Trump's tweet about Mika

It's a clever attempt to side track the Putin scandal, and the aliens that control him Damn, I gotta stop watching CNN

thats ok, all the bullshit Donnieboi can muster wont stop his Russin' connection investigations
The original attempt to delegitimize the President was Trump's birtherism campaign. For the past 30 years right wing radio has called Democrats "commies", Femi-nazis, and those who have abortions "murderers". The poor have been demonized, as have non-whites and immigrants.

You're correct. The right has sown this wind for 30 years, and you're reaping the whirlwind. The left is finally pushing back against the lies, the racism and the misogyny you've down all these years.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a fucking bitch
oh please stop using that lame excuse Trump is an embarrassment a disaster Obama a gentleman Made errors? Sure all presidents do but his bottom line was far better than gwb's or this nitwit you repubs gave us
Obama is a shit stain, this is what happens when you elect a shit stain Like Obama.
The shitstain took a crumbling country and economy left to him by asswipe republicans and brought it out of your cesspool And the real pos is what you AH's gave America He's in the WH now,,,hopefully for not too much longer

Which is why the economy hasn't exploded until he was packing his bags to leave office
EXPLODED ?? Who tf was in office when our markets reached new highs? And who was there patting himself on the back for anothers hard work??
It doesn't but this is not a new thing with him either his tweeting habits were well known before he ever considered running for President so this shouldn't be a shock to people either. What Trump has not yet learned and I don't know that he will is he doesn't need to respond to every attack or insult. In some cases its warranted the Kathy Griffin and the Shakespeare in the park deals but a lot of the stuff from the Hollywood types and the CNN and MSNBC knuckleheads he needs to just ignore or let his spokespeople address.
I expect him to have some dignity, to treat the Presidency with dignity, not to humiliate America and show even a small degree of courage instead of cowardice. I expect him to treat the country first and his childish ego last. There is no reason or excuse for him to not be willing to stand in front of a press conference and answer questions about his erratic behavior.
Responding to PsychoJoe and WhinnyMika is humiliating America?
The way he did it, yes.
This is one the Donald can't lose. He can't seem to lose anything in fact. Humiliating the media works very, very well.
You don't think Trump lost with this?
He has dishonored the office of the president and he's been strongly justifiably criticized from all sides.
Just how badly does he have to act before you have some guts and call him out on it?
Self-righteous moralizing aside, Trump has lost nothing!

Butt-hurt snowflakes can do nothing about that, except whine of course.
MEAT behave yourself or I'll tell my good friend at the Enquirer to write bad things about you
whatever it takes to get your through you day .. if licking Trumps ass helps you sleep at night then lick away.

More trolling.
pointing to a troll comment makes you a troll Dope.

nonetheless, Republicans better assign Trump a handler to take over his twitter acct, or that stupid bastard will never stfu

Only in your pointy little head. The tweets don't matter at all, you people (both sides) are just buying into the entertainment. I'd suggest you pay more attention to Syria and N. Korea. We just put special forces on the Turkish border and Trump said today his patience with the NORKS is at an end. China just made a military incursion into India, and we just pissed China off buy selling weapons to Taiwan, Israel has had two "exchanges" with Syria in the Golan. You kids should pay far less attention to the Circus.
Responding to PsychoJoe and WhinnyMika is humiliating America?
The way he did it, yes.
This is one the Donald can't lose. He can't seem to lose anything in fact. Humiliating the media works very, very well.
You don't think Trump lost with this?
He has dishonored the office of the president and he's been strongly justifiably criticized from all sides.
Just how badly does he have to act before you have some guts and call him out on it?
Self-righteous moralizing aside, Trump has lost nothing!

Butt-hurt snowflakes can do nothing about that, except whine of course.
MEAT behave yourself or I'll tell my good friend at the Enquirer to write bad things about you
I shall be an unnamed source if you wish. I want to be slandered by the Enquirer, CNN and MSNBC. I hope to run for office soon.
The way he did it, yes.
This is one the Donald can't lose. He can't seem to lose anything in fact. Humiliating the media works very, very well.
You don't think Trump lost with this?
He has dishonored the office of the president and he's been strongly justifiably criticized from all sides.
Just how badly does he have to act before you have some guts and call him out on it?
Self-righteous moralizing aside, Trump has lost nothing!

Butt-hurt snowflakes can do nothing about that, except whine of course.
MEAT behave yourself or I'll tell my good friend at the Enquirer to write bad things about you
I shall be an unnamed source if you wish. I want to be slandered by the Enquirer, CNN and MSNBC. I hope to run for office soon.
If you run as a republican you have 25% of the vote before you start You running on a wall ,lower taxes and no obama care on your first day??
First, let me say I'm a Trump supporter.

