Tucker Carlson Lays Out How the Election Was 'Rigged' 'In Front of All of Us'


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
When it comes to cutting through the mainstream media’s claptrap, Tucker Carlson has it down cold.

The straight-shooting Fox News host’s positions have sometimes angered conservatives, but he was right on target on Monday when he delivered a post mortem on the 2020 election that can be summed up in four words:

Collusion in plain sight.

This isn’t the fictional “Russia collusion” kind of tale Democrats and their mainstream media allies foisted on the country for three years, beginning before President Donald Trump was even inaugurated.

It’s a bona fide system of dishonest cooperation in the deliberate service of the progressive agenda between the Democratic Party, the liberal mainstream media and the titans of Silicon Valley to manipulate what American voters know and when they know it.

It’s why the election’s “results” have left so many millions of Americans feeling like the election wasn’t simply lost — they feel like it was stolen. And that doesn’t bode well for the future of the Republic.

“On many levels, the system was rigged against one candidate and in favor of another. And it was rigged in ways that were not hidden from view,” Carlson told his viewers. “We all saw it happen.”

BJ's Pull quote

Carlson, as usual, had it nailed.

The Democratic Party’s role in the 2020 election is obvious. As the opposition party, its goal was to defeat Trump and no one can fault Democrats for it.

(The fact that they support a deranged, tyrannical agenda that’s better represented by vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris than the doddering, quite possibly criminal, figurehead of Joe Biden is another story. But on the purely technical grounds of team-sport politics, Democrats played their usual dirty game. As the saying goes, politics ain’t beanbag.)
What's funny is that when Tucker refused to endorse the crazy shit that Sidney Powell was spewing , You guys were throwing Tucker under the bus.

He was a RINO and a Deep Stater and a sell out and Fox was "in on it". That was just DAYS ago.

I guess he got the message and is now toeing the line...cause ya know...ratings
It is shocking that Patriots are even thinking about accepting this Coup.

Did we even need a 2nd Amendment ?
Americans are waiting to see if we can avoid war first. All is not lost yet.

Pretty sure war is at foot
one way or the other
Unless Dominion figures out how to switch Trump supporters to Biden along with the votes, we greatly outnumber them.
It is shocking that Patriots are even thinking about accepting this Coup.

Did we even need a 2nd Amendment ?
Americans are waiting to see if we can avoid war first. All is not lost yet.

Pretty sure war is at foot
one way or the other
Unless Dominion figures out how to switch Trump supporters to Biden along with the votes, we greatly outnumber them.

It is shocking that Patriots are even thinking about accepting this Coup.

Did we even need a 2nd Amendment ?
Americans are waiting to see if we can avoid war first. All is not lost yet.

We can certainly avoid war.........accept tyranny and live under the iron fist of tryants
That is one way, but to many Americans are ready to fight. Give peace all the chances we can, when we lose the peace, the things we do in war will be justified.
It is shocking that Patriots are even thinking about accepting this Coup.

Did we even need a 2nd Amendment ?
Americans are waiting to see if we can avoid war first. All is not lost yet.

Pretty sure war is at foot
one way or the other
Unless Dominion figures out how to switch Trump supporters to Biden along with the votes, we greatly outnumber them.

Words seldom win battles, much less wars

The time for kicking the can down the road is over
It is shocking that Patriots are even thinking about accepting this Coup.

Did we even need a 2nd Amendment ?
Americans are waiting to see if we can avoid war first. All is not lost yet.

We can certainly avoid war.........accept tyranny and live under the iron fist of tryants
That is one way, but to many Americans are ready to fight. Give peace all the chances we can, when we lose the peace, the things we do in war will be justified.

What worries me is that Patriots aren't really even peacefully protesting.
At this point, if they were ever going to do anything, we should see massive street protests (peaceful)

There has been one....but we need to take the streets and not relent until this travesty is overturned.

My concern is that 95% of "Patriots" are old people on oxygen and in wheel chairs.
It is shocking that Patriots are even thinking about accepting this Coup.

Did we even need a 2nd Amendment ?
Americans are waiting to see if we can avoid war first. All is not lost yet.

Pretty sure war is at foot
one way or the other
Unless Dominion figures out how to switch Trump supporters to Biden along with the votes, we greatly outnumber them.

Words seldom win battles, much less wars

The time for kicking the can down the road is over

Well -
It probably should have been over as the impeachment started there should have been a show of overwhelming force then.
Now my personal opinion is we let the courts work, - barring success there, there will be no other option.
It is shocking that Patriots are even thinking about accepting this Coup.

Did we even need a 2nd Amendment ?
Americans are waiting to see if we can avoid war first. All is not lost yet.

Pretty sure war is at foot
one way or the other
Unless Dominion figures out how to switch Trump supporters to Biden along with the votes, we greatly outnumber them.

Then start one. Stop endlessly talking about it. Put your gun where your mouth is....or..wait...maybe that wasn't such a good example.
Put your money where your gun is? :) Either way, do it or just sit down and be quiet. The adults are back in charge.
Why is it that so many supporting Biden, have Satanic Avatars ?
Answer: Because they are sick, demented individuals

It is shocking that Patriots are even thinking about accepting this Coup.

Did we even need a 2nd Amendment ?
Americans are waiting to see if we can avoid war first. All is not lost yet.

We can certainly avoid war.........accept tyranny and live under the iron fist of tryants
That is one way, but to many Americans are ready to fight. Give peace all the chances we can, when we lose the peace, the things we do in war will be justified.

What worries me is that Patriots aren't really even peacefully protesting.
At this point, if they were ever going to do anything, we should see massive street protests (peaceful)

There has been one....but we need to take the streets and not relent until this travesty is overturned.

My concern is that 95% of "Patriots" are old people on oxygen and in wheel chairs.
Maybe, but when the call to gather around blue areas goes out and Americans treat the democrats like Maxine waters says to treat republicans, things will escalate.

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