Ukraine bombs fuel deport near Moscow

Thanks for your honest answer. I'm impressed!

You're not alone in America on your feelings toward Churchill.

You infer that you would have chosen Mountbatten.

You can accuse me of being ambiguous on the issue, but I choose to let it stay that way.
You need to read some history. The UK and France declared war against Germany because they had a treaty with Poland guaranteeing Polish sovereignty. Period dot. Germany INVADED Poland and after repeated warnings and sternly worded diplomatic letters refused to recall its forces from Polish soil. It's what should have happened in 1938 when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia. You are a perfect example of the old saying "people who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it".

You apparently aren’t well informed. Hitler tried repeatedly to get Poland to return the German Danzig, taken after WWI. He offered very generous terms to Poland on several occasions, only to be told fuck off. The Polish government then continued to persecute Germans in Danzig(remind of the Donbas?). The Poles were told by the Brits and FDR not to give an inch to Hitler (remind you of NATO, Z and Putin?)

Than after Hitler took half of Poland (a few weeks later Uncle Joe, the USG‘s great friend, then took the other half after conquering the Baltic States) he tried to negotiate peace with France and Britain to no avail. FDR, Uncle Joe’s buddy in the WH, again demanded the Brits and French not negotiate. Thus pushing the world into another world war.
You need to read some history. The UK and France declared war against Germany because they had a treaty with Poland guaranteeing Polish sovereignty. Period dot. Germany INVADED Poland and after repeated warnings and sternly worded diplomatic letters refused to recall its forces from Polish soil. It's what should have happened in 1938 when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia. You are a perfect example of the old saying "people who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it".

You apparently aren’t well informed. Hitler tried repeatedly to get Poland to return the German Danzig, taken after WWI. He offered very generous terms to Poland on several occasions, only to be told fuck off. The Polish government then continued to persecute Germans in Danzig(remind of the Donbas?). The Poles were told by the Brits and FDR not to give an inch to Hitler (remind you of NATO, Z and Putin?)

Than after Hitler took half of Poland (a few weeks later Uncle Joe, the USG‘s great friend, then took the other half after conquering the Baltic States) he tried to negotiate peace with France and Britain to no avail. FDR, Uncle Joe’s buddy in the WH, again demanded the Brits and French not negotiate. Thus pushing the world into another world war.
I think you're going to have to slow down to allow them to catch up.
Or it may be that it's just simply above everybody's pay grade.

My advice is to feed them a bit of bait and allow them to lead the discussion!

Note how it works for me with C.A. hooking itself!

Staying ambiguous always succeeds to keep the pot simmering!
You apparently aren’t well informed. Hitler tried repeatedly to get Poland to return the German Danzig, taken after WWI. He offered very generous terms to Poland on several occasions, only to be told fuck off. The Polish government then continued to persecute Germans in Danzig(remind of the Donbas?). The Poles were told by the Brits and FDR not to give an inch to Hitler (remind you of NATO, Z and Putin?)

Than after Hitler took half of Poland (a few weeks later Uncle Joe, the USG‘s great friend, then took the other half after conquering the Baltic States) he tried to negotiate peace with France and Britain to no avail. FDR, Uncle Joe’s buddy in the WH, again demanded the Brits and French not negotiate. Thus pushing the world into another world war.
I think you're going to have to slow down to allow them to catch up.
Or it may be that it's just simply above everybody's pay grade.

My advice is to feed them a bit of bait and allow them to lead the discussion!

Note how it works for me with C.A. hooking itself!

I suppose but my experience is most Americans are so completely brainwashed there is no good way to reach them.
I think you're going to have to slow down to allow them to catch up.
Or it may be that it's just simply above everybody's pay grade.

My advice is to feed them a bit of bait and allow them to lead the discussion!

Note how it works for me with C.A. hooking itself!

I suppose but my experience is most Americans are so completely brainwashed there is no good way to reach them.
Yes but that's not going to be changed here on this board.
You're doing fine though so far.

If they don't take the bait, BP's will rise!
and boy are you ignorant and impossible of anything but slagging people off. Goodbye. You are a waste of time.
I must have hit a nerve, YOU FUCKING WEENIE.

SLAVA UKRANI. I hope they kill ALL the pussy Russians.
So apparently, you like killing. Why don’t you get your fat ass off the couch and go kill Russian women and children.
I like the killing of Russians. I hear it's up to 100,000 dead Ruskies. The only good Russian is a dead Russian. Bunch losers, can't even take a nothing country like Ukraine.
No, the Russians started it, like Adolf. At least get your history right. Geez.
Originally posted by AZrailwhale
For nearly two decades Russia has been invading its neighbors and extorting them to give up territory. Russia is an expansionist, imperialist state and will take a mile for every inch it's granted.

