukraine would not be a member.

I honestly think the odds are even money that the Nukes fly in the next year. Putin has Gambled. There is no way he wins. He can’t afford to lose. So the only question is how he handled the downfall of Russia?
In case it slipped you memory, you repigs have been referring to Russia as communist for a hundred years. Suddenly you want Biden to fail you paint them as good guys. Youre got the principles of an alley cat. Laugh at that dickhead.

Did you mean unpatriotic?

Trump is the fascist. You know the same Trump who tried to destroy democracy and you all cheered and and expected Pelosi etc would be driven out. You supported the first time in history a fascist takeover on the capitol yet your dumb enough to call me a fascist. You don't know the meaning of the word you idiot. All you want is for democracy to be abolished so Trump can rip the country apart with support from nut cases like you.
Youre brain dead.
Jesus dude. WTF does Trump have to do with this horrendous war?

You’re stuck on stupid. It happens to partisans of the duopoly all the time.
I'm not saying that Putin is a nice guy. He isn't. A leader of super-power can't be a nice guy by definition. Biden isn't a nice guy, Xi isn't a nice guy, too. But he is a rational thinking guy. If you depict him as an evil monster, who, without any reason started to kill good guys, it means that there is no place for discussion, or even for a deterrence.. And this is direct and the shortest way into a catastrophe. We must understand their concerns at least to determine the level of their "acceptable losses", their maximal stake in any possible conflict, to keep balance of possible incomes and possible loses. Trump's team was able to keep mutually acceptable and even mutually profitable balance of profits&terrors. Obama's and Biden's teams - no, first of all because they are stupid and corrupted. They prefer to ruin the whole American economy in a futile attempt of saving their personal assets in Ukraine. Or, may be, they just want to sold the USA to Xi.

It isn’t about being a “Good” guy. It isn’t about being a “Nice” guy. It is about being an honorable man.

Everything in our world tends to penalize those who do not keep their word. Those who lie.

Your credit rating is dependent upon you doing what you said you would. Paying back money you borrowed.

Your reputation in the business world depends upon doing what you said you would.

If you promise something and don’t deliver. Your reputation suffers. Future opportunities are reduced.

Nations are the same. If you lie to other nations, betray them, the rest of the world will view you in a poor light.

It is the old fable of the Boy who cried wolf. Nobody believed him when he spoke the truth, finally.

It is undeniable that Putin has lied. It is not debatable. So any claims that he had any justification for the actions of Russia have to be filtered through Putin’s lies.

Let’s say you are a cop. You come up on a scene. A man lies dead. The survivor tells you he killed the man in self defense. The dead guy had a gun and the survivor shot him in self defense. Only the corpse doesn’t have a gun. And the bullets hit him in the back.

So the “Suspect” lied. You don’t know what the truth is. But you know that story isn’t it.

Our world expects explanations. We expect the truth. And when we don’t get it we expect punishment for the liar. It isn’t an American ideal. All of Europe including the neutral countries are responding the same.

Putin said he wasn’t invading. He did invade. He gave a series of progressively more outrageous explanations for his actions. All of it was lies. Each statement. Each claim.

Putin had a chance. More than one really. And he went with lies every time. Now like the unemployed guy who couldn’t bother to show up to work, he blames everyone. Everyone but the one person responsible.

That is why I can’t back Putin. He made himself untrustworthy.
It isn’t about being a “Good” guy. It isn’t about being a “Nice” guy. It is about being an honorable man.

Everything in our world tends to penalize those who do not keep their word. Those who lie.

Your credit rating is dependent upon you doing what you said you would. Paying back money you borrowed.

Your reputation in the business world depends upon doing what you said you would.

If you promise something and don’t deliver. Your reputation suffers. Future opportunities are reduced.

Nations are the same. If you lie to other nations, betray them, the rest of the world will view you in a poor light.

It is the old fable of the Boy who cried wolf. Nobody believed him when he spoke the truth, finally.

It is undeniable that Putin has lied. It is not debatable. So any claims that he had any justification for the actions of Russia have to be filtered through Putin’s lies.

Let’s say you are a cop. You come up on a scene. A man lies dead. The survivor tells you he killed the man in self defense. The dead guy had a gun and the survivor shot him in self defense. Only the corpse doesn’t have a gun. And the bullets hit him in the back.

So the “Suspect” lied. You don’t know what the truth is. But you know that story isn’t it.

Our world expects explanations. We expect the truth. And when we don’t get it we expect punishment for the liar. It isn’t an American ideal. All of Europe including the neutral countries are responding the same.

