UK: Supporters of Muslim rape gang threaten to rape female court prosecutors

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The English are SCARED TO DEATH OF MUSLIMS.... WHERE ARE THE MEN OF WW II that would fight to the death.... and these scum raping and murdering their wives and daughters!!!

UK: Supporters of Muslim rape gang threaten to rape female court prosecutors

The report below states: “Supporters of a depraved Asian sex gang targeted two female prosecutors outside a court room, hurling abuse and telling them: ‘Hope you get raped.'”

The sex gangs in the UK, known in the establishment media as “Asian grooming gangs,” have actually been Muslim rape gangs. This particular Muslim rape gang behaved in a manner that was consistent with their beliefs about women. They view infidel women as inferiors, and if a woman is not covered up, this in itself is justifiable reason to abuse her (Quran 24:31, 33:59).

The report goes on to say in its full version that “throughout the case some defendants had to be warned about their conduct and there was aggressive behaviour by some of their families.” This reveals their disdain for Western courts and infidel, female prosecutors. Yet Britain has still not awakened to the ideology that motivates their disdain, as well as their crimes.

“Asian sex gang supporters threaten to rape female lawyers,” by Paul Jeeves, Express, March 2, 2019:

SUPPORTERS of a depraved Asian sex gang targeted two female prosecutors outside a court room, hurling abuse and telling them: “Hope you get raped.”

The aggressive and threatening behaviour came at the end of a sixweek trial at Bradford Crown Court which saw nine paedophiles being jailed for a total of 132 years earlier this week. Prosecution barrister Kama Melly QC and junior counsel Sharon Beattie were heckled and verbally abused inside the court building late on Tuesday afternoon after the defendants had been found guilty. Miss Melly said around 10 people had hung around the public concourse area.

The lawyers were the last to leave the courtroom when they spotted the group waiting at the top of a stairwell.

Miss Melly said the mob, including men and women, began a slow hand clap, calling them “corrupt”, “tramps” and telling them: “Hope you get raped”.

They immediately returned to the court offices and informed officials of the abuse.

Police were called and the angry mob had their names taken and were barred from attending Wednesday’s sentencing hearing.

West Yorkshire Police is considering criminal charges.

Ms Melly said: “It was absolutely appalling behaviour on their part.

“We should be able to do our jobs in the pursuit of justice without having to take such shocking forms of abuse.”

Trial judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC, the Recorder of Bradford, described the targeting of the barristers as “absolutely outrageous”…..


CogitoErgoSum says Mar 4, 2019 at 2:09 pm

And just what is the cause of Islamophobia again? Don’t tell me they do not want you to be afraid, very afraid.

Reply mortimer says Mar 4, 2019 at 3:29 pm

‘Islamophobia’ is actually ‘gaslighting’, namely, telling sane, rational people that their perceptions and observations are signs of a mental illness.

STUDY of Islam is Islamo-fact-finding, Islamo-realism, Islamo-common-sense, Islamo-diagnosis, Islamo-discernment, Islamo-perception, Islamo-interpretation, Islamo-scrutiny, Islamo-inquiry, Islamo-surveillance, Islamo-analysis or Islamo-political science.

Gaslighting is a malevolent form of psychological manipulation in which intentionally false information is given to the victims in order to make them doubt their own observations, memories, thoughts and perceptions. The Leftards want Westerners to doubt their own perceptions about Islam and doubt that they ACCURATELY SEE HOW EVIL Islam actually is.

Damn our lying eyes! (sarc/off)

Jihad Watch ^ | MAR 4, 2019 2:00 PM

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