Trumps lies


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
When talk about people desperate to have power, you say one word: conservatives. Donald Trump is a liar, but conservatives excuse his lies and defend them because they are just that desperate to have power.

Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
you pretty much just summed up the duopoly. Your OP proves that in itself.
Here they are. All the Trump lies. This is how low America has gotten. Electing a man for president who shows such contempt for the American people that he believes he cab lie to the about everything and that the people can't do anything about it. That or he knows hat he will have a certain number people who will believe him no matter how much he lies. Either way this shows just how pathetic this nation has become.
Trump has been erasing his campaign promises from his web site. He knows he can get away with it because his Chumps have memories like that of goldfish.

Trump massively hoaxed the rubes, and they just sit there and take it. Worse, they masturbate while he fellates Putin.
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When talk about people desperate to have power, you say one word: conservatives. Donald Trump is a liar, but conservatives excuse his lies and defend them because they are just that desperate to have power.

Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

What you posted is true. If you exchanged "Trump" for Hillary or Obama, and conservative for liberal, it would be equally true. Great view from your glass house!
How would you like to have a tax exempt gigantic organization monitoring everything you said 24/7 and nit picking every word? Conservatives have no such thing as Media Matters. If Trump makes an estimate in dollars or people or widgits, Media Matters will search until they find some obscure statistic contradicts the number and send it to Huffington which in turn calls him a liar. President Trump can't even say anything in jest because the hateful left has no sense of humor. Nobody on the left thought a thing about it when Barry Hussein told the big lie and claimed you could keep your primary doctor in Obamacare and nobody on the left thought it was interesting that Bubba Bill Clinton started a dialog in the media when he claimed "I never had sex with that woman" and anyway "sodomy was not "sex". Hatred will do strange things to you and today's left has become incoherent with hatred.
Here's the #1 excuse you libs give us...all politicians lie that was your excuse for Obama's lies so you have no cred to be bitching about Trump. Tissue? :crybaby:
Here they are. All the Trump lies. This is how low America has gotten. Electing a man for president who shows such contempt for the American people that he believes he cab lie to the about everything and that the people can't do anything about it. That or he knows hat he will have a certain number people who will believe him no matter how much he lies. Either way this shows just how pathetic this nation has become.

They all lie, including Barak the Magic Negro, Bitchlery, Reagan, the Bush's, all of them. Grow up kid.
Here they are. All the Trump lies. This is how low America has gotten. Electing a man for president who shows such contempt for the American people that he believes he cab lie to the about everything and that the people can't do anything about it. That or he knows hat he will have a certain number people who will believe him no matter how much he lies. Either way this shows just how pathetic this nation has become.

They all lie, including Barak the Magic Negro, Bitchlery, Reagan, the Bush's, all of them. Grow up kid.

Not as much as Trump has. Grow up kid.
When talk about people desperate to have power, you say one word: conservatives. Donald Trump is a liar, but conservatives excuse his lies and defend them because they are just that desperate to have power.

Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
He is working around with Liars. And so he has to speak the language that they only knows how to speak.
Here's the #1 excuse you libs give us...all politicians lie that was your excuse for Obama's lies so you have no cred to be bitching about Trump. Tissue? :crybaby:

You conservatives can stop telling us what you think we say OK? I don't rememver making that excuse. But do know Obama was accused of lying then when I researched the claim it as unfounded. The thing here is the number of lies. If Trump told a lie every once and awhile we could chalk hat up to him being a politician. But he campaigned on the fact he wasn't a politician. That's why you conservatives claimed to have voted for him. Now suddenly he's a politician.
When talk about people desperate to have power, you say one word: conservatives. Donald Trump is a liar, but conservatives excuse his lies and defend them because they are just that desperate to have power.

Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
He is working around with Liars. And so he has to speak the language that they only knows how to speak.

He been a liar his entire life.
When talk about people desperate to have power, you say one word: conservatives. Donald Trump is a liar, but conservatives excuse his lies and defend them because they are just that desperate to have power.

Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
He is working around with Liars. And so he has to speak the language that they only knows how to speak.

He been a liar his entire life.
Well, that just shows how long he has been around Liars.
Here they are. All the Trump lies. This is how low America has gotten. Electing a man for president who shows such contempt for the American people that he believes he cab lie to the about everything and that the people can't do anything about it. That or he knows hat he will have a certain number people who will believe him no matter how much he lies. Either way this shows just how pathetic this nation has become.

They all lie, including Barak the Magic Negro, Bitchlery, Reagan, the Bush's, all of them. Grow up kid.

Not as much as Trump has. Grow up kid.
You lie when the truth sounds better.

No, that would be you.
Go back to Africa. This is a horrible place.
Well, but the President is going to Make America Great Again.
Here's the #1 excuse you libs give us...all politicians lie that was your excuse for Obama's lies so you have no cred to be bitching about Trump. Tissue? :crybaby:

You conservatives can stop telling us what you think we say OK? I don't rememver making that excuse. But do know Obama was accused of lying then when I researched the claim it as unfounded. The thing here is the number of lies. If Trump told a lie every once and awhile we could chalk hat up to him being a politician. But he campaigned on the fact he wasn't a politician. That's why you conservatives claimed to have voted for him. Now suddenly he's a politician.

Goddamn lib, "if you like your plan and doctor you can keep them" LIE! "on average you will save $2,500 a year under Obamacare" LIE.

All politicians lie, that's what we were told for 8 years under Obama. We can't have one low standard for Dem presidents then expect a Rep president to be clean as a fresh winter snow now can we. You reap what you sow, now deal with it.
The world is crashing down on democrats and this is all they can come up with? It's pretty limp.

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