U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

Two U.S. citizens said they were detained last week by a Border Patrol agent in Montana after he overheard them speaking Spanish to each other in a convenience store.

Ana Suda and Mimi Hernandez said they’d popped into the store in Havre, a small town near the border with Canada, early Wednesday morning when they were approached by a uniformed Border Patrol agent, KRTV reported.

The two women, who are Mexican American, had been chatting in Spanish while waiting in line to pay for eggs and milk when ― to their incredulity ― the agent asked them for their IDs.

Suda told MTN News that even after seeing their IDs, the agent did not let them leave the parking lot for about 35 minutes.

Wow, a whole 35 minutes. Good thing they didn't go through an airport, that would have been 45 minutes standing in line.
^ The Trump sheep immediately defends scrapping rights for U.S. citizens

No it's you regressives that claim a law enforcement officer doing his job, in a professional manner, is somehow doing something wrong. He asked for ID, verified the ID was genuine and sent them on their way. Many illegals are using stolen IDs. Also when are you regressives going to learn that Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality. Did you notice the one woman couldn't even pronounce "profiling" correctly?


Which he is not allowed to do. Speaking Spanish is not a crime. HE had no right to ask for a ID.

Actually he did, they were within a border control zone. Border Patrol can question anyone within them.

View attachment 194794

It's been upheld by the Supreme Court. Did you not read the town is close to the Canadian border?


Kind of a 'rights-free' zone.
U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

Two U.S. citizens said they were detained last week by a Border Patrol agent in Montana after he overheard them speaking Spanish to each other in a convenience store.

Ana Suda and Mimi Hernandez said they’d popped into the store in Havre, a small town near the border with Canada, early Wednesday morning when they were approached by a uniformed Border Patrol agent, KRTV reported.

The two women, who are Mexican American, had been chatting in Spanish while waiting in line to pay for eggs and milk when ― to their incredulity ― the agent asked them for their IDs.

Suda told MTN News that even after seeing their IDs, the agent did not let them leave the parking lot for about 35 minutes.

Wow, a whole 35 minutes. Good thing they didn't go through an airport, that would have been 45 minutes standing in line.
^ The Trump sheep immediately defends scrapping rights for U.S. citizens

No it's you regressives that claim a law enforcement officer doing his job, in a professional manner, is somehow doing something wrong. He asked for ID, verified the ID was genuine and sent them on their way. Many illegals are using stolen IDs. Also when are you regressives going to learn that Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality. Did you notice the one woman couldn't even pronounce "profiling" correctly?


Which he is not allowed to do. Speaking Spanish is not a crime. HE had no right to ask for a ID.

Actually he did, they were within a border control zone. Border Patrol can question anyone within them.

View attachment 194794

It's been upheld by the Supreme Court. Did you not read the town is close to the Canadian border?

Don't get it twisted!

The Border Control Zone merely delineates jurisdiction--it confers no special powers to the Border Patrol. They still have to act under the same constitutional constraints that every LEO does.

For that matter, any officer can 'question' someone--absent exigent circumstance or probable cause...one need not answer. Cops hate it when you do that..and often you'll find yourself in a situation where your rights are violated.

Wow, a whole 35 minutes. Good thing they didn't go through an airport, that would have been 45 minutes standing in line.
^ The Trump sheep immediately defends scrapping rights for U.S. citizens

No it's you regressives that claim a law enforcement officer doing his job, in a professional manner, is somehow doing something wrong. He asked for ID, verified the ID was genuine and sent them on their way. Many illegals are using stolen IDs. Also when are you regressives going to learn that Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality. Did you notice the one woman couldn't even pronounce "profiling" correctly?


Which he is not allowed to do. Speaking Spanish is not a crime. HE had no right to ask for a ID.

Actually he did, they were within a border control zone. Border Patrol can question anyone within them.

View attachment 194794

It's been upheld by the Supreme Court. Did you not read the town is close to the Canadian border?

Don't get it twisted!

The Border Control Zone merely delineates jurisdiction--it confers no special powers to the Border Patrol. They still have to act under the same constitutional constraints that every LEO does.

For that matter, any officer can 'question' someone--absent exigent circumstance or probable cause...one need not answer. Cops hate it when you do that..and often you'll find yourself in a situation where your rights are violated.


