Two Arrest After Video Shows MAGA Hat Snatched From Child

Two women have been arrested in Delaware in connection with a viral video that allegedly showed the suspects ripping up Trump signs and stealing a MAGA hat near the site of Democrat Joe Biden's acceptance speech Thursday.

The video also shows a heated confrontation between the suspects and adults coming to the defense of a 7-year-old supporter of President Trump.

The suspects, identified as Olivia Winslow, 21, and Camryn Amy, 21, were arrested by Wilmington police Friday and Saturday and charged with robbery, conspiracy and endangering the welfare of a child, according to Delaware Online. Amy was also charged with offensive touching.

Who gets arrested for stealing a hat from a child who they disagree with politically?

A psycho Leftist .... that's who.

Any questions about Leftism being a Mental Disorder?

All I can say is they're lucky I or someone like me was not present at the scene.

Two women have been arrested in Delaware in connection with a viral video that allegedly showed the suspects ripping up Trump signs and stealing a MAGA hat near the site of Democrat Joe Biden's acceptance speech Thursday.

The video also shows a heated confrontation between the suspects and adults coming to the defense of a 7-year-old supporter of President Trump.

The suspects, identified as Olivia Winslow, 21, and Camryn Amy, 21, were arrested by Wilmington police Friday and Saturday and charged with robbery, conspiracy and endangering the welfare of a child, according to Delaware Online. Amy was also charged with offensive touching.

Who gets arrested for stealing a hat from a child who they disagree with politically?

A psycho Leftist .... that's who.

Any questions about Leftism being a Mental Disorder?

they are making republicans out of them young!! At the age of 7, I didn't know what a republican was or a democrat, I have a love interest in a boy at school.

This is what you teach your young.



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The child needs to be placed in a foster home with decent people.
We understand how desperate you Leftist are over wanting to take children from their parents.

"it takes a village" ..... Right ... :rolleyes:

Tramp and Steven Miller showed us how it's done.
Democrats will pay
They already are .....

You mean by tramp defunding the post office? And defunding SS?
How is it defunded? It’s losing 79 billion.. because of socialism.. should we cancel the benefits?

The post office is not a business. Millions upon million of people are counting on it.
So send them a check
And with that, JTF takes us straight to Debunktion Junction.
We've been through this. False False False Pants on Fire!


You see ....

Here is another more than OBVIOUS symptom of the Mental Disorder known as Leftism.

It also includes the inability to discern the Fake News MSM.

This symptom often times manifest itself in Leftist posting LIES that they actually believe are true.

Leftism is a terrible disease.
Poisoning a child`s mind is every bit as bad as poisoning their food.
Only in the Diseased Minds of Leftist would one compare children participating in America's political process to poisoning their food.

Thanks for proving my point in the OP.
IMHO, taking minors to Trump rallies is abusive. Many of these kids then go to school and bully brown, black and Muslim kids with racist Trump tropes.
IMHO Leftism is a Mental Disorder.

Many of these mentally ill people post on social medias just like this one.

These post are clear evidence of the truth of Leftism being a mental disorder ....

Unlike your delusional claim that kids who go to Trump Rallies then go to schools a bully other kids.
Imagine having to explain to people you were arrested for beating up on a 7 year old. But then again, Liberals wear this kind of stuff as a badge of honor. smh
Taking children to Democrat rallies is child abuse. They learn to despise authority and they learn to commit violence if they dont get their way.

Any questions about it being a Mental Disorder?
Jesus has a solution for them.
"6But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."
Taking children to Democrat rallies is child abuse. They learn to despise authority and they learn to commit violence if they dont get their way.

Any questions about it being a Mental Disorder?
Jesus has a solution for them.
"6But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."

Yep ....

If they don't murder them before they are born then they subject them to this kind of Leftist insanity and worse.

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