Tulsa Police Shooting: Officer Charged With Manslaughter


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
In the shooting of Terence Crutcher, by police officer Betty Shelby, in which Crutcher died at the scene, the officer has been charged with first degree manslaughter. Conflicting stories are being heard, despite there being 2 videos of the event. Shelby's attorney, James Wood claims that Crutcher was acting erratically, appeared to be on drugs (possibly PCP), was ignoring police commands, put his hand in his pocket twice (even after being told not to), and was reaching inside his car window for something when he was shot.

It is claimed that the officer feared for her life, not knowing if Crutcher might have been reaching for a gun. It is well-known that once a gun is in the hand of a suspect, there is no time to react to stop a shot from being fired. It can be done within one second. The murder of Deputy Kyle Dinkheller is an especially graphic example of why law enforcement officers never allow a belligerent suspect to return to their vehicle and reach inside. The chilling screams of Deputy Dinkheller have echoed through law enforcement training academies throughout the nation for 18 years, as instructors have shown police cadets why it is so important for their safety, the safety of their suspects, and the safety of the public at large that they maintain control over the situation.

Crutcher's family are claiming that the window was closed, and showed a photograph of the window. It appears their claim is false, as the drivers window appears to be open, as shown in the 2 videos (dash cam & helicopter)

In any case, the DA has chosen to go ahead and charge the officer, who remains innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Maybe all the facts of the case will be sorted out properly and maybe they won't. Maybe politics (as in the Walter Scott shooting in N. Charleston, SC) will play a part (maybe already is). In time , hopefully all that is needed to be cleared up, will be. In the meantime, I will just say that I am really tired of seeing cops being arrested for doing their jobs, while risking their lives to keep all of us safe. I'm tired of seeing serial felons like Terence Crutcher out on the street, zonked on drugs, committing DUI, refusing to comply with the orders of a police officer, and making an idiotic nuisance of himself. It looks to me like Crutcher could have been shot twice, before the videos even began, when putting his hands to his pockets.

So once again, another cop goes to jail because another uncivilized, looneytune savage can't conduct himself like all the rest of us do. These nitwits bring these troubles on themselves. I have zero sympathy for Terence Crutcher, and a lot of sympathy for Betty Shelby, and if we don't all get a handle on this anti-police lunacy that has become popular, especially in black communities, were all going to lose our police protection, and be in very serious trouble.

Betty Shelby Was Justified In Shooting Terence Crutcher. Here's Why.
"It is claimed that the officer feared for her life, not knowing if Crutcher might have been reaching for a gun. It is well-known that once a gun is in the hand of a suspect, there is no time to react to stop a shot from being fired. It can be done within one second."

Yup, all ya gotta do is say "I'm scared of negroes" and ya can kill 'em in america with impunity.
"It is claimed that the officer feared for her life, not knowing if Crutcher might have been reaching for a gun. It is well-known that once a gun is in the hand of a suspect, there is no time to react to stop a shot from being fired. It can be done within one second."

Yup, all ya gotta do is say "I'm scared of negroes" and ya can kill 'em in america with impunity.
Has nothing to do with race, Mr Race Card. You can be just as dead from a White person shooting you, as anybody else. Liberals are clueless on law enforcement. It takes one second to pull a gun out of a car or a clothes pocket, and fire it.

I suggest you become a cop, confront a suspect who puts his hands in his pocket or in a car window, and THEN come back here and post , (if you're still alive to tell about it)
"It is claimed that the officer feared for her life, not knowing if Crutcher might have been reaching for a gun. It is well-known that once a gun is in the hand of a suspect, there is no time to react to stop a shot from being fired. It can be done within one second."

Yup, all ya gotta do is say "I'm scared of negroes" and ya can kill 'em in america with impunity.

2015 stats (killed by police)
White 494
Black 258
Hispanic 172
Other 38
Unknown 28

2015 Washington Post database of police shootings
"It is claimed that the officer feared for her life, not knowing if Crutcher might have been reaching for a gun. It is well-known that once a gun is in the hand of a suspect, there is no time to react to stop a shot from being fired. It can be done within one second."