I guess when I was stopped at the inland border patrol check points, you think my rights were violated, I don't see it that way at all. They were doing their jobs, just like the guy in this sham story.

Yapping Spanish at the border is as smart as “fire” in a movie theater
Libbies are the queens of fake personal outrage
Let me guess, the ALT-Right White Supremacists see a problem in speaking other languages.

After all, Diversity is White Genocide and all that fuzz.


Let me guess, you're going to have nothing useful to say, and just spew bias as though it's intelligent.

Oh, look! I was right!
Wow, a whole 35 minutes. Good thing they didn't go through an airport, that would have been 45 minutes standing in line.
^ The Trump sheep immediately defends scrapping rights for U.S. citizens

Rights are only for white people.

What rights were actually violated? I wasn't aware ANYONE had a right to never be spoken to by law enforcement.

Start with the 4th Amendment. Illegal search and seizure. The agent had no probable cause for detaining them for even 2 minutes.

Start with where having a conversation is not "detaining", and CERTAINLY isn't searching or seizing, and then explain to me what the fuck the 4th Amendment has to do with it, other than your vague notion that anything you don't like MUST be "Unconstitutional".
Next time speak English. See if that resolves the problem...

That is exactly what a Nazi would say. We have something called freedom in this country. That means you can speak any language you want.

Americans have freedom in this country. Illegals do not. Legals can speak whatever language they want. Illegals need to go home and speak whatever language they want.
See how that works?

These were citizens. Stopping someone for speaking Spanish is not probable cause no matter whether they are legal or not.

Did they have a stamp on their forehead saying so? Then how is he to know without investigating? And just because you are a citizen doesn't mean you are not up to no good. Guess you never heard of homegrown terrorists either. You assholes whine all day long about protection (like grabbing guns) but you never seem to realize that with that comes loss of liberty.

There was no probable cause to even ask for identification. Protecting your rights is not whining. Maybe we should ignore the 2nd Amendment and ban the ownership of guns.

Please cite me the law that specifies "probable cause" in this situation. Protecting "rights" that you only THINK you have IS whining. Maybe we should ignore your attempts to classify "I don't like that, I don't think that's right" as part of the Founding documents.

Whenever you're ready to start citing something more solid than your own "feelz" about "how it should be", I'm waiting.
^ The Trump sheep immediately defends scrapping rights for U.S. citizens

No it's you regressives that claim a law enforcement officer doing his job, in a professional manner, is somehow doing something wrong. He asked for ID, verified the ID was genuine and sent them on their way. Many illegals are using stolen IDs. Also when are you regressives going to learn that Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality. Did you notice the one woman couldn't even pronounce "profiling" correctly?


Which he is not allowed to do. Speaking Spanish is not a crime. HE had no right to ask for a ID.

Actually he did, they were within a border control zone. Border Patrol can question anyone within them.

View attachment 194794

It's been upheld by the Supreme Court. Did you not read the town is close to the Canadian border?

Don't get it twisted!

The Border Control Zone merely delineates jurisdiction--it confers no special powers to the Border Patrol. They still have to act under the same constitutional constraints that every LEO does.

For that matter, any officer can 'question' someone--absent exigent circumstance or probable cause...one need not answer. Cops hate it when you do that..and often you'll find yourself in a situation where your rights are violated.


I guess when I was stopped at the inland border patrol check points, you think my rights were violated, I don't see it that way at all. They were doing their jobs, just like the guy in this sham story.

I agree..now if you had been cuffed and stuffed in back of a patrol car for two hours..while they 'check' your ID--then you'd have a case, right? Even if you were speaking Spanish and were as brown as a walnut. Right?
U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

Two U.S. citizens said they were detained last week by a Border Patrol agent in Montana after he overheard them speaking Spanish to each other in a convenience store.

Ana Suda and Mimi Hernandez said they’d popped into the store in Havre, a small town near the border with Canada, early Wednesday morning when they were approached by a uniformed Border Patrol agent, KRTV reported.

The two women, who are Mexican American, had been chatting in Spanish while waiting in line to pay for eggs and milk when ― to their incredulity ― the agent asked them for their IDs.

