U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

This more of your "small" government Constitutional conservatism?

Ahhh, yes. The old "you want small government, therefore you HAVE to believe all government activity is wrong" argument.

Too bad for you that enforcing the border is actually a proper function of government, regardless of whether or not I think THIS guy was right or wrong.

These people were not at the border, they were in the country making a purchase at a store

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Got good news and bad, Montana is a border state...and they have stores at the border.

So. In your little police state, just being in a state on the border is sufficient cause ask people to show their papers?

I bet you do one hell of a goose step

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Oh, WILL you please switch to decaf? Having a conversation with someone is NOT a "police state".
That's true--however, when a LEO asks for proof of citizenship..it's an official act..a bit more than 'having a conversation'. In truth..I find the reactions of people to this act more of a threat...than the actual act. The Officer was a bit out of line..not exactly a fascist--just over-zealous....but the fervor of the right winger's defense says something ugly.
It is illegal to speak Spanish in Montana? :rolleyes-41:

Did anyone say it was?

Well, if it isn't then why were they detained?

He then denied that the women had been racially profiled.

“It has nothing to do with that,” the agent said in the clip. “It’s the fact that it has to do with you guys speaking Spanish in the store ― in a state where it’s predominantly English-speaking.”

If all else fails, read the link.

So, speaking Spanish is now considered probable cause? Obviously for this officer it was, but will his decision stand?

Depends on "probable cause for what". Probable cause for arresting them? Definitely not. Probable cause for an ACTUAL detention, where he ACTUALLY tells them not to leave? No. Probable cause for a voluntary, polite conversation? Maybe, maybe not. I can see where this guy needs a sit-down with his supervisor on how to handle his job a lot more diplomatically.
Yet you decide to highlight the whole 35 minutes spent in the parking lot...dumbass.
Yet you decide to excuse two US citizens being detained for speaking Spanish. Even after providing proof of citizenship. You stupid, boot-licking piece of shit
There is nothing wrong with checking. There are literally MILLIONS of illegals in our country. We have to be vigilant if we want to get rid of them.
Explain the 35 minute detention....all based on speaking Spanish.....It's so funny to watch trumpanzees willing to go to the wall for their precious guns, but give up their other freedoms so willingly.
Detention for 35 seconds was unwarranted.
No, 35 seconds isnt enough time to determine if they are legal residents. I think anything up to a fews hours is appropriate.

The "Papers Please" argument didn't work out well for Shuriff Joe .. had it not been for his pardon by the Orange Menace, he'd be in jail right now.
What rights were actually violated? I wasn't aware ANYONE had a right to never be spoken to by law enforcement.
Educate yourself, troglodyte:
Search and Seizure and the Fourth Amendment - FindLaw
U.S. Constitution: Fourth Amendment - FindLaw

Why don't you share with me what was "searched" or "seized" by talking to them? Hell, show me IN YOUR OWN LINKS where their 4th Amendment rights were violated. As far as I can tell, they weren't arrested OR detained. They were just spoken to.
Demanding ID's and detaining them is not "talking to them" you despicable ****.

Please show me where they were "detained" by any legal definition. They quite frankly could have told him no and walked away, had they wanted to. Stop overreacting.

NONSENSE - They were NOT free to walk away and might have even been shot in the back.

Walk a mile in their shoes at some point - If not in this life, maybe the next.

Oh, horse shit. Unless the cop TELLS you you're not free to walk away, you are. If you really think saying, "You haven't arrested me, so I assume I'm free to go" is going to get you shot, then you need to put down your crack pipe and back away.

But I realize that handling ANY incident with law enforcement in such a calm, reasoned way is an alien concept to you.
Ahhh, yes. The old "you want small government, therefore you HAVE to believe all government activity is wrong" argument.

Too bad for you that enforcing the border is actually a proper function of government, regardless of whether or not I think THIS guy was right or wrong.

These people were not at the border, they were in the country making a purchase at a store

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Got good news and bad, Montana is a border state...and they have stores at the border.

So. In your little police state, just being in a state on the border is sufficient cause ask people to show their papers?

I bet you do one hell of a goose step

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Oh, WILL you please switch to decaf? Having a conversation with someone is NOT a "police state".
That's true--however, when a LEO asks for proof of citizenship..it's an official act..a bit more than 'having a conversation'. In truth..I find the reactions of people to this act more of a threat...than the actual act. The Officer was a bit out of line..not exactly a fascist--just over-zealous....but the fervor of the right winger's defense says something ugly.

