Tulsi’s troubles are a bad omen for Democrats and other commentary

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Presidential hopeful Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a liberal who supports banning assault weapons and “raising the minimum wage to $15,” is still “too moderate for today’s Democrats,” sighs David Catron at The American Spectator. Which goes to show that the party has “no chance of beating Trump in 2020.” Unlike Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren’s radicalism, Gabbard’s liberalism is “relatively rational.” She is pro-choice but opposes late-term abortion; worries the “secretive” impeachment investigation will polarize America even further; and refuses to “execute a flip-flop on the withdrawal of troops from Syria,” as other Democrats did. Her campaign is likely to prove a “canary in a coal mine” for Democrats: By embracing extremism, the party’s “headed for another disaster.”

Libertarian: Trump Thumps Never Trump

How big is President Trump’s fund-raising haul compared to those of his GOP primary opponents, Joe Walsh, Bill Weld and Mark Sanford? “If you stacked in $1 bills the combined $647,000 third-quarter fundraising haul of the ‘Three Stooges,’ ” muses Reason’s Matt Welch, “it would go up to about 230 feet, or 20 stories.” Do the same for the combined haul of the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee, and the bills rise would rise “more than eight miles high, the absolute upper altitude limit for commercial aircraft.” The lesson: The GOP “is unifying in support for its historically unpopular president.”

Crime beat: DC’s Gift to Bad Guys

The Washington, DC, City Council on Thursday held a hearing on a bill that “would turn the nation’s capital into a mecca for sex tourism,” warn Louise Shelley and Mary Leary at The Washington Examiner. The Community Safety and Health Amendment Act of 2019 might sound “benign,” but it will “deliver neither community safety nor improved health.” That’s because “violence is inherent in prostitution,”

(Excerpt) Read more at nypost.com ...

There are still some relatively sane Democratic primary voters. With Biden fading fast, who out of that bizarre field can they support? IMHO Hillary with her nonsensical or delusional accusations, followed by Tulsi’s hard hitting response gave her campaign a jolt. Come Iowa would not be surprised to see Tulsi get 20% of the vote and may even win if Biden is out by then.
Presidential hopeful Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a liberal who supports banning assault weapons and “raising the minimum wage to $15,” is still “too moderate for today’s Democrats,”

They have said it right here. Asked about voting for Hillary, Leftists here admitted they had to hold their nose voting for her not just because she was a common crook, but because she wasn't particularly well liked or even considered Left enough.

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