Two Questions for All: First, can we agree that E Pluribus Unum is dead?

I disagree. I think that most of the Democrats will pull back from the edge and back toward the center.

I disagree.
States voiding individual religious beliefs about abortion are criminal and the government of those states need to be punished severely.
The only good thing about this is that will push democrats away from their foolish gun control views, and they will now all be buying guns instead.
It was added to the great seal of the United States when the many were all northern european, so you are right, and it hasn’t since about the end of the 19th century.

Multi culturalism is the only way to make culture a rational choice instead of something brainwashed into us as children.
It's a govt of the sheeple by the sheeple for the.......m

We are not supposed to have a mobocracy and no one should want one.
We are supposed to be a republic, where everyone does whatever they want, except when it might harm others.
And abortion is a personal and private religious belief that no one should try to impose upon anyone else.
That horse unity done and went and ran from the barn a few years back
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Not so sure about that.
The police were always somewhat abusive, and even more so with the War on Drugs, no-knock warrants, asset forfeiture, mandatory sentences, etc.
I think EVERYONE wanted the police to be reined in.
The police are the only ones who did not want police reform.
Certainly conservatives do and should want police reform, because police are not even supposed to exist. They are not part of any political system set up by the Founders.
Only when things you disagree with don't go your way on a selective issue.

So grow up and ride this Democracy for better of for worse, or GTFO!!!

Democracy is wrong.
The US is not and was never supposed to be democracy.
It is a republic, which means each individual gets to decide for themselves, and is limited only when it impacts the rights of others.
No matter how many want to dictate some lifestyle, the majority has no authority to do that in a republic.
That is what a republic means.
When people say a "democratic republic", they do not mean a democracy.
They mean a republic with voting for representatives who make the laws.
Not so sure about that.
The police were always somewhat abusive, and even more so with the War on Drugs, no-knock warrants, asset forfeiture, mandatory sentences, etc.
I think EVERYONE wanted the police to be reined in.
The police are the only ones who did not want police reform.
Certainly conservatives do and should want police reform, because police are not even supposed to exist. They are not part of any political system set up by the Founders.
The police didn't cause the destruction nor have they attacked the political opposition. The police aren't the one pushing division
Smaller government usually is more reflective of local values, but a republic is NOT supposed to be just majority dictating.
The point is all individuals are supposed to have their own person free will and choices, not imposed by the majority.
So giving states power over individual values is NOT an improvement, but a drastic loss of individual freedom.
States are not supposed to impose what are essentially religious views.
I do not think you understand what a republic is all about, nor what the American Experiment is supposed to be.
I disagree.
( ha ha )
The reality is that we are all humans with the same DNA evolutionary path has lead to our current species.
The problem with cultures is they often are wrong, manipulated by politics, religions, etc., so we NEED cultural diversity in order to see other cultural and religious choices, if we want to make informed decisions vs just rote conditioning.
So the differences are SUPERICIAL, artificial, and likely wrong.
If we learn our REAL identity, we would realize all humans are essentially nearly identical.
There is no way to counter harmful propaganda and cultural conditioning without multiculturalism.
So multiculturalism is essential for anyone to learn their true self.
Without it, we just live out lies we have been manipulated by.
A deep personal theory but your feelings don’t align with reality….the data and proof is all around you, you just have to have the balls to accept it.

First, can we agree that E Pluribus Unum is dead?

You tell me since you support democrats like biden who are driving Americans apart
Interesting piece here: America Is Growing Apart, Possibly for Good

Go ahead and point the finger at the other tribe, but can we all at least agree that the phrase E Pluribus Unum no longer applies to America?

And second question, to the Republicans: You've often mentioned here that you'd like to geographically separate from those with whom you disagree. We appear to be seeing just that, as states divide themselves by intensity of religious belief and ideological dogma. Do you feel victorious about that? Vindicated?

Bonus question: Can we agree that America is no longer "exceptional"?

