Trumps problem with women

So this is the way it's going to be until November. The left wing is desperate to take the focus off of Bill and Hillary's abuse of women by trying to make Trump look worse. Since Trump's approval numbers are going up and Hillary's are going down it doesn't look like it's selling. The public isn't quite that dumb, only the lefties that have no use for honesty will care.
Yep......the Clintons are real good at it. Comes from years of practice. The Clintons are as good as mob bosses at covering up their criminal activities.
Now, are you trying to say that it's worth it to give these criminals another chance to do it again, because is sure sounds like it to me?

Once again. Back in the 1990's, I was one of you right wing assholes who screamed "Impeach Clinton" and talked about Subornation of Perjury like that was a real thing. I ignored the fact that we had peace and prosperity and my hourly wage doubled from Poppy Bush's recession to when Clinton left office.

Then your boy Bush got in, and we got to see how bad could really get. Two wars, two recessions, busted housing market where a lot of us have underwater mortgages, jobs going to China, and so on.

So if you tell me that the Clintons are going to give us a good economy again, but Bill might make a pass at a younger woman...

Shit, dude, if he can make a successful pass at a 20-something when he's in his 70's, more power to him.
So this is the way it's going to be until November. The left wing is desperate to take the focus off of Bill and Hillary's abuse of women by trying to make Trump look worse. Since Trump's approval numbers are going up and Hillary's are going down it doesn't look like it's selling. The public isn't quite that dumb, only the lefties that have no use for honesty will care.

Trump's approval numbers are still in the toilet.

You guys could have beaten Hillary with a sensible candidate. Too bad you didn't nominate one.
You should at least get Monica's age right instead of claiming she was just out of her teens!

Also, you should tell us all that Broaderick was attending an event supporting Bill Clinton the 3 weeks after he supposedly raped her....why would a woman that was raped attend a fund raising/supporting event for the man that raped her, if he did rape her?

And you might mention Broaderick swore on an affidavit that Bill did not rape her....she committed perjury and broke the law doing so, if her later statement that he did rape her is true...?

BTW, the girl in the New York times article was 21 years old....when the millionaire Trump in his 40's got her to sleep with him....that was YOUNGER than Monica was when she did the dirty deed with Billy boy.

Clinton Rape Accuser Juanita Broaddrick: NY Times Should Interview Bill’s Alleged Female Victims

During an interview today, Bill Clinton’s rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick suggested the New York Times spend the same amount of energy investigating claims of sexual assault against Bill Clinton that the newspaper put into probing Donald Trump’s alleged past treatment of women.
The New York Times has a least 500-1000 articles on Bill and Monica Lewinsky so, I'd say they've done their share on covering him on that scandal.... haven't searched the others yet, like Paula Jones scandal, or Broaderrick, or Flowers etc....But the coverage on Lewinsky alone was through the roof....

Monica S. Lewinsky

And I might add, Bill is not running for the Presidency. ;)

But he will be living in the White House, and Hillary said this week Bill will be in charge of the economic policies of her administration.
Oh,....and BTW, I think it's clear the NY TIMES is in the bag for Hillary....
Yep......the Clintons are real good at it. Comes from years of practice. The Clintons are as good as mob bosses at covering up their criminal activities.
Now, are you trying to say that it's worth it to give these criminals another chance to do it again, because is sure sounds like it to me?

Once again. Back in the 1990's, I was one of you right wing assholes who screamed "Impeach Clinton" and talked about Subornation of Perjury like that was a real thing. I ignored the fact that we had peace and prosperity and my hourly wage doubled from Poppy Bush's recession to when Clinton left office.

Then your boy Bush got in, and we got to see how bad could really get. Two wars, two recessions, busted housing market where a lot of us have underwater mortgages, jobs going to China, and so on.

So if you tell me that the Clintons are going to give us a good economy again, but Bill might make a pass at a younger woman...

Shit, dude, if he can make a successful pass at a 20-something when he's in his 70's, more power to him.
So Bubba did all of that shit by himself?

Don't you think he had help from NEWT and the GOP led congress?

I remember a few other things you like to ignore. The breakup of Microsoft which cause the tech bubble to burst. The murder of 74 Branch Davidians at Waco. Blackhawk down in Somalia, while I was deployed to Mogadishu in 93'. Travelgate. Whitewater. Elian Gonzalez. The list goes on and on.

