Tucker Carlson hates trump, passionately.

The response to Tucker and The Tapes is analogous to the response in prior years to, say, Ann Coulter. The Lefties scream about her "lies," but when asked to quote one and explain why it is false the line goes dead.

I wonder why.

Anyone care to point out any of Tucker's "lies" about 1/6?
Republican Senators are calling Carlson a liar. I suppose they too are lying. :abgg2q.jpg:
But Conservatives aren't.

All that home schooling from your 2 daddys and you still vapor lock on that important distinction.

Nobody gives a fuck what "republicans" do.
Like you can separate Conservatives from Republicans
Anyone care to point out any of Tucker's "lies" about 1/6?
Rounds replied directly to the words used by Carlson, who declared, “The footage does not show an insurrection or a riot in progress. Instead, it shows police escorting people through the building.”

They're a (R) congress members, that were actually there, saying tucker said is bullshit.....ie lying. Tucker was safe in his little bunker that day, yet he uses a few moments of video to try to tell a different story.

That's ^^^^^ called LYING.
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Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 12.53.42 PM.png
I saw ABC news today claiming that Tucker Carlson said that January 6th was “entirely peaceful”. I don’t think he, or any conservative, said that.

The leftist MSM is quick to misrepresent and skew what is real. Such dishonest journalism

Here’s what happened:
1. Leftists exaggerate negative event to irrational extremes to use politically, and leftist MSM/big tech carries out the ploy.
2. Evidence comes out that questions their narrative, and Conservatives fight against the irrational exaggeration part.

They’re like children. Bad journalism 101, I don’t get how one can stay employed doing this.. unless it’s on purpose
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No there wasn't. If there was, somebody would have come up with credible proof of it by now. MAGAs believe fraud occurred because they didn't want to admit they lost, and fox reinforced their fantasy.
Well its nearly impossible to catch illegal ballot harvesting, but a shit ton of that goes on. You should try reading the real news. You might actually find out that people commit voter fraud quite a bit.
Well its nearly impossible to catch illegal ballot harvesting, but a shit ton of that goes on. You should try reading the real news. You might actually find out that people commit voter fraud quite a bit.
If it happens that much, why is it impossible for you, or any other MAGA to come up with credible proof?
If it happens that much, why is it impossible for you, or any other MAGA to come up with credible proof?

Fox lies to their viewers for money.
Fox viewers are willfully ignorant and want to be lied to.
Get a clue... most Trump supporters don't give a damn who hates him or not

Another poster ---Catsnmeters --- in another recent thread gave us all the purest one-word description of the reality of Fox's flimflamming their viewers ----"Cuckold".

Their viewers wanted so desperately to believe that Trump had won, wanted so desperately to believe his scheme that the election was stolen by others that they willingly -then and now -- became cucks.

They were cuckolded for a reason. It was not happenstance. Fox saw an opportunity with the type of viewer their fare appealed to......so cuckolding 'em wasn't a stretch.

It's a business you know.
Tucker is posting truth that helps President Trump.
Some poster mentioned 'Cuckold'.
Does it apply to some here?
Just asking?

In the real world that would make Tucker more honorable.
You sure can't address the video he released to the public, the same video that the J6 committee saw but withheld from the public.. which showed some VERY different behavior, and lies, that were claimed.
Ummm, few but the Cuckolds will buy that perspective, poster Friscus.
The J6 Committee didn't show all of the video available on C-SPAN, or NBC, or any public airwaves because......at 40,000 hours it would have taken ....hold for it.... nearly 4 and half years to do so.

So, smart Mr.Friscus that you are, you understand that what is shown in a hearing are those actions or events that illustrate the crimes being perpetrated or the context that those crimes were part of.
That's sort of a 'Duh!' revelation.

Hence, seeing on the telly some MAGADick spray MACE full-on into the face of cop informs the American citizenry what our police were up against that day.

Watching another MAGAMobster club a cop with a ball-bat informs in the same manner....and adds context.

Watching a bunch of MAGA SlowLeaks milling around not knowing what the hell to do after they followed some ProudBoys through a broken window ....ain't all that informative. It's just dumb cucks not knowing what to do with the duck they just caught. Not informative.

So, good poster Friscus......you are quite welcome to sit in front of your telly some day and watch nearly 5 years of assembled video to determine if anything happened in hallway X, or corridor Y, or who pooped in a doorway.

Tucker Carlson's tapes HAVE NOT diminished the credibility, verifiability, nor the power of the revelations from the J6 Committee's hearings and the testimony from so many Republican officials who witnessed what happened on J6.

You are smarter than many of those who are so willingly cuckolded by Fox.

So, don't diminish that perception of your avatar by others who watched live on the telly on J6.....an saw what happened with their own eyes.
Why does it feel like now that Tucker Carlson released a video that busted the J6 committee narrative, as well as the Democrat/MSM one that has been sold for the past 2 years... now you're just mad and throwing a temper tantrum, trying to throw mud.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that you start a random thread on Tucker Carlson though right?

You sure can't address the video he released to the public, the same video that the J6 committee saw but withheld from the public.. which showed some VERY different behavior, and lies, that were claimed.

I get it. You thought you had the J6 narrative as some event worse than slavery, pearl harbor, and 9/11 for a lifetime against Trump.. but you don't. What you believed isn't accurate. Just get over it, there's no need to double down... the beauty of being intelligent is to accept new evidence and reconsider what is the truth. Don't fall into tribal cult ideology.
A video of a bank robber not robbing a bank doesn't excuse a video of him robbing a bank.
"...what the fuck would any of these shit for brains leftfucks...
Fuck these leftist pricks.
Goddammit you fucking leftards.......
You fucking morons .......

I sometimes ...tho not often ....wonder how other MAGA-thinkers, Conservatives, Republicans, Q-Anon'rs, who contribute on this gossipboard, well, I wonder if they are proud how some posters, like above, serves as a spokesperson for their political views.
Is he how they want to be? Are they like him? Do they raise their children in that model?
Do they feel good that he is on their side? One of them?

I dunno.
Just asking.
Carlson has integrity? HahaHaHaHaHaHaHaHahaHaHaHaHaHaHa

Yet you seem to think you aren't being "punked" starting a thread about what Tucker Carlson said.
He can make people call him a liar ... And then act like what he said is true at the same time.

That's just talent ... :auiqs.jpg:


Yet you seem to think you aren't being "punked" starting a thread about what Tucker Carlson said.
He can make people call him a liar ... And then act like what he said is true at the same time.

That's just talent ... :auiqs.jpg:

Recent revelations about upper level fox communications gotta hurt.
Recent revelations about upper level fox communications gotta hurt.

Sorry to hear Fox Communications is so important to you ... Give it time and you may recover.
I have been streaming television for years now ... And don't even get Fox News ... :auiqs.jpg:


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