1. Sure Vindicated. Not happy about it. we warned about it, and wanted to stop it. NOw it, just is. Happy would be the opposite of how we feel.

2. No. Still exceptional. Just that the exceptional parts are like islands in a rising tide of failure and Third World shit.
Go ahead and point the finger at the other tribe,

but can we all at least agree that the phrase E Pluribus Unum no longer applies to America?
If true, then like Elon Musk correctly said, it is only because the Left have left the American playing field to embrace the very thing our Founders left England to break free from!!~~~ European Oligarchical Socialism.

And second question, to the Republicans: You've often mentioned here that you'd like to geographically separate from those with whom you disagree. We appear to be seeing just that, as states divide themselves by intensity of religious belief and ideological dogma. Do you feel victorious about that? Vindicated?
Not at all, because it was the LEFT again who started it, as the permanent separation of certain states as PERMANENTLY BLUE starting way back in the 1970s!!! So HOW DARE YOU NOW come among and try to lay a fucking egg on the Conservative Right!. It's been since 1988 really with Bush that we even had a landslide victory instead of a constant neck to neck race, all thanks to the Left as the maps below show.

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Of course, I am lying.

Just vote for Trump again and it will solve all our problems.

No voting for Trump or someone like DeSantis will not solve our problems.

However we would be much better off than if Joe Biden wins a second term. Biden can’t even go to a simple meeting without notes guiding him every step of the way.



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Interesting piece here: America Is Growing Apart, Possibly for Good

Go ahead and point the finger at the other tribe, but can we all at least agree that the phrase E Pluribus Unum no longer applies to America?

And second question, to the Republicans: You've often mentioned here that you'd like to geographically separate from those with whom you disagree. We appear to be seeing just that, as states divide themselves by intensity of religious belief and ideological dogma. Do you feel victorious about that? Vindicated?

Bonus question: Can we agree that America is no longer "exceptional"?
I'm curious, Mac...why the rush to declare that America sucks? Is that what you need for some reason?
Interesting piece here: America Is Growing Apart, Possibly for Good

Go ahead and point the finger at the other tribe, but can we all at least agree that the phrase E Pluribus Unum no longer applies to America?

And second question, to the Republicans: You've often mentioned here that you'd like to geographically separate from those with whom you disagree. We appear to be seeing just that, as states divide themselves by intensity of religious belief and ideological dogma. Do you feel victorious about that? Vindicated?

Bonus question: Can we agree that America is no longer "exceptional"?
It never has.
I do not agree. The problem is the government is not set-up to handle the sophisticated expectations of the tremendously more diverse society the nation has evolved to.

Do you want to say everything is a mess, and continue on with the subsisting government???

The first generation of the American Experiment has probably expired its trial parameters, and the over-run is probably repeating and compounding errors in the processing of social issues; subsequently, adversely affecting the approach to the Experiment's hypothetical and established expectations.

Even if you believe the prediction of that article - what's going to happen? Both sides are going to build new government based on the same experiment model???

Wake up! The problem is the government is not designed correctly.
Bullshit. America is set up to handle it, there is one group in America who don't want to handle it.
You underestimate the fickleness and fecklessness of America.

On September 10th, 2001, people were saying the same thing you are saying. Look at the country's reaction to Bush being elected. Remember the million man March? The protests for gay rights, and the counter reaction?

And then the next day, trannies and rednecks were hugging each other and singing Lee Greenwood ttogether. Saw it with my own eyes.

What you are failing to take into account is how deeply the people who make this nation run have lost faith in all her institutions. The media. Govt, all branches: FBI, CDC, FDA, Dept of whatever. The military, for goodness sake. There is a small section of elites and their minions who still trust and the rest of us who do not.

That wasn't true in 2001, before or after.

I'm sure it wasn't true in 1967.

And it's unsustainable. You must know this.
I'm watching the two ends of our political system feed into the other and destroy us from within. It's working. Congratulations.

Your opinion of me means nothing.
Actually you're watching one end trying to destroy America literally and you have decided to believe their both sidiesm propaganda.

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