Twitter Fact Checks trump's Tweets. Labels Two As Misleading

Twitter labeled them as misleading. They should come out and say it's a lie because what he tweeted is a lie.

Seriously? Twitter is infested with vile lies. So, it's just Trump that is telling lies? :auiqs.jpg:
Hes "fact checked" by a gay anti-Trump activist
Well, maybe you should get a hint from the fact that someone you have no respect for is smarter and more honest than the mentally ill president.
trump went off on a tirade against mail in voting again. This time on Twitter. He posted a bunch of lies.

Twitter labeled them as misleading. They should come out and say it's a lie because what he tweeted is a lie.

Twitter "fact checked"? You people are beyond redemption. Embrace your FUBAR. You might as well pack your bags and move to China . . .
What was wrong about the fact check?.. let me guess... you have no clue because you know nothing about it. You just saw “Twitter fact check” and dismissed the whole thing. Bravo
I dismissed it. Wheres the "fact" that needed to be checked. Did you even read the tweet?
Alien votes cannot be discovered, because no state has a requirement for proof of CITIZENSHIP to vote.
I agree they should, but I just discovered why--I can't believe this.
In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states may not require proof of citizenship for those who use the federal registration form, which states are required to accept. It didn’t bar them from requiring such documents for state elections, so states can set up a dual registration system—in which voters who lack proof of citizenship can register and vote in only federal elections.
Arizona is the only state that has such a system—so far. Critics say it is so complex that it prevents many voters from participating in elections for which they are eligible.
Alabama and Georgia also passed laws, in 2011 and 2009 respectively, that require proof of citizenship in order to register but neither has implemented them, citing the complications of operating a bifurcated system.
“That’s an election administration nightmare, if nothing else,” said Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill, a Republican. “You’d have to have two sets of poll books, one for federal elections and one for state elections, and that just doesn’t make any sense to me.”

Seems to me the simple fix is to CHANGE THE FEDERAL REGISTRATION FORM. I don't know who administers it or how its done, but it should be. We have 22.6 million noncitizens, legal and illegal, living in the US. I don't see ANY problem with asking everyone to supply a birth certificate or passport to prove they're a citizen when they register. After that, they can just provide photo ID.
Alternative Facts
REAL facts. Name me one state that requires proof of CITIZENSHIP for voting. Your move.
Arizona, Alabama and Georgia. But only Arizona enforces it.
Alien votes cannot be discovered, because no state has a requirement for proof of CITIZENSHIP to vote.
I agree they should, but I just discovered why--I can't believe this.
In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states may not require proof of citizenship for those who use the federal registration form, which states are required to accept. It didn’t bar them from requiring such documents for state elections, so states can set up a dual registration system—in which voters who lack proof of citizenship can register and vote in only federal elections.
Arizona is the only state that has such a system—so far. Critics say it is so complex that it prevents many voters from participating in elections for which they are eligible.
Alabama and Georgia also passed laws, in 2011 and 2009 respectively, that require proof of citizenship in order to register but neither has implemented them, citing the complications of operating a bifurcated system.
“That’s an election administration nightmare, if nothing else,” said Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill, a Republican. “You’d have to have two sets of poll books, one for federal elections and one for state elections, and that just doesn’t make any sense to me.”

Seems to me the simple fix is to CHANGE THE FEDERAL REGISTRATION FORM. I don't know who administers it or how its done, but it should be. We have 22.6 million noncitizens, legal and illegal, living in the US. I don't see ANY problem with asking everyone to supply a birth certificate or passport to prove they're a citizen when they register. After that, they can just provide photo ID.
Welcome to "right", common sense thinking
No, dumb-ass. They provided actual fact that countered his lies.

That's why he's so pissed off.
Ha ha ha. Even 10 year olds in the 5th grade are rolling their eyes over this blatant anti-Trump censorshop-libel lunacy. This is just yet another example of leftist derangement in the 2020s. Oh man, what a ride it's been since Trump became president - and all these nutty things liberals pretend are normal.

The Kavanaugh fiasco, Russian collusion (which the DNC itelf did), the impeachment lunacy, Ukraine corruption (again the Democrat being guilty), Khizr the con Khan, Hillary's phony outsourcing ads, McCain, Access Hollywood, ad nauseum)

Kathy Griffin (of decapitated head fame) tweets >> “Syringe with nothing but air inside it would do the trick. F— TRUMP.”

In response, Donald Trump Jr tweeted >> "I don’t think past their prime comedians who tweet stupid things should be banned on here, but next time @twitter @jack bans a conservative for saying something not PC, just remember they have no problem with Dems making death threats against @realDonaldTrump on their platform."
No, dumb-ass. They provided actual fact that countered his lies.

That's why he's so pissed off.
Ha ha ha. Even 10 year olds in the 5th grade are rolling their eyes over this blatant anti-Trump censorshop-libel lunacy. This is just yet another example of leftist derangement in the 2020s. Oh man, what a ride it's been since Trump became president - and all these nutty things liberals pretend are normal.

The Kavanaugh fiasco, Russian collusion (which the DNC itelf did), the impeachment lunacy, Ukraine corruption (again the Democrat being guilty), Khizr the con Khan, Hillary's phony outsourcing ads, McCain, Access Hollywood, ad nauseum)

Kathy Griffin (of decapitated head fame) tweets >> “Syringe with nothing but air inside it would do the trick. F— TRUMP.”

In response, Donald Trump Jr tweeted >> "I don’t think past their prime comedians who tweet stupid things should be banned on here, but next time @twitter @jack bans a conservative for saying something not PC, just remember they have no problem with Dems making death threats against @realDonaldTrump on their platform."
So, you're a ten year old in the fifth grade then.

