CDZ Two questions for Central & South American leaders


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
I'm of mixed race, and married into another mixed-race family. Not a full-blooded white person amongst us. My daughter's in-laws include some illegals in California and (I think) in my state.

We have some hardcore lefties and some hardcore righties, and the rest of us are some flavor of independent.

And guess what? Here are two VERY clear and VERY fair and VERY direct questions we'd ALL like to ask the "leaders" of Central & South America. All of us agree that these two questions are at the very core of the border problem.

We wish we could get in front of these leaders and ask:

1. Why are YOUR people SO DAMN DESPERATE to escape YOUR COUNTRY?
2. Why are YOU so HAPPY to HELP them?

So my question here is: What would you say if you were one of those leaders? And would you give an honest answer?

Let's see if we can have a civil and thoughtful conversation on this important topic.
I would say. " Too much Catholicism, too many people spitting out babies they((nor we) can afford to care for. Too much crime----see Catholicismn and not enough work for these little fatherless bastades( see Catholicism) so they turn to crime as a life at an early age to help their 12 siblings( see Catholicism reference)
Rob liquor store, Hail Mary, feed baby.
33 years now ans=d that's ecactly what the majority of their leaders would say about the matters at hand. The countries who move fastest away from the Pagans religion are doing the best overall.
The ones with the rosarie beads are remaining crushed with mass crime and perpetual poverty due to a completely ignorant system of family planning.
" You're statement of illegal relatives(I think) living in my state is a perfect example. You have so many 1 st, 2nd and third cousins you probably couldnt name 10% of them
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I would say. " Too much Catholicism, too many people spitting out babies they((nor we) can afford to care for. Too much crime----see Catholicismn and not enough work for these little fatherless bastades( see Catholicism) so they turn to crime as a life at an early age to help their 12 siblings( see Catholicism reference)
Rob liquor store, Hail Mary, feed baby.
33 years now ans=d that's ecactly what the majority of their leaders would say about the matters at hand. The countries who move fastest away from the Pagans religion are doing the best overall.
The ones with the rosarie beads are remaining crushed with mass crime and perpetual poverty due to a completely ignorant system of family planning.
Certainly crime and corruption would be among the primary issues they would point to, but it sure doesn't speak very well of the quality of leadership.

I often wonder if they (at least, someone who is not corrupt) have thought about asking for American military help.

If this really is an emergency, then we need to begin addressing the root problem here. Not doing so is a failure of leadership.
1. They're desperate to come here to make some money.

2. The leaders are happy to help them because they send money back to their home countries.
I'm of mixed race, and married into another mixed-race family. Not a full-blooded white person amongst us. My daughter's in-laws include some illegals in California and (I think) in my state.

We have some hardcore lefties and some hardcore righties, and the rest of us are some flavor of independent.

And guess what? Here are two VERY clear and VERY fair and VERY direct questions we'd ALL like to ask the "leaders" of Central & South America. All of us agree that these two questions are at the very core of the border problem.

We wish we could get in front of these leaders and ask:

1. Why are YOUR people SO DAMN DESPERATE to escape YOUR COUNTRY?
2. Why are YOU so HAPPY to HELP them?

So my question here is: What would you say if you were one of those leaders? And would you give an honest answer?

Let's see if we can have a civil and thoughtful conversation on this important topic.

Honestly the reason why I would be flooding your border with my poor and uneducated citizens if because:

1. Your social welfare programs that tolerate non-citizens giving birth on your soil granting their child citizenship rights.

Seeing the child is born to poor illegal immigrants mean one of the parents will stay while getting benefits for the child.

2. Going off that the single parent will then work while sending money back to my country to support her or his spouse which will mean your cash will be spent within my borders.

Work great for me and my government seeing I rid myself of the poor while your government allows them to work and send money back to my country.
I'm of mixed race, and married into another mixed-race family. Not a full-blooded white person amongst us. My daughter's in-laws include some illegals in California and (I think) in my state.

We have some hardcore lefties and some hardcore righties, and the rest of us are some flavor of independent.

And guess what? Here are two VERY clear and VERY fair and VERY direct questions we'd ALL like to ask the "leaders" of Central & South America. All of us agree that these two questions are at the very core of the border problem.

We wish we could get in front of these leaders and ask:

1. Why are YOUR people SO DAMN DESPERATE to escape YOUR COUNTRY?
2. Why are YOU so HAPPY to HELP them?

So my question here is: What would you say if you were one of those leaders? And would you give an honest answer?

Let's see if we can have a civil and thoughtful conversation on this important topic.

Honestly the reason why I would be flooding your border with my poor and uneducated citizens if because:

1. Your social welfare programs that tolerate non-citizens giving birth on your soil granting their child citizenship rights.

