Truth Panel Could Help Mexico with Slavery Legacy, Says Martin Luther King III


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A truth and reconciliation commission could help Mexico come to terms with a legacy of African slavery, civil rights activist Martin Luther King III said during a visit to the Latin American country.

King, the eldest son of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr, is visiting Mexico to join a government commemoration of Afro-Mexican liberation hero Vicente Guerrero, who as the nation's second president abolished most slavery in 1829, before the practice was ended in Britain and the United States.

Guerrero died 190 years ago Sunday.

Mexico has long overlooked the legacy of slavery and its impact on the country's Black people, who are mostly concentrated in poor coastal villages on the Pacific and Gulf coasts.

Mexico will not be paying reparations. It's not going to happen.
Slavery was one of the reasons that Texas split with Mexico. It was abolished in Mexico but rife in Texas. Takes a bit of the gloss off the movie for me. I always saw the Mexicans as the baddies but the slave driving Texans were the villians.

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