Tucker Carlson Destroys the lies about blacks and the police by the racist BLM movement

What we already have known is that it's pretty much just a communist left wing front ...former actual higher up members will tell you this ...

In 2016 they took in 100 million from progressive and corporate donors
Theyve been bought and paid for long time ago

Remember what the embedded establishment and it useful idiots did to your nation
Its a thing of beauty. All facts and he breaks down the 9 unarmed blacks killed by police with half of them attacking cops before being killed.

The lies of this racist and cop hating movement have been exposed for all to see.

Did he really title that video "kneeling will never be enough for the mob?" Do you remember how you pussies reacted when it was just "kneeling?" You lost your minds! So it's moved past kneeling, and now what, you want to pretend you think kneeling is enough?

hahaha I knew a racist and cop hater like you could never stomach the actual numbers. Suck reality :)

Donald? Is that you?

Keep running you gutless coward. We've got the stats and your racist movement has been exposed for the liars and cop haters that they are. :)

^ :cuckoo:

Every time you run from addressing the actual numbers you prove me right :)

Hey go fuck yourself, you little statist sheep :thup:

^^ Aww....looks like little Antifa boy can’t handle the facts.
This is not all about race. Focusing on that is just playing into the hands of the MSM and PTSB. Also, stop making everything into a "Democrat vs Republican" thing. That is small-minded and a trap that causes people on both sides to miss the bigger picture.

Trigger-happy cops and police overreach IS an actual problem, and not just for one segment of the population. On another forum I used to post on, there were a lot of libertarians there, and there was an ongoing thread on police misconduct, that was a loooong thread, because there are so many cases these days of people calling the police to help for some reason, only to end up getting shot or having someone in their family shot.

Of course you don't hear about those cases from the MSM, they purposely focus on only race-related cases, because their agenda is divide and conquer, and they definitely succeeded at the first part of that.

The US is turning into a police state, in part due to bootlicking people like the person who posted this thread who thinks cops can do no wrong, and always fall for manipulative tactics like the ones happening right now.
Wow texmaster , you gonna take that lying down?
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Its a thing of beauty. All facts and he breaks down the 9 unarmed blacks killed by police with half of them attacking cops before being killed.

The lies of this racist and cop hating movement have been exposed for all to see.

Did he really title that video "kneeling will never be enough for the mob?" Do you remember how you pussies reacted when it was just "kneeling?" You lost your minds! So it's moved past kneeling, and now what, you want to pretend you think kneeling is enough?

hahaha I knew a racist and cop hater like you could never stomach the actual numbers. Suck reality :)

Donald? Is that you?

Keep running you gutless coward. We've got the stats and your racist movement has been exposed for the liars and cop haters that they are. :)

^ :cuckoo:

Every time you run from addressing the actual numbers you prove me right :)

Hey go fuck yourself, you little statist sheep :thup:

Tissue ?
This is not all about race. Focusing on that is just playing into the hands of the MSM and PTSB. Also, stop making everything into a "Democrat vs Republican" thing. That is small-minded and a trap that causes people on both sides to miss the bigger picture.

Trigger-happy cops and police overreach IS an actual problem, and not just for one segment of the population. On another forum I used to post on, there were a lot of libertarians there, and there was an ongoing thread on police misconduct, that was a loooong thread, because there are so many cases these days of people calling the police to help for some reason, only to end up getting shot or having someone in their family shot.

Of course you don't hear about those cases from the MSM, they purposely focus on only race-related cases, because their agenda is divide and conquer, and they definitely succeeded at the first part of that.

The US is turning into a police state, in part due to bootlicking people like the person who posted this thread who thinks cops can do no wrong, and always fall for manipulative tactics like the ones happening right now.
Wow texmaster , you gonna take that lying down?

Unlike you, who usually takes it bent over a couch.
This is not all about race. Focusing on that is just playing into the hands of the MSM and PTSB. Also, stop making everything into a "Democrat vs Republican" thing. That is small-minded and a trap that causes people on both sides to miss the bigger picture.

