Two questions about our "beloved" Trump

Free college tuitions?

Lets see........proposal for "free college tuition"........VERSUS.....proposal to "round up 12 million people for deportation"

You judge the ethical caliber of our country.
Free college tuition is not feasible. It will water down "college material" even further. There are remedial classes in college! It's supposed to be, if you can't hack it, you drop out.

Free vocational training for those who aren't college material makes more sense. But the Community vocational training should lead to a certified skill.

Fining (big time!) businesses for hiring illegals will go a long way to rid the country of illegals. When they can't find a means of supporting themselves and can't get welfare, they will self deport.
I think Trump would probably spend a LOT of time negotiating with Congress and achieving support before he announced a particular initiative. He has a strong track record of that M.O.

Good response......but, lets review his plan to round up all illegal aliens and his further proposal to repatriate even babies born in the U.S. ....without stating my own opinion on that, let me just state that such a plan IS contrary to the 14th amendment, and Trump's plan could very well be banned by the Supreme Court.
The 14th amendment was about declaring freed slaves citizens. Congress has the power to revoke the citizenship form foreign people.
14 amendment covers citizenship. It moved it from the states to federal jurisdiction and made it uniform.

13th covered slavery
Believe it or not, these 2 questions are, from my perspective, legitimate ones that require a certain amount of stipulation by anyone who wishes to respond.

  1. There is always the possibility that Trump will eventually withdraw from the race; if so, given his bombastic and egotistical persona, what do you think his stated reason will be?

  2. By some remote chance that Trump does win the oval office, and given the real fact that we do still have 3 branches of government, there would be many, many instances when and where Trump will have made one of his usual one-sided promises to Americans and would later find out that congress or the SCOTUS rejected his plan…….The question then is this: HOW would someone like Trump react to the ensuing criticism?
Your questions illustrate why Trump is wholly unqualified to be president – he has no understanding of, or respect for, the Constitution and its case law, nor does he have any concept of responsible governance, and the same can be said of most of his supporters.
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Believe it or not, these 2 questions are, from my perspective, legitimate ones that require a certain amount of stipulation by anyone who wishes to respond.

  1. There is always the possibility that Trump will eventually withdraw from the race; if so, given his bombastic and egotistical persona, what do you think his stated reason will be?

  2. By some remote chance that Trump does win the oval office, and given the real fact that we do still have 3 branches of government, there would be many, many instances when and where Trump will have made one of his usual one-sided promises to Americans and would later find out that congress or the SCOTUS rejected his plan…….The question then is this: HOW would someone like Trump react to the ensuing criticism?
For the first one I suspect he would say something along the lines of he could be more effective and do more good outside of politics for the second I suspect he would use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to try and embarrasse and shame his critics into going along with him something more than a few Presidents have tried over the years.
Believe it or not, these 2 questions are, from my perspective, legitimate ones that require a certain amount of stipulation by anyone who wishes to respond.

  1. There is always the possibility that Trump will eventually withdraw from the race; if so, given his bombastic and egotistical persona, what do you think his stated reason will be?

  2. By some remote chance that Trump does win the oval office, and given the real fact that we do still have 3 branches of government, there would be many, many instances when and where Trump will have made one of his usual one-sided promises to Americans and would later find out that congress or the SCOTUS rejected his plan…….The question then is this: HOW would someone like Trump react to the ensuing criticism?

1. Does not merit a response.

2. Trump does deals. He has stacked out a position that illegals need to go home. It has changed the whole nature of the debate. Just from Trump having a set of balls...and daring to say illegals need to go home...he has blown up the notion that it was cool for Obama to be letting in as many illegals as be put on the Federal Plantation...and turned into reliable Democrat/Socialist voters.

Obama is for what is good for the Democratic Party...and Trump is for what is good for America.

So, we all know we can't deport all illegal aliens. Trump knows that too. But that is his starting position....and it beats the hell out of the whining we get from Boehner, McConnell, Bush, Romney, McCain...fuck them...they are as bad as the real enemy...the Socialist in the White House.
Your questions illustrate why Trump is wholly unqualified to be president – he has no understanding of, or respect for, the Constitution and its case law, nor does he have any concept of responsible governance, and the same can be said of most of his supporters.
replace the word "trump" with "obama" and you're right on the money.
Your questions illustrate why Trump is wholly unqualified to be president – he has no understanding of, or respect for, the Constitution and its case law, nor does he have any concept of responsible governance, and the same can be said of most of his supporters.
replace the word "trump" with "obama" and you're right on the money.
Obama isn't running. Why would you accept something in Trump you don't accept in Obama?
Your questions illustrate why Trump is wholly unqualified to be president – he has no understanding of, or respect for, the Constitution and its case law, nor does he have any concept of responsible governance, and the same can be said of most of his supporters.
replace the word "trump" with "obama" and you're right on the money.
Obama isn't running. Why would you accept something in Trump you don't accept in Obama?

because he is the opposite of the marxist, anti white president we have now.
He wants to improve america, not purposely wreck it from the inside.
Believe it or not, these 2 questions are, from my perspective, legitimate ones that require a certain amount of stipulation by anyone who wishes to respond.