Putin said he wasn’t invading. He did invade. He gave a series of progressively more outrageous explanations for his actions. All of it was lies. Each statement. Each claim.

Putin had a chance. More than one really. And he went with lies every time. Now like the unemployed guy who couldn’t bother to show up to work, he blames everyone. Everyone but the one person responsible.

That is why I can’t back Putin. He made himself untrustworthy.
There are too many liars to go around. Are you aware of the multiple lies our government has told the Russians, let alone the American people.
There are too many liars to go around. Are you aware of the multiple lies our government has told the Russians, let alone the American people.

Oh FFS. Biden warned us for what? Two weeks that Putin was going to invade. And he was denounced as a liar. Putin invaded. And Biden is blamed for it.

Putin is caught in a lie, several lies. And the defenders rush out and say everyone lies.

That was bullshit when it was put forth by the Clinton Defenders. It’s bullshit now. So take a flying fuck at a rolling donut already.
Oh FFS. Biden warned us for what? Two weeks that Putin was going to invade. And he was denounced as a liar. Putin invaded. And Biden is blamed for it.

Putin is caught in a lie, several lies. And the defenders rush out and say everyone lies.

That was bullshit when it was put forth by the Clinton Defenders. It’s bullshit now. So take a flying fuck at a rolling donut already.
Do you think it took a rocket scientist to predict they would invade? Putin warned he would for nearly a decade. He massed troops along the border for weeks. Old Joe and others in the West provoked him for years.

So yeah, Joe knew he would invade and wanted him to.
Oh FFS. Biden warned us for what? Two weeks that Putin was going to invade. And he was denounced as a liar. Putin invaded. And Biden is blamed for it.

Putin is caught in a lie, several lies. And the defenders rush out and say everyone lies.

That was bullshit when it was put forth by the Clinton Defenders. It’s bullshit now. So take a flying fuck at a rolling donut already.

Just another friendly reminder that the US:
• Had solid intelligence that this war was coming
• Knew they could prevent it by making very reasonable low-cost concessions like promising not to add a nation to NATO that they didn't want in NATO anyway
• Chose not to do that
——-Caitlin Johnstone.
It isn’t about being a “Good” guy. It isn’t about being a “Nice” guy. It is about being an honorable man.

Everything in our world tends to penalize those who do not keep their word. Those who lie.

Your credit rating is dependent upon you doing what you said you would. Paying back money you borrowed.

Your reputation in the business world depends upon doing what you said you would.

If you promise something and don’t deliver. Your reputation suffers. Future opportunities are reduced.

Nations are the same. If you lie to other nations, betray them, the rest of the world will view you in a poor light.

It is the old fable of the Boy who cried wolf. Nobody believed him when he spoke the truth, finally.

It is undeniable that Putin has lied. It is not debatable. So any claims that he had any justification for the actions of Russia have to be filtered through Putin’s lies.

Let’s say you are a cop. You come up on a scene. A man lies dead. The survivor tells you he killed the man in self defense. The dead guy had a gun and the survivor shot him in self defense. Only the corpse doesn’t have a gun. And the bullets hit him in the back.

So the “Suspect” lied. You don’t know what the truth is. But you know that story isn’t it.

Our world expects explanations. We expect the truth. And when we don’t get it we expect punishment for the liar. It isn’t an American ideal. All of Europe including the neutral countries are responding the same.

Putin said he wasn’t invading. He did invade. He gave a series of progressively more outrageous explanations for his actions. All of it was lies. Each statement. Each claim.

Putin had a chance. More than one really. And he went with lies every time. Now like the unemployed guy who couldn’t bother to show up to work, he blames everyone. Everyone but the one person responsible.

That is why I can’t back Putin. He made himself untrustworthy.
You see, the Russians have a pretty different understanding of the term "honor". Actually, they have a term "gonor" (slavic prononcation of "honor") and "chest'" (which is usually translated in English as "honor"). Literal translation of "honorable man" in Russian "muzchina s gonorom" means something like "an arrogant bastard" or something.
The word "chest" have a same root "schet" - "to count", "to understand".
"Chestniy cheloveck" means more "a person who can understand, calculate" "following rules, traditions", "predictable".

And in this meaning Putin is obviously predictable. He said, that he won't allow Ukraine to join NATO, and he do not allow them to join NATO.
He follow traditional Russian behavior patterns (defend the Russians, unite Russian lands) and that's why the Russians support him.

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