Trumps problem with women


Your candidate IS THE DEMENTED sex freak....

What's worse?

pancake rabbit.jpg
All you can do is repeat debunked stories from the NY TIMES.

You did a good thing. You mentioned the NYT and bunk in the same sentence. You go.
Bush got us involved and Bubba screwed the thing up. Being elected president doesn't give you the right to fuck up everything your predecessor hands you, even if you're a Democrat.

uh, guy, it was fucked up going in there to start with, and Bush had no business committing us to that sort of thing when the people had ALREADY voted him out of office.

Yup...74 people committed suicide by being burned alive.....after the ATF punched holes all over the compound with tanks and then pumped hundreds of gallons of flammable gas into the place, which they ignited, BURNING MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN ALIVE LIKE THE GUN TOTING, BIBLE-THUMPING SCUM THAT THEY ARE!!!!!!!

Yes, David Koresh knew what they do to ChoMos like him in the joint, which is why he killed all of his followers. Oh, yes, and they murdered four federal agents who were just doing their jobs. But these are heroes to the right.

The rest of your post is pure crapola. Not even worth refuting.

Yeah, I kicked your sorry pretend green beret all over the place, didn't I?
I guess hepatitis was a mystery to Bubba too. But the way it looks, aside from spreading Hepatitis all over the planet, the AIDS epidemic centered around blood donated by Arkansas prisoners. It became well known a few years afterwards in 1981, no thanks to Bubba and the Arkansas mofia. The cause discovered a few years later in 1984. Wouldn't it suck if the culprit turned out to be Progressives living in Arkansas trying to kill off millions of people to save the planet from man-made Global Warming. And these same cocksuckers killed off a million in the middle-east since the Arab Spring, and fully intend on killing millions more once they get back in White House.

It must be weird, wanting to accept every crazy conspiracy about the Clintons because you don't like them, but you don't really have any valid critiques...
You should at least get Monica's age right instead of claiming she was just out of her teens!

Also, you should tell us all that Broaderick was attending an event supporting Bill Clinton the 3 weeks after he supposedly raped her....why would a woman that was raped attend a fund raising/supporting event for the man that raped her, if he did rape her?

And you might mention Broaderick swore on an affidavit that Bill did not rape her....she committed perjury and broke the law doing so, if her later statement that he did rape her is true...?

BTW, the girl in the New York times article was 21 years old....when the millionaire Trump in his 40's got her to sleep with him....that was YOUNGER than Monica was when she did the dirty deed with Billy boy. if the facts aren't exactly clear due to intentional misinformation in the media caused by the Clintons themselves, you want to discount the whole issue? You would rather put this evil bastard back in the White House. I'm sure the female staff at the White House appreciates that.
I wonder how many millions of dollars the media spends defending these degenerates?
Bill Clinton was neutered in the early 2000's with his severe heart disease and multiple heart surgeries, karma showed up and gave him, what was due...Billy's willy won't dilly anymore...and Viagra is a 'no no', for most all heart disease patients.
So you claim he's harmless?


Your candidate IS THE DEMENTED sex freak....

What's worse?
Prove it.

You can't .

All you can do is repeat debunked stories from the NY TIMES.
are you serious? How old are you 10? I've lived thru all of Trump's sexcapades, mistresses, marriages, cat fights, women upgrades, putting his girlfriends in 'elegant' porn to brag, Howard Stern, the girl from the article he slept with while married to Ivana, with Marla already his mistress at the same time etc....

He's got Billy boy beat by a mile, and unlike Bill, he's still 'functioning', (with a little help more than likely...) just ask him....actually, no need to ask....he told you on stage in the RNC debates when he described 'his hands'..... ;) ;)

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Bush got us involved and Bubba screwed the thing up. Being elected president doesn't give you the right to fuck up everything your predecessor hands you, even if you're a Democrat.

uh, guy, it was fucked up going in there to start with, and Bush had no business committing us to that sort of thing when the people had ALREADY voted him out of office.

Yup...74 people committed suicide by being burned alive.....after the ATF punched holes all over the compound with tanks and then pumped hundreds of gallons of flammable gas into the place, which they ignited, BURNING MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN ALIVE LIKE THE GUN TOTING, BIBLE-THUMPING SCUM THAT THEY ARE!!!!!!!

Yes, David Koresh knew what they do to ChoMos like him in the joint, which is why he killed all of his followers. Oh, yes, and they murdered four federal agents who were just doing their jobs. But these are heroes to the right.

The rest of your post is pure crapola. Not even worth refuting.

Yeah, I kicked your sorry pretend green beret all over the place, didn't I?
Pretend Green Beret?
My DD214 says otherwise. My record speaks for itself.

Bush was president. As long as he holds the office he has the right to take action, which is more than we can say about Big Ears, who cannot take military action without stringing it out for months while he scratches his indecisive ass worrying about the political implications. But if the Clintons didn't like it, why are the Bush's and the Clintons such close friends?????


