
People don't even know what racism is anymore. Questioning ones birthplace isn't racist you big bags of dumbfuck

I know you were born in Russia.
Asking you where you were born. Is not a racist. Asking you if you are white or black is not a racist..........

BUT.......... Trump keep bringing this up for almost 5 years. Then make himself so proud that he made Obama brought up his birth certificate. Then still keep going............. That is fucking racist asshole.
I know you are dumber than I thought but you are also stupid. You even support that Hillary was wearing a head set during the debate. You are a retarded moron.

If you watch the debate........... after almost 8 years Trump still doesn't recognized we have a black president. During the the debate Trump said ................... *YOUR PRESIDENT*
No I didn't. Goddamn dumbfuck, you ALWAYS fail.

What do you mean you didn't? Are you denying that you were born in Russia based on how you support Putin?
Are you denying that you supported an idiot of your kind that posted Hillary was wearing a head set to cheat on the debate?
Are you denying that Trump is not a racist asshole?
You are one fucked human being. You don't know diddly shit except your hatred and ignorance. From the fuck up lightweight.
People don't even know what racism is anymore. Questioning ones birthplace isn't racist you big bags of dumbfuck

I know you were born in Russia.
Asking you where you were born. Is not a racist. Asking you if you are white or black is not a racist..........

BUT.......... Trump keep bringing this up for almost 5 years. Then make himself so proud that he made Obama brought up his birth certificate. Then still keep going............. That is fucking racist asshole.
I know you are dumber than I thought but you are also stupid. You even support that Hillary was wearing a head set during the debate. You are a retarded moron.

If you watch the debate........... after almost 8 years Trump still doesn't recognized we have a black president. During the the debate Trump said ................... *YOUR PRESIDENT*
No I didn't. Goddamn dumbfuck, you ALWAYS fail.

What do you mean you didn't? Are you denying that you were born in Russia based on how you support Putin?
Are you denying that you supported an idiot of your kind that posted Hillary was wearing a head set to cheat on the debate?
Are you denying that Trump is not a racist asshole?
You are one fucked human being. You don't know diddly shit except your hatred and ignorance. From the fuck up lightweight.
No, I wasn't born in Russia.
No I didn't think she wore an ear piece.
Trump is not a racist.
Its debatable, but I don't think you are of some sort of superiority to discuss it.
You really are an idiot.
Born in Russia? Dumbfuck
Rosie is a foul mouthed Dyke and Miss Housekeeping turned into a porn star who ended up getting involved in a murder.

Yep......nice people those two.

Right... you know the porn star stuff has been debunked, right?

But you keep on with the misogyny and calling women names.
Sorry, dipshit.

Videos are all over the place. Go to Pornhub.com.
Behind the Miss Universe Clinton campaigner 'fat-shamed' by Trump
You aren't gonna weasel your way out of this one.
You can tell yourself that all you want. Living in fantasy land is fine for you.

Just know the same thing was done and the same words were used to defend it in 2012.

How did that work out for you?
This isn't 2012 and Hillary isnt Obama and she isn't black. Obama comes across as likable (at least he used to). Hillary never has. Remember, Hillary lost to the black man from Kenya too.

Like I said, you can rationalize it all you want.

You're still making the same mistake that was made in 2012.

If you don't learn from that mistake you will continue to make it. Just as you're doing now.

I'm not here to convince you of anything. I'm just pointing out a mistake and how you need to see it so you won't continue to make it over and over again.

It's your choice to accept what I say.

Have fun in your delusions.
This is the top trending hashtag and sentiment on the morning after the first debate. And tweeters are largely younger (and diverse), allegedly Hillary's strongholds. Yet, we're gonna get more gas lighting from the media. Even the link I clicked on to read this basically had a Hillary propaganda debate highlights video along with it.

You're making the same mistake that was made in 2012. It's perfectly fine to make a mistake. What's not fine is to keep making the same mistake over and over again.

Keep up with the rationalizations and fake polls.

It may make you feel better now but in the long run, you're just going to keep making the same mistake.

What you feel doesn't matter at all.

Reality does.

How's president romney doing?

They're "fake polls" because the media didn't manipulate them enough in real time in favor of your candidate. There was no mistake made in 2012 other than the lack of awareness of the globalist agenda. Don't be mad that America's waking up, bro.

I'm not yours or anyone's bro.

I'm a woman.

You can tell yourself that all you want. Living in fantasy land is fine for you.

Just know the same thing was done and the same words were used to defend it in 2012.

How did that work out for you?

Maybe, you shouldn't have a man for an avi if you're worried about being identified as a woman, bro. America has awoken to the scams. We'll see if they have awoken enough. I do know that nobody outside of the globalists and some naive persons want Hillary in office. I don't know that enough has been done to fix the vote scams; but people are definitely more on the lookout.

So if I had an avatar that's a photo of a balloon you would call me balloon?

You make no sense.

You can grasp onto and hold tightly to those straws all you want. I'm not here to tell you to let go.

All I was doing was pointing out the fact that you're making the same mistake that was made in 2012.

