Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

When voting for a President, they must put America and citizens first. Trump passes the test. Biden fails.
I do not see Trump as passing the Test, as he cares only about Trump, whether country and constitution be damned or not.
If you read your Bible you'd know that those who are queers will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
For the most part, I doubt if inheriting the kingdom is high on their list, and the same said for many heterosexuals in this country.
I do not see Trump as passing the Test, as he cares only about Trump, whether country and constitution be damned or not.
Trump hasn't violated the Constitution. No wars. Economic prosperity. Tax cuts. Illegal immigration under control.
For the most part, I doubt if inheriting the kingdom is high on their list, and the same said for many heterosexuals in this country.
I'm not talking about their view. The left is pushing the homosexual agenda on our children. Period.
Trump hasn't violated the Constitution. No wars. Economic prosperity. Tax cuts. Illegal immigration under control.
In my opinion, he has. Once in keeping with the intent of the constitution, (his attempt to hold Ukraine ransom for his political goals of getting them to investigate his opponent) and of course most of his actions, meetings, plans, rally speech in Washington, meant to overthrow the free election. And, to be sure, his actions regarding government documents that he kept, had underlings move, and lawyers deny existence in attempt to steal them for personal benefit, that have landed him under indictment.
Your problem is you give queerdom a free pass while condemning adultery, then you condemn Christians for doing the exact same thing you do.

A few things.

Yes, I do give gay people a free pass as they are two consenting adults that have chosen to do what they are doing. They are not doing anyone any harm at all. Adultery on the other hand has a victim, it has a party that is being hurt and they are not even the one doing the cheating. Adultery is the breaking of a sacred vow and you blow it off like it was jaywalking.

Yes, I do condemn those that claim to be Christians for this, but you will recall I do not make any such claim, thus no hypocrisy.
In my opinion, he has. Once in keeping with the intent of the constitution, (his attempt to hold Ukraine ransom for his political goals of getting them to investigate his opponent) and of course most of his actions, meetings, plans, rally speech in Washington, meant to overthrow the free election. And, to be sure, his actions regarding government documents that he kept, had underlings move, and lawyers deny existence in attempt to steal them for personal benefit, that have landed him under indictment.
Biden wasn't his opponent at that time. Trump told the crowd to protest peacefully. Every President has documents.
Biden wasn't his opponent at that time. Trump told the crowd to protest peacefully. Every President has documents.

Trump may have thrown in a line to protest peacefully after enraging the crowd with his stolen election lies and telling them they need to do something about it.

However, actions speak louder than words

After the TRUMPMob turned violent, he refused repeated pleas to stop them
A few things.

Yes, I do give gay people a free pass as they are two consenting adults that have chosen to do what they are doing. They are not doing anyone any harm at all. Adultery on the other hand has a victim, it has a party that is being hurt and they are not even the one doing the cheating. Adultery is the breaking of a sacred vow and you blow it off like it was jaywalking.

Yes, I do condemn those that claim to be Christians for this, but you will recall I do not make any such claim, thus no hypocrisy.
So you put your opinion of homosexuality above the Word of God. That's your right. However, I suggest you be honest about it. When you claim you're a Christian then refuse the authority of Scripture, your hypocrisy is glaring. Just a helpful suggestion.
Trump may have thrown in a line to protest peacefully after enraging the crowd with his stolen election lies and telling them they need to do something about it.

However, actions speak louder than words

After the TRUMPMob turned violent, he refused repeated pleas to stop them
Trump isn't responsible for the actions of people. There are plenty of democrats who actually have told people to get violent.
Biden wasn't his opponent at that time. Trump told the crowd to protest peacefully. Every President has documents.
By, that argument, one could wrongfully say that a month after the election is decided, a president has no opponents, but in the political game it is simply not true and politicians take into account who they will or project to be facing in the future. So, your argument won't wash.
Your understanding of the presidential records act is flawed, no matter what Trump said he thought or thinks, as words and syntax of laws and acts in US code, have legal meanings.
Not at all, I agree that according to the Word of God it is a sin. But God gave us freewill and the right to sin if we choose to to so.

Find me a post where I made this claim. I have never made this claim on this forum.
Ok, now we know you're not a Christian. Therefore, everything you say regarding Christianity can be ignored. Thanks.
By, that argument, one could wrongfully say that a month after the election is decided, a president has no opponents, but in the political game it is simply not true and politicians take into account who they will or project to be facing in the future. So, your argument won't wash.
Your understanding of the presidential records act is flawed, no matter what Trump said he thought or thinks, as words and syntax of laws and acts in US code, have legal meanings.
A President should certainly make sure the country he's giving our money to isn't corrupt. Again, President Trump was putting Americans first.

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