Hillary decided that even though she wasn't president, the White House was going to have two for the price of one. What happened in Somalia is a perfect example of what happens when your foreign policy is so anti-American that the last thing you take into account is the welfare of your own troops. As POTUS you have to take measures to secure the safety of people you put in harm's way before you do anything. But with Bill and Hillary, it doesn't matter because they really don't have the same concerns for the lives of other people that you and I have. They're primary purpose in their minds is to cause the deaths of faceless human-beings to cut back on the effects of man-made climate change. They don't worry about if their actions or inactions cause a few people to die. That's not their problem.
David Koresh and his fellow Davidians discovered just how little the Clintons value human lives. They had guns and they believed in God and in Hillary's book, they were scum. So they attacked them in their homes and made an example of them and it looks like once Hillary becomes president, she's going to out law guns and God and you'll see dozens of similar incidents all over America in the next several years. Christians are being burned alive in their churches in countries all over the Middle-East, and pretty soon religious extremists in America will get a dose of the same thing here and the media will say they committed suicide and all these people want is for the government to leave them alone.
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I guess hepatitis was a mystery to Bubba too. But the way it looks, aside from spreading Hepatitis all over the planet, the AIDS epidemic centered around blood donated by Arkansas prisoners. It became well known a few years afterwards in 1981, no thanks to Bubba and the Arkansas mofia. The cause discovered a few years later in 1984. Wouldn't it suck if the culprit turned out to be Progressives living in Arkansas trying to kill off millions of people to save the planet from man-made Global Warming. And these same cocksuckers killed off a million in the middle-east since the Arab Spring, and fully intend on killing millions more once they get back in White House.

It must be weird, wanting to accept every crazy conspiracy about the Clintons because you don't like them, but you don't really have any valid critiques...
I don't like them because they don't seem to like you or me....or people in general. It's not something I created out of thin-air. Obama is no different. Anyone who believes in the teachings of Saul Alinsky is a rotten human being. They don't care about this country, so why should I give a shit about them?
Pretend Green Beret?
My DD214 says otherwise. My record speaks for itself.

sure it does.

You know, when I was in the guard, we had this guy who claimed he was airborne, air assault, Special forces, Ranger, Pathfinder, and he had documents to back all this stuff up... until we checked them out.

Bush was president. As long as he holds the office he has the right to take action, which is more than we can say about Big Ears, who cannot take military action without stringing it out for months while he scratches his indecisive ass worrying about the political implications. But if the Clintons didn't like it, why are the Bush's and the Clintons such close friends?????

Probably because as Ex-Presidents, they are three of the only five living people who understand what is it like to have THAT job.

But to your bizarre ass point. Bush was the one who decided we needed to be part of Somalia's ongoing civil war. And he didn't intervene when it first broke out in August of 1991. Nope, he waited until after he lost and left a big turd on Clinton's desk.

David Koresh and his fellow Davidians discovered just how little the Clintons value human lives. They had guns and they believed in God and in Hillary's book, they were scum.

They were also illegally selling weapons and molesting children... but you leave that part of the discussion out.

The other part you leave out is that FOUR separate investigations, including one led by Republican Senator John Danforth, all concluded that the Davidians started the fires and committed mass suicide.

Now, there is plenty to criticize on how the FBI handled Waco (and Ruby Ridge, which happened on Bush's watch) but you guys have yet to prove that Hillary phoned the FBI and said, "Burn those whacky cultists!!!"

So they attacked them in their homes and made an example of them and it looks like once Hillary becomes president, she's going to out law guns and God and you'll see dozens of similar incidents all over America in the next several years

Christians are being burned alive in their churches in countries all over the Middle-East, and pretty soon religious extremists in America will get a dose of the same thing here and the media will say they committed suicide and all these people want is for the government to leave them alone.

Yeah, when Bush decided he was going to launch a "Crusade" (he actually used THAT word!) against the Islamic World, you are really surprised they are fighting back?

I'm not sure why you guys really want to own people like the Davidians. I'm just as happy to have their inbred asses out of the gene pool.
I don't like them because they don't seem to like you or me....or people in general. It's not something I created out of thin-air. Obama is no different. Anyone who believes in the teachings of Saul Alinsky is a rotten human being. They don't care about this country, so why should I give a shit about them?

I seem to remember we all did pretty good when Bill was in office. I seem to remember selling my house for TWICE what I paid for it in 1987. I seem to remember going from making shit wages in 1992 because that was the best job I could find when I left the Army during Poppy Bush's Recession to making double that in 2000.

But in your deranged mind, it was Clinton's fault that some of the tainted blood the blood industry put into the system might have come from Arkansas prisons.

I think that the fact the blood industry was knowingly buying blood from drug addicts in the 1970's and 1980's had a lot more to do with that, and the fact they refused to screen that blood until the late 1980's.
Hey did you know :
Trump's former wife Ivana said Trump raped her in a sworn deposition.

When Juanita Brodderick had a chance to accuse Bill Clinton under oath of rape [by testifying at the Paula Jones Civil trial] she declined to do so and instead gave a sworn statement that Bill Clinton did not in fact rape her ... if the facts aren't exactly clear due to intentional misinformation in the media caused by the Clintons themselves, you want to discount the whole issue? You would rather put this evil bastard back in the White House. I'm sure the female staff at the White House appreciates that.
I wonder how many millions of dollars the media spends defending these degenerates?
Bill Clinton was neutered in the early 2000's with his severe heart disease and multiple heart surgeries, karma showed up and gave him, what was due...Billy's willy won't dilly anymore...and Viagra is a 'no no', for most all heart disease patients.
So you claim he's harmless?