Notice the amazing ability of the human mind to create an alternate, imaginary History with no connection with real history and firmly believe in this figment of their imagination.

Was Russia "invading her neighbors" in 1992?

Can you show me any speech by Boris Yeltsin in the 90's advocating the expansion of Russia's borders?

The only thing that happened in 1992 was the beginning of the West's geopolitical plan of militarily surrounding Russia's western borders:

By mid-1992, a consensus emerged within the administration that NATO enlargement was a wise realpolitik measure to strengthen Euro-American hegemony. In the absence of NATO enlargement, Bush administration officials worried that the European Union might fill the security vacuum in Central Europe, and thus challenge American post-Cold War influence.

Was Russia threatening to absorb the Baltic states in 1994?

The only thing that happened in 94 was the consolidation of the 1992's decision:

Victory by the Republican Party, who advocated for aggressive expansion, in the 1994 US congressional election helped sway US policy in favor of wider full-membership enlargement, which the US ultimately pursued in the following years.

If this depiction of Russia as an aggressive imperialist power corresponded to reality after the great reset of the end of the Cold War, you would easily find a strong pattern of militaristic statements and foreign invasions by Russia, you would easily find dozens of speech by Yeltsin and Putin from 1991 to 2020 threatening to recreate the borders of the USSR or czarist Russia but you don't.

The only thing you do find from 1992 to 2020 is a consistent pattern of western military encirclement of Russia's western borders and Russia's desperate pleas for the end of that encirclement.

The exact opposite of what these individuals try so hard to convince us.

Since these individuals can't find any of these aggressive patterns in REAL HISTORY they are forced to misinterpret speeches given by Russian leaders in 2004 (when the encirclement policy was well under way) and completely distort the meaning of the Russian-Georgian War that was in reality the first military reaction by Russia to NATO's eastward expansion. The scoundrels use a consequence of NATO's expansion to justify NATO's expansion and demonize Russia totally misrepresenting the historic context in which the war in Georgia occurred.

It's amazing to notice that they perceive this imaginary History as being much more real, much more palpable than the history that really happened.

It's exactly this rape of History (I can't even call it "rewriting of History"), it's exactly this replacement of real History by a monstrosity created by their own imagination that makes posters like AZrailwhale, Savannahman, toomuchtime, AntonToo, Flash, Concerned American, Jaxson and so many others fit my description of a "super patriotic american clown totally out of control" perfectly.
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Notice the amazing ability of the human mind to create an alternate, imaginary History with no connection with real history and firmly believe in this figment of their imagination.

Was Russia "invading her neighbors" in 1992?

Can you show me any speech by Boris Yeltsin in the 90's advocating the expansion of Russia's borders?

The only thing that happened in 1992 was the beginning of the West's geopolitical plan of militarily surrounding Russia's western borders:

Was Russia threatening to absorb the Baltic states in 1994?

The only thing that happened in 94 was the consolidation of the 1992's decision:

If this depiction of Russia as an aggressive imperialist power corresponded to reality after the great reset of the end of the Cold War, you would easily find a strong pattern of militaristic statements and foreign invasions by Russia, you would easily find dozens of speech by Yeltsin and Putin from 1991 to 2020 threatening to recreate the borders of the USSR or czarist Russia but you don't.

The only thing you do find from 1992 to 2020 is a consistent pattern of western military encirclement of Russia's western borders and Russia's desperate pleas for the end of that encirclement.

The exact opposite of what these individuals try so hard to convince us.

Since these individuals can't find any of these aggressive patterns in REAL HISTORY they are forced to misinterpret speeches given by Russian leaders in 2004 (when the encirclement policy was well under way) and completely distort the meaning of the Russian-Georgian War that was in reality the first military reaction by Russia to NATO's eastward expansion. The scoundrels use a consequence of NATO's expansion to justify NATO's expansion and demonize Russia totally misrepresenting the historic context in which the war in Georgia occurred.

It's amazing to notice that they perceive this imaginary History as being much more real, much papable than the history that really happened.