Suda told MTN News that even after seeing their IDs, the agent did not let them leave the parking lot for about 35 minutes.

Wow, a whole 35 minutes. Good thing they didn't go through an airport, that would have been 45 minutes standing in line.
So...it is totally acceptable to detain American citizens going about their business because they speak Spanish. Just wanted to confirm the new "American" standards. Gotcha! :113:

Welcome to Trump’s America

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Liar trump has poured a lot of gas on this fire but it had been building before he lied about his idiotic wall.

I was living in AZ when 1070 was first proposed. Being an American, I wrongly believed it would fail because surely the RWNJs would object to open fascism, right?

The right has openly taken the position of pure hatred for education, especially of learning other languages. Its astounding that so many actually believe the US should have an official language because that would only harm us.

Racist kkk trump is dragging us down into his filth - pardoning his kkk buddy, Arpaio and rubbing up agaisnt slime like Kobach aka KKKobach.
It is illegal to speak Spanish in Montana? :rolleyes-41:

Did anyone say it was?

Well, if it isn't then why were they detained?

Show me where they were "detained". FYI, conversing with them is not "detaining". Detaining would require him to indicate that they were not free to leave at any time. Did I miss the part where that happened?

They were detained by asking for identification and even after that they were not allowed to leave.

Sorry, but that is not the legal definition of "detained", which IS an actual, legal concept beyond your "feewings" on the subject. So far as I know, you are not required to provide your ID to an officer who asks to see it. If you do so, it's on YOU, not him, that you now have to ask for it back.

Furthermore, I am going to ask again, since you are obviously hard-of-thinking and can't seem to fumble your way to a solid legal argument through all your beliefs and impressions - doubtless formed through hours of intensive TV watching - about the situation: please show me where "even after that they were not allowed to leave". Be specific.

If you're so damned hot on "protecting your rights", perhaps you should start by knowing what they are.
U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

Two U.S. citizens said they were detained last week by a Border Patrol agent in Montana after he overheard them speaking Spanish to each other in a convenience store.

Ana Suda and Mimi Hernandez said they’d popped into the store in Havre, a small town near the border with Canada, early Wednesday morning when they were approached by a uniformed Border Patrol agent, KRTV reported.

The two women, who are Mexican American, had been chatting in Spanish while waiting in line to pay for eggs and milk when ― to their incredulity ― the agent asked them for their IDs.

Suda told MTN News that even after seeing their IDs, the agent did not let them leave the parking lot for about 35 minutes.

I commend the agent. His job is to investigate anything out of the ordinary to be proactive and these people speaking in a foreign tongue was enough to just take a look into to make sure it was nothing. Had those people been terrorists planning on planting a bomb and the agent passed them by dismissing them, then you'd be on here ranting how our national security sucks!

You would. Interesting how when we talk about the 2nd Amendment, people like you demand full fealty to the Constitution. Now you say that violating the Constitution is okay. Speaking in a foreign tongue is not probable cause. Had they been committing a crime, any charges would have been thrown out due to the violation of their Constitutional rights.

No one violated the Constitution. Whatever constitutes unusual behavior to a LEO is probable cause to investigate. You libs are always triggered about something. See that zipper on the back of your head? Open it and try massaging a little common sense into your brain.

I believe in the Constitution. That does not make one a liberal. Speaking Spanish is not unusual behavior and does not constitute probable cause. What you need is some respect for the Constitution you fascist pig.

You do not believe in the Constitution. You believe in saying, "Constitution!" every time you don't like something, under the vague impression that it MUST support whatever it is you want at the moment.

Speaking Spanish apparently IS unusual behavior in Montana. Furthermore, there is no number of times that you are going to be able to knowingly spout, "Probable cause!" that's going to make it actually applicable to the REAL legal situation, so either show us what "probable cause" is required for a conversation, or knock it the fuck off.
Next time speak English. See if that resolves the problem...

Or be held by authorities, even after producing their "papers"?

What if I don't want to?

What if I don't speak English?

