UK on lockdown British cities where sas troops have been deployed to protect Christmas shoppers


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
SAS troops on the ground in major British cities as security is stepped up across the country with terror attack 'highly likely'
Scotland Yard will review protection of festive events with troops expected to patrol cities including London and Birmingham
Like it or not, believe it or not this including Berlin are all an attack upon the Christmas holidays.
You know kinds like those people who keep trying to ban Christmas here in the US. Well be prepared sheep there will probably be a nice false flag coming to America so it to can disrupt the American's left who do enjoy Christmas and actually shop for Christmas.
Why we can't let lil Ole US of A go unscathed. Oh wait the US is super power in which nobody ever wants to harm. We have such powers why nobody could ever get into the US and harm our little American zombies.
With the millions of cameras up, dozens of spies watching your phone, your every move on the computer, those oh so safe TSA molesting periods, oh nothing can ever happen here....

But wait , didn't we have a terrorist attack in CALI, and FLORIDA stripping all of us from our FREEDOM and RIGHTS really kept us safe.

Even if vetting worked, there's too many migrants to vet properly, says expert

The Christmas market attack in Berlin was “impossible to prevent” because many migrants aren’t radicalized until long after they’ve come west, says a German terrorism expert.

The expert, Rolf Tophoven, said the German government knew an attack like the one on Monday, which killed 12, was likely to happen given the overflow of migrants into Germany – and the ISIS propaganda chief who told followers to use any means necessary to kill “infidels,” including knives and trucks.

“If a radicalized fanatic decides to use a truck as a weapon, you don’t stand a chance, unless you know about him and his plans in advance and arrest him before he can act,” expert Rolf Tophoven told Deutsche Welle. “It’s impossible to check all vehicles in the EU or to seal off all Christmas markets to protect them from any danger.”

“You’d have to close them for that.”

Terror Expert: Migrants Radicalized After Coming West, Attacks Impossible to Stop
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Smart move. The Brits have brains enough to know they could be a target.

You can bet they have their eyes on the Muslims.
This is the same Britain that quite willingly offered up its children to Muslim rape gangs rather than face accusations of "Islamophobia". Last year they elected a Hamas collaborator to head their labor party.

I can really sympathize with the good and decent people of Britain who have had to watch as their Great country rots from within due to political correctness.
I know this is "off topic" but I am still amazed these killers have not got into a USA sporting event or a Euro football match with a weapon or bomb. (well they did outside stadium in France I suppose).

If they got into an XMAS day NFL packed house.........that might even wake up liberals? They don't seem to care much about Christmas shoppers in Germany?

and another thing: MSNBC (yes I took a look) said yesterday bigger attacks in Yemen and elsewhere, with the implication........we don't care if it muslim on muslim. I don't?
Not just Germany and the UK. Forces are on high alert all across Europe. Large cities here have beefed up police presence. We are at war whether you want to call it one or not.
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I know this is "off topic" but I am still amazed these killers have not got into a USA sporting event or a Euro football match with a weapon or bomb. (well they did outside stadium in France I suppose).

If they got into an XMAS day NFL packed house.........that might even wake up liberals? They don't seem to care much about Christmas shoppers in Germany?

and another thing: MSNBC (yes I took a look) said yesterday bigger attacks in Yemen and elsewhere, with the implication........we don't care if it muslim on muslim. I don't?

There's nothing wrong with looking at MSM news I do it too, but it's knowing or learning how they put a spin on whatever issues there are. Knowing when they are glamorizing these issues etc. I will post news from MSM depending on what it is, what it says etc.

Attorney General Eric Holder was in Paris for a terrorism summit with French President Hollande, but darted out just before World leaders historically convened to pay their respects to the fallen Charlie Hebdo cartoonists.
Holder then went on a media blitz claiming that there is no credible threat to Americans.

It makes the average American wonder what the Obama Administration is hiding when anyone can go online and discover the clear and present danger of decades-old State Department documents revealing what has been lurking within at least 22 states.

The main compound near the town of Hancock in upstate New York, known as Holy Islamberg, was founded in 1980 by Gilani as a religious sanctuary for devout Muslims.

This land is located near the reservoir that supplies most of New York City’s drinking water.

In fact, most of the compounds are near strategic locations within the United States designed to affect a mass population event at anytime.

The FBI’s own documents define the Muslims Of America as an autonomous organization which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and with in the U.S.

Report: Obama’s Terror Cells In The U.S.
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it's posted above with the original article............

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