Ukraine Is Not Fighting Russia, America Is With A Mercenary Army


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2022

Ukraine Is Not Fighting Russia, America Is With A Mercenary Army​

The Ukraine war is now essentially a stalemate. Yes, Ukrainian forces have had some recent success near Kharkiv, but at a high price. The brutal reality is that Russia has approximately 150M people, Ukraine has 40M. Ukraine is a border region of the Russian Federation, and very important to the Kremlin. Now that he has committed forces, Putin cannot let control of the Donbass region go, no matter the casualties. If he allowed that to happen, he would lose power. So, he will follow the old Russian tactic of throwing bodies at the conflict in a long war of attrition. After all, worked well against Napoleon, Hitler, etc.

Ukraine is not fighting this war against Russia. In reality, it is the United States with a mercenary army. America is supplying the weapons, the logistics, the tactics.

I have personally spoken to dozens of former U.S. special operators who have been involved in recent months in Ukraine. America is fighting this war alright, just not with uniformed troops.

The globalists in control of The White House want nothing less than a continuation of the conflict, so they can sell lots of weapons. The globalists desperately do not want to lose control of the Ukrainian playground, where they can launder money and run ‘bio research facilities’.

So, they are throwing the kitchen sink against Russia, and having some recent success.

However, this strategy will lead to continued escalation. The Ukrainian military leadership recently said the quiet part out loud – this could lead to the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons by Russian forces. Putin will have nothing to lose. Perhaps this is what the globalists want.

TheReaper says: We should have never gone there and it was none off out business. We are only there because of the Corrupt Biden Crime family dealings with corrupt Ukraine, and so that Senile Biden can try and make himself look like an actual man.

Ukraine Is Not Fighting Russia, America Is With A Mercenary Army​

The Ukraine war is now essentially a stalemate. Yes, Ukrainian forces have had some recent success near Kharkiv, but at a high price. The brutal reality is that Russia has approximately 150M people, Ukraine has 40M. Ukraine is a border region of the Russian Federation, and very important to the Kremlin. Now that he has committed forces, Putin cannot let control of the Donbass region go, no matter the casualties. If he allowed that to happen, he would lose power. So, he will follow the old Russian tactic of throwing bodies at the conflict in a long war of attrition. After all, worked well against Napoleon, Hitler, etc.

Ukraine is not fighting this war against Russia. In reality, it is the United States with a mercenary army. America is supplying the weapons, the logistics, the tactics.

I have personally spoken to dozens of former U.S. special operators who have been involved in recent months in Ukraine. America is fighting this war alright, just not with uniformed troops.

The globalists in control of The White House want nothing less than a continuation of the conflict, so they can sell lots of weapons. The globalists desperately do not want to lose control of the Ukrainian playground, where they can launder money and run ‘bio research facilities’.

So, they are throwing the kitchen sink against Russia, and having some recent success.

However, this strategy will lead to continued escalation. The Ukrainian military leadership recently said the quiet part out loud – this could lead to the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons by Russian forces. Putin will have nothing to lose. Perhaps this is what the globalists want.

TheReaper says: We should have never gone there and it was none off out business. We are only there because of the Corrupt Biden Crime family dealings with corrupt Ukraine, and so that Senile Biden can try and make himself look like an actual man.
Putin-love rears it’s ugly head again! No matter how much they deny it, the MAGA crowd and Russia go hand-in-hand. No collusion?!?! :rolleyes-41:
Unfortunately this is too narrow an argument. The Europeans in the region have a critical interest in the Ukranian buffer and of course also have to fear Russias expansion further if they are successful inn Russia. I don't even try to take positions on the REASON for the war, simply the reaction of all the actors impacted.

This is far more complicated than the old, tired narrative that America is the bad guy getting involved in a foreign war.

Furthermore, contrary to this being just about Biden, EVERY U.S president would have been arming the Ukrainianns, you can be sure no matter what is said that if Putinn had attacked with Trump as president that Trump would have been selling them weapons too, just as he was with Taiwan.
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Unfortunately this is too narrow an argument. The Europeans in the region have a critical interest in the Ukranian buffer and of course also have to fear Russias expansion further if successful.