Your candidate IS THE DEMENTED sex freak....

What's worse?
Prove it.

You can't .

All you can do is repeat debunked stories from the NY TIMES.
are you serious? How old are you 10? I've lived thru all of Trump's sexcapades, mistresses, marriages, cat fights, women upgrades, putting his girlfriends in 'elegant' porn to brag, Howard Stern, the girl from the article he slept with while married to Ivana, with Marla already his mistress at the same time etc....

He's got Billy boy beat by a mile, and unlike Bill, he's still 'functioning', (with a little help more than likely...) just ask him....actually, no need to ask....he told you on stage in the RNC debates when he described 'his hands'..... ;) ;)

I lived through it too. It's not like I just crawled out from under a rock. You should know about Hollywood gossip. The only thing that seems to be real about it is public opinion, which is usually wrong. From what I can see, Trump has lived like any millionaire playboy. Eventually he grew up. I think most of his critics are just jealous. Trump is at the age where if he's in a loving relationship, all of that stuff is history. Clinton isn't in one. He and Hillary are in a marriage of political convenience. Nothing more. That tends to turn a usually normal man into a sex-maniac. But Bill is especially fucked up. That pervert should have never come close to the Oval Office, and only thing that didn't destroy him was Hillary using friends in the media to protect him. There are so many bodies and so many skeletons in the Clintons' history.
It seems your idea of a good marriage is Bill and Hillary and the mistake they allowed to live for political reasons. Hillary didn't want children, so Bill was able to convince her into not killing Chelsea.
This is not a family. They are nothing but political partners. Then you have Trump and his beautiful children, and you feel he's the scumbag.
What is wrong with you?
Hey did you know :
Trump's former wife Ivana said Trump raped her in a sworn deposition

When Juanita Brodderick had a chance to accuse Bill Clinton under oath of rape [by testifying at the Paula Jones Civil trial] she declined to do so and instead gave a sworn statement that Bill Clinton did not in fact rape her ...
Ivana also said she lied.

End of story.
Hey did you know :
Trump's former wife Ivana said Trump raped her in a sworn deposition

When Juanita Brodderick had a chance to accuse Bill Clinton under oath of rape [by testifying at the Paula Jones Civil trial] she declined to do so and instead gave a sworn statement that Bill Clinton did not in fact rape her ...
Ivana also said she lied.

End of story.
so she perjured herself ?
I don't like them because they don't seem to like you or me....or people in general. It's not something I created out of thin-air. Obama is no different. Anyone who believes in the teachings of Saul Alinsky is a rotten human being. They don't care about this country, so why should I give a shit about them?

I seem to remember we all did pretty good when Bill was in office. I seem to remember selling my house for TWICE what I paid for it in 1987. I seem to remember going from making shit wages in 1992 because that was the best job I could find when I left the Army during Poppy Bush's Recession to making double that in 2000.

But in your deranged mind, it was Clinton's fault that some of the tainted blood the blood industry put into the system might have come from Arkansas prisons.

I think that the fact the blood industry was knowingly buying blood from drug addicts in the 1970's and 1980's had a lot more to do with that, and the fact they refused to screen that blood until the late 1980's.
I was in the military during the Clinton years, and things weren't all that great.
Everyone knows that all economies are local. A president has some effect on the economy of an area, but economies go through cycles, and usually a president has very little effect on it. The effect we've had from Obama is nothing, mostly because the GOP congress cancels him out. Anything that happens has little to do with him right now. Most of the damage was around the time he was elected. What Obama does is make life more expensive for all of us. Hillary will do the same.

And when it comes to AIDs, I'm just repeating what's on the record but well hidden by the press.
. Anyone who believes in the teachings of Saul Alinsky is a rotten human being.

Donald Trump's ex-wife: Trump kept book of Hitler's speeches by bed ...
According to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband, real-estate mogul Donald Trump, now a leading Republican presidential candidate, kept a book of Hitler's speeches near his bed.
Yep......and she liked to stomp puppies to death for shits and grins.

STFU asshole.
. Anyone who believes in the teachings of Saul Alinsky is a rotten human being.

Donald Trump's ex-wife: Trump kept book of Hitler's speeches by bed ...
According to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband, real-estate mogul Donald Trump, now a leading Republican presidential candidate, kept a book of Hitler's speeches near his bed.
Who gives a fuck. You Hillary leeches are getting desperate.
Hey did you know :
Trump's former wife Ivana said Trump raped her in a sworn deposition

When Juanita Brodderick had a chance to accuse Bill Clinton under oath of rape [by testifying at the Paula Jones Civil trial] she declined to do so and instead gave a sworn statement that Bill Clinton did not in fact rape her ...
Ivana also said she lied.

End of story.
so she perjured herself ?
Yup yup.

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