Sorry, but it's still just a conversation. Yes, he's having it in his official capacity as an officer, but that changes nothing about your legal rights in the situation, which ARE still to walk away if you choose to. If you choose instead to feel intimidated and "detained", that's on you, not him.

Furthermore, the only "fervor" here is the left's desire to turn this into some apocalyptic tale of "the dark night of Nazism", and to see the very mild, reasonable response of "You're overreacting" as a defense of the guy. Speaking of over-zealous . . .
Yet you decide to excuse two US citizens being detained for speaking Spanish. Even after providing proof of citizenship. You stupid, boot-licking piece of shit
There is nothing wrong with checking. There are literally MILLIONS of illegals in our country. We have to be vigilant if we want to get rid of them.
Explain the 35 minute detention....all based on speaking Spanish.....It's so funny to watch trumpanzees willing to go to the wall for their precious guns, but give up their other freedoms so willingly.
Detention for 35 seconds was unwarranted.
No, 35 seconds isnt enough time to determine if they are legal residents. I think anything up to a fews hours is appropriate.

The "Papers Please" argument didn't work out well for Shuriff Joe .. had it not been for his pardon by the Orange Menace, he'd be in jail right now.

Joe Arpaio did a lot more than ask for ID, so spare me the false comparisons.
These people were not at the border, they were in the country making a purchase at a store

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Got good news and bad, Montana is a border state...and they have stores at the border.

So. In your little police state, just being in a state on the border is sufficient cause ask people to show their papers?

I bet you do one hell of a goose step

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Oh, WILL you please switch to decaf? Having a conversation with someone is NOT a "police state".
That's true--however, when a LEO asks for proof of citizenship..it's an official act..a bit more than 'having a conversation'. In truth..I find the reactions of people to this act more of a threat...than the actual act. The Officer was a bit out of line..not exactly a fascist--just over-zealous....but the fervor of the right winger's defense says something ugly.

Sorry, but it's still just a conversation. Yes, he's having it in his official capacity as an officer, but that changes nothing about your legal rights in the situation, which ARE still to walk away if you choose to. If you choose instead to feel intimidated and "detained", that's on you, not him.

Furthermore, the only "fervor" here is the left's desire to turn this into some apocalyptic tale of "the dark night of Nazism", and to see the very mild, reasonable response of "You're overreacting" as a defense of the guy. Speaking of over-zealous . . .

So the officer asks for your ID and takes it. Do you just walk away without your ID? As soon as he tales possession of your document(s), you are effectively being detained.
Americans have freedom in this country. Illegals do not. Legals can speak whatever language they want. Illegals need to go home and speak whatever language they want.
See how that works?

These were citizens. Stopping someone for speaking Spanish is not probable cause no matter whether they are legal or not.

Did they have a stamp on their forehead saying so? Then how is he to know without investigating? And just because you are a citizen doesn't mean you are not up to no good. Guess you never heard of homegrown terrorists either. You assholes whine all day long about protection (like grabbing guns) but you never seem to realize that with that comes loss of liberty.
And fucktards like you cry like little bitches because you think the Obama is going to take your precious bam-sticks, but don't give two shits about other rights.

What right do you whine about? The right not to be offended by every little thing? The right not to live life triggered? The right not to cooperate with LEOs in any way possible without giving them shit? The right not to be stopped and questioned by authorities in the execution of their duties?
The fact that you think this was in the 'execution of their duties' tells us all we need to know about the extent of your brain power.

TRANSLATION: You make summary decisions on things you nothing about based on very little information cuz you just want to always think you are right.
Got good news and bad, Montana is a border state...and they have stores at the border.

So. In your little police state, just being in a state on the border is sufficient cause ask people to show their papers?

I bet you do one hell of a goose step

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Oh, WILL you please switch to decaf? Having a conversation with someone is NOT a "police state".
That's true--however, when a LEO asks for proof of citizenship..it's an official act..a bit more than 'having a conversation'. In truth..I find the reactions of people to this act more of a threat...than the actual act. The Officer was a bit out of line..not exactly a fascist--just over-zealous....but the fervor of the right winger's defense says something ugly.