Let me ask though in regards to this latest controversy with the Mika tweet, as well as other tweets.

How does this help Trump ? How does it help the conservative cause?

There's no question, that it doesn't seem to hurt him with his core supporters, but how does this help him and his agenda overall? How does this help grow his support, and how does this help him move forward and accomplish the things we want him to?

You're being distracted by the sleight of hand. Their giving the Nation a show so we won't pay attention to what's happening everywhere else.
The media deserves all it gets but it shouldn't be Trump himself spending the time to dignify those in the media by personally attending to the task. His attacks strike me as being on the same level as Jimmy Carter personally reviewing all requests to use the White House tennis court. In a word: anal.
I don't see any other threads on this one. Weird.


I've burned through all the adjectives I can come up with to describe how embarrassing and temperamentally unfit for office this guy is, so I'll hold off a bit.

Frankly I wonder why it is so hard for people like you to find the FACTS....
Here is what triggered the President's response...

YUP and mature "journalists' wouldn't be saying THIS about our president:
Now these professional journalists make these comments first to a guy who isn't polished, who isn't presidential AND THANK GOD for that!

Remember these dipheads SAID IT first... go for it Mr. President!!
Mika Brzezinski said, “Nothing makes a man feel better than making a fake cover of a magazine about himself, lying every day and destroying the country.”
Brzezinski then said, “He’s covering his hands here because they’re teensy.”
“Let’s say someone came into NBC and took over NBC, and started tweeting wildly about people’s appearances, bullying people, talking about people in the competition, lying every day, undermining his managers, throwing them under the [bus] — that person would be thrown out,”
Brzezinski said, according to Raw Story.
“It’s just not normal behavior. In fact, there would be concerns that the person who runs the company is out of his mind.”
What Did Mika Brzezinski Say to Prompt Donald Trump’s ‘Face-Lift’ Tweets?

Now many of you say well what's wrong with that? Is it worthy of a President to respond?
Hey we know Obama called the police stupid. But the MSM didn't cover that!
We know Obama told us Americans were basically bad at heart and again we didn't cover that.
But let a good old New York bred loudmouth who doesn't take any crap off of anyone respond like the unpresidential unpolished politician?
MORE POWER TO YOU President Trump!
We the vast vast majority of Americans are really tired of the MSM thinking they are so much smarter. So better educated. Who's heroine called us "deplorables'!
Well go for it President Trump. We love it when you bash these idiots because for once FOR ONCE unlike the cowardly cowering GOP like McCain who throw
a birthday party for himself in 2004 and invited what he thought were his "journalism" friends... Trump knows how to communicate to the rest of America without the MSM!
More power to you President Trump!
First, let me say I'm a Trump supporter.

Let me ask though in regards to this latest controversy with the Mika tweet, as well as other tweets.

How does this help Trump ? How does it help the conservative cause?

There's no question, that it doesn't seem to hurt him with his core supporters, but how does this help him and his agenda overall? How does this help grow his support, and how does this help him move forward and accomplish the things we want him to?

You're being distracted by the sleight of hand. Their giving the Nation a show so we won't pay attention to what's happening everywhere else.
If the trump moron would stop tweeting and go about his job we'd all be better off Too bad he can't handle himself when confronted by others
First, let me say I'm a Trump supporter.

Let me ask though in regards to this latest controversy with the Mika tweet, as well as other tweets.

How does this help Trump ? How does it help the conservative cause?

There's no question, that it doesn't seem to hurt him with his core supporters, but how does this help him and his agenda overall? How does this help grow his support, and how does this help him move forward and accomplish the things we want him to?

You're being distracted by the sleight of hand. Their giving the Nation a show so we won't pay attention to what's happening everywhere else.
If the trump moron would stop tweeting and go about his job we'd all be better off Too bad he can't handle himself when confronted by others

It's quaint that you think any of this isn't scripted.
Perhaps MSNBC should have treated our New President with more respect and should stop spreading the lies and hateful spins.

You're getting back exactly what you were dishing out.
Disrespect anyone, especially any President and you wil get disrespect back.
Paybacks a bitch ain't it.
The lefts intolerance for opposing opinions is down right despicable.

BINGO! :clap:
Here is what triggered the President's response.
I've very glad to see you use the word "triggered".

When I think of that term, I think of the hypersensitive, narcissistic snowflakes on college campuses just can't deal with being exposed to ideas and opinions with which they disagree, so they lash out like petulant children with acute impulse control issues.

As silly and annoying as that is on campus, it pales in comparison to when the President of the United States of America, the Leader of the Free World, acts that way.

I think it's beneath the dignity of the office, which isn't surprising coming from him, a man who has been behaving this way since he got into the race.

I have no doubt that, if he had a (D) after his name, the same people who are so thrilled by this behavior would be apoplectic in anger.

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