Trump's silence for over five hours is absolute proof of culpability

The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.

Another graduate of the Imagination Land School of Law! :rolleyes:
Another drop out from 3rd grade.
Quote him telling the crowd to attack.
Thanks for proving he never told anyone to attack anything.
Read the bolded comments in the first several posts on that thread moron
I did.

The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.
If he had said anything, you dimwits would be claiming that he was egging the protestors on.
Nope. If he implored them to obey the law and stand down how could anyone have criticized him of egging anyone on?
The libs and chinese would say that he secretly did using mind control like they are for saying he sent them to break into the capital despite his speech being recorded.
You're Damn right we have his speech recorded on video, and his crowd's reaction to it!

Post where he said to go to the Capital and riot.
The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.

Another graduate of the Imagination Land School of Law! :rolleyes:
Another drop out from 3rd grade.

And you made it all the way to the 4th?

Got any more made-up 'rules of law' you want to pull from out your ass?
It's hard for anyone, not to agree with that imo.

Any President, other than president Trump, would have spoken to the crowd within the first few minutes and gotten the NG to go in and help congress critters and the VP, instead of stand down orders holding the NG back for hours....

And of course the President continued his Big Lie, before he finally told them to go home..... :(
You mean like Biden did with the DC rioters the other night? Making the accusation of inciting insurrection is like the cowboy movies when they hang the wrong man in a rush to judgement, strictly based on their total dislike for that person. What these congressional idiots are doing is a lynching, plain and simple.
Your man-made god, encouraged the capitol attack by his followers....He knew what he was doing at his rally, and the weeks prior to the insurrection seeding it. Contrary to him playing dumb, he knew exactly what he did and was continuing to do.
Quote him telling the crowd to attack.
He didn't have to tell or order them to attack... his article of impeachment charge is inciting...his followers.... inciting = rousing the crowd.... but it also includes seeding the revolt, for weeks in advance, including making Pence out to be the bad guy.... his followers wouldn't know shit from shinola, when it comes to January 6th and Pence's mundane, constitutional duty for that day.... Trump told his followers in tweets, at his rallies leading up to 1/6/21, and in his trump media, that Pence could change things and make him president that day...which was an outright LIE...... a lie that INCITED his followers to set up the gallow on the capitol steps with hundreds of his followers chanting outside,


while hundreds inside the Capitol were on their quest to hunt Pence down! :eek:

Those followers did not create their hatred of pence all on their own, all by their lonesome...they were incited by what they were told by Trump in his own convoluted way of communicating....

Please spare us that have ears to hear and eyes to see, from this 'TRUMP is dumb and didn't know what he was doing to his followers inside their heads', nonsense
It's hard for anyone, not to agree with that imo.

Any President, other than president Trump, would have spoken to the crowd within the first few minutes and gotten the NG to go in and help congress critters and the VP, instead of stand down orders holding the NG back for hours....

And of course the President continued his Big Lie, before he finally told them to go home..... :(
You mean like Biden did with the DC rioters the other night? Making the accusation of inciting insurrection is like the cowboy movies when they hang the wrong man in a rush to judgement, strictly based on their total dislike for that person. What these congressional idiots are doing is a lynching, plain and simple.
Your man-made god, encouraged the capitol attack by his followers....He knew what he was doing at his rally, and the weeks prior to the insurrection seeding it. Contrary to him playing dumb, he knew exactly what he did and was continuing to do.
Quote him telling the crowd to attack.
He didn't have to tell or order them to attack... his article of impeachment charge is inciting...his followers.... inciting = rousing the crowd.... but it also includes seeding the revolt, for weeks in advance, including making Pence out to be the bad guy.... his followers wouldn't know shit from shinola, when it comes to January 6th and Pence's mundane, constitutional duty for that day.... Trump told his followers in tweets, at his rallies leading up to 1/6/21, and in his trump media, that Pence could change things and make him president that day...which was an outright LIE...... a lie that INCITED his followers to set up the gallow on the capitol steps with hundreds of his followers chanting outside,


while hundreds inside the Capitol were on their quest to hunt Pence down! :eek:

Those followers did not create their hatred of pence all on their own, all by their lonesome...they were incited by what they were told by Trump in his own convoluted way of communicating....

Please spare us that have ears to hear and eyes to see, from this TRUMP is dumb and didn't know what he was doing to his followers inside their heads, nonsense
So you have no direct Trump quote.

Got it.

I have one............

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.-President Donald J Trump
'Silence Is Violence'

That is what Democrats said and Snowflakes chanted...and while foreign-funded, Democrat-supported/facilitated domestic terrorists rioted, held city blocks / residents / businesses hostage, looted, burned, destroyed, assaulted, raped, mordered, and barricaded federal officers in a federal building and tried to burn them alive Democrats facilitated Antifa's violence, defended it, and evencalled for it to continue after the elction! Biden campaigned for President and refused to mention it, let alone condemn it.

When Democrats weren't silent they were encouraging and defending the violence and the domestic terrorists....only a POS Socialist Democrat would call foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists taking over city blocks, holding residents/businesses hostage, extorting businesses, assaulting, raping, and murdering Americans - refusing to allow 1st Responders into the area - a 'Summer of Love'! POS Liberal Extremists in charge did not act to protect Americans and businesses being held hostage but instead gave the terrorists food, porta-potties, and hardened blockades to secure their hold on the territory they had taken over. That's 'aiding and abetting' criminals / domestic terrorists, not 'participation in 'A Summer of love''.