THE CLINTON SCANDALS: A guide to the archive of the Progressive Review KEYS: Arkansas, drugs, Whitewater
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Yep......the Clintons are real good at it. Comes from years of practice. The Clintons are as good as mob bosses at covering up their criminal activities.
Now, are you trying to say that it's worth it to give these criminals another chance to do it again, because is sure sounds like it to me?

Once again. Back in the 1990's, I was one of you right wing assholes who screamed "Impeach Clinton" and talked about Subornation of Perjury like that was a real thing. I ignored the fact that we had peace and prosperity and my hourly wage doubled from Poppy Bush's recession to when Clinton left office.

Then your boy Bush got in, and we got to see how bad could really get. Two wars, two recessions, busted housing market where a lot of us have underwater mortgages, jobs going to China, and so on.

So if you tell me that the Clintons are going to give us a good economy again, but Bill might make a pass at a younger woman...

Shit, dude, if he can make a successful pass at a 20-something when he's in his 70's, more power to him.
Obviously your priorities are in the shitter. This isn't just about sexual-assault. This is about drugs, abuse of power, murder, and if what I've discovered is true, genocide by progressive lunatics starting wars in the Middle-East. This doesn't even scratch the surface. I've been reading about another scandal the media won't touch, infected blood being sent around the world donated by AIDS infected prison inmates in Arkansas.

Factor 8: The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So Bubba did all of that shit by himself?

Don't you think he had help from NEWT and the GOP led congress?

No, I don't think the clown show in the Congress had anything to do with it.

I remember a few other things you like to ignore. The breakup of Microsoft which cause the tech bubble to burst. The murder of 74 Branch Davidians at Waco. Blackhawk down in Somalia, while I was deployed to Mogadishu in 93'. Travelgate. Whitewater. Elian Gonzalez. The list goes on and on.

Uh, guy, Microsoft was breakign the law. And the MS suit really hadn othing to do with the Tech Bubble bursting. That was more to do with companies like Enron and misstating their value and gaming the system.

The Davidians committed mass suicide. Four investigations all came to that conclusion.

Bush was the one who got us invovled in Somalia.

Travelgate and Whitewater- Ken Starr found no criminal wrongdoign there.

Elian Gonzales was returned tot he custody of his closest relative.

So frankly, you came up with a list of nothing.
Obviously your priorities are in the shitter. This isn't just about sexual-assault. This is about drugs, abuse of power, murder, and if what I've discovered is true, genocide by progressive lunatics starting wars in the Middle-East. This doesn't even scratch the surface. I've been reading about another scandal the media won't touch, infected blood being sent around the world donated by AIDS infected prison inmates in Arkansas.

Maybe you need to get a life... The whole blood industry had to be dragged kicking and screaming to screen their products and not take donations from high risk people like drug addicts. But somehow that's Clinton's fault that some of this happenede before we even knew what AIDS was.
So Bubba did all of that shit by himself?

Don't you think he had help from NEWT and the GOP led congress?

No, I don't think the clown show in the Congress had anything to do with it.

I remember a few other things you like to ignore. The breakup of Microsoft which cause the tech bubble to burst. The murder of 74 Branch Davidians at Waco. Blackhawk down in Somalia, while I was deployed to Mogadishu in 93'. Travelgate. Whitewater. Elian Gonzalez. The list goes on and on.

Uh, guy, Microsoft was breakign the law. And the MS suit really hadn othing to do with the Tech Bubble bursting. That was more to do with companies like Enron and misstating their value and gaming the system.

The Davidians committed mass suicide. Four investigations all came to that conclusion.

Bush was the one who got us invovled in Somalia.

Travelgate and Whitewater- Ken Starr found no criminal wrongdoign there.

Elian Gonzales was returned tot he custody of his closest relative.

So frankly, you came up with a list of nothing.
Bush got us involved and Bubba screwed the thing up. Being elected president doesn't give you the right to fuck up everything your predecessor hands you, even if you're a Democrat.

Yup...74 people committed suicide by being burned alive.....after the ATF punched holes all over the compound with tanks and then pumped hundreds of gallons of flammable gas into the place, which they ignited, BURNING MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN ALIVE LIKE THE GUN TOTING, BIBLE-THUMPING SCUM THAT THEY ARE!!!!!!!