Yup, all ya gotta do is say "I'm scared of negroes" and ya can kill 'em in america with impunity.
Has nothing to do with race, Mr Race Card. You can be just as dead from a White person shooting you, as anybody else. Liberals are clueless on law enforcement. It takes one second to pull a gun out of a car or a clothes pocket, and fire it.

I suggest you become a cop, confront a suspect who puts his hands in his pocket or in a car window, and THEN come back here and post , (if you're still alive to tell about it)

I'm not sure you understand the law son.
"It is claimed that the officer feared for her life, not knowing if Crutcher might have been reaching for a gun. It is well-known that once a gun is in the hand of a suspect, there is no time to react to stop a shot from being fired. It can be done within one second."

Yup, all ya gotta do is say "I'm scared of negroes" and ya can kill 'em in america with impunity.

2015 stats (killed by police)
White 494
Black 258
Hispanic 172
Other 38
Unknown 28

2015 Washington Post database of police shootings

Nice, not sure what you think you showed us, but hey, nice.
"It is claimed that the officer feared for her life, not knowing if Crutcher might have been reaching for a gun. It is well-known that once a gun is in the hand of a suspect, there is no time to react to stop a shot from being fired. It can be done within one second."

Yup, all ya gotta do is say "I'm scared of negroes" and ya can kill 'em in america with impunity.
Has nothing to do with race, Mr Race Card. You can be just as dead from a White person shooting you, as anybody else. Liberals are clueless on law enforcement. It takes one second to pull a gun out of a car or a clothes pocket, and fire it.

I suggest you become a cop, confront a suspect who puts his hands in his pocket or in a car window, and THEN come back here and post , (if you're still alive to tell about it)

Yeah dumbass, I don't think cops should be allowed to murder unarmed citizens at all. You know, like ever.
"It is claimed that the officer feared for her life, not knowing if Crutcher might have been reaching for a gun. It is well-known that once a gun is in the hand of a suspect, there is no time to react to stop a shot from being fired. It can be done within one second."

Yup, all ya gotta do is say "I'm scared of negroes" and ya can kill 'em in america with impunity.
Has nothing to do with race, Mr Race Card. You can be just as dead from a White person shooting you, as anybody else. Liberals are clueless on law enforcement. It takes one second to pull a gun out of a car or a clothes pocket, and fire it.

I suggest you become a cop, confront a suspect who puts his hands in his pocket or in a car window, and THEN come back here and post , (if you're still alive to tell about it)

I'm not sure you understand the law son.
You understand right. And you should also understand that you don't call someone 70 years old "son"
Yeah dumbass, I don't think cops should be allowed to murder unarmed citizens at all. You know, like ever.
I don't know anybody who thinks that either. But I know someone who is dumbass enough to think that people Do think that. YOU.

PS - armed or unarmed has nothing to do with it. In self-defense law, cops can shoot and kill someone attacking them or a threat to do so, whether they have a weapon or not. For that matter, so can I, and I'm not even a cop. I see you've really been studying up on the law. :rolleyes:
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Yeah dumbass, I don't think cops should be allowed to murder unarmed citizens at all. You know, like ever.
I don't know anybody who thinks that either. But I know someone who is dumbass enough to think that people Do think that. YOU.

PS - armed or unarmed has nothing to do with it. In self-defense law, cops can shoot and kill someone attacking them or a threat to do so, whether they have a weapon or not. For that matter, so can I, and I'm not even a cop. I see you've really been studying up on the law. :rolleyes:

"I don't know anybody who thinks that either."

Meh, kinda depends upon who got murdered to some, and I take them at their word,
Dey hangin' her out to dry...

Tulsa officer late to career, had de-escalation training
Sun, Sep 25, 2016 - The Tulsa police officer accused of manslaughter in the fatal shooting of an unarmed man took a roundabout path toward her dream job of joining law enforcement, with stops as a convenience store clerk, a US Air National Guard member and a teaching assistant.
Family members and colleagues say Betty Jo Shelby, 42, was an engaged community member, a churchgoer and cool-headed enough to be tapped as a field-training officer even though she did not join the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office until 2007 and the city’s force until 2011. Despite completing de-escalation training, Shelby “reacted unreasonably” when she fatally shot 40-year-old Terence Crutcher on Sept. 16, according to an affidavit prosecutors filed with the first-degree manslaughter charge. Shelby, who posted bond early on Friday, faces four years to life in prison if convicted.