This is far more complicated than the old, tired narrative that America is the bad guy getting involved in a foreign war.

Furthermore, contrary to this being just about Biden, EVERY U.S president would have been arming the Ukrainianns, you can be sure no matter what is said that if Putinn had attacked with Trump as president that Trump would have been selling them weapons too, just as he was with Taiwan.

Well, the Europeans need to step up and handle the issue if they want their buffer. America First people are tired of footing the bill for the lazy semi-socialist bastards.

The Ukraine is every bit as corrupt as any corrupt nation plus they do not serve any American strategic interest, therefore America should not be involved there. We would not want Putin messing around in Mexico or Cuba and they don't like us messing around on their front porch either. If Europe is worried then let Europe deal with it.
Well, the Europeans need to step up and handle the issue if they want their buffer. America First people are tired of footing the bill for the lazy semi-socialist bastards.

The Ukraine is every bit as corrupt as any corrupt nation plus they do not serve any American strategic interest, therefore America should not be involved there. We would not want Putin messing around in Mexico or Cuba and they don't like us messing around on their front porch either. If Europe is worried then let Europe deal with it.

You don't think a large Western friendly nation beside Russia doesn't serve a strategic interest? Would it be better if Russia again?

Ukraine Is Not Fighting Russia, America Is With A Mercenary Army​

The Ukraine war is now essentially a stalemate. Yes, Ukrainian forces have had some recent success near Kharkiv, but at a high price. The brutal reality is that Russia has approximately 150M people, Ukraine has 40M. Ukraine is a border region of the Russian Federation, and very important to the Kremlin. Now that he has committed forces, Putin cannot let control of the Donbass region go, no matter the casualties. If he allowed that to happen, he would lose power. So, he will follow the old Russian tactic of throwing bodies at the conflict in a long war of attrition. After all, worked well against Napoleon, Hitler, etc.

Ukraine is not fighting this war against Russia. In reality, it is the United States with a mercenary army. America is supplying the weapons, the logistics, the tactics.

I have personally spoken to dozens of former U.S. special operators who have been involved in recent months in Ukraine. America is fighting this war alright, just not with uniformed troops.

The globalists in control of The White House want nothing less than a continuation of the conflict, so they can sell lots of weapons. The globalists desperately do not want to lose control of the Ukrainian playground, where they can launder money and run ‘bio research facilities’.

So, they are throwing the kitchen sink against Russia, and having some recent success.

However, this strategy will lead to continued escalation. The Ukrainian military leadership recently said the quiet part out loud – this could lead to the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons by Russian forces. Putin will have nothing to lose. Perhaps this is what the globalists want.

TheReaper says: We should have never gone there and it was none off out business. We are only there because of the Corrupt Biden Crime family dealings with corrupt Ukraine, and so that Senile Biden can try and make himself look like an actual man.
No shit

It has been pretty much from the beginning

Thank the cia and state department for installing that thieving nazi fag
You don't think a large Western friendly nation beside Russia doesn't serve a strategic interest? Would it be better if Russia again?

Sure, it would serve a purpose. But we have been down that road before with bad results. The Shah of Iran was our man on the Soviet border, until the Mullahs got sick of us.

Also, even though it would be nice to have, you have to calculate in Russia not liking it and their response. Then the question becomes, how much blood and treasure is it worth to have. Today, I say none.

The Democrats have been poking the Russian Bear for 6 years now, a very stupid thing to do to a nation with a huge nuclear arsenal. Their lies about Collusion may have tickled the ears of their ignorant stupid followers, but it was dumb and stupid as far as diplomacy goes
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Sure, it would serve a purpose. But we have been down that road before with bad results. The Shah of Iran was our man on the Soviet border, until the Mullahs got sick of us.

Also, even though it would be nice to have, you have to calculate in Russia not liking it and their response. Then the question becomes, how much blood and treasure is it worth to have. Today, I say none.

The Democrats have been poking the Russian Bear for 6 years now, a very stupid thing to do to a nation with a huge nuclear arsenal. Their lies about Collusion may have tickled the ears of their ignorant stupid followers, but it was dumb and stupid as far as diplomacy goes

You may be right about the "friends today, enemies tomorrow" dynamic of geopolitics. The only real danger in that scenario is if you arm a nation to the point of them being too powerful to control.