  1. There is always the possibility that Trump will eventually withdraw from the race; if so, given his bombastic and egotistical persona, what do you think his stated reason will be?

  2. By some remote chance that Trump does win the oval office, and given the real fact that we do still have 3 branches of government, there would be many, many instances when and where Trump will have made one of his usual one-sided promises to Americans and would later find out that congress or the SCOTUS rejected his plan…….The question then is this: HOW would someone like Trump react to the ensuing criticism?

I think Trump will use about the same excuse as Ross Pirot did after he screwed Bush 1 out of re-election 4 days prior to the election. Probably something about other business matters, or personal family matters. Maybe medical with himself that no one else will be able to prove--who knows, but I believe it's probably already written in the plan to get Hillary elected. Our Trojan Horse--Donald Trump.

If by some miracle that Donald Trump stays in this race--(which I seriously doubt) and wins the Presidency--someone better keep an eye on the U.S. Treasury--LOL

The good news is these Pinata's are selling like hot cakes in Mexico. They've made the number 1 Pinata sale. See Donald has already made a difference in the Mexican economy.


This one is full of candy--not B.S--LOL
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he has blown up the notion that it was cool for Obama to be letting in as many illegals as be put on the Federal Plantation...and turned into reliable Democrat/Socialist voters.

"However, we -- and the experts we interviewed -- agree that the ad is right to note a significant jump in deportations under Obama. Measured by the monthly frequency of deportation, Obama’s numbers are significantly higher than Bush’s were, even as the estimated population of illegal immigrants was falling"

Has Barack Obama deported more people than any other president in U.S. history?
You can't have a 1st world country with 3rd world peasants flooding in.

Of course, it wasn't the German, Irish and Italian nobility class that flooded our country throughout the last 150plus years.
They wanted to assimilate and embrace their new country and they came here legally.
These south american peasants are welfare shopping and whichever country has the best benefits and the least oversight is where they'll end up...and our politicians are enabling them so they can dilute and displace white americans.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
Believe it or not, these 2 questions are, from my perspective, legitimate ones that require a certain amount of stipulation by anyone who wishes to respond.

  1. There is always the possibility that Trump will eventually withdraw from the race; if so, given his bombastic and egotistical persona, what do you think his stated reason will be?

  2. By some remote chance that Trump does win the oval office, and given the real fact that we do still have 3 branches of government, there would be many, many instances when and where Trump will have made one of his usual one-sided promises to Americans and would later find out that congress or the SCOTUS rejected his plan…….The question then is this: HOW would someone like Trump react to the ensuing criticism?
1. I guess that's always possible. What is anyone else's reason they leave the race democrat or other wise?

2. You mean like Obama?
he has blown up the notion that it was cool for Obama to be letting in as many illegals as be put on the Federal Plantation...and turned into reliable Democrat/Socialist voters.

"However, we -- and the experts we interviewed -- agree that the ad is right to note a significant jump in deportations under Obama. Measured by the monthly frequency of deportation, Obama’s numbers are significantly higher than Bush’s were, even as the estimated population of illegal immigrants was falling"

Has Barack Obama deported more people than any other president in U.S. history?
I don't think anyone believes that any more but it makes no difference,'s just window dressing... if you "deport" 100 and 1000 come through our wide open border. it's a net loss for america.
Believe it or not, these 2 questions are, from my perspective, legitimate ones that require a certain amount of stipulation by anyone who wishes to respond.

  1. There is always the possibility that Trump will eventually withdraw from the race; if so, given his bombastic and egotistical persona, what do you think his stated reason will be?

  2. By some remote chance that Trump does win the oval office, and given the real fact that we do still have 3 branches of government, there would be many, many instances when and where Trump will have made one of his usual one-sided promises to Americans and would later find out that congress or the SCOTUS rejected his plan…….The question then is this: HOW would someone like Trump react to the ensuing criticism?
Your questions illustrate why Trump is wholly unqualified to be president – he has no understanding of, or respect for, the Constitution and its case law, nor does he have any concept of responsible governance, and the same can be said of most of his supporters.
And that is different than obie other than what? You liked his actions.

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