U.S. sets single-day record for COVID-19 cases during new surge

So the quicker we kill off those susceptible the better off we are? Try running on that moron.
If we had protected them............and let the healthy out and about.......the economy wouldn't have been fucked.............and this shit would be over by now....or close........

Notice how New York isn't really getting hit hard now.........It sure as fuck isn't because of masks............it has mostly run its course there................................Like all pandemics in the past.
Have you been to NYC recently? They are fanatical about basic precautions. They aren’t at herd immunity .
So the quicker we kill off those susceptible the better off we are? Try running on that moron.
If we had protected them............and let the healthy out and about.......the economy wouldn't have been fucked.............and this shit would be over by now....or close........

Notice how New York isn't really getting hit hard now.........It sure as fuck isn't because of masks............it has mostly run its course there................................Like all pandemics in the past.
Have you been to NYC recently? They are fanatical about basic precautions. They aren’t at herd immunity you dope.
Up yours......most get it and don't know they had it MORON...........

16 states also set single-day records for new infections of the coronavirus. More than 84,000 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 across the United States on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, a record one-day increase in infections during the pandemic as the virus surges again nationwide.

Nice work, you orange piece of turd Trump. So this is America roundin the corner of the pandemic, is it? Fucking idiot.
Biden is so right, a president responsible for the deaths of over 225,000 Americans SHOULD NOT BE PRESIDENT!

Cases are much like the popular vote, completely irrelevant. The the class the demographics of the cases if you can, which I seriously doubt. Without that information there is no way to forecast what resources, IF ANY, might be needed to address them.


More and more studies are coming out showing that initially we killed the elderly.

That was who we said should be protected.

Cuomo murdered them and the left, like Cityflatulator, blame it on trump.

Now it is the young who are catching it, suffering some sniffels (some do die...like from the flu) and getting over it.

Stupid fucks.

The only people I personally know that has gotten it are near 70, she had a scratchy throat for a couple of days and he never showed any symptoms. Both are about done with their 14 day quarantine.

There is also a really important issue being overlooked, the motivation for hospitals to code a death as Wuhan Virus related. Since you have a private healthcare model, this can't be overstated.

Governments with socialized medicine don't mess with the numbers, there is no motivation. So, if a guy dies in a motorbike accident, he isn't tested for the Wuhan Virus and labelled his death due to it. He is labelled as "death due to vehicular collision".

How much of this goes on? Who knows. I would be willing to bet, with that motivation, and possibly even politically motivated hospitals in certain states, it is probably higher in the U.S than elsewhere.
Oh geez. Another nutter conspiracy. I’m sick of you ignorant fools running into conspiracy mode suggesting only you know what is happening. It’s ridiculous.

Fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators

Our ruling: True
We rate the claim that hospitals get paid more if patients are listed as COVID-19 and on ventilators as TRUE.

Hospitals and doctors do get paid more for Medicare patients diagnosed with COVID-19 or if it's considered presumed they have COVID-19 absent a laboratory-confirmed test, and three times more if the patients are placed on a ventilator to cover the cost of care and loss of business resulting from a shift in focus to treat COVID-19 cases.

This higher allocation of funds has been made possible under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act through a Medicare 20% add-on to its regular payment for COVID-19 patients, as verified by USA TODAY through the American Hospital Association Special Bulletin on the topic.

There is also a really important issue being overlooked, the motivation for hospitals to code a death as Wuhan Virus related. Since you have a private healthcare model, this can't be overstated.

Governments with socialized medicine don't mess with the numbers, there is no motivation. So, if a guy dies in a motorbike accident, he isn't tested for the Wuhan Virus and labelled his death due to it. He is labelled as "death due to vehicular collision".

How much of this goes on? Who knows. I would be willing to bet, with that motivation, and possibly even politically motivated hospitals in certain states, it is probably higher in the U.S than elsewhere.
Oh geez. Another nutter conspiracy. I’m sick of you ignorant fools running into conspiracy mode suggesting only you know what is happening. It’s ridiculous.
Well, since you can't support any of your bullshit....seems like they are doing you the same favor.
16 states also set single-day records for new infections of the coronavirus. More than 84,000 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 across the United States on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, a record one-day increase in infections during the pandemic as the virus surges again nationwide.