Sorry, but it's still just a conversation. Yes, he's having it in his official capacity as an officer, but that changes nothing about your legal rights in the situation, which ARE still to walk away if you choose to. If you choose instead to feel intimidated and "detained", that's on you, not him.

Furthermore, the only "fervor" here is the left's desire to turn this into some apocalyptic tale of "the dark night of Nazism", and to see the very mild, reasonable response of "You're overreacting" as a defense of the guy. Speaking of over-zealous . . .

So the officer asks for your ID and takes it. Do you just walk away without your ID? As soon as he tales possession of your document(s), you are effectively being detained.

You realize you don't have to give it to him just because he asks, right?
U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

Two U.S. citizens said they were detained last week by a Border Patrol agent in Montana after he overheard them speaking Spanish to each other in a convenience store.

Ana Suda and Mimi Hernandez said they’d popped into the store in Havre, a small town near the border with Canada, early Wednesday morning when they were approached by a uniformed Border Patrol agent, KRTV reported.

The two women, who are Mexican American, had been chatting in Spanish while waiting in line to pay for eggs and milk when ― to their incredulity ― the agent asked them for their IDs.

Suda told MTN News that even after seeing their IDs, the agent did not let them leave the parking lot for about 35 minutes.
OMG OMG OMG not that?!?!!
There are 44 Murders per day and 232 Rapes per day in America and Left Wingers are obsessed with little things.
Libs have a really warped sense of priorities.
U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

Two U.S. citizens said they were detained last week by a Border Patrol agent in Montana after he overheard them speaking Spanish to each other in a convenience store.

Ana Suda and Mimi Hernandez said they’d popped into the store in Havre, a small town near the border with Canada, early Wednesday morning when they were approached by a uniformed Border Patrol agent, KRTV reported.

The two women, who are Mexican American, had been chatting in Spanish while waiting in line to pay for eggs and milk when ― to their incredulity ― the agent asked them for their IDs.

Suda told MTN News that even after seeing their IDs, the agent did not let them leave the parking lot for about 35 minutes.
...and you believe them?

The same people who are telling relatives that its okay to go to Montana because the police don't bother you there.

What did the Border Patrol say?

“U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents and officers are committed to treating everyone with professionalism, dignity and respect while enforcing the laws of the United States,” the rep said in a statement. “Although most Border Patrol work is conducted in the immediate border area, agents have broad law enforcement authorities and are not limited to a specific geography within the United States. They have the authority to question individuals, make arrests, and take and consider evidence.”

I say go ahead and sue. Let's see what ACTUALLY happened.
This more of your "small" government Constitutional conservatism?

Ahhh, yes. The old "you want small government, therefore you HAVE to believe all government activity is wrong" argument.

No, I would think any violation of the Bill of Rights would qualify, particularly from people constantly screaming about how they are the real Constitutional party and that it's the left is chipping away at our rights.

Too bad for you that enforcing the border is actually a proper function of government, regardless of whether or not I think THIS guy was right or wrong.

Too bad for you bigotry is not border enforcement. Someone speaking another language, in a country that is a melting pot where pretty much every language in the world is spoken, does not qualify as probably cause.

Once again you assclowns defend an ever encroaching police state while you scream about your gun rights, and religious rights, and educational rights getting violated. You're very selective in your defense of the Constitution, but like I said, anything to keep brown people out of the country.
This more of your "small" government Constitutional conservatism?

Ahhh, yes. The old "you want small government, therefore you HAVE to believe all government activity is wrong" argument.

No, I would think any violation of the Bill of Rights would qualify, particularly from people constantly screaming about how they are the real Constitutional party and that it's the left is chipping away at our rights.

That argument would require an actual violation of the Bill of Rights, not a violation of what you IMAGINE is in the Bill of Rights.

Too bad for you that enforcing the border is actually a proper function of government, regardless of whether or not I think THIS guy was right or wrong.

Too bad for you bigotry is not border enforcement. Someone speaking another language, in a country that is a melting pot where pretty much every language in the world is spoken, does not qualify as probably cause.

Once again you assclowns defend an ever encroaching police state while you scream about your gun rights, and religious rights, and educational rights getting violated. You're very selective in your defense of the Constitution, but like I said, anything to keep brown people out of the country.