The U.S would never have to worry about a military threat from Ukraine directly, nor Iran for that matter, but of course, they could disrupt their interests in the region if they are adversaries.

Logically though, you can't worry about having an ally today who might be converted into an enemy tomorrow. If so, you'd simply never secure allies and it would be equally dangerous. A moot point of perpetual failed global diplomacy. So best to expand influence and freeze out enemy states,

In the end war is always tragic A morbid fulfillment of our once more dominant reptilian brain. Even in the case of nations you aren't directly involved with in combat, the lingering animosity between nations can remain for decades. The inference alone that a specific nation was a funding benefactor of a neutral states efforts against ones nation can ensure a healthy level of hatred.

I suppose this inconvenient reality has always existed for empires and leading global powers.
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Of course, Trump and his cult are the first ones to defend Russia and trash the US.

February 23 2022
Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday described Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as “genius” and “savvy,” praising his onetime counterpart for a move that has spurred sanctions and universal condemnation from the U.S. government and its trans-Atlantic allies.

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,” Trump said in a radio interview with “The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show.” “He used the word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna help keep peace.’ You gotta say that’s pretty savvy.”
You may be right about the "friends today, enemies tomorrow" dynamic of geopolitics. The only real danger in that scenario is if you arm a nation to the point of them being too powerful to control.

The U.S would never have to worry about a military threat from Ukraine directly, nor Iran for that matter, but of course, they could disrupt their interests in the region if they are adversaries.

Logically though, you can't worry about having an ally today who might be converted into an enemy tomorrow. If so, you'd simply never secure allies and it would be equally dangerous. A moot point of perpetual failed global diplomacy. So best to expand influence and freeze out enemy states,

In the end war is always tragic A morbid fulfillment of our once more dominant reptilian brain. Even in the case of nations you aren't directly involved with in combat, the lingering animosity between nations can remain for decades. The inference alone that a specific nation was a funding benefactor of a neutral states efforts against ones nation can ensure a healthy level of hatred.

I suppose this inconvenient reality has always existed for empires and leading global powers.

I like talking to you and I like your posts. On this issue though we will have to agree to disagree.
I look at this map and I just don't see them as being a place where we need to be involved.
Romania and Slovakia to the west, Russia to the east, the Black Sea to the south which is not our playground . . . not a good spot in my opinion.

Look, its Putin's BITCH

That's one comment you got right.
Once a bitch, always a bitch.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013
LOL what a fucking RETARD!!!!
Its amazing that your brain produces enough ergs of energy to even keep your heart pumping.
It’s amazing anyone believes there’s anything on your brain but the next paycheck. Care to schedule a debate for 11/10?
Putin-love rears it’s ugly head again! No matter how much they deny it, the MAGA crowd and Russia go hand-in-hand. No collusion?!?! :rolleyes-41:
You are full of shit.

I am a proud MAGA guy and so are most of my friends. Most of us are Boomers that remember the Cold War and what assholes the Russians are. We remember the Russians fighting a proxy war against us in Korea, Vietnam and Central America. We also have great sympathy for the Ukrainian civilians that have been slaughter by the Russian shitheads. We like seeing Russians getting defeated.

Don't stereotype Conservatives because you will be wrong.

The bad guys in the world are Russians, Biden Chines buddies that made his family filthy rich and American Libtards that are destroying this country from within. Not the Ukrainians.
You are full of shit.

I am a proud MAGA guy and so are most of my friends. Most of us are Boomers that remember the Cold War and what assholes the Russians are. We remember the Russians fighting a proxy war against us in Korea, Vietnam and Central America. We also have great sympathy for the Ukrainian civilians that have been slaughter by the Russian shitheads. We like seeing Russians getting defeated.

Don't stereotype Conservatives because you will be wrong.

The bad guys in the world are Russians, Biden Chines buddies that made his family filthy rich and American Libtards that are destroying this country from within. Not the Ukrainians.
Quit being a crybaby! Think about it when you’re calling people libtards and libturds. I don’t see many on the right standing up for Ukraine. Russia seems to be a favorite, however. No collusion? Who can tell, but you are known by who you hang out with.

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