Seeing the child is born to poor illegal immigrants mean one of the parents will stay while getting benefits for the child.

2. Going off that the single parent will then work while sending money back to my country to support her or his spouse which will mean your cash will be spent within my borders.

Work great for me and my government seeing I rid myself of the poor while your government allows them to work and send money back to my country.
The cartels have laid waste to those countries to the point where this is becoming a major industry.

That is pathetic.

Time to get serious about the whole freaking continent: Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

Let's turn Central & South America into a huge, prosperous manufacturing economy, keep their people in their home countries, and, at the same time, tell the Chinese to go to hell.
I'm of mixed race, and married into another mixed-race family. Not a full-blooded white person amongst us. My daughter's in-laws include some illegals in California and (I think) in my state.

We have some hardcore lefties and some hardcore righties, and the rest of us are some flavor of independent.

And guess what? Here are two VERY clear and VERY fair and VERY direct questions we'd ALL like to ask the "leaders" of Central & South America. All of us agree that these two questions are at the very core of the border problem.

We wish we could get in front of these leaders and ask:

1. Why are YOUR people SO DAMN DESPERATE to escape YOUR COUNTRY?
2. Why are YOU so HAPPY to HELP them?

So my question here is: What would you say if you were one of those leaders? And would you give an honest answer?

Let's see if we can have a civil and thoughtful conversation on this important topic.

Honestly the reason why I would be flooding your border with my poor and uneducated citizens if because:

1. Your social welfare programs that tolerate non-citizens giving birth on your soil granting their child citizenship rights.

Seeing the child is born to poor illegal immigrants mean one of the parents will stay while getting benefits for the child.

2. Going off that the single parent will then work while sending money back to my country to support her or his spouse which will mean your cash will be spent within my borders.

Work great for me and my government seeing I rid myself of the poor while your government allows them to work and send money back to my country.
The cartels have laid waste to those countries to the point where this is becoming a major industry.

That is pathetic.

Time to get serious about the whole freaking continent: Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

Let's turn Central & South America into a huge, prosperous manufacturing economy, keep their people in their home countries, and, at the same time, tell the Chinese to go to hell.

That make too much sense and our government along with Russia and China will not allow this and why?

The wasted money on proxy-wars and the war on drugs plus the slave trade industry.

Governments make money off the suffering of those individuals and while you and I would love to improve countries like El Salvador the reality is it will never be allowed.
I'm of mixed race, and married into another mixed-race family. Not a full-blooded white person amongst us. My daughter's in-laws include some illegals in California and (I think) in my state.

We have some hardcore lefties and some hardcore righties, and the rest of us are some flavor of independent.

And guess what? Here are two VERY clear and VERY fair and VERY direct questions we'd ALL like to ask the "leaders" of Central & South America. All of us agree that these two questions are at the very core of the border problem.

We wish we could get in front of these leaders and ask:

1. Why are YOUR people SO DAMN DESPERATE to escape YOUR COUNTRY?
2. Why are YOU so HAPPY to HELP them?

So my question here is: What would you say if you were one of those leaders? And would you give an honest answer?

Let's see if we can have a civil and thoughtful conversation on this important topic.

Honestly the reason why I would be flooding your border with my poor and uneducated citizens if because:

1. Your social welfare programs that tolerate non-citizens giving birth on your soil granting their child citizenship rights.

Seeing the child is born to poor illegal immigrants mean one of the parents will stay while getting benefits for the child.

2. Going off that the single parent will then work while sending money back to my country to support her or his spouse which will mean your cash will be spent within my borders.

Work great for me and my government seeing I rid myself of the poor while your government allows them to work and send money back to my country.
The cartels have laid waste to those countries to the point where this is becoming a major industry.

That is pathetic.

Time to get serious about the whole freaking continent: Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

Let's turn Central & South America into a huge, prosperous manufacturing economy, keep their people in their home countries, and, at the same time, tell the Chinese to go to hell.

That make too much sense and our government along with Russia and China will not allow this and why?

The wasted money on proxy-wars and the war on drugs plus the slave trade industry.

Governments make money off the suffering of those individuals and while you and I would love to improve countries like El Salvador the reality is it will never be allowed.
It just seems to be that it's staring us right in the face.

We sure are good at ignoring stuff that is staring us right in the face.
I'm of mixed race, and married into another mixed-race family. Not a full-blooded white person amongst us. My daughter's in-laws include some illegals in California and (I think) in my state.

We have some hardcore lefties and some hardcore righties, and the rest of us are some flavor of independent.

And guess what? Here are two VERY clear and VERY fair and VERY direct questions we'd ALL like to ask the "leaders" of Central & South America. All of us agree that these two questions are at the very core of the border problem.

