Two Questions for All: First, can we agree that E Pluribus Unum is dead?

Stupid question, dumb article from a left biased source.
Actually, I just used the article because a link is required.

I assumed that people here would be able to formulate a relatively intelligent answer to my clear and specific questions. And indeed, there have been some interesting responses.

I can see that I badly overestimated your capacity to do that. You have my apologies.
And we limit them by voting them back into office at a greater than 90% clip...and then wonder why things never get any better
In the real world (which the midshipman has only a passing familiarity with), everyone knows that, in practice, unseating an incumbent is VERY difficult. In a state where one party dominates politics, it is, essentially, impossible unless the incumbent does something over the top stupid. (And sometimes, not even then.)
Speak English please!
Don't worry, plebe...everyone but you understands.
What would your favored alternative be?
Anachronism would prefer some mixture of Iran and North Korea.
Interesting piece here: America Is Growing Apart, Possibly for Good

Go ahead and point the finger at the other tribe, but can we all at least agree that the phrase E Pluribus Unum no longer applies to America?

And second question, to the Republicans: You've often mentioned here that you'd like to geographically separate from those with whom you disagree. We appear to be seeing just that, as states divide themselves by intensity of religious belief and ideological dogma. Do you feel victorious about that? Vindicated?

Bonus question: Can we agree that America is no longer "exceptional"?

As an Obama, Hillary, and Biden voter, you wanted this. Obama repeatedly referred to his political opposition as "the enemy". Hillary openly called for genocide of the 32 million Americans she labeled "irredeemable". Biden based his entire campaign on othering conservatives, and his administration is now openly calling for violence and disobedience towards the judicial system.

You wanted this. Are you happy now?
Right Mac. Therein lies the problem. You think of people as samples to examine. You're better than all of us. And it shows. It comes through in this "third way" stuff--"all these lowly partisans bickering; I'm so much better". That's all I read from you on every issue. Pick a position and argue it rather than sniffing at the hoi polloi
Mac believes his own bullshit.
This one always cracks me up.

You think you and your tribe have all the answers, that people who disagree with you are stupid and "evil", literally, and then you bitch about others saying they think they're better. You are exactly what you hate, which is probably why you're so nasty and hateful.

This is why I don't bother. Boring. Dismissed.
In other words, you're taking your ball and going home in a snit.
No sue, that's not what happened. The government cannot raise gas prices. The economy has not crashed. Inflation is a global problem created by the pandemic.
All you did Mac was find two people arguing a position and cry out "SEE!!' That's cheap and easy. Pick an ISSUE and argue it.
Mac is a seagull. He flies in, makes a bunch of noise, shits everywhere, and leaves.
Interesting piece here: America Is Growing Apart, Possibly for Good

Go ahead and point the finger at the other tribe, but can we all at least agree that the phrase E Pluribus Unum no longer applies to America?

And second question, to the Republicans: You've often mentioned here that you'd like to geographically separate from those with whom you disagree. We appear to be seeing just that, as states divide themselves by intensity of religious belief and ideological dogma. Do you feel victorious about that? Vindicated?

Bonus question: Can we agree that America is no longer "exceptional"?
We went from physical infrastructure to human infrastructure a half century ago. We are in decline now.
Actually, I just used the article because a link is required.

I assumed that people here would be able to formulate a relatively intelligent answer to my clear and specific questions. And indeed, there have been some interesting responses.

I can see that I badly overestimated your capacity to do that. You have my apologies.
No you over estimated your own capacity. You asked and answered your own question and used a biased link. You’re not fooling anyone. I say you look in the mirror for your answer.
Right Mac. Therein lies the problem. You think of people as samples to examine. You're better than all of us. And it shows. It comes through in this "third way" stuff--"all these lowly partisans bickering; I'm so much better". That's all I read from you on every issue. Pick a position and argue it rather than sniffing at the hoi polloi
You sound just like every partisan.

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