Shelby’s attorney, Scott Wood, on Friday said that she had a reputation of having a “cool head on her shoulders.” “This wasn’t her first week on the job,” Wood said. “Betty is a field-training officer. The department has picked her to train new officers and people will tell you this isn’t Betty Shelby to overreact to a situation.” Shelby was headed to a domestic violence call when she encountered Crutcher’s sports utility vehicle (SUV) abandoned on a city street, straddling the center line. Shelby did not activate her dashboard camera when she first came across Crutcher and his SUV. Other video footage shows Crutcher walking away from Shelby and toward his SUV with his arms in the air. The footage does not offer a clear view of when Shelby fired the single shot that killed Crutcher.

Wood said Crutcher escalated the situation by not communicating with Shelby, disobeying her commands and walking away from her. “One thing about de-escalation, that’s a two-way street,” Wood said. “You have to at least have some open communication. There was none with Mr Crutcher.” “If somebody is not contained, if they’re walking away from you, your opportunity to defuse that encounter is greatly diminished if they’re mobile and not stationary,” said Mark Sawa, a retired major with the Travis County Sheriff’s Office in Austin, Texas, who trains police officers on use of force.

He said that he could not fully assess how the situation got out of hand, as no video is available until after Shelby already has her gun drawn and Crutcher is walking away from her with his hands in the air. Crutcher died of a gunshot wound to the chest, the state medical examiner’s office said on Friday, adding that the full autopsy and toxicology reports were not finished. His funeral was scheduled for yesterday.

Crutcher’s twin sister, Tiffany Crutcher, disputed that he was behaving belligerently toward Shelby. “At the time he was shot, his hands were up, there was daylight, everyone can clearly see that he had no weapon in his hand whatsoever,” Tiffany Crutcher said on Friday. The Tulsa Police Department refused repeated requests to release her personnel records, but said the officer has not been subject to any disciplinary proceedings in her nearly five years.

Tulsa officer late to career, had de-escalation training - Taipei Times
Granny says, "Dat's right - ya ain't s'posed to act a fool when the cops tell ya to co-operate...

Tulsa cop Betty Jo Shelby found not guilty in death of Terence Crutcher
Wednesday, May 17, 2017, A jury has declared police officer Betty Jo Shelby not guilty of manslaughter after she shot and killed Terence Crutcher.
After hearing closing arguments in Shelby’s trial Wednesday morning, jurors had deliberated since noon, taking just over nine hours to arrive at the verdict for the killing that sparked nationwide outrage. The victim's father, Rev. Joey Crutcher, told media outside the courtroom that Shelby "got away with murder." The jury's makeup was eight women, four men, with nine white people and three black people, according to the Tulsa World. At least four of the jurors broke down in tears as they left the courtroom. "This was a very difficult case with lots of difficult issues," Judge Doug Drummond said before the decision was announced. "I hope everyone can acknowledge that." He added, "I'm asking you to trust the system."

Following the announcement of the verdict, a group of people protesting the decision to let Shelby walk free approached the front door of the Mayo Hotel to demand the officer come out, the protesters apparently under the impression Shelby was inside. As a pastor began to address the crowd, protesters moved out into the street, blocking traffic on Denver Avenue, the Tulsa World reported. Police issued a warning that "chemical agents will be used" if the group didn't leave. Finally, around 12:20 a.m. Thursday, the line of protesters broke and people began to leave the area.

In their closing arguments, prosecutors noted that the other officers around her knew it was a "bad shoot" after she killed the unarmed man. Shelby stopped after seeing Crutcher, a 40-year-old father of four, in the middle of a road on Sept. 16, opening fire after he refused commands to lie down. The officer, 43, has claimed she believed that the motorist, whose hands were seen up in video of the shooting, may have been reaching into his car for a gun. She has also claimed Crutcher appeared to be high, with a vial of PCP found in his car and the drug found in his system during an autopsy.