We wish we could get in front of these leaders and ask:

1. Why are YOUR people SO DAMN DESPERATE to escape YOUR COUNTRY?
2. Why are YOU so HAPPY to HELP them?

So my question here is: What would you say if you were one of those leaders? And would you give an honest answer?

Let's see if we can have a civil and thoughtful conversation on this important topic.

Honestly the reason why I would be flooding your border with my poor and uneducated citizens if because:

1. Your social welfare programs that tolerate non-citizens giving birth on your soil granting their child citizenship rights.

Seeing the child is born to poor illegal immigrants mean one of the parents will stay while getting benefits for the child.

2. Going off that the single parent will then work while sending money back to my country to support her or his spouse which will mean your cash will be spent within my borders.

Work great for me and my government seeing I rid myself of the poor while your government allows them to work and send money back to my country.
The cartels have laid waste to those countries to the point where this is becoming a major industry.

That is pathetic.

Time to get serious about the whole freaking continent: Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

Let's turn Central & South America into a huge, prosperous manufacturing economy, keep their people in their home countries, and, at the same time, tell the Chinese to go to hell.

That make too much sense and our government along with Russia and China will not allow this and why?

The wasted money on proxy-wars and the war on drugs plus the slave trade industry.

Governments make money off the suffering of those individuals and while you and I would love to improve countries like El Salvador the reality is it will never be allowed.
It just seems to be that it's staring us right in the face.

We sure are good at ignoring stuff that is staring us right in the face.

Let be factual the majority of the American Citizen along with the majority of the World population is clueless on why those people are actually fleeing and what is the true cause of it.

You mentioned the Cartel but the Cartel would be powerless without the support of Government agencies like the CIA or other international gangs like the Bravta to fund their Cartels in countries like Mexico and El Salvador.

Gone is the rebel fighter and now we have the Cartels and Gangs that are still being paid by foreign governments like the U.S. and Russia just to fight each other.

I know this is too deep for some to discuss just like the real reason why we invaded Afghanistan is for the Opioid the Taliban was destroying and the pipeline we wanted connected and not actually any real terror threat to our soil...
I'm of mixed race, and married into another mixed-race family. Not a full-blooded white person amongst us. My daughter's in-laws include some illegals in California and (I think) in my state.

We have some hardcore lefties and some hardcore righties, and the rest of us are some flavor of independent.

And guess what? Here are two VERY clear and VERY fair and VERY direct questions we'd ALL like to ask the "leaders" of Central & South America. All of us agree that these two questions are at the very core of the border problem.

We wish we could get in front of these leaders and ask:

1. Why are YOUR people SO DAMN DESPERATE to escape YOUR COUNTRY?
2. Why are YOU so HAPPY to HELP them?

So my question here is: What would you say if you were one of those leaders? And would you give an honest answer?

Let's see if we can have a civil and thoughtful conversation on this important topic.
The beast has 50 eyes.
The U.S., for decades, supported any two-bit dictator in Central America who wasn't comminist. It opposed land reform in Central America. It partnered with the churches to oppose birth-control programs there.

The chickens are just coming home to roost. This current situation was perfectly foreseeable for at least a half-century. My father talked about what was going to come from Central and South America as a result of our stupidity, and he would be 102 if he were alive today. Now what he predicted all those years ago has come true.
1. Why are YOUR people SO DAMN DESPERATE to escape YOUR COUNTRY?
2. Why are YOU so HAPPY to HELP them?

1. On top of the normal problems every country is facing, the reason is twofold. A) Monroe Doctrine, and in particular its extension in the form of the Roosevelt Corollary. If you don't know what these are, and what has been done to Central and Southern America, you can look it up. B) The war on drugs. It guarantees a steady income stream to the tune of billions of U.S. dollars for cartels and associated gangs, which buy arms by the shipload, legislatures and police forces, and make Central America the most murderous place on earth outside war zones, not to speak of many neighborhoods rendered uninhabitable.

2. We - very unhappily - help the consequences of U.S. foreign and domestic policies to reach, finally, the U.S. Maybe one day you will finally learn in case you can no longer unload the consequences of your failed policies on others.
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I would explain the economics of third world countries
I'm of mixed race, and married into another mixed-race family. Not a full-blooded white person amongst us. My daughter's in-laws include some illegals in California and (I think) in my state.

We have some hardcore lefties and some hardcore righties, and the rest of us are some flavor of independent.

And guess what? Here are two VERY clear and VERY fair and VERY direct questions we'd ALL like to ask the "leaders" of Central & South America. All of us agree that these two questions are at the very core of the border problem.