Sorry, but "bigotry is not border enforcement" is just another way of saying, "Fuck the law, my FEELZ!" Not interested. Cite me the specific law and violation, or piss off.

Oh, and you can take your backhanded accusation of racism and shove it up your ass sideways, unless and until you have PROOF that I'm racist beyond, "You don't agree with me, so it MUST be because you hate minorities!" I don't agree with you because you're a hypersensitive, hypo-educated drama queen, no other reason.
U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

Two U.S. citizens said they were detained last week by a Border Patrol agent in Montana after he overheard them speaking Spanish to each other in a convenience store.

Ana Suda and Mimi Hernandez said they’d popped into the store in Havre, a small town near the border with Canada, early Wednesday morning when they were approached by a uniformed Border Patrol agent, KRTV reported.

The two women, who are Mexican American, had been chatting in Spanish while waiting in line to pay for eggs and milk when ― to their incredulity ― the agent asked them for their IDs.

Suda told MTN News that even after seeing their IDs, the agent did not let them leave the parking lot for about 35 minutes.

Wow, a whole 35 minutes. Good thing they didn't go through an airport, that would have been 45 minutes standing in line.
^ The Trump sheep immediately defends scrapping rights for U.S. citizens

No it's you regressives that claim a law enforcement officer doing his job, in a professional manner, is somehow doing something wrong. He asked for ID, verified the ID was genuine and sent them on their way. Many illegals are using stolen IDs. Also when are you regressives going to learn that Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality. Did you notice the one woman couldn't even pronounce "profiling" correctly?

Wow, a whole 35 minutes. Good thing they didn't go through an airport, that would have been 45 minutes standing in line.
That’s not the point, dipshit. Two US citizens were racially profiled and detained for speaking Spanish after providing proof of citizenship. And this happened in the United States at a store in Montana.

Do you rinse after licking boots, or do you enjoy the taste?

Racially profiled? Speaking Spanish is a race now?
U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

Two U.S. citizens said they were detained last week by a Border Patrol agent in Montana after he overheard them speaking Spanish to each other in a convenience store.

Ana Suda and Mimi Hernandez said they’d popped into the store in Havre, a small town near the border with Canada, early Wednesday morning when they were approached by a uniformed Border Patrol agent, KRTV reported.

The two women, who are Mexican American, had been chatting in Spanish while waiting in line to pay for eggs and milk when ― to their incredulity ― the agent asked them for their IDs.

Suda told MTN News that even after seeing their IDs, the agent did not let them leave the parking lot for about 35 minutes.
OMG OMG OMG not that?!?!!
There are 44 Murders per day and 232 Rapes per day in America and Left Wingers are obsessed with little things.
Libs have a really warped sense of priorities.
Little things...like gun registration.
Yet you decide to highlight the whole 35 minutes spent in the parking lot...dumbass.
Yet you decide to excuse two US citizens being detained for speaking Spanish. Even after providing proof of citizenship. You stupid, boot-licking piece of shit
There is nothing wrong with checking. There are literally MILLIONS of illegals in our country. We have to be vigilant if we want to get rid of them.
Explain the 35 minute detention....all based on speaking Spanish.....It's so funny to watch trumpanzees willing to go to the wall for their precious guns, but give up their other freedoms so willingly.
Detention for 35 seconds was unwarranted.

Unless you can show me that officer telling those women they couldn't leave, there was no "detention".
Unless you can show me the officer having any evidentiary suspicion that they were engaged in criminal activity there was no cause for asking for ID or holding them
Yet you decide to excuse two US citizens being detained for speaking Spanish. Even after providing proof of citizenship. You stupid, boot-licking piece of shit
There is nothing wrong with checking. There are literally MILLIONS of illegals in our country. We have to be vigilant if we want to get rid of them.
Explain the 35 minute detention....all based on speaking Spanish.....It's so funny to watch trumpanzees willing to go to the wall for their precious guns, but give up their other freedoms so willingly.
Detention for 35 seconds was unwarranted.

Unless you can show me that officer telling those women they couldn't leave, there was no "detention".
Unless you can show me the officer having any evidentiary suspicion that they were engaged in criminal activity there was no cause for asking for ID or holding them

Unless you can show me where that is codified into law, there is no cause for me to let you set the goalposts there.

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