Good to know.
looks like Trump will cheat to win Texas. i bet he has oppo research showing Biden will pick Beto as his VP. which was the obvious choice, anyway, all signs were pointing to it

No I don't, you imbecile, and I also don't wish Democrats to hold a majority over all branches of government, since registered Democrats make up only around 31% the country's voter rolls. Republicans are right around 30%. The rest are Independent and 'other' voters.

Also weird, I can't seem to find any credible sources giving me any percentage of a successful illegal alien voting demographic in US elections. Perhaps I should look into it further, or perhaps you're just a partisan idiot fit to be laughed at.

You really screwed the pooch on this.
Ha ha. Just though I'd tell you I had no inclination to think you would have the guts to take the quiz. So you join the many other Chicken Outs.

As for your inability "find any credible sources" HA HA HA HA. Obviously, you have no idea of the credibility of the links I posted, since you didn't read them, and therefore can't take the quiz.
And who would you look for ? CNN ? New York Laughingstock Times ? MSNBC ? Do you have any idea how stupid you are ?

INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals. Ho hum, Yawn*****
trump went off on a tirade against mail in voting again. This time on Twitter. He posted a bunch of lies.

Twitter labeled them as misleading. They should come out and say it's a lie because what he tweeted is a lie.

They should be doing this will all verified accounts.

A). You have to make sure the person who is credited with the tweet actually tweeted it so it's verified accounts only.
B). This should be happening on every post on their platform. Political or otherwise. The virus in and of itself is not a political matter but it is a public health matter. False information about "miracles" or hydroxy should be labeled as the garbage that they are.
C). If you don't like it, don't use twitter. Pretty simple. You don't like the mod actions here...don't post here. Same thing.
looks like Trump will cheat to win Texas. i bet he has oppo research showing Biden will pick Beto as his VP. which was the obvious choice, anyway, all signs were pointing to it

Did somebody say something about CHEATING TO WIN TEXAS ?

As for cheating to win elections, that's SOP for Democrats >>>

1. millions of sanctuary city Democrat-protected illegal aliens,

2. fixed debates (ex. Jake Tapper getting Republicans to argue against each other, instead of presenting their strong points)

3. , Democrat leaders who had to be fired or resign (Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Scott Foval, Amy Dacey, Brad Marshall, Luis Miranda, Donna Brazile etc),

4. Hillary's earpiece, Hillary being fed information,

5. Trump rallygoers being attacked by goons at Trump rallies (Democrat mayors of San Jose, Chicago, etc), set up by Democrat campaign staff who hired homeless peole to attack Trump rallygoers.

6..disruptors inside Trump rallies,

7. FALSE TV ads (ex. disabled reporter, McCain, outsourcing, Muslim gold star father)

8. Protestors blocking traffic in cities with Democrat mayors (ex. Tampa)

9. Cops standing down while protestors throw rocks and bottle at them - Democrat mayor (Stephanie Rawlings-Baltimore)

10. National Guard sent away from the rioting in Ferguson, MO, by Democrat governor, Jay Nixon.

The purge: Senior DNC staff resigns after email revelations

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton

thanks Tucker


Funny. Explain how "ballot harvesting" works - and how it actually translates into multiple illegal votes.

You asked... little research provides what your lazy bones don't want to know!

Ballot harvesting bounty: How Dems apparently used election law change to rout California Republicans

Despite holding substantial leads on Election Day, many Republican candidates in California saw their advantage shrink, and then disappear, as late-arriving Democratic votes were counted in the weeks following the election.
While no hard evidence is available, many observers point to the Democrats use of “ballot harvesting” as a key to their success in the elections.

“Anecdotally there was a lot of evidence that ballot harvesting was going on,” Neal Kelley, the registrar for voters in Southern California’s Orange County, told Fox News.
In Orange County – once seen as a Republican stronghold in the state– every House seat went to a Democrat after an unprecedented “250,000” vote-by-mail drop-offs were counted, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

People were carrying in stacks of 100 and 200 of them. We had had multiple people calling to ask if these people were allowed to do this,” Kelley said.
looks like Trump will cheat to win Texas. i bet he has oppo research showing Biden will pick Beto as his VP. which was the obvious choice, anyway, all signs were pointing to it

Did somebody say something about CHEATING TO WIN TEXAS ?

As for cheating to win elections, that's SOP for Democrats >>>

1. millions of sanctuary city Democrat-protected illegal aliens,

2. fixed debates (ex. Jake Tapper getting Republicans to argue against each other, instead of presenting their strong points)

3. , Democrat leaders who had to be fired or resign (Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Scott Foval, Amy Dacey, Brad Marshall, Luis Miranda, Donna Brazile etc),

4. Hillary's earpiece, Hillary being fed information,

5. Trump rallygoers being attacked by goons at Trump rallies (Democrat mayors of San Jose, Chicago, etc), set up by Democrat campaign staff who hired homeless peole to attack Trump rallygoers.

6..disruptors inside Trump rallies,

7. FALSE TV ads (ex. disabled reporter, McCain, outsourcing, Muslim gold star father)

8. Protestors blocking traffic in cities with Democrat mayors (ex. Tampa)

9. Cops standing down while protestors throw rocks and bottle at them - Democrat mayor (Stephanie Rawlings-Baltimore)

10. National Guard sent away from the rioting in Ferguson, MO, by Democrat governor, Jay Nixon.

The purge: Senior DNC staff resigns after email revelations

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton
i tap out!
Despite Trump’s threats to the contrary, Twitter is not violating the First Amendment by marking up his tweets. Unlike the government, Twitter is a private company that can moderate its users’ speech as it pleases, without legal penalty.

I am really looking forward to seeing that E.O.
Me too. :biggrin:

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