However, no gun was found, and prosecutors say he posed no threat to officers and did nothing aggressive. Shelby, who also said that she relied on her training when deciding to shoot rather than use a Taser, said in an interview last month that Crutcher caused his own death. However, Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler said that other officers knew the shooting was wrong immediately afterwards, with a fellow cop telling Shelby "not to say a word." The officer potentially faced life in prison had she been convicted.

Tulsa cop Betty Jo Shelby not guilty in death of Terence Crutcher
Meh, kinda depends upon who got murdered to some, and I take them at their word,
Shooting in self'defense isn't murder/ What are they teaching kids these days ? Yikes! :rolleyes:

PS - I don't think there is any such word as "Meh" in American English.
Granny says, "Dat's right - ya ain't s'posed to act a fool when the cops tell ya to co-operate...

Tulsa cop Betty Jo Shelby found not guilty in death of Terence Crutcher
Wednesday, May 17, 2017, A jury has declared police officer Betty Jo Shelby not guilty of manslaughter after she shot and killed Terence Crutcher.
After hearing closing arguments in Shelby’s trial Wednesday morning, jurors had deliberated since noon, taking just over nine hours to arrive at the verdict for the killing that sparked nationwide outrage. The victim's father, Rev. Joey Crutcher, told media outside the courtroom that Shelby "got away with murder." The jury's makeup was eight women, four men, with nine white people and three black people, according to the Tulsa World. At least four of the jurors broke down in tears as they left the courtroom. "This was a very difficult case with lots of difficult issues," Judge Doug Drummond said before the decision was announced. "I hope everyone can acknowledge that." He added, "I'm asking you to trust the system."

Following the announcement of the verdict, a group of people protesting the decision to let Shelby walk free approached the front door of the Mayo Hotel to demand the officer come out, the protesters apparently under the impression Shelby was inside. As a pastor began to address the crowd, protesters moved out into the street, blocking traffic on Denver Avenue, the Tulsa World reported. Police issued a warning that "chemical agents will be used" if the group didn't leave. Finally, around 12:20 a.m. Thursday, the line of protesters broke and people began to leave the area.

In their closing arguments, prosecutors noted that the other officers around her knew it was a "bad shoot" after she killed the unarmed man. Shelby stopped after seeing Crutcher, a 40-year-old father of four, in the middle of a road on Sept. 16, opening fire after he refused commands to lie down. The officer, 43, has claimed she believed that the motorist, whose hands were seen up in video of the shooting, may have been reaching into his car for a gun. She has also claimed Crutcher appeared to be high, with a vial of PCP found in his car and the drug found in his system during an autopsy.

However, no gun was found, and prosecutors say he posed no threat to officers and did nothing aggressive. Shelby, who also said that she relied on her training when deciding to shoot rather than use a Taser, said in an interview last month that Crutcher caused his own death. However, Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler said that other officers knew the shooting was wrong immediately afterwards, with a fellow cop telling Shelby "not to say a word." The officer potentially faced life in prison had she been convicted.

Tulsa cop Betty Jo Shelby not guilty in death of Terence Crutcher
ANOTHER case of justifiable homicide, after pathetic, pandering politicians tried to throw a cop under the bus.
"It is claimed that the officer feared for her life, not knowing if Crutcher might have been reaching for a gun. It is well-known that once a gun is in the hand of a suspect, there is no time to react to stop a shot from being fired. It can be done within one second."

Yup, all ya gotta do is say "I'm scared of negroes" and ya can kill 'em in america with impunity.

2015 stats (killed by police)
White 494
Black 258
Hispanic 172
Other 38
Unknown 28

2015 Washington Post database of police shootings

Nice, not sure what you think you showed us, but hey, nice.
FACTS. Something many people are confused by and even more people don't care about.
"It is claimed that the officer feared for her life, not knowing if Crutcher might have been reaching for a gun. It is well-known that once a gun is in the hand of a suspect, there is no time to react to stop a shot from being fired. It can be done within one second."

Yup, all ya gotta do is say "I'm scared of negroes" and ya can kill 'em in america with impunity.

2015 stats (killed by police)
White 494
Black 258
Hispanic 172
Other 38
Unknown 28

2015 Washington Post database of police shootings

Nice, not sure what you think you showed us, but hey, nice.
FACTS. Something many people are confused by and even more people don't care about.
The washington post is to facts what the tooth fairy is to dentists.

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