Why are you RWNJs so damn eager to throw away basic American rights?
I'll venture a guess...perhaps they 'feel' that said rights are reserved for their version of what an American is--and a brown person speaking Spanish at the Canadian border--somehow falls short of that definition.
I don't know..of course..just throwing it out there.
Yet you decide to excuse two US citizens being detained for speaking Spanish. Even after providing proof of citizenship. You stupid, boot-licking piece of shit
There is nothing wrong with checking. There are literally MILLIONS of illegals in our country. We have to be vigilant if we want to get rid of them.
Explain the 35 minute detention....all based on speaking Spanish.....It's so funny to watch trumpanzees willing to go to the wall for their precious guns, but give up their other freedoms so willingly.
Detention for 35 seconds was unwarranted.
No, 35 seconds isnt enough time to determine if they are legal residents. I think anything up to a fews hours is appropriate.

You cannot just stop people on the street and ask for their papers. They broke no laws.

Really? Show me the law that says a Border Patrol officer can't initiate a conversation and make a polite request for ID (and no, calling a driver's license "your papers" does not make it sound ominous, it just makes you sound like a moron), or that those women didn't have every right to politely decline.
U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

Two U.S. citizens said they were detained last week by a Border Patrol agent in Montana after he overheard them speaking Spanish to each other in a convenience store.

Ana Suda and Mimi Hernandez said they’d popped into the store in Havre, a small town near the border with Canada, early Wednesday morning when they were approached by a uniformed Border Patrol agent, KRTV reported.

The two women, who are Mexican American, had been chatting in Spanish while waiting in line to pay for eggs and milk when ― to their incredulity ― the agent asked them for their IDs.

Suda told MTN News that even after seeing their IDs, the agent did not let them leave the parking lot for about 35 minutes.

Wow, a whole 35 minutes. Good thing they didn't go through an airport, that would have been 45 minutes standing in line.
^ The Trump sheep immediately defends scrapping rights for U.S. citizens

No it's you regressives that claim a law enforcement officer doing his job, in a professional manner, is somehow doing something wrong. He asked for ID, verified the ID was genuine and sent them on their way. Many illegals are using stolen IDs. Also when are you regressives going to learn that Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality. Did you notice the one woman couldn't even pronounce "profiling" correctly?


Which he is not allowed to do. Speaking Spanish is not a crime. HE had no right to ask for a ID.

One more time: Cite us the law supporting your oh-so-confident assertions as to what he did and did not have a right to do.
Wow, a whole 35 minutes. Good thing they didn't go through an airport, that would have been 45 minutes standing in line.
^ The Trump sheep immediately defends scrapping rights for U.S. citizens

No it's you regressives that claim a law enforcement officer doing his job, in a professional manner, is somehow doing something wrong. He asked for ID, verified the ID was genuine and sent them on their way. Many illegals are using stolen IDs. Also when are you regressives going to learn that Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality. Did you notice the one woman couldn't even pronounce "profiling" correctly?


Which he is not allowed to do. Speaking Spanish is not a crime. HE had no right to ask for a ID.

Actually he did, they were within a border control zone. Border Patrol can question anyone within them.

View attachment 194794

It's been upheld by the Supreme Court. Did you not read the town is close to the Canadian border?


Kind of a 'rights-free' zone.

Always assuming you had a "right" to never be engaged in conversation by a law enforcement officer . . . which you didn't.
U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

Two U.S. citizens said they were detained last week by a Border Patrol agent in Montana after he overheard them speaking Spanish to each other in a convenience store.

Ana Suda and Mimi Hernandez said they’d popped into the store in Havre, a small town near the border with Canada, early Wednesday morning when they were approached by a uniformed Border Patrol agent, KRTV reported.

The two women, who are Mexican American, had been chatting in Spanish while waiting in line to pay for eggs and milk when ― to their incredulity ― the agent asked them for their IDs.

Suda told MTN News that even after seeing their IDs, the agent did not let them leave the parking lot for about 35 minutes.

I commend the agent. His job is to investigate anything out of the ordinary to be proactive and these people speaking in a foreign tongue was enough to just take a look into to make sure it was nothing. Had those people been terrorists planning on planting a bomb and the agent passed them by dismissing them, then you'd be on here ranting how our national security sucks!

You would. Interesting how when we talk about the 2nd Amendment, people like you demand full fealty to the Constitution. Now you say that violating the Constitution is okay. Speaking in a foreign tongue is not probable cause. Had they been committing a crime, any charges would have been thrown out due to the violation of their Constitutional rights.