Trigger-happy cops and police overreach IS an actual problem, and not just for one segment of the population. On another forum I used to post on, there were a lot of libertarians there, and there was an ongoing thread on police misconduct, that was a loooong thread, because there are so many cases these days of people calling the police to help for some reason, only to end up getting shot or having someone in their family shot.

Of course you don't hear about those cases from the MSM, they purposely focus on only race-related cases, because their agenda is divide and conquer, and they definitely succeeded at the first part of that.

The US is turning into a police state, in part due to bootlicking people like the person who posted this thread who thinks cops can do no wrong, and always fall for manipulative tactics like the ones happening right now.
You speak truth to a certain extent. But blacks are still more likely to be killed than whites. However this is about police brutality ,it does happen to all races and it needs to stop.
all "racial" designations should be banned from media and public use. The use of such designations is
The most important tool "liberals" and "democrats" have is race. The fact any human, no matter what IQ would consider voting for Biden, means they are very sick, racists who hate Whitey.
The most important tool "liberals" and "democrats" have is race. The fact any human, no matter what IQ would consider voting for Biden, means they are very sick, racists who hate Whitey.

good point-----the term "race" should be deleted
from the lexicon and banned from discussion.
Not sure if this is on topic, but a sick, qu33r transvestite racist who is calling for the death of all White people is actually on the government payroll.

The ridiculous, disgusting monster in the vid suggests Whitey is a "virus."

That beast actually looks kinda like 70's sitcom "Good Times" comedy star John Amos. :p
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Not sure if this is on topic, but a sick, qu33r transvestite racist who is calling for the death of all White people is actually on the government payroll.

The ridiculous, disgusting monster in the vid suggests Whitey is a "virus."

That beast actually looks kinda like 70's sitcom "Good Times" comedy star John Amos. :p

I watched it (I guess I have too much time on my hands at the moment) and he said that racism was a virus. Not white people. Also, where did he call for the death of all white people?
all "racial" designations should be banned from media and public use. The use of such designations is
That's not going to end racism.
The most important tool "liberals" and "democrats" have is race. The fact any human, no matter what IQ would consider voting for Biden, means they are very sick, racists who hate Whitey.

good point-----the term "race" should be deleted
from the lexicon and banned from discussion.
That's not going to solve anything.
Not sure if this is on topic, but a sick, qu33r transvestite racist who is calling for the death of all White people is actually on the government payroll.

The ridiculous, disgusting monster in the vid suggests Whitey is a "virus."

That beast actually looks kinda like 70's sitcom "Good Times" comedy star John Amos. :p

I watched it (I guess I have too much time on my hands at the moment) and he said that racism was a virus. Not white people. Also, where did he call for the death of all white people?

In his freudian slip he conflates racism with white because he is a racist.
This is not all about race. Focusing on that is just playing into the hands of the MSM and PTSB. Also, stop making everything into a "Democrat vs Republican" thing. That is small-minded and a trap that causes people on both sides to miss the bigger picture.

Trigger-happy cops and police overreach IS an actual problem, and not just for one segment of the population. On another forum I used to post on, there were a lot of libertarians there, and there was an ongoing thread on police misconduct, that was a loooong thread, because there are so many cases these days of people calling the police to help for some reason, only to end up getting shot or having someone in their family shot.

Of course you don't hear about those cases from the MSM, they purposely focus on only race-related cases, because their agenda is divide and conquer, and they definitely succeeded at the first part of that.

The US is turning into a police state, in part due to bootlicking people like the person who posted this thread who thinks cops can do no wrong, and always fall for manipulative tactics like the ones happening right now.
You speak truth to a certain extent. But blacks are still more likely to be killed than whites. However this is about police brutality ,it does happen to all races and it needs to stop.
Whatever the temperature of the threads on forums, to achieve the best that humans can be in treating each other is desirable. How it is done is the question and the cause of the consternation. We will not see perfection, but it can be better.

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