U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals With HUGE “Standing” Ruling Ahead of Kari Lake Arizona Legal Showdowns

Any celebration by republicans is premature. The ruling by the Georgia supreme court, has no application in the 9th circuit, since Georgia is in the 11th circuit since 1981.

And opinions are only binding on the circuit in which they originated. Which is why the supreme court steps in, when there are two different rulings in two different circuits needinmg to be resolved against each other.

Plus the Georgia supreme court ruling was very specific that the standing issue wasn't one of standing in federal courts which is covered by the USSC interpretation of Article 3 of the constitution, but of standing in Georgia state courts only.

No doubt some hate site laid this out for you. The reality though is that case law from all sources is considered by courts. Cuneiform law has been references and cited in American court cases.

Your post and the hate site you got it from are pure nonsense.
If systemic fraud and a stolen election is proven then hell yes there should be a second election. But we both know that it won’t be proven and a second election won’t happen. Right?
When was it proven?
Why not have a re-do of the election for two weeks from the ruling? To allow for lines, make it a three-day affair. Also, because there will not be time to mail a slew of ballots, require in-person with specific exceptions for the elderly, disabled, or those on military duty.

Will Democrats squawk over the fact that voters will have to show up? Big deal. It’s been done like that for more than 100 years. And if they don’t like it, maybe they’ll think twice about all the delayed counts and ballot harvesting.
Big deal to you, you don't get a do over just because you dislike the results. 😄
A technical problem with the printers isn’t evidence of election tampering.

YES IT IS, you dumb fucking asshole.

Election officials swear they were tested and working the night before.

SIXTY printers don't go randomly belly up. Shit like that doesn't happen in the real world.

These stupid lawsuits are going to fail just like they did in 2020.

In that case you're just in bigger trouble than you were last week
YES IT IS, you dumb fucking asshole.

Election officials swear they were tested and working the night before.

SIXTY printers don't go randomly belly up. Shit like that doesn't happen in the real world.

In that case you're just in bigger trouble than you were last week
YES IT IS, you dumb fucking asshole.

Election officials swear they were tested and working the night before.

SIXTY printers don't go randomly belly up. Shit like that doesn't happen in the real world.

In that case you're just in bigger trouble than you were last week
The printers didn't go belly up... Where did you get that nonsense from?! There was a setting that was causing issues... It was resolved pretty quickly. But go ahead and let the conspiracy theories fly... hyperbolize away... who needs the truth, facts, and accuracy, right? Thats all overrated.
Sure you aren't interested unless the election was in question and it was a Republican in charge
I don't think a governor running for reelection as something that stirs interest in accusing them of election fraud... You need more than that. Do you have anything?

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