No one violated the Constitution. Whatever constitutes unusual behavior to a LEO is probable cause to investigate. You libs are always triggered about something. See that zipper on the back of your head? Open it and try massaging a little common sense into your brain.

I believe in the Constitution. That does not make one a liberal. Speaking Spanish is not unusual behavior and does not constitute probable cause. What you need is some respect for the Constitution you fascist pig.

You do not believe in the Constitution. You believe in saying, "Constitution!" every time you don't like something, under the vague impression that it MUST support whatever it is you want at the moment.

Speaking Spanish apparently IS unusual behavior in Montana. Furthermore, there is no number of times that you are going to be able to knowingly spout, "Probable cause!" that's going to make it actually applicable to the REAL legal situation, so either show us what "probable cause" is required for a conversation, or knock it the fuck off.
As a person who travels to Montana at least 4 times a month..has lived there--and has family that still lives there..speaking Spanish is no more unusual than any other place. There are many Mexican immigrants in Montana..especially Western Montana. Missoula, Butte and Helena all have Spanish speaking residents. Just putting it out there..that it is not unusual to hear Spanish being spoken.
Wow, a whole 35 minutes. Good thing they didn't go through an airport, that would have been 45 minutes standing in line.
^ The Trump sheep immediately defends scrapping rights for U.S. citizens

No it's you regressives that claim a law enforcement officer doing his job, in a professional manner, is somehow doing something wrong. He asked for ID, verified the ID was genuine and sent them on their way. Many illegals are using stolen IDs. Also when are you regressives going to learn that Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality. Did you notice the one woman couldn't even pronounce "profiling" correctly?


Which he is not allowed to do. Speaking Spanish is not a crime. HE had no right to ask for a ID.

Actually he did, they were within a border control zone. Border Patrol can question anyone within them.

View attachment 194794

It's been upheld by the Supreme Court. Did you not read the town is close to the Canadian border?

Don't get it twisted!

The Border Control Zone merely delineates jurisdiction--it confers no special powers to the Border Patrol. They still have to act under the same constitutional constraints that every LEO does.

For that matter, any officer can 'question' someone--absent exigent circumstance or probable cause...one need not answer. Cops hate it when you do that..and often you'll find yourself in a situation where your rights are violated.


You are correct. You have every right to POLITELY decline to speak to the officer, if you wish, which forces him to either walk away or come up with a reason to make the conversation official . . . in which case, it had better be good, or you can and should sue.
I commend the agent. His job is to investigate anything out of the ordinary to be proactive and these people speaking in a foreign tongue was enough to just take a look into to make sure it was nothing. Had those people been terrorists planning on planting a bomb and the agent passed them by dismissing them, then you'd be on here ranting how our national security sucks!

You would. Interesting how when we talk about the 2nd Amendment, people like you demand full fealty to the Constitution. Now you say that violating the Constitution is okay. Speaking in a foreign tongue is not probable cause. Had they been committing a crime, any charges would have been thrown out due to the violation of their Constitutional rights.

No one violated the Constitution. Whatever constitutes unusual behavior to a LEO is probable cause to investigate. You libs are always triggered about something. See that zipper on the back of your head? Open it and try massaging a little common sense into your brain.

I believe in the Constitution. That does not make one a liberal. Speaking Spanish is not unusual behavior and does not constitute probable cause. What you need is some respect for the Constitution you fascist pig.

You do not believe in the Constitution. You believe in saying, "Constitution!" every time you don't like something, under the vague impression that it MUST support whatever it is you want at the moment.

Speaking Spanish apparently IS unusual behavior in Montana. Furthermore, there is no number of times that you are going to be able to knowingly spout, "Probable cause!" that's going to make it actually applicable to the REAL legal situation, so either show us what "probable cause" is required for a conversation, or knock it the fuck off.
As a person who travels to Montana at least 4 times a month..has lived there--and has family that still lives there..speaking Spanish is no more unusual than any other place. There are many Mexican immigrants in Montana..especially Western Montana. Missoula, Butte and Helena all have Spanish speaking residents. Just putting it out there..that it is not unusual to hear Spanish being spoken.

Couldn't say. I've been through Montana once. I was actually referring to what the officer himself said.

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