Tucker Carlson interviews Tristan Tate- the rise of mental illness and drug attic’s begging in America. Why We don’t see that in Catholic Romania.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Many things are brought up in the interview, but one that stood out to me is the social dynamic in the United States of America compared to Romania. The United States, where Christianity is constantly under attack where drug addicts are roaming the streets harassing people, begging for money. Part of the reason why that happens in America is because the nuclear family is under attack in America. Individual drug addicts often do not have family to turn to here in America because of broken families. Single mothers household deadbeat dads… democrats telling young men to just act on their feelings. That’s why we have mass school shootings in America, but not another countries.

not in Romania. You could walk around Bucharest with the best watch on nobody’s going to bother you because the country is 99% Catholic. You’re not going to see homeless drug attic’s in Romania begging for money or attacking people because somewhere along the line, one of their family members will reach out to them and help them. There are no “mental illness” programs in Romania because it’s nonsense in the first place. But we have that in America because of the rise of selfishness. This idea that somebody should go get “mental therapy” in the USA when in other countries in the Middle East and in Romania there is still the nuclear family there is still traditions.
I think some mental illnesses are serious and biological too they can not be healed or cured by "nuclear family or talks and moral support" some mental illnesses require medicine. I know that because im shizophrenic.

Many things are brought up in the interview, but one that stood out to me is the social dynamic in the United States of America compared to Romania. The United States, where Christianity is constantly under attack where drug addicts are roaming the streets harassing people, begging for money. Part of the reason why that happens in America is because the nuclear family is under attack in America. Individual drug addicts often do not have family to turn to here in America because of broken families. Single mothers household deadbeat dads… democrats telling young men to just act on their feelings. That’s why we have mass school shootings in America, but not another countries.

not in Romania. You could walk around Bucharest with the best watch on nobody’s going to bother you because the country is 99% Catholic. You’re not going to see homeless drug attic’s in Romania begging for money or attacking people because somewhere along the line, one of their family members will reach out to them and help them. There are no “mental illness” programs in Romania because it’s nonsense in the first place. But we have that in America because of the rise of selfishness. This idea that somebody should go get “mental therapy” in the USA when in other countries in the Middle East and in Romania there is still the nuclear family there is still traditions.

Is that why he was raping and trafficking children?


respond to the fact of why in Bucharest Romanian you wear the best watch in the world without worrying about having to be robbed.

Or you can troll like every American who doesn’t care about the problems we have in this country.

Isn’t it interesting that there are no government funded “mental health” programs in Romania and they don’t have the same issues that we have in America deadbeat dads who don’t give a shit about anyone except themselves. Single mothers having to raise five kids.

Of course we didn’t have these problems in the 1940s in America. I’m really proud of what country was but can’t stand what does become. We have a lot of work to do.
Burn down all the drug attic's!
I think some mental illnesses are serious and biological too they can not be healed or cured by "nuclear family or talks and moral support" some mental illnesses require medicine. I know that because im shizophrenic.
If you really are, then, this is not related to this thread.

If you’re trolling, you ought to be ashamed of yourself do you think you’re the only person in the world with problems man. How about those who have had life altering injuries or illnesses who say no I’m not going on some government assistance program or similar. I’m not going to take this pill.

I can see that for a tiny portion of Americans they think that they can control other peoples lives and tell them how to think and that certain topics are apparently taboo. No, that’s not how it works in the real world. If this topic is not for you don’t post in it.

Anyways, everyone of the left-wing trolls on this thread has completely ignored the point of this thread. Many of them have concentrated on one single point that was made. That’s par for the course for them just whining complain all the time act like a baby, and never addressed the issue.

Don’t get caught up in the wrong area in San Francisco or you will be robbed. Don’t be caught up in the wrong area in downtown Chicago or you will be robbed. Well that doesn’t happen in the United Arab Emirates is Or in Bucharest Romania. Because of religion. Something that is lacking in the lives of many Americans a good Christian faith.