We wish we could get in front of these leaders and ask:

1. Why are YOUR people SO DAMN DESPERATE to escape YOUR COUNTRY?
2. Why are YOU so HAPPY to HELP them?

So my question here is: What would you say if you were one of those leaders? And would you give an honest answer?

Let's see if we can have a civil and thoughtful conversation on this important topic.
It is simple as to why they come. Their home countries are lawless, corrupt,and offer little in economic terms. When they come here, they can find work and welfare. Their children get an education and the local ER offers healthcare.

If the US government stopped intervening in their home countries, stopped supporting brutal corrupt dictators and allowing multinational corporations raping their land with impunity, they might stay.

Costa Rica is a good example. It is a well run nation that has managed to control US aggression. Their people stay home.
How Hillary Clinton Militarized US Policy in Honduras

Sanctioned by Congress in 1994, OTI intervenes under the direction of the State Department, the Pentagon, and other security agencies in places like Afghanistan, Haiti, and Colombia to boost support for local governments backed by the United States. Sometimes, as it has in Cuba and Venezuela, its programs are directed at stirring opposition to leftist regimes. Clinton gave the office a major boost after she became Secretary of State; its programs are overseen by an under secretary of state as well as the top administrator of USAID.

OTI’s activities, the Congressional Research Service noted in a 2009 report, “are overtly political” and based on the idea that “timely and creative” US assistance can “tip the balance” toward outcomes “that advance U.S. foreign policy objectives.”
I'm of mixed race, and married into another mixed-race family. Not a full-blooded white person amongst us. My daughter's in-laws include some illegals in California and (I think) in my state.

We have some hardcore lefties and some hardcore righties, and the rest of us are some flavor of independent.

And guess what? Here are two VERY clear and VERY fair and VERY direct questions we'd ALL like to ask the "leaders" of Central & South America. All of us agree that these two questions are at the very core of the border problem.

We wish we could get in front of these leaders and ask:

1. Why are YOUR people SO DAMN DESPERATE to escape YOUR COUNTRY?
2. Why are YOU so HAPPY to HELP them?

So my question here is: What would you say if you were one of those leaders? And would you give an honest answer?

Let's see if we can have a civil and thoughtful conversation on this important topic.
It is simple as to why they come. Their home countries are lawless, corrupt,and offer little in economic terms. When they come here, they can find work and welfare. Their children get an education and the local ER offers healthcare.

If the US government stopped intervening in their home countries, stopped supporting brutal corrupt dictators and allowing multinational corporations raping their land with impunity, they might stay.

Costa Rica is a good example. It is a well run nation that has managed to control US aggression. Their people stay home.
True enough. The draw is clearly to come here when you're desperate, and since the US refuses uphold its labor laws, there's even more of draw.

I don't know how much of this is the corruption from the cartels - seems to me that's the biggest issue and the biggest barrier to fixing this.

I don't blame the people for acting on their desperation. I sure as hell would, if I were in their shoes. The problem is with those who are making them desperate, and with those who are enabling them here.
I'm of mixed race, and married into another mixed-race family. Not a full-blooded white person amongst us. My daughter's in-laws include some illegals in California and (I think) in my state.

We have some hardcore lefties and some hardcore righties, and the rest of us are some flavor of independent.

And guess what? Here are two VERY clear and VERY fair and VERY direct questions we'd ALL like to ask the "leaders" of Central & South America. All of us agree that these two questions are at the very core of the border problem.

We wish we could get in front of these leaders and ask:

1. Why are YOUR people SO DAMN DESPERATE to escape YOUR COUNTRY?
2. Why are YOU so HAPPY to HELP them?

So my question here is: What would you say if you were one of those leaders? And would you give an honest answer?

Let's see if we can have a civil and thoughtful conversation on this important topic.
It is simple as to why they come. Their home countries are lawless, corrupt,and offer little in economic terms. When they come here, they can find work and welfare. Their children get an education and the local ER offers healthcare.

If the US government stopped intervening in their home countries, stopped supporting brutal corrupt dictators and allowing multinational corporations raping their land with impunity, they might stay.

Costa Rica is a good example. It is a well run nation that has managed to control US aggression. Their people stay home.
True enough. The draw is clearly to come here when you're desperate, and since the US refuses uphold its labor laws, there's even more of draw.

I don't know how much of this is the corruption from the cartels - seems to me that's the biggest issue and the biggest barrier to fixing this.

I don't blame the people for acting on their desperation. I sure as hell would, if I were in their shoes. The problem is with those who are making them desperate, and with those who are enabling them here.
Yes the cartels are a major problem. When you have the enormous wealth they have, you also have enormous political power.

Time to legalize all drugs. This is the only way to stop the criminal activities of the cartels and the US and Mexican governments.

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