I could careless if you make it over and over again. In fact, that would be a huge benefit to our nation and world. The more conservative policy is rejected, the better off we all are.

So don't recognize the mistake. Don't make any changes. Don't try to actually represent the people of our nation.

You'll keep losing elections and that's a very good thing. The more conservative policies are removed from our society, the better our society will be.
This is the top trending hashtag and sentiment on the morning after the first debate. And tweeters are largely younger (and diverse), allegedly Hillary's strongholds. Yet, we're gonna get more gas lighting from the media. Even the link I clicked on to read this basically had a Hillary propaganda debate highlights video along with it.

You're making the same mistake that was made in 2012. It's perfectly fine to make a mistake. What's not fine is to keep making the same mistake over and over again.

Keep up with the rationalizations and fake polls.

It may make you feel better now but in the long run, you're just going to keep making the same mistake.

What you feel doesn't matter at all.

Reality does.

How's president romney doing?

They're "fake polls" because the media didn't manipulate them enough in real time in favor of your candidate. There was no mistake made in 2012 other than the lack of awareness of the globalist agenda. Don't be mad that America's waking up, bro.

I'm not yours or anyone's bro.

I'm a woman.

You can tell yourself that all you want. Living in fantasy land is fine for you.

Just know the same thing was done and the same words were used to defend it in 2012.

How did that work out for you?

Maybe, you shouldn't have a man for an avi if you're worried about being identified as a woman, bro. America has awoken to the scams. We'll see if they have awoken enough. I do know that nobody outside of the globalists and some naive persons want Hillary in office. I don't know that enough has been done to fix the vote scams; but people are definitely more on the lookout.

So if I had an avatar that's a photo of a balloon you would call me balloon?

You make no sense.

You can grasp onto and hold tightly to those straws all you want. I'm not here to tell you to let go.

All I was doing was pointing out the fact that you're making the same mistake that was made in 2012.

I could careless if you make it over and over again. In fact, that would be a huge benefit to our nation and world. The more conservative policy is rejected, the better off we all are.

So don't recognize the mistake. Don't make any changes. Don't try to actually represent the people of our nation.

You'll keep losing elections and that's a very good thing. The more conservative policies are removed from our society, the better our society will be.

Gaslighting. The system is corrupt. Good hearted Americans will work to fix it.
People don't even know what racism is anymore. Questioning ones birthplace isn't racist you big bags of dumbfuck

I know you were born in Russia.
Asking you where you were born. Is not a racist. Asking you if you are white or black is not a racist..........

BUT.......... Trump keep bringing this up for almost 5 years. Then make himself so proud that he made Obama brought up his birth certificate. Then still keep going............. That is fucking racist asshole.
I know you are dumber than I thought but you are also stupid. You even support that Hillary was wearing a head set during the debate. You are a retarded moron.

If you watch the debate........... after almost 8 years Trump still doesn't recognized we have a black president. During the the debate Trump said ................... *YOUR PRESIDENT*
No I didn't. Goddamn dumbfuck, you ALWAYS fail.

What do you mean you didn't? Are you denying that you were born in Russia based on how you support Putin?
Are you denying that you supported an idiot of your kind that posted Hillary was wearing a head set to cheat on the debate?
Are you denying that Trump is not a racist asshole?
You are one fucked human being. You don't know diddly shit except your hatred and ignorance. From the fuck up lightweight.

Dude, Hillary has fucked over so many people. You have no moral high ground on this. Some are not alive to even tell the tale.

Dude. Trump fucked up far more people than Hillary.
What moral high ground are you talking about dude. Don't tell me Benghazi?
hey Gomer, there's two more debates. If those precious emails don't surface during those you can whine like a little girl then.

news flash !

nobody but Trumpbots gives a shit about the emails

Many people give a shit......normal, rational people who like our secrets secure, but people like you think birtherism is an issue....bwahahahahahahahhahaha

Racism is an issue.
No its not
Only to the left, its as important as bridgegate another pile of bullshit
But Sidney Blumenthal.started it....fucking racist democrats....bwahahahahahaha
Oh wait didnt he question Cruzs birth as well? Did Blumenthal or does he only question black guys?

Always has
Always will
Sydney Blumenthal did not start it. You’re just being an idiot (as always).

Quick Question: Has Trump ever said ANYTHING you don’t believe? Ever?
Why did hitlery start it then?

Just let say Hillary started it........ but she stopped. ...............
Trump keep it going and going and going for 5 years. He even sent investors to Hawaii. Even after Obama showed his birth certificate. He said it's a fraud...... He still keep going till Jan. 2016. And he is so fucking proud that he made Obama showed his birth certificate.
And it's just so sad and scary that he has so many supporters.
Many people give a shit......normal, rational people who like our secrets secure, but people like you think birtherism is an issue....bwahahahahahahahhahaha

Racism is an issue.
No its not
Only to the left, its as important as bridgegate another pile of bullshit
But Sidney Blumenthal.started it....fucking racist democrats....bwahahahahahaha
Oh wait didnt he question Cruzs birth as well? Did Blumenthal or does he only question black guys?