The Biden supporters go to McDonald’s stuff there face with big macs …. Get fatter take some dumb pill that another human being told them to take instead of toughening it up like the World War II generation did like practically every generation of Americans dead before the 1980s before Prozac was invented.
Actually Romania has many homeless. And Bucharest alone has 5,000 of them. The reason being is because their parents were pieces of shit and they grew up orphanages. When they turned 18, they were thrown out in the street.
Why is it that in America in tons of places across the country you cannot walk down the street without being harassed by a homeless person who is crazy. But the same thing doesn’t happen in Bucharest Romania or the UAE?
Actually Romania has many homeless. And Bucharest alone has 5,000 of them. The reason being is because their parents were pieces of shit and they grew up orphanages. When they turned 18, they were thrown out in the street.
“Romanian families place a high value on children; their protection and well-being are considered to be parents' primary responsibilities. Considerable efforts are made to provide children with what they need. Parents' hope and pride are focused on children's successes. Interdependent and reciprocal relationships are encouraged among members of the Romanian family. Parents provide care for their children and in return, children are expected to be obedient and respectful and, in later life, to care for their parents”

Read more: Romania - Family Values - Children, Parents, Friends, and School - JRank Articles

Romania - Family Values

That is a fair point. There’s homeless people probably in every country but the point is undeniable. There are problems we have in America like mass school shootings among other issues, that do not exist in other countries of the world.

It is fair to say that, in other countries of the world, there is stronger traditions, and more appreciation for Christianity .

There is a left-wing portion of government in Romania that’s trying to destroy the countries values… they are opposed by the traditionalists
“Romanian families place a high value on children; their protection and well-being are considered to be parents' primary responsibilities. Considerable efforts are made to provide children with what they need. Parents' hope and pride are focused on children's successes. Interdependent and reciprocal relationships are encouraged among members of the Romanian family. Parents provide care for their children and in return, children are expected to be obedient and respectful and, in later life, to care for their parents”

Read more: Romania - Family Values - Children, Parents, Friends, and School - JRank Articles

Romania - Family Values

That is a fair point. There’s homeless people probably in every country but the point is undeniable. There are problems we have in America like mass school shootings among other issues, that do not exist in other countries of the world.

It is fair to say that, in other countries of the world, there is stronger traditions, and more appreciation for Christianity .

There is a left-wing portion of government in Romania that’s trying to destroy the countries values… they are opposed by the traditionalists
Or they dont shove drugs down kids throats like we do because parents are fucking lazy and entitled.
There’s always two sides to the argument

“Intellectuals as Goffman, Deleuze, Rosenconsider pharmacological "treatment" a lay religion:[28] a "medication" is an "eucharist", or just a concoction.[29]

Antipsychotics have been associated with decreases in brain volume over time, which may indicate a neurotoxic effect. However, untreated psychosis has also been associated with decreases in brain volume.[30][31]

Scholars, and even professionals such as Cooper, Foucalt, Szasz believe that pharmacological "treatment" is only a placeboeffect,[32] and that administration of drugs is just a religion in disguise and ritualistic chemistry.[33

The question is, how can the modern United States society be more like what we see in other areas of the world where they don’t have mass school shootings. Where they Don’t have such a high divorce rate and a high child born out of wedlock rate . These are the most serious concerns facing the country. Why is it that for example in the 1950s the divorce rate, the child born out of wedlock rate was significantly lower in America. If Biden supporters want to troll this thread, then that’s showing us how we have a problem in this country.

Why were there almost no mass school shootings in the American past and some years there was zero of them compared to the modern day where that is happening on a regular basis. Huge portions of the United States were not prescribed medication because they were having a bad day in the 1940s. That didn’t exist back then.
I think some mental illnesses are serious and biological too they can not be healed or cured by "nuclear family or talks and moral support" some mental illnesses require medicine. I know that because im shizophrenic.
You should definitely talk with a doctor may be a few doctors about these issues. Whatever you are doing to live an optimal life keep it up.

There are those who have taken alternative methods to prescription pills, and have been able to fight back against whatever mental issues they are having successfully. So there is that.

This is a serious discussion, and I thank you for your post. The left wingers and the neoconservatives who don’t wanna have the discussion are harming the country.

Clearly, regardless of our opinions on these matters, we have societal problems in this country that other countries do not have. The current status quo is not working …We have more societal problems today than we had in the 1940s and back in the 1940s medication was not prescribed in mass for people having a bad day. Kids were not in massive numbers put on Ritalin or Adderall back in those days.
I tried drugs in the attic once........

Way too hot.

Besides the Hippie movement died in 1967. But the clothing line lives on!

I tried drugs in the attic once........

Way too hot.

Besides the Hippie movement died in 1967. But the clothing line lives on!

Due to a physical injury, I have to use the voice application. most everyone in this thread knows that, but the fact that there are the left-wing trolls not you, but the other left-wing trolls to keep on being grammar Nazis is quite telling. It’s part of the downfall of America the rise of rudeness, obesity, mental health problems, and broken families that we did not have in America’s past.

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