It's exactly this rape of History (I can't even call it "rewriting of History"), it's exactly this replacement of real History by a monstrosity created by their own imagination that makes posters like AZrailwhale, Savannahman, toomuchtime, AntonToo, Flash, Concerned American, Jaxson and so many others fit my description of a "super patriotic american clown totally out of control" perfectly.
You depict NATO as a country. In rebuttal, I give you the meaning of the acronym. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The members consist of countries that entered in to a mutual defense agreement. There is no aggression in the mission of NATO. You also state that NATO has "expanded" This is not necessarily true as NATO has no territory of its own. The countries who have entered into the treaty feel a need to unite in this "mutual defense" agreement because they feel the need for defense from a potential superior force. The fact that Putin feels there is aggression toward Russia is his own doing. These former soviet republics apparently do not feel the kinship with Russia that you and Putin would like them to have. Russia has shown unprovoked aggression toward Ukraine since 2014's annexation of Ukrainian territory (Crimea). You have bought into the Russian propaganda. As for NATO's expansion--Ukraine is not a member. If Ukraine had been a member of NATO, the mutual defense clause would have been enacted. Your post exhibits your own paranoia that other countries have designs on conquering Russia and there has been absolutely no evidence of that. However, speaking only for myself, you are correct in your statement that I am an American patriot. You are incorrect in labeling me a proponent of any aspect of this war. Russia is not my country nor is Ukraine. I advocate a hands off approach by the US AND NATO. Before you make unsubstantiated accusations, you should research your subject matter better, commie clown.
Notice the amazing ability of the human mind to create an alternate, imaginary History with no connection with real history and firmly believe in this figment of their imagination.

Was Russia "invading her neighbors" in 1992?

Can you show me any speech by Boris Yeltsin in the 90's advocating the expansion of Russia's borders?

The only thing that happened in 1992 was the beginning of the West's geopolitical plan of militarily surrounding Russia's western borders:

Was Russia threatening to absorb the Baltic states in 1994?

The only thing that happened in 94 was the consolidation of the 1992's decision:

If this depiction of Russia as an aggressive imperialist power corresponded to reality after the great reset of the end of the Cold War, you would easily find a strong pattern of militaristic statements and foreign invasions by Russia, you would easily find dozens of speech by Yeltsin and Putin from 1991 to 2020 threatening to recreate the borders of the USSR or czarist Russia but you don't.

The only thing you do find from 1992 to 2020 is a consistent pattern of western military encirclement of Russia's western borders and Russia's desperate pleas for the end of that encirclement.

The exact opposite of what these individuals try so hard to convince us.

Since these individuals can't find any of these aggressive patterns in REAL HISTORY they are forced to misinterpret speeches given by Russian leaders in 2004 (when the encirclement policy was well under way) and completely distort the meaning of the Russian-Georgian War that was in reality the first military reaction by Russia to NATO's eastward expansion. The scoundrels use a consequence of NATO's expansion to justify NATO's expansion and demonize Russia totally misrepresenting the historic context in which the war in Georgia occurred.

It's amazing to notice that they perceive this imaginary History as being much more real, much more palpable than the history that really happened.

It's exactly this rape of History (I can't even call it "rewriting of History"), it's exactly this replacement of real History by a monstrosity created by their own imagination that makes posters like AZrailwhale, Savannahman, toomuchtime, AntonToo, Flash, Concerned American, Jaxson and so many others fit my description of a "super patriotic american clown totally out of control" perfectly.
Wow, you really nailed AZrailwhale for claiming Russia has been invading its neighbors and extorting them to give up territory for two decades. Russia is an expansionist, imperialist state and will take a mile for every inch it's granted, when it has only been slightly less than 19 years since Russia invaded tiny Chechnya (pop. 1.4million) demanding independence and killed 80,000 - 100,000 Chechen civilians. Good for you!

Unfortunately, there's not another word of truth in your post. Let's deal with your lie about Russia not being an imperialist country first. Russia fought five wars (first Chechen war in 1994, second Chechen war in 1999, invasion of Georgia in 2008, first invasion of Ukraine in 2014, the second invasion of Ukraine in 2022) in 19 years, all to prevent the citizens of neighboring countries from governing themselves; clearly evidence of aggressive imperialism.

Now to your biggest and most absurd lie, that there was a sinister conspiracy among the NATO nations to, in your words, "surround Russia's western border" for some fearful purpose. I understand this is classic Putin poop dear to the hearts of avid conspiracy theorists like yourself, but it is obviously nonsense.

If all of this is just a conflict between Russia and the US, as Putin falsely claims, why would the eastern European countries want to insert themselves into it by joining NATO rather than stay neutral? We both know the answer to this is that after being held in captivity by Russia for nearly a half century, these eastern European nations had learned to hate and fear Russia and realized that own their own, they could not defend themselves against Russian aggression so they chose to join NATO. So this is not a case of the US/NATO wanting to move closer to Russia, it is a case of Russia's neighbors wanting to distance themselves from Russia.

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