Democrats did not come out and speak out against the violence until enough pressure was put on them to do so.
Why don't these pandering, posturing putzes in Congress just throw millions and millions of OUR tax dollars into the river? It would amount to the same pointless waste of time and money.
The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.
Did you think you would somehow be more believable with "PsychDoc"?
That's what I am. Did you think you'd be viewed as observant by asking that question?
You're full of shit. That's what you are.
How many years did it take you to get out of 3rd grade? Or did you?

You seem to be hung up on the third grade. Some childhood trauma?
It's hard for anyone, not to agree with that imo.

Any President, other than president Trump, would have spoken to the crowd within the first few minutes and gotten the NG to go in and help congress critters and the VP, instead of stand down orders holding the NG back for hours....

And of course the President continued his Big Lie, before he finally told them to go home..... :(
It's called providing aid and comfort to the enemy.
It's hard for anyone, not to agree with that imo.

Any President, other than president Trump, would have spoken to the crowd within the first few minutes and gotten the NG to go in and help congress critters and the VP, instead of stand down orders holding the NG back for hours....

And of course the President continued his Big Lie, before he finally told them to go home..... :(
You mean like Biden did with the DC rioters the other night? Making the accusation of inciting insurrection is like the cowboy movies when they hang the wrong man in a rush to judgement, strictly based on their total dislike for that person. What these congressional idiots are doing is a lynching, plain and simple.
Your man-made god, encouraged the capitol attack by his followers....He knew what he was doing at his rally, and the weeks prior to the insurrection seeding it. Contrary to him playing dumb, he knew exactly what he did and was continuing to do.
Quote him telling the crowd to attack.
He didn't have to tell or order them to attack... his article of impeachment charge is inciting...his followers.... inciting = rousing the crowd.... but it also includes seeding the revolt, for weeks in advance, including making Pence out to be the bad guy.... his followers wouldn't know shit from shinola, when it comes to January 6th and Pence's mundane, constitutional duty for that day.... Trump told his followers in tweets, at his rallies leading up to 1/6/21, and in his trump media, that Pence could change things and make him president that day...which was an outright LIE...... a lie that INCITED his followers to set up the gallow on the capitol steps with hundreds of his followers chanting outside,


while hundreds inside the Capitol were on their quest to hunt Pence down! :eek:

Those followers did not create their hatred of pence all on their own, all by their lonesome...they were incited by what they were told by Trump in his own convoluted way of communicating....

Please spare us that have ears to hear and eyes to see, from this TRUMP is dumb and didn't know what he was doing to his followers inside their heads, nonsense
...and the VP joked about murdering the President, VP Pence, and US AG Sessions. Stop the BS claiming one is criminla and must be punished while defending Democrats whose violent rhetoric inspired an assassination attempt against GOP politicians, that incited criminal harassment and confrontation in public, etc...

Your over-the-top uber-partisan BS undermines / destroys your / Pelosi's argument that only Republicans have engaged in UN-ACCEPTABLE VIOLENT RHETORIC and AIDING and ABETTING foreign-funded domestic terrorists!
The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.
If he had said anything, you dimwits would be claiming that he was egging the protestors on.
Nope. If he implored them to obey the law and stand down how could anyone have criticized him of egging anyone on?
The libs and chinese would say that he secretly did using mind control like they are for saying he sent them to break into the capital despite his speech being recorded.
You're Damn right we have his speech recorded on video, and his crowd's reaction to it!

Post where he said to go to the Capital and riot.
Why did those seditious terrorists want to kill Mike Pence?
What was most damning was when Trump tweeted his support for the insurrectionists and called them “patriots.”
View attachment 455417

that's one disgusting tweet by the disgusting twit.
The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.
Apparently he was watching the insurrection on TV and cheering them on.
What was most damning was when Trump tweeted his support for the insurrectionists and called them “patriots.”
View attachment 455417

Notice how the President told the people to go home "in love and peace" and not to burn down the Capitol or anything else violent. That's reasonable doubt, the Senate must exonerate.
After repeated urging to do something, Trump waited four hours before making a statement

Why would the time make a difference? The protestors in the Capitol weren't listening to the radio or watching TV, there was no way for the President to communicate with them instantaneously.

They all had cellphones.

Trump didn't know their phone numbers, even if he thought they would pick up during the protest.
delete your account.
What was most damning was when Trump tweeted his support for the insurrectionists and called them “patriots.”
View attachment 455417

Notice how the President told the people to go home "in love and peace" and not to burn down the Capitol or anything else violent. That's reasonable doubt, the Senate must exonerate.
After repeated urging to do something, Trump waited four hours before making a statement

Why would the time make a difference? The protestors in the Capitol weren't listening to the radio or watching TV, there was no way for the President to communicate with them instantaneously.
Ever hear of something called "Twitter" or "Facebook?" Christ, just how stupid can a person be?

After Pence followed the Constitutional procedure. Trump announced it, and the news hit the crowd almost instantly. That's when they started calling for his lynching.
What was most damning was when Trump tweeted his support for the insurrectionists and called them “patriots.”
View attachment 455417

Notice how the President told the people to go home "in love and peace" and not to burn down the Capitol or anything else violent. That's reasonable doubt, the Senate must exonerate.
After repeated urging to do something, Trump waited four hours before making a statement

Why would the time make a difference? The protestors in the Capitol weren't listening to the radio or watching TV, there was no way for the President to communicate with them instantaneously.
Ever hear of something called "Twitter" or "Facebook?" Christ, just how stupid can a person be?
Oh the platforms that banned the President? Couldnt communicate that way..

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