The rest of your post is pure crapola. Not even worth refuting.
People didn't guy this salacious horseshit 20 years ago, why do you think they are going to buy it now when Bill isn't the one who is running?

I believe in rule of law, you believe in a lying rapist and his wife.
Here’s What Former Beauty Queens Think Of Donald Trump


I'm amazed BuzzFeed ran this piece as it seems to poke huge holes into their earlier so-called expose about The Donald being less than gentlemanly around attractive women.

Mary Hillard Harrington said, “I loved working for him. I don’t have one bad word to say about him.

Bridget Sullivan said, When she first met him at a party in New York held to promote the contest, “he’d hug you just a little low on your back,” she said, and give you “a squeeze that your creepy uncle would.”

Kelly Hubler said, “He was never impolite, condescending, or sexist in my experience.”

Brittany Mayer said, “His pageants were run tight as a ship. There’s nothing bad I can say, and nothing really deep I can say,”

Leah Laviano said, the overall experience was positive. “I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

Sheena Monnin said, “It was a scary experience.” (She filed a suit saying the pageant was rigged – and lost)

The full story with much more is @ Former Beauty Contestants Talk About Trump
You should at least get Monica's age right instead of claiming she was just out of her teens!

Also, you should tell us all that Broaderick was attending an event supporting Bill Clinton the 3 weeks after he supposedly raped her....why would a woman that was raped attend a fund raising/supporting event for the man that raped her, if he did rape her?

And you might mention Broaderick swore on an affidavit that Bill did not rape her....she committed perjury and broke the law doing so, if her later statement that he did rape her is true...?

BTW, the girl in the New York times article was 21 years old....when the millionaire Trump in his 40's got her to sleep with him....that was YOUNGER than Monica was when she did the dirty deed with Billy boy. if the facts aren't exactly clear due to intentional misinformation in the media caused by the Clintons themselves, you want to discount the whole issue? You would rather put this evil bastard back in the White House. I'm sure the female staff at the White House appreciates that.
I wonder how many millions of dollars the media spends defending these degenerates?
Bill Clinton was neutered in the early 2000's with his severe heart disease and multiple heart surgeries, karma showed up and gave him, what was due...Billy's willy won't dilly anymore...and Viagra is a 'no no', for most all heart disease patients.
Obviously your priorities are in the shitter. This isn't just about sexual-assault. This is about drugs, abuse of power, murder, and if what I've discovered is true, genocide by progressive lunatics starting wars in the Middle-East. This doesn't even scratch the surface. I've been reading about another scandal the media won't touch, infected blood being sent around the world donated by AIDS infected prison inmates in Arkansas.

Maybe you need to get a life... The whole blood industry had to be dragged kicking and screaming to screen their products and not take donations from high risk people like drug addicts. But somehow that's Clinton's fault that some of this happenede before we even knew what AIDS was.
I guess hepatitis was a mystery to Bubba too. But the way it looks, aside from spreading Hepatitis all over the planet, the AIDS epidemic centered around blood donated by Arkansas prisoners. It became well known a few years afterwards in 1981, no thanks to Bubba and the Arkansas mofia. The cause discovered a few years later in 1984. Wouldn't it suck if the culprit turned out to be Progressives living in Arkansas trying to kill off millions of people to save the planet from man-made Global Warming. And these same cocksuckers killed off a million in the middle-east since the Arab Spring, and fully intend on killing millions more once they get back in White House.

Sounds crazy. But anyone who pushes global warming as a serious issue at least knows about it..

The day they discovered the AIDS virus
You should at least get Monica's age right instead of claiming she was just out of her teens!

Also, you should tell us all that Broaderick was attending an event supporting Bill Clinton the 3 weeks after he supposedly raped her....why would a woman that was raped attend a fund raising/supporting event for the man that raped her, if he did rape her?

And you might mention Broaderick swore on an affidavit that Bill did not rape her....she committed perjury and broke the law doing so, if her later statement that he did rape her is true...?