Nice work, you orange piece of turd Trump. So this is America roundin the corner of the pandemic, is it? Fucking idiot.
Biden is so right, a president responsible for the deaths of over 225,000 Americans SHOULD NOT BE PRESIDENT!
This is the consequence of placing in the WH an ignorant, incompetent, unprepared neophyte wholly unprepared to govern.

Trump knows nothing about sound, responsible public policy, he knows nothing about how government works, and worst of all: he doesn’t care.

And yet no Dim can articulate the exact policy to make it go away magically.
16 states also set single-day records for new infections of the coronavirus. More than 84,000 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 across the United States on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, a record one-day increase in infections during the pandemic as the virus surges again nationwide.

Nice work, you orange piece of turd Trump. So this is America roundin the corner of the pandemic, is it? Fucking idiot.
Biden is so right, a president responsible for the deaths of over 225,000 Americans SHOULD NOT BE PRESIDENT!

What does any of that have to do with Trump? Did Trump force you to go get infected? Did he create the virus? Did he steal medication from hospitals?

No. So what do you think some other president would have done differently? Explain.

Further, by the way, is this per capita?

And honestly I'm not worried about infections anyway. The fact, is you have a better chance of dying in a car accident, than from Covid.
16 states also set single-day records for new infections of the coronavirus. More than 84,000 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 across the United States on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, a record one-day increase in infections during the pandemic as the virus surges again nationwide.

Nice work, you orange piece of turd Trump. So this is America roundin the corner of the pandemic, is it? Fucking idiot.
Biden is so right, a president responsible for the deaths of over 225,000 Americans SHOULD NOT BE PRESIDENT!
DUPE-FOOL! That is nothing more than a measure of the massively increased testing that is now taking place.

The real measure of Covid is in the death rate, which has been REDUCED 94%, since April, when it hit a high of 17,077/week. HUGE SUCCESS, from Trump's excellent actions to stop the virus. See for yourself.>>

This is the consequence of placing in the WH an ignorant, incompetent, unprepared neophyte wholly unprepared to govern.

Trump knows nothing about sound, responsible public policy, he knows nothing about how government works, and worst of all: he doesn’t care.
DUPE! Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?
16 states also set single-day records for new infections of the coronavirus. More than 84,000 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 across the United States on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, a record one-day increase in infections during the pandemic as the virus surges again nationwide.

Nice work, you orange piece of turd Trump. So this is America roundin the corner of the pandemic, is it? Fucking idiot.
Biden is so right, a president responsible for the deaths of over 225,000 Americans SHOULD NOT BE PRESIDENT!
Suffering ignorant fucks like yourself is so exhausting
With a world of information at your fingertips it is inexcusable

84,000 across the United States

THAT IS 1,680 people per state you idiot

I live in Chicago

The population in Illinois is 12.8 million
Chicago is 2.7 million

That amounts to 1 person tested positive in illinois
for every 7,620 people in Illinois

California population is 39.5 million

That amounts to 1 person for every 23,512 people living in California
that tested positive

New York population 19.8 million

That amounts to 1 person for every 11,786 people living in New York
that tested positive

Florida population is 21 million

That amounts to 1 person for every 12,500 people living in Florida
that tested positive

Testing positive MEANS WHAT




I guarantee you, if Trump were to be able to get away with delaying the elections for a month
and invalidate all votes cast thus far, you'd see Covid 19 miraculously go night night
16 states also set single-day records for new infections of the coronavirus. More than 84,000 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 across the United States on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, a record one-day increase in infections during the pandemic as the virus surges again nationwide.

Nice work, you orange piece of turd Trump. So this is America roundin the corner of the pandemic, is it? Fucking idiot.
Biden is so right, a president responsible for the deaths of over 225,000 Americans SHOULD NOT BE PRESIDENT!
More testing= more cases
16 states also set single-day records for new infections of the coronavirus. More than 84,000 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 across the United States on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, a record one-day increase in infections during the pandemic as the virus surges again nationwide.

Nice work, you orange piece of turd Trump. So this is America roundin the corner of the pandemic, is it? Fucking idiot.
Biden is so right, a president responsible for the deaths of over 225,000 Americans SHOULD NOT BE PRESIDENT!


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