Always has
Always will
Sydney Blumenthal did not start it. You’re just being an idiot (as always).

Quick Question: Has Trump ever said ANYTHING you don’t believe? Ever?
Why did hitlery start it then?

Just let say Hillary started it........ but she stopped. ...............
Trump keep it going and going and going for 5 years. He even sent investors to Hawaii. Even after Obama showed his birth certificate. He said it's a fraud...... He still keep going till Jan. 2016. And he is so fucking proud that he made Obama showed his birth certificate.
And it's just so sad and scary that he has so many supporters.

Wow you have a low bar for racism. But then again anyone who disagrees with yiu is a racist....the modern social justice maxist movement
People don't even know what racism is anymore. Questioning ones birthplace isn't racist you big bags of dumbfuck

I know you were born in Russia.
Asking you where you were born. Is not a racist. Asking you if you are white or black is not a racist..........

BUT.......... Trump keep bringing this up for almost 5 years. Then make himself so proud that he made Obama brought up his birth certificate. Then still keep going............. That is fucking racist asshole.
I know you are dumber than I thought but you are also stupid. You even support that Hillary was wearing a head set during the debate. You are a retarded moron.

If you watch the debate........... after almost 8 years Trump still doesn't recognized we have a black president. During the the debate Trump said ................... *YOUR PRESIDENT*
No I didn't. Goddamn dumbfuck, you ALWAYS fail.

What do you mean you didn't? Are you denying that you were born in Russia based on how you support Putin?
Are you denying that you supported an idiot of your kind that posted Hillary was wearing a head set to cheat on the debate?
Are you denying that Trump is not a racist asshole?
You are one fucked human being. You don't know diddly shit except your hatred and ignorance. From the fuck up lightweight.

Dude, Hillary has fucked over so many people. You have no moral high ground on this. Some are not alive to even tell the tale.

Dude. Trump fucked up far more people than Hillary.
What moral high ground are you talking about dude. Don't tell me Benghazi?

Yea, cos what difference at this point does it make, right?
Racism is an issue.
No its not
Only to the left, its as important as bridgegate another pile of bullshit
But Sidney Blumenthal.started it....fucking racist democrats....bwahahahahahaha
Oh wait didnt he question Cruzs birth as well? Did Blumenthal or does he only question black guys?

Always has
Always will
Sydney Blumenthal did not start it. You’re just being an idiot (as always).

Quick Question: Has Trump ever said ANYTHING you don’t believe? Ever?
Why did hitlery start it then?

Just let say Hillary started it........ but she stopped. ...............
Trump keep it going and going and going for 5 years. He even sent investors to Hawaii. Even after Obama showed his birth certificate. He said it's a fraud...... He still keep going till Jan. 2016. And he is so fucking proud that he made Obama showed his birth certificate.
And it's just so sad and scary that he has so many supporters.

Wow you have a low bar for racism. But then again anyone who disagrees with yiu is a racist....the modern social justice maxist movement

You are in denial. Even his own GOP called him a racist.

Top congressional Republicans decry Trump's remarks
Trump won.

Skittles are poisonous.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Hillary has AIDS.

Millions of illegals voted in the last election.

Obama is deliberately trying to kill us all with Ebola.

gulp-gulp-gup-ahhhhh! That's some tasty piss! Fill me back up!

How far is this country in debt ?
Sorry, dipshit.

Videos are all over the place. Go to Pornhub.com.
Behind the Miss Universe Clinton campaigner 'fat-shamed' by Trump
You aren't gonna weasel your way out of this one.

Guy, I'm sure you spend a lot of time on Pornhub.com.... but it's not something the rest of us want to hear about.

Sorry, man, your attempts to slander this woman have been debunked...

Was Miss Universe Alicia Machado a 'Porn Star'?

WHAT'S TRUE: Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado made an allegedly risqué appearance on a TV reality show and was pictured topless in Playboy magazine.

WHAT'S FALSE: Alicia Machado has not starred in a series of pornographic films.

The latter is the case with Alicia Machado. In 2009, a video clip purportedly showing the former Miss Universe winner engaging in anal sex was circulated online, and that is the clip that now most frequently shows up in response to web searches on the phrase "Alicia Machado porn." However, the woman seen in that video is not Alicia Machado — the clip was taken from the 2004 DVDApprentass 4, which features porn actress Angel Dark, and was later retitled to suggest it showed Alicia Machado:
Rosie is a foul mouthed Dyke and Miss Housekeeping turned into a porn star who ended up getting involved in a murder.

Yep......nice people those two.

Right... you know the porn star stuff has been debunked, right?

But you keep on with the misogyny and calling women names.
Sorry, dipshit.

Videos are all over the place. Go to Pornhub.com.
Behind the Miss Universe Clinton campaigner 'fat-shamed' by Trump
You aren't gonna weasel your way out of this one.

1. Do you know how many very rich men that would like to marry Miss Universe?
2. Porno business is very very competitive. How much do you think Machado will make in couple of porno video? $500? Why not just marry a rich guy?
3. How come this x video is only coming out to life now?
4. How do you know if that is the real Machado?
Does this make sense to you Mud?

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