BTW, the girl in the New York times article was 21 years old....when the millionaire Trump in his 40's got her to sleep with him....that was YOUNGER than Monica was when she did the dirty deed with Billy boy. if the facts aren't exactly clear due to intentional misinformation in the media caused by the Clintons themselves, you want to discount the whole issue? You would rather put this evil bastard back in the White House. I'm sure the female staff at the White House appreciates that.
I wonder how many millions of dollars the media spends defending these degenerates?
Bill Clinton was neutered in the early 2000's with his severe heart disease and multiple heart surgeries, karma showed up and gave him, what was due...Billy's willy won't dilly anymore...and Viagra is a 'no no', for most all heart disease patients.
He can still cuckold while Hillary screws the coal miners.
You should at least get Monica's age right instead of claiming she was just out of her teens!

Also, you should tell us all that Broaderick was attending an event supporting Bill Clinton the 3 weeks after he supposedly raped her....why would a woman that was raped attend a fund raising/supporting event for the man that raped her, if he did rape her?

And you might mention Broaderick swore on an affidavit that Bill did not rape her....she committed perjury and broke the law doing so, if her later statement that he did rape her is true...?

BTW, the girl in the New York times article was 21 years old....when the millionaire Trump in his 40's got her to sleep with him....that was YOUNGER than Monica was when she did the dirty deed with Billy boy. if the facts aren't exactly clear due to intentional misinformation in the media caused by the Clintons themselves, you want to discount the whole issue? You would rather put this evil bastard back in the White House. I'm sure the female staff at the White House appreciates that.
I wonder how many millions of dollars the media spends defending these degenerates?
Bill Clinton was neutered in the early 2000's with his severe heart disease and multiple heart surgeries, karma showed up and gave him, what was due...Billy's willy won't dilly anymore...and Viagra is a 'no no', for most all heart disease patients.
So you claim he's harmless?

You should at least get Monica's age right instead of claiming she was just out of her teens!

Also, you should tell us all that Broaderick was attending an event supporting Bill Clinton the 3 weeks after he supposedly raped her....why would a woman that was raped attend a fund raising/supporting event for the man that raped her, if he did rape her?

And you might mention Broaderick swore on an affidavit that Bill did not rape her....she committed perjury and broke the law doing so, if her later statement that he did rape her is true...?

BTW, the girl in the New York times article was 21 years old....when the millionaire Trump in his 40's got her to sleep with him....that was YOUNGER than Monica was when she did the dirty deed with Billy boy. if the facts aren't exactly clear due to intentional misinformation in the media caused by the Clintons themselves, you want to discount the whole issue? You would rather put this evil bastard back in the White House. I'm sure the female staff at the White House appreciates that.
I wonder how many millions of dollars the media spends defending these degenerates?
Bill Clinton was neutered in the early 2000's with his severe heart disease and multiple heart surgeries, karma showed up and gave him, what was due...Billy's willy won't dilly anymore...and Viagra is a 'no no', for most all heart disease patients.
So you claim he's harmless?


Your candidate IS THE DEMENTED sex freak....

What's worse?
You should at least get Monica's age right instead of claiming she was just out of her teens!

Also, you should tell us all that Broaderick was attending an event supporting Bill Clinton the 3 weeks after he supposedly raped her....why would a woman that was raped attend a fund raising/supporting event for the man that raped her, if he did rape her?

And you might mention Broaderick swore on an affidavit that Bill did not rape her....she committed perjury and broke the law doing so, if her later statement that he did rape her is true...?

BTW, the girl in the New York times article was 21 years old....when the millionaire Trump in his 40's got her to sleep with him....that was YOUNGER than Monica was when she did the dirty deed with Billy boy. if the facts aren't exactly clear due to intentional misinformation in the media caused by the Clintons themselves, you want to discount the whole issue? You would rather put this evil bastard back in the White House. I'm sure the female staff at the White House appreciates that.
I wonder how many millions of dollars the media spends defending these degenerates?
Bill Clinton was neutered in the early 2000's with his severe heart disease and multiple heart surgeries, karma showed up and gave him, what was due...Billy's willy won't dilly anymore...and Viagra is a 'no no', for most all heart disease patients.
So you claim he's harmless?


Your candidate IS THE DEMENTED sex freak....

What's worse?
Prove it.

You can't .

All you can do is repeat debunked stories from the NY TIMES.

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