Turkiye News

* G20 Doping: Turkiye is the Leader of the G20 countries for 1 year. Meetings in electric, transportation and food safety will be at the forefront, many international issues will be coordinated .
* Turkiye wants Israel to prove that 3 Israeli youths were murdered by Hamas.

(Its not so far away that Turkiye will destroy Israel for ever.)

Does anyone have any question about this poster's ultimate agenda?


Oh, and, by the way, Minnie...

Should you try to destroy Israel...

This is what Ankara will look like, seen from the border region of northern Israel...


Courtesy of the Israelis,themselves...

They won't fire first...

But they'll sure-as-hell fire last...

And, if you attack our ally and friend...

And if our ally and friend doesn't do it...

We will...

We would rather keep Turkey as a friend, but you have far more to fear from us, than we do from you...

I suggest that you think that one over very, very carefully, before going down that path...

Assuming that you are capable of rational thought, in that tiny little Jihadi-wannabe mind of yours, that is...
* Vatikan puppet Parrot is in Turkiye. Turkish head of religious affairs Mehmet Gormez gives humanity lesson to Parrot.
* Vatikan puppet Parrot is in Turkiye. Turkish head of religious affairs Mehmet Gormez gives humanity lesson to Parrot.
And here, revealed for all the world to see and to spit upon, the religious intolerance of the Muslim mind: sub-species, Turkish Muslim Extremist.

Pope Francis, a Vatican puppet? Given his wide-ranging reform agenda and pronouncements in the first year of his term in office, somehow, it seems likely that you have no frigging idea what you're talking about, in connection with Francis.

Not surprising, given that you so far demonstrated very little mastery of anything, during your short stay with us.
* Vatikan puppet Parrot is in Turkiye. Turkish head of religious affairs Mehmet Gormez gives humanity lesson to Parrot.

what is "vatikan puppet Parrot" the person in dire need of lessons is
the illiterate Mineva-------gee----I understand that English is
a difficult language but why try to post in a language you do not
know, mineva? who is thie Mehmet Gormez? why is he trying to
talk to a parrot? is he trying to teach the bird brain to sing song
the idiot Koran?
* Vatikan puppet Parrot is in Turkiye. Turkish head of religious affairs Mehmet Gormez gives humanity lesson to Parrot.

what is "vatikan puppet Parrot" the person in dire need of lessons is
the illiterate Mineva-------gee----I understand that English is
a difficult language but why try to post in a language you do not
know, mineva? who is thie Mehmet Gormez? why is he trying to
talk to a parrot? is he trying to teach the bird brain to sing song
the idiot Koran?

What I don't understand is why she first appeared here she said she was Russian. One would think that the way she sticks up for the Islamists in Turkey she would just have said she was Turkish and supports the current government..
* Vatikan puppet Parrot is in Turkiye. Turkish head of religious affairs Mehmet Gormez gives humanity lesson to Parrot.

what is "vatikan puppet Parrot" the person in dire need of lessons is
the illiterate Mineva-------gee----I understand that English is
a difficult language but why try to post in a language you do not
know, mineva? who is thie Mehmet Gormez? why is he trying to
talk to a parrot? is he trying to teach the bird brain to sing song
the idiot Koran?

What I don't understand is why she first appeared here she said she was Russian. One would think that the way she sticks up for the Islamists in Turkey she would just have said she was Turkish and supports the current government..

I can understand why a turk would prefer to HIDE the fact that she is a
is a turk
* Vatikan puppet Parrot is in Turkiye. Turkish head of religious affairs Mehmet Gormez gives humanity lesson to Parrot.

what is "vatikan puppet Parrot" the person in dire need of lessons is
the illiterate Mineva-------gee----I understand that English is
a difficult language but why try to post in a language you do not
know, mineva? who is thie Mehmet Gormez? why is he trying to
talk to a parrot? is he trying to teach the bird brain to sing song
the idiot Koran?

What I don't understand is why she first appeared here she said she was Russian. One would think that the way she sticks up for the Islamists in Turkey she would just have said she was Turkish and supports the current government..

I can understand why a turk would prefer to HIDE the fact that she is a
is a turk

I don't think that is the reason. We have a real Turk posting here who is on the opposite side of the fence as our little Tovarich is when it comes to the current government of Turkey. He knows that Turkey would be much better off without Erdogan and his gang. Maybe she realizes that the Boston marathon bombers were from her part of the world, and she might think we would believe she knows them personally. For all we know, she actually does.
* Vatikan puppet Parrot is in Turkiye. Turkish head of religious affairs Mehmet Gormez gives humanity lesson to Parrot.

what is "vatikan puppet Parrot" the person in dire need of lessons is
the illiterate Mineva-------gee----I understand that English is
a difficult language but why try to post in a language you do not
know, mineva? who is thie Mehmet Gormez? why is he trying to
talk to a parrot? is he trying to teach the bird brain to sing song
the idiot Koran?

What I don't understand is why she first appeared here she said she was Russian. One would think that the way she sticks up for the Islamists in Turkey she would just have said she was Turkish and supports the current government..

I can understand why a turk would prefer to HIDE the fact that she is a
is a turk

I don't think that is the reason. We have a real Turk posting here who is on the opposite side of the fence as our little Tovarich is when it comes to the current government of Turkey. He knows that Turkey would be much better off without Erdogan and his gang. Maybe she realizes that the Boston marathon bombers were from her part of the world, and she might think we would believe she knows them personally. For all we know, she actually does.

Erdogan does have plenty of Turkish support----from the psychotic
part of town. -----the situation is kinda like Iran in the 1970s----
the sane Iranians hated the AYATOILETS----but they got voted
in ---------when insanity and illiteracy became the criteria for the right to vote
* Financial Times; Turkish economy growing rapidly despite all negativities in the region.
* Turkish hero grabbed the 3 years old child falling from the 7th floor before hits the ground.
* German white goods company BHS invests 200 million Euro more in Turkiye.
* According to the new law, cars older than 5 years is forbidden to be taxi.
* Turkish baby food and prepared food products company ETI opens a new factory in Romania.
* Denmark thanks Turkish person; Turkish person who saves Danish woman and her baby from the knife attacker is awarded by Copenhagen police department.

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